Class: SelectionFetcher (private in XWorkstation
This class is only visible from within
- Package:
- stx:libview
- Category:
- Interface-Graphics
- Owner:
- XWorkstation
- Author:
- Stefan Vogel (stefan@zwerg)
This class is responsible for fetching the clipboard.
The X11 clipboard is implemented via asynchonous messages.
For each fetch operation an instance of this class is created.
The asynchronous messages are queued and executed in the
process that requests the clipboard.
[instance variables:]
[class variables:]
requestSelection: selectionId type: aTargetId onDevice: aDisplay for: aDrawableId
convert the data in buffer to a selection
event handling
message: aMessage
got an asynchronous event from the display.
Save and wake up waiters
propertyChange: aView property: aPropertyId state: stateSymbol time: time
this is a forwarded propertyChange event from XWorkstation
selectionClear: aView selection: selectionId time: time
sent when another X-client has created a selection.
This is a very X-specific mechanism.
selectionNotify: aView selection: aSelectionID target: aTargetID property: aPropertyID requestor: requestorID time: time
this is a forwarded selectionNotify event from XWorkstation
selection actions
requestSelection: aSelectionId type: aTargetId onDevice: aDisplay for: aDrawableId
request the selection of type targetId.
Wait for next asynchronous message and process it,
until done
matchesDrawableId: aDrawableId
return true, if this SelectionFetcher fetches for aDrawableId