Class: Base64Coder
- Package:
- stx:libbasic2
- Category:
- System-Storage
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2023/05/28 10:27:06
- user: cg
- file: Base64Coder.st directory: libbasic2
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic2
Instances of this class perform Base64 en- and decoding as defined in RFC 2045
3 bytes are mapped to 4 characters, representing 6 bits each.
The encoded string consists only of characters from the set:
Notice: for URLs, a slightly different encoding is used,
where instead of plus and slash, minus and underline are generated (see Base64UrlCoder).
The main entry point API is:
Base64Coder encode:aStringOrBytes
Base64Coder decode:aString
Typically, binary data is encoded as base64,
so the natural return value is a byte array.
If the decoder should return a string, use
Base64Coder decodeAsString:aString.
otherwise, a bytearray is returned from the decode: method.
[instance variables:]
[class variables:]
Base64Mapping String Mapping from bytes (with 6 valid bits)
to Base64 characters
Base64ReverseMapping Array Mapping from Base64 characters to 6-bit-Bytes
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 2002 by eXept Software AG
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
decode: aStringOrStream
because base64 decoding is used heavily in some protocols,
a specially tuned version is provided here
for the common case of decoding a string.
This returns a byteArray.
decodeAsString: encodedString
because base64 decoding is used heavily in some protocols,
a specially tuned version is provided here
for the common case of decoding a string.
This returns a string.
encode: aStringOrStream
because base64 encoding is used heavily in some protocols,
a specially tuned version is provided here
for the common case of encoding a string.
A string is generated with an inserted
newline after every 76 characters (see RFC 2045)
fastDecodeString: aString
because base64 decoding is used heavily in some protocols,
a specially tuned version is provided here
for the common case of decoding a string.
This returns a byteArray
Usage example(s):
(Base64Coder encode:'queen%27s%20gambit') => 'cXVlZW4lMjdzJTIwZ2FtYml0'
(Base64Coder decode:'cXVlZW4lMjdzJTIwZ2FtYml0') => #[113 117 101 101 110 37 50 55 115 37 50 48 103 97 109 98 105 116]
(Base64Coder decode:'cXVlZW4lMjdzJTIwZ2FtYml0') asString => 'queen%27s%20gambit'
(Base64Coder decodeAsString:'cXVlZW4lMjdzJTIwZ2FtYml0') => 'queen%27s%20gambit'
(Base64Coder fastDecodeString:'cXVlZW4lMjdzJTIwZ2FtYml0') asString => 'queen%27s%20gambit'
fastDecodeString: aString asString: asStringBoolean
because base64 decoding is used heavily in some protocols,
a specially tuned version is provided here
for the common case of decoding a string.
If the argument is true, a string is returned; otherwise, a bytearray.
This is about 10 times faster than the regular decoder.
Usage example(s):
(Base64Coder encode:'queen%27s%20gambit') => 'cXVlZW4lMjdzJTIwZ2FtYml0'
(Base64Coder decode:'cXVlZW4lMjdzJTIwZ2FtYml0') asString => 'queen%27s%20gambit'
(Base64Coder fastDecodeString:'cXVlZW4lMjdzJTIwZ2FtYml0') asString => 'queen%27s%20gambit'
(Base64Coder fastDecodeString:'cXVlZW4lMjdzJTIwZ2FtYml0' asString:true) => 'queen%27s%20gambit'
(Base64Coder encode:'a') => 'YQ=='
(Base64Coder fastDecodeString:'YQ==' asString:true) => 'a'
(Base64Coder encode:'aa') => 'YWE='
(Base64Coder fastDecodeString:'YWE=' asString:true) => 'aa'
|data encoded|
data := ByteArray new:100000.
encoded := Base64Coder encode:data.
Time millisecondsToRun:[
1000 timesRepeat:[
Base64Coder decode:encoded.
|data encoded|
data := ByteArray new:100000.
encoded := Base64Coder encode:data.
Time millisecondsToRun:[
1000 timesRepeat:[
Base64Coder fastDecodeString:encoded.
fastEncode: aStringOrByteArray
because base64 encoding is used heavily in some protocols,
a specially tuned version is provided here
for the common case of encoding a string or bytearray.
A string is generated with an inserted
newline after every 76 characters (see RFC 2045)
fastEncode: aStringOrByteArray asString: asStringBoolean
because base64 encoding is used heavily in some protocols,
a specially tuned version is provided here,
for the common case of encoding a string or bytearray.
If asStringBoolean is true, a string is generated; otherwise, a bytearray is returned.
A newline is inserted after every 76 characters (see RFC 2045)
fastEncode: aStringOrByteArray asString: asStringBoolean lineLimit: lineLimitOrNil
because base64 encoding is used heavily in some protocols,
a specially tuned version is provided here
for the common case of encoding a string.
If asStringBoolean is true, a string is generated; otherwise, a bytearray is returned.
If lineLimitOrNil is non-nil, a newline is inserted after every such number of characters
Usage example(s):
(Base64Coder encode:'queen%27s%20gambit') => 'cXVlZW4lMjdzJTIwZ2FtYml0'
(Base64Coder fastEncode:'queen%27s%20gambit' asString:true) => 'cXVlZW4lMjdzJTIwZ2FtYml0'
(Base64Coder decode:'cXVlZW4lMjdzJTIwZ2FtYml0') asString => 'queen%27s%20gambit'
(Base64Coder fastDecodeString:'cXVlZW4lMjdzJTIwZ2FtYml0') asString => 'queen%27s%20gambit'
(Base64Coder fastDecodeString:'cXVlZW4lMjdzJTIwZ2FtYml0' asString:true) => 'queen%27s%20gambit'
(Base64Coder encode:'a') => 'YQ=='
(Base64Coder fastEncode:'a' asString:true) => 'YQ=='
(Base64Coder fastDecodeString:'YQ==' asString:true) => 'a'
(Base64Coder encode:'aa') => 'YWE='
(Base64Coder fastEncode:'aa' asString:true) => 'YWE='
(Base64Coder fastDecodeString:'YWE=' asString:true) => 'aa'
data := ByteArray new:1000.
Time millisecondsToRun:[
10000 timesRepeat:[self halt.
Base64Coder encode:data.
data := ByteArray new:1000.
Base64Coder fastEncode:data asString:true lineLimit:20.
data := ByteArray new:1000.
Base64Coder fastEncode:data asString:true lineLimit:nil.
data := ByteArray new:1000.
Time millisecondsToRun:[
10000 timesRepeat:[
Base64Coder fastEncode:data.
self assert:((Base64Coder fastEncode:'abc' asString:true)
= 'abc' base64Encoded).
self assert:((Base64Coder fastEncode:'a' asString:true)
= 'a' base64Encoded).
self assert:((Base64Coder fastEncode:'ab' asString:true)
= 'ab' base64Encoded).
self assert:((Base64Coder fastEncode:'abcd' asString:true)
= 'abcd' base64Encoded).
self assert:((Base64Coder fastEncode:'abcde' asString:true)
= 'abcde' base64Encoded).
self assert:((Base64Coder fastEncode:'abcdef' asString:true)
= 'abcdef' base64Encoded).
self assert:((Base64Coder fastEncode:#'parseMethod:onError:rememberNodes:nodeGenerationCallback:' asString:true)
= #'parseMethod:onError:rememberNodes:nodeGenerationCallback:' base64Encoded).
self assert:((Base64Coder fastEncode:'_INVOKESTATIC_R:' asString:true)
= '_INVOKESTATIC_R:' base64Encoded).
self assert:((Base64Coder fastEncode:#'_INVOKESTATIC_R:' asString:true)
= #'_INVOKESTATIC_R:' base64Encoded)
self assert:((Base64Coder fastEncode:'_INVOKESTATIC_R:' asString:true)
= (Base64Coder fastEncode:#'_INVOKESTATIC_R:' asString:true)).
self assert:((#'_INVOKESTATIC_R:' base64Encoded)
= ('_INVOKESTATIC_R:' base64Encoded)).
self assert:((Base64Coder fastEncode:'_INVOKESTATIC_R:_:' asString:true)
= '_INVOKESTATIC_R:_:' base64Encoded).
self assert:((Base64Coder fastEncode:#'_INVOKESTATIC_R:_:' asString:true)
= #'_INVOKESTATIC_R:_:' base64Encoded)
self assert:((Base64Coder fastEncode:'_INVOKESTATIC_R:_:' asString:true)
= (Base64Coder fastEncode:#'_INVOKESTATIC_R:_:' asString:true)).
self assert:((#'_INVOKESTATIC_R:_:' base64Encoded)
= ('_INVOKESTATIC_R:_:' base64Encoded)).
Symbol allInstancesDo:[:each |
self assert:((Base64Coder fastEncode:each asString:true)
= (Base64Coder encode:each with:nil))
initialize class variables
Usage example(s):
Base64Mapping := nil.
self initializeMappings
nextPutByte: aByte
encode aByte on the output stream
flush the remaining bits of buffer.
The number of bits in buffer is not a multiple of 6, so we pad
the buffer and signal that padding has been done via $= characters.
fill buffer with next 4 characters each representing 6 bits.
Used when decoding.
(Base64Coder encode:'queen%27s%20gambit') asString = 'cXVlZW4lMjdzJTIwZ2FtYml0'
(Base64Coder decode:'cXVlZW4lMjdzJTIwZ2FtYml0') asString = 'queen%27s%20gambit'
|data1 text data2|
data1 := #[0 1 16r7F 16r80 16r81 16rFE 16rFF].
text := Base64Coder encode:data1.
data2 := Base64Coder decode:text.
coder := Base64Coder on:'' writeStream.
coder nextPutAll:#[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19].
coder flush.
coder contents inspect.
coder reset.
coder nextPut:254.
coder contents inspect.
|coder decoder|
coder := Base64Coder on:'' writeStream.
coder nextPutAll:#[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20].
coder flush.
decoder := Base64Coder on:(coder contents readStream).
[decoder atEnd] whileFalse:[
Transcript show:decoder next
Transcript cr.
coder := Base64Coder on:'' writeStream.
coder nextPutAll:(0 to:200) asByteArray.
coder flush.
Transcript showCR:(coder contents).
bytes := ByteArray new:100000.
Time millisecondsToRun:[
100 timesRepeat:[
Base64Coder encode:bytes.
|bytes encoded decoded|
bytes := #[0 0 0] copy.
0 to:255 do:[:b1 |
Transcript showCR:b1.
bytes at:1 put:b1.
0 to:255 do:[:b2 |
bytes at:2 put:b2.
0 to:255 do:[:b3 |
bytes at:3 put:b3.
encoded := Base64Coder encode:bytes.
decoded := Base64Coder decode:encoded.
self assert:(decoded = bytes).