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Documentation of class 'CRC16Stream':



Class: CRC16Stream



rev: 1.12 date: 2021/07/12 14:22:57
user: stefan
file: CRC16Stream.st directory: libbasic2
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic2


Only use CRC to protect against communication errors;
DO NOT use CRC for cryptography, authentication, security, etc.
- use secure hashes for those instead.

    ATTENTION: CRC16Stream is currently BROKEN (in development)

    crc16 is a full zoo of different implementations;
    they differ in the polynom, the initial value and the final xor value.
    Also, some return an MSB, others an LSB first value (i.e. byteswapped).
    Make sure to use the correct one:
 Standard CRC method as defined by CCITT with FFFF as start value 
 (ITU-T-T30, ITU-T V42, ITU-T X25, RFC1331, RFC1662, ISO/IEC FCD14443-3).
 This is used in data link protocols such as HDLC, SS7, and ISDN.
 The polynomial is
   x^16 + x^12 + x^5 + 1

 Standard CRC method as defined by DNP.
 This is used in data link protocols such as HDLC, SS7, and ISDN.
 DNP 3.0, or distributed network protocol is a communication protocol 
 designed for use between substation computers, RTUs remote terminal units, 
 IEDs intelligent electronic devices 
 and master stations for the electric utility industry. 
 It is now also used in familiar industries like waste water treatment, 
 transportation and the oil and gas industry.
 The polynomial is 0x3d65

 CRC as used in kermit protocol

 CRC as used in the modbus protocol

    [instance variables:]

    [class variables:]


COPYRIGHT (c) 2003 by eXept Software AG All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

instance creation
o  generatorPolynomMSB: anInteger
notice, in literature, the generator polynom is usually specified as an MSB number

o  generatorPolynomMSB: anInteger initValue: initValue
notice, in literature, the generator polynom is usually specified as an MSB number

o  generatorPolynomMSB: anInteger initValue: initValueArg xorOut: xorOut
notice, in literature, the generator polynom is usually specified as an MSB number

o  new
return an instance of the CCITT CRC-16

o  newCCITT
return an instance of the CCITT CRC-16 with FFFF as initial value
x16 + x12 + x5 + 1

o  newCCITT_1D0F
return an instance of the CCITT CRC-16 with 1D0F as initial value
x16 + x12 + x5 + 1

o  newCRC_16
return an instance of the CRC-16
x16 + x15 + x2 + 1

o  newDNP
return an instance of the DNP CRC-16
x16 + x13 + x12 + x11 + x10 + x8 + x6 + x5 + x2 + 1

DNP 3.0, or distributed network protocol is a communication protocol
designed for use between substation computers, RTUs remote terminal units,
IEDs intelligent electronic devices
and master stations for the electric utility industry.
It is now also used in familiar industries like waste water treatment,
transportation and the oil and gas industry.

o  newKERMIT
return an instance of the CRC-16 used by kermit
x16 + x13 + x12 + x11 + x10 + x8 + x6 + x5 + x2 + 1

o  newMODBUS
return an instance of the MODBUS CRC-16
x16 + x15 + x2 + 1

o  newXMODEM
return an instance of the XMODEM protocol
x16 + x12 + x5 + 1
1 2r0001000000100001

o  hashSize
return the size of the hashvalue returned by instances of this class (in bytes)

Instance protocol:

o  byteSwapped

o  byteSwapped: aBoolean

o  generatorPolynom: anLSBInteger
set the generator polynom for this instance,
set start and xorOut to 16rFFFF.
Note: you have to set the bit-reversed value, so the LSB must be first

o  generatorPolynom: anLSBInteger initValue: initValueArg
set the generator polynom for this instance.
set start to initValueArg and xorOut to 16rFFFF.
Note: you have to set the bit-reversed value, so the LSB must be first

o  hashValue
return the computed CRC.
For unknown reasons, the standard crc16 needs byte swapping


expect xxx:
  self information:(CRC16Stream hashValueOf:'resume') hexPrintString
expect xxx:
  self information:(CRC16Stream new
                          hashValue) hexPrintString
expect xxx:
  self information:(CRC16Stream hashValueOf:#[1 2 3 4 5 6 7]) hexPrintString
expect xxx:
  self information:((CRC16Stream hashValueOf:#[16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF
           16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF
           16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF
           16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF 16rFF]) hexPrintString)
expect xxx: timing throughput:
  |hashStream n t|

  hashStream := CRC16Stream new.
  n := 1000000.
  t := Time millisecondsToRun:[
          n timesRepeat:[
              hashStream nextPutAll:'12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890'.
  t := (t / 1000) asFloat.
  Transcript show:'crc16:'; showCR: hashStream hashValue hexPrintString.
  Transcript show:t; show:' seconds for '; show:(50*n/1024) asFloat; showCR:' Kb'.
  Transcript show:(n*50/1024 / t); showCR:' Kb/s'

ST/X; WebServer 1.702 at 20f6060372b9.unknown:8081; Sat, 22 Feb 2025 17:03:46 GMT