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Smalltalk/X Webserver

Documentation of class 'AbstractFileBrowser':



Class: AbstractFileBrowser



rev: 1.878 date: 2024/04/28 15:41:23
user: cg
file: AbstractFileBrowser.st directory: libtool
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libtool


Notice: this certainly needs a redesign - all those abstract-abstract classes which
define stuff which is only needed in some parts makes this hard to understand.
Especially the fact, that AbstractFileBrowser defines things both as abstract superclass
and as a container is almost incomprehensable...

[class variables:]
    MaxFileSizeShownWithoutAsking ..... for big files, I will ask if only the first part is
                                        to be shown. This number (if non-nil) suppresses this
                                        question for files smaller.
                                        The initial default is 1Mb (1024*1024)


COPYRIGHT (c) 2002 by eXept Software AG All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

o  currentSelection

o  currentSelection: aFilenameCol

o  directoryHistory
a global visitedDirectories list

o  lastFileSelection: aFilenameCol

o  maxFileSizeShownWithoutAsking
the max. filesize which is loaded without asking if only the first
part should be shown

o  maxFileSizeShownWithoutAsking: anIntegerOrNilForDefault
the max. filesize which is loaded without asking if only the first
part should be shown.
Nil resets to the default (currently 1Mb)

Usage example(s):

     self maxFileSizeShownWithoutAsking:nil

o  resetClassVars
AbstractFileBrowser resetClassVars

o  rootHolder

o  rootHolder: aRoot

o  sharedClipboard
a clipboard shared among all file browsers

o  addBookmark: aDirectoryPath
add aDirectoryPath to the list of our known bookmarks.
Do not add duplicates.

o  bookmarksFrom: aFileNameOrString

o  defaultBookMarksFileDirectory
the directory, where the default bookmarks are stored (as defaultBookMarksFilename)

o  defaultBookMarksFilename
the filename, in which the default bookmarks are stored (in defaultBookMarksDirectory)

o  directoryBookmarks
DirectoryBookmarks := nil.
self directoryBookmarks.

o  directoryBookmarks: collectionOfFilenames

o  editBookmarksWithDefault: aFilenameOrNil

o  hasBookmarks

o  loadBookmarksFrom: aFileNameOrString

o  removeBookmark: aDirectoryPath

o  saveBookmarks

o  saveBookmarks: bookmarks in: aFileNameOrString
save the bokmarks in aFileNameOrString.
Use Base64 coding

o  saveBookmarksIn: aFileNameOrString
save the bokmarks in aFileNameOrString.
Use Base64 coding

o  saveBookmarksInDefaultBookmarksFile

o  directoryHistoryClass

o  cvsMenusAreShown

o  gitMenusAreShown

o  hgMenusAreShown

o  mercurialMenusAreShown

o  perforceMenusAreShown

o  svnMenusAreShown

o  commandHistory

o  commandHistorySize
max no of entries in the HistoryList

o  defaultFilterList
DefaultFilters := nil

o  initialCommandFor: fileName in: aDirectory intoBox: aBox
set a useful initial command in an execute box.

o  listOfRuntimeValuesToRemember
list of all aspects that will be remembered after closing a FileBrowserV2

o  resetAspects
self resetAspects

o  runtimeAspects
RuntimeAspects := nil

o  userPreferencesAspectList
list of all aspects that will be saved with save settings
that aspects will be image consistent if the settings are saved in Launcher
don't forget to add a access methods in UserPreferences if you add a aspect here

drag & drop
o  doStartDrag: aDropSource in: aView
set the cursors before starting the drag & drop operation

help specs
o  helpSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIHelpTool of ST/X.

image specs
o  clearHistoryIcon
^ Icon deleteIcon

o  copyIcon

o  cutIcon

o  deleteIcon

o  directoryUpIcon

o  disabledCursorIcon
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the ImageEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     self disabledCursorIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#disabledCursorIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

o  enabledCursorIcon
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the ImageEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     self enabledCursorIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#enabledCursorIcon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

o  fileInIcon

o  historyBackIcon

o  historyForwardIcon

o  homeIcon

o  homeIcon2

o  htmlReloadIcon

o  leftDownIcon
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the ImageEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     self leftDownIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#leftDownIcon

o  menuHistoryList9x20Icon
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the ImageEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     self menuHistoryList9x20Icon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#menuHistoryList9x20Icon
     Icon flushCachedIcons

o  menuHistoryListIcon
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the ImageEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     self menuHistoryListIcon inspect
     ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#menuHistoryListIcon

o  newDirectoryIcon

o  removeTabIcon

o  vt100Terminal

interface specs
o  encodingDialogSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:AbstractFileBrowser andSelector:#encodingDialogSpec
     AbstractFileBrowser new openInterface:#encodingDialogSpec

o  lineEndConventionDialogSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:AbstractFileBrowser andSelector:#lineEndConventionDialogSpec
     AbstractFileBrowser new openInterface:#lineEndConventionDialogSpec

o  tabStopConversionDialogSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the UIPainter of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     UIPainter new openOnClass:AbstractFileBrowser andSelector:#tabStopConversionDialogSpec
     AbstractFileBrowser new openInterface:#tabStopConversionDialogSpec

menu actions-tools
o  loadSignatureSupport

menu specs
o  baseBookmarksMenuSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:AbstractFileBrowser andSelector:#baseBookmarksMenuSpec
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(AbstractFileBrowser baseBookmarksMenuSpec)) startUp

o  baseBookmarksMenuSpec2
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:AbstractFileBrowser andSelector:#baseBookmarksMenuSpec2
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(AbstractFileBrowser baseBookmarksMenuSpec2)) startUp

o  browserMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:AbstractFileBrowser andSelector:#browserMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(AbstractFileBrowser browserMenu)) startUp

o  directoryMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:AbstractFileBrowser andSelector:#directoryMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(AbstractFileBrowser directoryMenu)) startUp

o  editMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:AbstractFileBrowser andSelector:#editMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(AbstractFileBrowser editMenu)) startUp

o  emptyMenuSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:AbstractFileBrowser andSelector:#emptyMenuSpec
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(AbstractFileBrowser emptyMenuSpec)) startUp

o  extraMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:AbstractFileBrowser andSelector:#extraMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(AbstractFileBrowser extraMenu)) startUp

o  fileMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:AbstractFileBrowser andSelector:#fileMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(AbstractFileBrowser fileMenu)) startUp

o  fileOpMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:AbstractFileBrowser andSelector:#fileOpMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(AbstractFileBrowser fileOpMenu)) startUp

o  fileUtilitiesMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

o  newMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:AbstractFileBrowser andSelector:#newMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(AbstractFileBrowser newMenu)) startUp

o  scmMenuSlice
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:AbstractFileBrowser andSelector:#scmMenuSlice
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(AbstractFileBrowser scmMenuSlice)) startUp

o  showMenuSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:AbstractFileBrowser andSelector:#showMenuSpec
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(AbstractFileBrowser showMenuSpec)) startUp

o  showMenuSpecForDialog
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:AbstractFileBrowser andSelector:#showMenuSpecForDialog
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(AbstractFileBrowser showMenuSpecForDialog)) startUp

o  sortMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:AbstractFileBrowser andSelector:#sortMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(AbstractFileBrowser sortMenu)) startUp

o  toolsMenuSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:AbstractFileBrowser andSelector:#toolsMenuSpec
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(AbstractFileBrowser toolsMenuSpec)) startUp

o  viewDetailsMenuSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:AbstractFileBrowser andSelector:#viewDetailsMenuSpec
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(AbstractFileBrowser viewDetailsMenuSpec)) startUp

menu specs-scm
o  cvsMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:AbstractFileBrowser andSelector:#cvsMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(AbstractFileBrowser cvsMenu)) startUp

o  gitMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:AbstractFileBrowser andSelector:#gitMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(AbstractFileBrowser gitMenu)) startUp

o  mercurialMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:AbstractFileBrowser andSelector:#mercurialMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(AbstractFileBrowser mercurialMenu)) startUp

o  perforceMenu
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

Usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:AbstractFileBrowser andSelector:#perforceMenu
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(AbstractFileBrowser perforceMenu)) startUp

o  newLock

o  hasASN1
true if the asn1 package is loaded

o  isAbstract
Return if this class is an abstract class.
True is returned here for myself only; false for subclasses.
Abstract subclasses must redefine this again.

o  getBestDirectoryFrom: directories
from a set of directories, return the common parent directory

utilities - dump
o  contentsOfBytesAsDump: dataOrFileStream base: numberBase numberOfAddressDigits: addrDigits addressStart: virtualStart characterEncoding: characterEncodingSymbol
utility helper: generate a hexDump with addresses;
characterEncodingSymbol determines how characters are to be shown in the right (character) columns.
By default, this is iso8859-1, but supported are also ebcdic and ascii7,
to support display of alien encoded binary data.

o  contentsOfBytesAsDump: dataOrFileStream base: numberBaseArg numberOfAddressDigits: addrDigits addressStart: virtualStartArg characterEncoding: characterEncodingSymbol highlightRangeHolder: highlightRangeHolderOrNil
utility helper: generate a hex (or octal) dump with addresses;
characterEncodingSymbol determines how characters are to be shown in the right (character) columns.
By default, this is iso8859-1, but supported are also ebcdic and ascii7,
to support display of alien encoded binary data.
highlightRangeHolderOrNil may hold on an interval (0-based) to mark a range of bytes.
Returns a virtual array of lines.

o  contentsOfBytesAsDump: dataOrFileStream base: numberBaseArg offsetBase: offsetNumberBaseArg numberOfAddressDigits: addrDigits addressStart: virtualStartArg characterEncoding: characterEncoding highlightRangeHolder: highlightRangeHolderOrNil
backward compatibility: new arg options were added;
utility helper: generate a hex (or octal) dump with addresses;
characterEncodingSymbol determines how characters are to be shown in the right (character) columns.
By default, this is iso8859-1, but supported are also ebcdic and ascii7,
to support display of alien encoded binary data.
highlightRangeHolderOrNil may hold on an interval (0-based) to mark a range of bytes.
numberBaseArg defines the radix of the bytes, offsetBase the radix of the address.
Returns a virtual array of lines.

o  contentsOfBytesAsDump: dataOrFileStream base: numberBaseArg offsetBase: offsetNumberBaseArg numberOfAddressDigits: addrDigits addressStart: virtualStartArg characterEncoding: characterEncoding highlightRangeHolder: highlightRangeHolderOrNil highlightBitRangeHolder: highlightBitRangeHolderOrNil
backward compatibility: new arg options were added;
utility helper: generate a hex (or octal) dump with addresses;
characterEncodingSymbol determines how characters are to be shown in the right (character) columns.
By default, this is iso8859-1, but supported are also ebcdic and ascii7,
to support display of alien encoded binary data.
highlightRangeHolderOrNil may hold on an interval (0-based) to mark a range of bytes.
highlightBitRangeHolder may hold on an interval (0-based) to mark a range of bits.
numberBaseArg defines the radix of the bytes, offsetBase the radix of the address.
Returns a virtual array of lines.

o  contentsOfBytesAsDump: dataOrFileStream base: numberBaseArg offsetBase: offsetNumberBaseArg numberOfAddressDigits: addrDigits addressStart: virtualStartArg characterEncoding: characterEncoding highlightRangeHolder: highlightRangeHolderOrNil highlightBitRangeHolder: highlightBitRangeHolderOrNil firstHighlightedLineNrHolder: firstHighlightedLineNrHolder
utility helper: generate a hex (or octal) dump with addresses;
characterEncodingSymbol determines how characters are to be shown in the right (character) columns.
By default, this is iso8859-1, but supported are also ebcdic and ascii7,
to support display of alien encoded binary data.
highlightRangeHolderOrNil may hold on an interval (0-based) to mark a range of bytes.
highlightBitRangeHolder may hold on an interval (0-based) to mark a range of bits.
numberBaseArg defines the radix of the bytes, offsetBase the radix of the address.
Returns a virtual array of lines.

o  contentsOfBytesAsHexDump: dataOrFileStream numberOfAddressDigits: addrDigits addressStart: virtualStart
utility helper: generate a hexDump with addresses; the character columns at the right show
the iso8859-1 characters

o  contentsOfBytesAsHexDump: dataOrFileStream numberOfAddressDigits: addrDigits addressStart: virtualStart characterEncoding: characterEncodingSymbol
utility helper: generate a hexDump with addresses;
characterEncodingSymbol determines how characters are to be shown in the right (character) columns.
By default, this is iso8859-1, but supported are also ebcdic and ascii7,
to support display of alien encoded binary data.

o  contentsOfFileAsDump: aFilename base: numberBase withLimit: limitOrNil lastPart: showLastPartOrNil characterEncoding: characterEncoding
opens the file, get its contents and generates a dump for it

o  contentsOfFileAsHexDump: f
opens the file, get its contents and generates a dump for it

o  contentsOfFileAsHexDump: f withLimit: limitOrNil lastPart: showLastPartOrNil
opens the file, get its contents and generates a dump for it

o  contentsOfFileAsHexDump: f withLimit: limitOrNil lastPart: showLastPartOrNil characterEncoding: characterEncoding
opens the file, get its contents and generates a dump for it

utilities - files
o  allFilesInDirectories: directories forWhich: aBlock

o  askForCommandFor: fileName in: aDirectory thenDo: aBlock
setup and launch a querybox to ask for a unix command.
Then evaluate aBlock passing the command-string as argument.

o  fileFindDuplicatesIn: directories
scan directories for duplicate files.
return a dictionary mapping duplicate files to their original;
the oldest file found will be the value (original), the younger files (copies) will be the keys.
Files without duplicate(s) will not have an entry in the dictionary.

o  getDirectoryOf: aFileName

o  getFileInfoStringForFile: filenameOrString long: longInfoBoolean
get stat info on filename -
return a string which can be shown in a box

Usage example(s):

     self getFileInfoStringForFile:'Make.proto' long:true
     self getFileInfoStringForFile:'Make.proto' long:false

o  getModeString: modeBits
convert file-mode bits into a more user-friendly string.
This is wrong here - should be moved into OperatingSystem.

o  getModeString: modeBits with: texts
convert file-mode bits into a more user-friendly string.
This is wrong here - should be moved into OperatingSystem.

Instance protocol:

o  askForCommandFor: fileName thenDo: aBlock
marked as obsolete by exept MBP at 01-06-2023

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  changeFileBrowserTitleTo: aString

o  copyFileList
copy the fileList (names only) to the clipBoard

o  copyFileListToClipBoard: fileList
copy the itemList to the clipBoard

o  copySelectedFilenames
copy the selected fileNames to the clipBoard

o  doAddArchiver

o  doAddTerminal
Modified (format): / 10-04-2019 / 05:53:35 / Claus Gittinger

o  doOpenSearchFile

o  doShowFileContents

o  doShowProperties
show long stat (file)-info

o  enterAction

o  fileEncodingDialog
open a dialog to allow change of the file's character encoding.
Files are converted to internal encoding when read, and converted back
to this encoding when saved.
Notice: currently, not too many encodings are supported by the system.

o  gotoFile: aFilename
select only if the file is not already in the selection

o  lineEndConventionDialog
open a dialog to allow change of the line end conventions
(when writing files)

o  newTextEditor

o  openApplByFileItem: anItem
q: is the following always wanted ?

o  openApplForFile: aFilename

o  openCommandResultApplication

o  openNewTextEditorOn: anItem

o  openSearchFileOn: anItem

o  openTextEditorForFile: aFilename

o  openTextEditorOn: anItem

o  openTextEditorOn: anItem type: aDirDescrOrFile

o  setCurrentFileName: aFilename

o  setCurrentFileNames: aCollectionOfFilenames

o  tabStopConversionDialog
open a dialog to allow change of the tab stop conversion (when reading/writing files)

o  updateAndSelect: aColOfFiles

o  updateCurrentDirectory

o  updateCurrentDirectory: withReread

o  updateCurrentDirectoryWithReread

o  withActivityIndicationDo: aBlock
Modified (format): / 11-09-2019 / 16:43:07 / Stefan Vogel

actions bookmarks
o  addBookmark

o  addBookmarks: aColOfDirectories

o  editBookmarks

o  hasBookmarks

o  hasBookmarksToRemove

o  removeBookmark

o  saveBookmarks

actions history
o  addToCommandHistory: aCommandString for: aFilename

o  doBack
go backward in the history

o  doForward
go forward in the history

o  applicationNamed: anApplicationName ifPresentDo: aBlock

o  directoryContentsBrowser

o  applications

o  backgroundProcesses

o  canMake

o  canOpenChangeBrowser

o  compressTabsOnSave
should multiple spaces at the begin of each line be compressed to tabs when writing?

o  compressTabsOnSaveHolder
holds on the boolean which controls
if multiple spaces at the begin of each line should be compressed to tabs when writing?

o  currentDirectories
returns a holder on a Collection of all currently selected directories
if only a file is selected, currentDirectories holds the directory of the file

o  currentDirectoriesValue
returns a Collection of all currently selected directories
if only a file is selected, currentDirectories holds the directory of the file

o  currentDirectory
return the single current directory or nil

o  currentDirectoryDisplayed
Return the directory as Filename that is currently being displayed in the browser

** This method must be redefined in concrete classes (subclassResponsibility) **

o  currentFileNameHolder
return a ValueHolder with an OrderedCollection containing all selected files.

o  deadKeysEnabledHolder
the current buffer's line-end cursor mode

o  deadKeysEnabledInAllEditorsHolder
the current buffer's line-end cursor mode

o  defaultFileEncoding

o  editModeST80CursorHolder
the current buffer's line-end cursor mode

o  enableDirectoryUp

o  enableGotoDefaultDirectory

o  enableGotoDesktop
backward compatibility

o  enableGotoDesktopDirectory

o  enableGotoDocumentsDirectory

o  enableGotoDownloadsDirectory

o  enableGotoSmalltalkDirectory

o  enableGotoSmalltalkWorkspaceDirectory

o  enableGotoTempDirectory

o  enableHome

o  enableMakeCurrentDirectory

o  enableViewNoteBookApplication

o  fileEncoding

o  fileEncoding: newEncoding
kind of stupidd: the app should refer to the holder anyway

o  fileEncodingHolder

o  fileEntryFieldHolder

** This method must be redefined in concrete classes (subclassResponsibility) **

o  firstSelectedFileName

o  gotoDefaultDirectoryIsVisible
^ (Filename defaultDirectory asAbsoluteFilename) ~= (self smalltalkDirectory asAbsoluteFilename).

o  gotoDesktopDirectoryIsVisible

o  hasDirectoriesSelectedHolder

o  hasFileOrCypressPackageSelection

o  hasFileSelection

o  hasNotTwoDirectoriesSelectedHolder

o  hasNotTwoFilesSelectedHolder

o  hasSelection
aspect holding true, if a file is selected

o  hasTwoDirectoriesSelectedHolder

o  hasTwoFilesSelectedHolder

o  inputTabColumnConversion

o  inputTabColumnConversionHolder

o  lineEndConvention

o  lineEndConvention: aSymbol

o  lineEndConventionHolder

o  lockFileEncoding: aBoolean

o  lockFileEncodingHolder

o  makeCommandHolder

o  notify: aString
aString is shown in the lower pane

o  notifyChannel

o  progressPercentageHolder

o  rootHolder
holder, which keeps the rootHolder of the treeView

o  rootHolder: aHolder

o  shownFiles
get the holder which displays the number of files shown / selected

o  shownFiles: aHolder
set the holder whoch displays the number of files shown / selected

aspects handling
o  aspectFor: something ifAbsent: aBlock
returns the model for an aspect; these are stored in a common dictionary

o  aspectFor: aKey ifAbsent: aBlock notPresentDo: notPresentBlock
returns the model for an aspect; these are stored in a common dictionary

o  aspectFor: aKey ifAbsentPut: aBlock
returns the model for an aspect; these are stored in a common dictionary

o  aspectFor: something put: aValueHolder
stores the model for an aspect; these are stored in a common dictionary

o  aspects
returns the common aspect dictionary

o  runtimeAspectValueFor: something
returns the default aspect item from the class variable RuntimeAspects

o  saveAspectValues

o  saveRuntimeAspectValues
RuntimeAspects := nil

o  userPreferencesAspectValueFor: something
returns the default aspect from the Userpreferences

o  filter: aString
the filename filter (pattern, such as '*.st; *.c')

o  filterBackgroundColor

o  filterBlockHolder

o  filterListModel

o  filterModel

o  filterModel: aHolder

o  filterValueBox

o  makeFilterBlock
return a two-arg filterblock on the file's path- and base-name. This block should return true for files
to be shown

o  dirHistory

o  directoryHistory
a global visitedDirectories list

o  enableBack

o  enableFileHistory

o  enableForward

o  fileHistory

o  activityVisibilityChannel
activityVisibilityChannel switches the activity indicator on/off

o  alwaysUseSmalltalkTools
aspect to prevent os tools to be opened on double click

o  changeSetBrowserItemVisible

o  cvsMenusAreShown

o  gitMenusAreShown

o  hgMenusAreShown

o  mercurialMenusAreShown

o  openAlwaysInTextEditor
aspect for open every file in TextEditor don't use e.g. HtmlEditor for *.html'

o  openMultipleApplicationsForType
aspect for open more applications for e.g. TextEditor and not change the contents of already
open TextEditor

o  perforceMenusAreShown

o  showDirectoriesOnTop

o  showDirectoryTree

o  showDiskUsageHolder

o  showHiddenFiles

o  showHiddenFiles: aHolder

o  svnMenusAreShown

o  tagsBrowserVisibleHolder

o  useCodeView2InTools

o  userContextAvailable
aspect for show group and user columns in contents view
windows provides no user context

o  viewDescription
aspect for show file description in DirectoryContentsBrowser

o  viewDetails
aspect for show more file properties in DirectoryContentsBrowser

o  viewDirectoryDescription
aspect for auto open a TextView for Readme and other see getInfoItem Method files
on change directory

o  viewDirsInContentsBrowser
UserPreferences current viewDirsInContentsBrowser

o  viewFilesInContentsBrowser

o  viewFilesInDirectoryTree
aspect for view files in tree view (not only directories)

o  viewGroup
aspect for show group information in DirectoryContentsBrowser

o  viewIcon
aspect for show file-type icon in DirectoryContentsBrowser

o  viewInodeNumber
aspect for show inode numbers in DirectoryContentsBrowser

o  viewMimeType
aspect for show mimeType in DirectoryContentsBrowser

o  viewNoteBookApplicationHolder

o  viewOwner
aspect for show owner information in DirectoryContentsBrowser

o  viewPermissions
aspect for show permission information in DirectoryContentsBrowser

o  viewPreview
aspect for show image previev in DirectoryContentsBrowser

o  viewSize
aspect for show size information in DirectoryContentsBrowser

o  viewSizeInBytes
aspect for show size-in-bytes information in DirectoryContentsBrowser

o  viewSizeInKiloBytes
aspect for show size-in-kilobytes information in DirectoryContentsBrowser

o  viewTime
aspect for show time information in DirectoryContentsBrowser

o  viewType
aspect for show suffix (type) information in DirectoryContentsBrowser

background processing
o  executeCommand: cmd

o  executeCommand: cmd inDirectory: aDirectoryOrNil

o  getExecutionBlockForCommand: cmd

o  getExecutionBlockForCommand: cmd inDirectory: directoryOrNil

o  killAllRunningBackgroundProcesses

o  makeExecutionResultProcessFor: aBlock withName: aString
execute aBlock, passing it a Stream into which it can write console output.
The block is executed by a separate thread,
and the streamed text is shown in a transcript-like subwindow (an extra tab)

change & update
o  currentFileNameHolderChanged
self currentFileNameHolderChangedForCommon

o  currentFileNameHolderChangedForCommon
or:[(rootInTreeView notNil and:[rootInTreeView value asFilename isRootDirectory not])]

o  filterModelChanged

o  update: something with: aParameter from: changedObject
do here all the things that have to be done for every part of the FileBrowserV2
and the things that have to be done if it runs standalone

o  updateCanMake
prepare for doMake (setup for make, mingwmake, bmake or ant

o  updateListAfterDelete: colOfFiles

o  canPaste

o  clipboard

o  copyFilesToClipBoard: colOfFiles

o  cutFilesToClipBoard: colOfFiles
out current selected files/directories as cut into the clipBoard

o  emptyClipBoard

o  putInClipBoard: aCollectionOfFiles as: aSymbol

drag & drop
o  canDropFiles: dropedObjects for: filename
|dropFileName dropFileNameString physicalPathName|

o  canDropObject: aDropObject into: aDirectory

o  canDropObjects: aCollectionOfDropObjects in: aWidget
(comment from inherited method)
drop manager asked if a drop is possible
- should be redefined by apps which can do it, to return true

o  doStartDrag: arg1 in: arg2

o  dropObjects: aCollectionOfDropObjects in: aWidget at: position
(comment from inherited method)
drop manager wants to drop.
This is ony sent, if #canDropObjects:in: returned true.
Can be redefined in apps which return true to #canDropObjects:.

file operations
o  copyFile: aSourceFile to: aDestFile
copy to

o  copyFile: aSourceFile to: aDestFile repairCorruptedFiles: repairCorruptedFiles
copy to

o  copyFiles: aColOfSourceFiles to: aDirectory

o  copyFromToRepairingCorruptedFiles
ask for source and destination and copy the entered file.
Especially useful for raw devices to copy corrupted disks/files

o  copyOrMoveDialog: aCollectionOfFiles for: aDestinationDirectory
stream := WriteStream on:'' asText.

o  copyOrMoveFiles: aColOfSourceFiles to: aDestinationDirectory
copy or move aColOfSourceFiles to aDirectory.
Asks the used if a move or a copy is wanted.
Returns true if the copyOrMove happened, false if user aborted the operation.

o  copySelectionTo
copy the selected file(s) to another directory

o  copySelectionToRepairingCorruptedFiles
copy the selected file(s) to another directory

o  copySelectionToRepairingCorruptedFiles: repairingCorruptedFiles
copy the selected file(s) to another directory

o  deleteFile: aFile
delete the selected files/directories

o  deleteFiles: colOfFiles
delete some files/directories

o  deleteFiles: colOfFiles confirm: confirm
delete some files/directories

o  eraseFiles: colOfFiles
erase (clear and delete) some files/directories

o  eraseFiles: colOfFiles confirm: confirm
erase (clear and delete) some files/directories

o  moveFile: aSourceFile to: aDestFile
move a file/directory

o  moveFiles: aColOfSourceFiles to: aDirectory
move some files to aDirectory

o  moveSelectionTo
move the selected file(s) to another directory

o  newDirectory
ask for and create a new directory

o  newDownloadedFile
ask for an URL, download and create a new file

o  newFile
ask for and create a new file

o  newHardLink
ask for and create a hard link (unix only)

o  newLink: typeOfLink
ask for and create a symbolic if symbolic is true otherwise a hard link (unix only)

o  newSoftLink
ask for and create a soft link (unix only)

o  pasteFiles
paste from clipBoard

o  renameFile: aFile
rename the selected file(s)

o  renameFile: filename to: newFileString update: aBoolean
rename filename to newFileString

o  renameFiles: aColOfFiles
rename some file(s)

o  renameSelection
rename the selected file(s)

o  initialize
(comment from inherited method)
nothing done here;
but can be redefined in concrete applications

o  initializeAspects

o  makeDependent

o  masterApplication: anApplication
self makeDependent.

menu accessing
o  bookmarksMenu

o  bookmarksMenuForBaseSpec: aBaseMenuSpec
add the bookmark items ...

o  canBackward

o  canForward

o  gotoBookmarksMenu

o  menuDirHistory: backOrForward
initialize the history menu

o  menuDirHistoryBack
initialize the directory menu

o  menuDirHistoryForward
initialize the directory menu

o  menuFileHistory
initialize the file history menu

o  sortMenu

o  viewDetailsMenuSpec

o  viewInContentsBrowserMenu

o  visitedDirectoriesMenu
text := LabelAndIcon icon:(self class clearHistoryIcon) string:(resources string:'Clear History').

menu actions
o  doCompareTwoFiles

o  doGoDirectoryUp
navigate up to the parent folder

o  doGotoDefaultDirectory
navigate to the default folder (is the current directory)

o  doGotoDesktopDirectory
navigate to the desktop folder

o  doGotoDocumentsDirectory
navigate to the documents folder

o  doGotoDownloadsDirectory
navigate to the downloads folder

o  doGotoHomeDirectory
navigate to the home folder

o  doGotoSmalltalkDirectory
navigate to the smalltalk bin folder (where the stx executable is)

o  doGotoSmalltalkWorkspaceDirectory
navigate to the user's smalltalk workspace folder

o  doGotoTempDirectory

o  doMakeCurrentDirectory
no longer

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  fileGetInfo: longInfo
get info on selected file - show it in a box

o  showDeltaBetweenTwoImageFiles

o  smalltalkDirectory

o  tempDirectory

menu actions-file
o  addDirToJavaSourcePath
add the current path to java's sourcePath
(only available with ST/J System

o  copyFiles

o  cutFiles
Modified (format): / 22-03-2022 / 17:04:02 / cg

o  deleteFiles

o  eraseFiles

o  fileAddToJavaSourcePath
add the current path to java's sourcePath
(only available with ST/J System

o  openSettingsDialog

o  withSelectedFilesOrDirectoriesDo: aBlock

menu actions-help
o  openAboutThisApplication
opens an about box for this application.

o  openDocumentation
open an HTML browser on the launcher section in the 'tools/TOP' document.
Called when <F1> is pressed

o  openHTMLDocument: relativeDocPath

menu actions-scm-cvs
o  canCvsAddAndCommit

o  canCvsUpdate

o  canRemoveCVSContainer
self hasCVSSubDirectory ifTrue:[^ false].

o  commitFilesToCVS: files

o  cvsAddAndCommit

o  cvsAddAndCommitAsBinary: asBinary
mhmh - it seems that only old CVS implementations (at least turqoise)

o  cvsAddBinaryAndCommit

o  cvsBrowseRepositoryVersions
open a diff-textView showing all versions in the repository.

o  cvsCommit

o  cvsCommitFiles: files
log := log replChar:$" withString:'\"'.

o  cvsCommitFolder
log := log replChar:$" withString:'\"'.

o  cvsCompareWith: revisionOrHeadOrOriginal

o  cvsCompareWithNewest

o  cvsCompareWithOriginal

o  cvsCompareWithRevisionOrTag
only by tag

o  cvsRecursiveAddAndCommit
recursively walks over selected files and directories,
adds and commits them.
Folders are added before files.
Regular files are first collected as per folder and then added with one cvs command.
At the end, one commit is executed for all

o  cvsRemoveAndRemoveFromCVS: filesToRemove
remove the selected file(s) and their CVS containers - no questions asked

o  cvsRemoveFileAndCVSContainer

o  cvsRevisionLog
Modified (format): / 09-11-2022 / 14:32:31 / cg

o  cvsStatus
show the output of cvs status in a condensed way:
- do not show up-to-date entries;
- show in blue or red

o  cvsTagSelection
add a tag to the selected files

o  cvsUpdateAll

o  cvsUpdateAllRecursive

o  cvsUpdateSelection

o  hasCVSSubDirectory

o  hasSelectionAndCVSSubDirectory

o  makeFileNameArgumentString
return a string with the selected files quoted

o  removeFilesAndCVSContainers: files

menu actions-scm-mercurial
o  mercurialAdd

o  mercurialCommit
dir := self currentDirectory.

o  mercurialInit

o  mercurialPush

o  mercurialStatus

menu actions-tools
o  allFilesInSelectedDirectoriesForWhich: aBlock

o  browseChangeSetFromCUISSource

o  browseChangeSetFromFilesUsing: aChangeSetGenerator

o  browseChangeSetFromGSTSource

o  conversionChainFrom: inSuffix to: outSuffix
q&d hack to get my images converted for old html-browsers...

o  convertImageFrom: fileName to: outFile onError: exceptionBlock
can do it with Smalltalk tools

o  convertImageToGIF

o  convertImageToJPG

o  convertImageToPNG

o  convertImageToSuffix: outSuffix

o  convertImageToXPM

o  convertImageUsingExternalFileToolsFrom: fileName toSuffix: outSuffix onError: exceptionBlock

o  createProjectAndOpenProjectBrowser

o  doExecuteCommand
execute an OperatingSystem-command

o  doExecuteScript
execute a Smalltalk script

o  doMake
do a make. mingwmake, bmake or ant (see updateCanMake)

o  doOpenCBrowser
the CBrowser is an eXept-internal C-language little IDE tool written by ca.
(no longer of much interest, since we have VC and eclipse, but this was written
20 years ago ;-)

o  doOpenExplorer
corresponding menu item is visible on a windows machine only

o  doOpenFinder
corresponding menu item is visible on a mac only

o  doOpenGDBApplication
the GDBApplication is a cg-private debugging tool

o  doOpenMonticelloBrowser
open the monticello browser on an mcz file

o  doOpenSettings

o  doOpenWithShellCommand
open using win32-shell

o  editMode: aSymbol

o  editModeInsert

o  editModeInsertAndSelect

o  editModeOverwrite

o  fetchFileByURL

o  fileContentsAsByteArray

o  fileFileIn
fileIn the selected file(s)

o  fileFileIn: aFilename lazy: lazy
fileIn a file

o  fileFileInLazy
fileIn the selected file(s). Do a quick load (no compilation)

o  fileFileInLazy: lazy
fileIn the selected file(s)

o  fileFileInPackage
assuming the current directory is a package directory, load it

o  fileFileInToNameSpace
fileIn the selected file(s)<into a nameSpace

o  fileFindAllDuplicates
scan directory and all subdirs for duplicate files

o  fileFindDuplicateFile
scan directory for duplicates of the selected files

o  fileFindDuplicates
scan directory for duplicate files

o  fileFindFile

o  fileFindSimilarImages
scan directory for similar image files

o  fileHexDump
Modified (format): / 12-11-2017 / 11:19:56 / cg

o  fileIn: aFilename
fileIn a file

o  fileIn: aFilename lazy: lazy
fileIn a file

o  filterSelectedFiles: whichFilter
add more here...

o  forEachParsedXmlFileDo: aBlock
parse all selected XML files, for each dom-tree, evaluate aBlock

o  forEachSelectedFileIgnoringDirectories: ignoreDirs do: aBlock

o  forEachSelectedFileIgnoringDirectories: ignoreDirs do: aBlock withAllInOne: allInOneBlock

o  generateDetachedSignaturesForSelectedFiles
generate detached signature (pkcs7) files from the contents of the selected files.
For Smalltalk text files, better use #generateSignaturesForSelectedFiles.

o  generatePatchInstallerForSelectedFiles
generate an expecco patch, which installs the selected file(s).
Opens a dialog asking for the target directory and if the patch should be signed

o  generateSignaturesForSelectedFiles
generate signed pkcs7 files from the contents of the selected files.
These can be delivered as expeccoPatch files

o  inspectJSONFile
Show a JSON file's contents

o  inspectXmlFile
Show an XML file - either in an XMLInspector or fall back to
a plain inspector on the XML tree

o  installAllAsAutoloaded
install all classes found here as autoloaded classes

o  installAllAsAutoloadedRecursive
install all classes found here and in subdirectories as autoloaded classes

o  installAllAsAutoloadedRecursive: aBoolean
install all classes found here (and in subdirs if aBoolean is true) as autoloaded classes

o  installAsAutoloaded: aFilename
install aFilename as autoloaded class

o  joinSelectedFiles

o  linesOfCodeInDirectory: dir forFilesMatchingAny: patterns
compute lines of code in folder and subfolders

Usage example(s):

     self basicNew

o  loadImageThenDo: aBlock

o  loadSignatureSupport

o  massageResourceFile
remove duplicates and sort

o  openASN1Browser

o  openAppletViewer
Java markAllClassesUninitialized.

o  openCBrowser

o  openChangeSetBrowser
open a changeSet browser on the selected file(s)

o  openChangesBrowser
open a change browser on the selected file(s)

o  openDiffView
open a diff-view on the two selected files

o  openDiffViewOn: fileArg1 and: fileArg2
open a diff-view on two files

o  openDirectoryDiffView
open a directory diff-view

o  openEditor

o  openGV

o  openHTMLReader

o  openImageEditor

o  openImageInspector

o  openImagePreview

o  openMP3Player

o  openOSCommandWithFiles: command

o  openPDF4SmalltalkInspector

o  openPDFViewer

o  openResourceFileEditor

o  openSQLScratchpad

o  openSlideShow

o  openSnapshotImageBrowser
Sorry, for now, only the old browser can handle snapShotImages.

o  openTerminal
open a shell in vt100 terminal emulation in the current directory

o  openTool: aToolClass
open a tool on the selected file(s)

o  openTool: aToolClass ignoreDirectories: ignoreDirs
open a tool on the selected file(s)

o  openTool: aToolClass with: aSelector
open a tool on the selected file(s)

o  openTool: aToolClass with: aSelector ignoreDirectories: ignoreDirs
open a tool on the selected file(s)

o  openVideoPlayer

o  openWebBrowser

o  openWindowsExeDisplay
the WindowsExeDisplay is a cg-private debugging tool

o  openWorkspace

o  openXV

o  openZipTool

o  readAbbrevFile
read the abbrev file and install classes found there as autoloaded classes

o  readAndShowResources

o  removeBakAndSavFiles
remove all .sav and .bak files (after confirmation)

o  showLinesOfCode
compute lines of code in folder and subfolders; ask for suffix

o  showPEMFileContents
decode a file containing pkcs7-mime data
and show it.

o  singleFileFileIn: fileName lazy: lazy
fileIn the selected file(s)

o  splitFile: infile intoPiecesOfSize: kiloBytes

o  splitFile: infile intoPiecesWithNumberOfLines: numberOfLines

o  splitSelectedFiles
sizeString := Dialog request:(resources stringWithCRs:msg with:numFiles with:selectedFiles first baseName).

o  splitSelectedFilesByLines
numLinesString := Dialog request:(resources stringWithCRs:msg with:numFiles with:selectedFiles first baseName).

o  truncateSelectedFilesToZeroSize

o  verifySmalltalkProjectConsistency
perform the following checks:
- no header files from other packages are found in the folder
(leftover, possibly outdated headers; should not exist)
- local headers are up-to-date (newer) than included
superclass headers
- ... more to come ...

o  verifySmalltalkProjectConsistencyIn: aDirectory into: aBlockOrNil
perform the following checks:
- no header files from other packages are found in the folder
(leftover, possibly outdated headers; should not exist)
- local headers are up-to-date (newer) than included
superclass headers
- ... more to come ...

o  zipSelectedDirectory
generate a zip containing files from the selected folder

menu queries-tools
o  anySTFilesPresent

o  canCreateNewProject

o  canDoTerminal

o  canDoTerminalAndSystemIsDOS

o  canDoTerminalAndSystemIsUnix

o  canGenerateSignatureFiles
we need the both the KeyFileGenerator (for the secret expecco key) and the KeyFile

o  canOpenMonticelloBrowser

o  canReadAbbrevFile

o  canRemoveFromSourcePath

o  cannotGenerateSignatureFiles

o  hasASN1

o  hasASN1AndSelection

o  hasCBrowser

o  hasDirectorySelected

o  hasDirectorySelectedHolder

o  hasJava

o  hasJavaAndSelection

o  hasJavaClassReader

o  hasMP3Player

o  hasMP3PlayerAndSelection

o  hasPDF4Smalltalk

o  hasResourceFileSelected

o  hasSQLiteFileSelected

o  hasSignatureSupportLoaded
we need the both the KeyFileGenerator (for the secret expecco key) and the KeyFile

o  hasSignatureSupportNotLoaded

o  hasSlideShow

o  hasSnapshotSelection

o  hasWindowsExeDisplay

o  hasXml

o  hasXmlFileSelected
cg - no longer use this to enable XML-inspector (always enabled).

o  hasZipFileSelected

o  hasZipFileSelectedHolder

o  javaSupportLoaded

o  editModeInfoLabelMenu

o  theSingleSelectedDirectoryOrHomeDir

o  theSingleSelectedDirectoryOrNil

o  theSingleSelectedFileOrNil
if a single file is selected, return it.
Otherwise return nil

o  theSingleSelectedItemOrNil

o  cBrowserLoaded

o  cBrowserMenuItemVisible

o  getAllFilesAsStrings
raise an error: must be redefined in concrete subclass(es)

** This method must be redefined in concrete classes (subclassResponsibility) **

o  getFileInfoStringForFirstSelectedFile: longInfoBoolean
get stat info on selected file - return a string which can be
shown in a box

o  hasImageColorHistogram

o  hasImageHistogram

o  hasSubversionSupport

o  initialCommandFor: fileName into: aBox
set a useful initial command for execute box.

o  isAbstractFileBrowser

o  stxgdbLoaded

o  stxgdbMenuItemVisible

o  systemIsDOS

o  systemIsOSX

o  systemIsUnix

o  systemSupportsVolumes

o  allItemsOfCurrentDirectory

o  anyFilesPresentWithSuffix: suffix

o  commonPrefixOfFiles: files

o  commonPrefixOfSelectedFiles

o  currentFilesAreInSameDirectory

o  currentFilesHasDirectories

o  directoriesForFiles: aFileCol

o  fileListIsEmpty

o  fileListIsNotEmpty

o  fileName: aFilename1 startsWith: aFilename2
check if aFilename2 is a prefix of aFilename1

o  getAllFilesAsStringCollection

o  getBestDirectory
from a set of directories, return the common parent directory

o  getDirWithoutFileName: aFileName

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  getInfoItem
get filename of a description-file (.dir.info, README etc.);
This file is automatically shown when a directory is entered.
You can add more names below if you like.

o  hasNonPackageDirectorySelectedAndAnySTFilesPresent

o  hasPackageDirectorySelected

o  parentDirectoriesOfCurrentFiles

o  recursiveAnyFilesPresentWithSuffix: suffix
the code below is too slow for a menu enabling operation

o  recursiveAnySTFilesPresent

o  currentSelectedDirectories

o  currentSelectedFiles

o  currentSelectedObjects

o  firstSelectedFile

o  hasDirectoriesSelected

o  hasOneFileSelected
exactly one regular file selected?

o  hasOnlyDirectoriesSelected
only directories selected?

o  hasOnlyFilesSelected
only regular files selected?

o  hasTwoDirectoriesSelected

o  hasTwoFilesSelected

o  selectFiles: aCollectionOfFiles

** This method must be redefined in concrete classes (subclassResponsibility) **

o  selectNextFile

o  selectPreviousFile

o  selectedItems

** This method must be redefined in concrete classes (subclassResponsibility) **

o  currentSortOrder

o  sortBlockHolder
Modified (format): / 19-04-2021 / 10:31:22 / Stefan_Vogel

o  sortBlockProperty

o  sortCaseless
aspect for sort caseless

o  sortDirectoriesBeforeFiles
aspect for sort directories always before files

o  sortFileListsBy: instanceName

o  sortFileListsBy: instanceName withReverse: sortReverseBool
sort caseless changed

startup & release
o  postBuildWith: aBuilder
(comment from inherited method)
this is sent after an interface is built from a spec,
but only iff the appModel is not the same as the topView's app
(i.e. if it is not a build for the same appModel again).
In the other case, postBuildAsSubcanvasWith is invoked.
Can be redefined in subclasses for additional setup after
the view has been built, but not yet opened.

Private classes:


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