Class: ChangeSet
- Package:
- stx:libbasic3
- Category:
- System-Changes
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2024/03/09 08:02:47
- user: cg
- file: ChangeSet.st directory: libbasic3
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic3
used in the changes management to keep track of changes
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
uniqueNameLike: baseName ( an extension from the stx:libcompat package )
component: component definition: anObject change: changeSymbol
Include indication that a class/namespace was added or removed
from a CodeComponent.
instance creation
forExistingClass: aClass
build a changeSet for some given class, all of its private classes
and all extensions if any.
I.e. a changeSet which represents the existing class in the image.
That does of course not give deltas, but instead reflects the current
state of the given class.
It is useful in conjunction with the other utility methods,
for example, when building patchLists, diffSets, comparing etc.
Usage example(s):
ChangeSet forExistingClass:ChangeSet
ChangeSet forExistingClass:A
Rectangle hasExtensions
ChangeSet forExistingClass:Rectangle
forExistingClass: aClass withExtensions: withExtensions
build a changeSet for some given full class with or without extensions.
That does of course not give deltas, but instead reflects the current
state of the given class.
It is useful in conjunction with the other utility methods,
for example, when building patchLists, diffSets etc.
Usage example(s):
Object hasExtensions
Object extensions size
(ChangeSet forExistingClass:Object) size
(ChangeSet forExistingClass:Object withExtensions:false) size
(ChangeSet forExistingClass:stx_libbasic3 withExtensions:false)
forExistingClass: aClass withExtensions: withExtensions extensionsOnly: extensionsOnly
build a changeSet for some given full class, the base-class or the extensions only,
as specified by the with-arguments.
That does of course not give deltas, but instead reflects the current
state of the given class.
It is useful in conjunction with the other utility methods,
for example, when building patchLists, diffSets etc.
Usage example(s):
ChangeSet forExistingClass:ChangeSet
Rectangle hasExtensions
Rectangle extensions
ChangeSet forExistingClass:Rectangle withExtensions:true extensionsOnly:false
ChangeSet forExistingClass:Rectangle withExtensions:false extensionsOnly:false
ChangeSet forExistingClass:Rectangle withExtensions:false extensionsOnly:true
forExistingClass: aClass withExtensions: withExtensions withLooseMethods: withLooseMethods
build a changeSet for some given full class with or without extensions.
That does of course not give deltas, but instead reflects the current
state of the given class.
It is useful in conjunction with the other utility methods,
for example, when building patchLists, diffSets etc.
Usage example(s):
Object hasExtensions
Object extensions size
(ChangeSet forExistingClass:Object) size
(ChangeSet forExistingClass:Object withExtensions:false) size
(ChangeSet forExistingClass:stx_libbasic3 withExtensions:false)
forExistingClass: aClass withExtensions: withExtensions withLooseMethods: withLooseMethods extensionsOnly: extensionsOnly
build a changeSet for some given full class, the base-class or the extensions only,
as specified by the with-arguments.
That does of course not give deltas, but instead reflects the current
state of the given class.
It is useful in conjunction with the other utility methods,
for example, when building patchLists, diffSets etc.
Usage example(s):
ChangeSet forExistingClass:ChangeSet
Rectangle hasExtensions
Rectangle extensions
ChangeSet forExistingClass:Rectangle withExtensions:true extensionsOnly:false
ChangeSet forExistingClass:Rectangle withExtensions:false extensionsOnly:false
ChangeSet forExistingClass:Rectangle withExtensions:false extensionsOnly:true
forExistingMethods: aCollectionOfMethods
build a changeSet for a collection of methods in the image.
That does of course not give deltas, but instead reflects the current
state of the given set of methods.
It is useful in conjunction with the other utility methods,
for example, when building patchLists, diffSets etc.
Usage example(s):
ChangeSet forExistingMethods:(Array with:(Array compiledMethodAt:#at:)
with:(Object compiledMethodAt:#at:)
with:(Behavior compiledMethodAt:#compiledMethodAt:) )
forPackage: pkg
build a changeSet for a given package in the image
forPackage: pkg ignoreAutoloaded: ignoreAutoloaded
build a changeSet for a given package in the image
fromBeeStream: aStream
build a changeSet from a Bee Smalltalk .bsc format stream, containing chunks.
Return the changeSet.
fromBeeStream: aStream while: aConditionBlock
build a changeSet from a Bee Smalltalk .bsc stream, containing chunks
Pass each change to the conditionBlock and stop whenever that
returns false. This allows skipping reamaining chunks, and speeding up
reading, if only parts need to be extracted
(for example: only documentation methods).
Return the changeSet.
fromCUISStream: aStream
build a changeSet from a CUIS Smalltalk format stream, containing chunks.
Return the changeSet.
Usage example(s):
self fromCUISStream:('C:\Users\cg\work_mingw\stx\goodies\sound\siren9\original\Siren9C-main\Siren9C_Sources_Cuis\Music-Events.st'
asFilename readStream).
fromCUISStream: aStream while: aConditionBlock
build a changeSet from a CUIS Smalltalk stream, containing chunks
Pass each change to the conditionBlock and stop whenever that
returns false. This allows skipping reamaining chunks, and speeding up
reading, if only parts need to be extracted
(for example: only documentation methods).
Return the changeSet.
Usage example(s):
self fromCUISStream:('C:\Users\cg\work_mingw\stx\goodies\sound\siren9\original\Siren9C-main\Siren9C_Sources_Cuis\Music-Events.st'
asFilename readStream).
fromDiffSet: aDiffSet
build a changeSet from a given diffSet. This can be used as a patchSet,
to update the first-version in the diffSet to the second-version
fromDirectory: aStringOfFilename
Read all .st files (non-recursively) from `aStringOrFilename`.
Return the resuling ChangeSet
fromDirectory: aStringOfFilename asSmalltalkXPackage: isSmalltalkXPackage
Read all .st files (non-recursively) from `aStringOrFilename`
Return the resuling ChangeSet.
If `isSmalltalkXPacklage` is true, then treat directory as Smalltalk/X
package directory as checked out from a VCS. Read only those files
present in abbrev.stc (if present).
fromDirectory: aStringOrFilename filter: filter
Read all files (non-recursively) from `aStringOrFilename` for which the
filter return true. Return the resuling ChangeSet
Usage example(s):
ChangeSet fromDirectory: (Smalltalk getPackageDirectoryForPackage:'stx:libbasic')
fromDolphinPACStream: aStream
build a changeSet from a stream, containing dolphin pac file chunks.
fromDolphinPACStream: aStream while: aConditionBlock
build a changeSet from a stream, containing dolphin pac file chunks.
Pass each change to the conditionBlock and stop whenever that
returns false. This allows skipping reamaining chunks, and speeding up
reading, if only parts need to be extracted
(for example: only documentation methods).
fromFile: filenameOrString
build a changeSet from a file, which contains chunks.
(i.e. either a classes sourceFile or a change-file).
Return the changeSet.
Usage example(s):
ChangeSet fromFile: 'st.chg'
ChangeSet fromFile: 'patches'
fromFileOrDirectory: fileOrDirectory
Read either a single .st-file, or all .st files (non-recursively) in a directory.
Return the resuling ChangeSet
Usage example(s):
ChangeSet fromFileOrDirectory: (Smalltalk getPackageDirectoryForPackage:'stx:libbasic')
fromGNUSmalltalkStream: aStream
build a changeSet from a GNU Smalltalk .gst format stream, containing a class definition.
Return the changeSet.
fromGithubFolder: aDirectoryName
build a changeSet from a GitHub format directory,
containing a class or extension definitions.
See eg. https://github.com/CampSmalltalk/Cypress
as an example.
Return the changeSet.
Usage example(s):
self fromGithubFolder:
fromGithubPharoSmalltalkStream: aStream
build a changeSet from a Pharo GitHub format stream,
containing a class or extension definition.
See https://github.com/bouraqadi/PharoJS/Pharo
as an example.
Return the changeSet.
Usage example(s):
self fromGithubPharoSmalltalkStream:
asFilename readStream
self fromGithubPharoSmalltalkStream:
asFilename readStream
fromSIFStream: aStream
build a changeSet from a SIF stream, containing chunks
in smalltalk interchange format.
Return the changeSet.
fromSIFStream: aStream while: aConditionBlock
build a changeSet from a SIF stream, containing chunks
in smalltalk interchange format.
Pass each change to the conditionBlock and stop whenever that
returns false. This allows skipping reamaining chunks, and speeding up
reading, if only parts need to be extracted
(for example: only documentation methods).
Return the changeSet.
fromStream: aStream
build a changeSet from a stream, containing chunks.
(i.e. either a classes sourceFile or a change-file).
Return the changeSet.
Usage example(s):
ChangeSet fromStream:('changes' asFilename readStream)
ChangeSet fromStream:('patches' asFilename readStream)
ChangeSet fromStream:(Object source asString readStream)
fromStream: aStream while: aConditionBlock
build a changeSet from a stream, containing chunks.
(i.e. either a classes sourceFile or a change-file).
Pass each change to the conditionBlock and stop whenever that returns false.
This allows skipping remaining chunks,
and thus speeding up reading, if only parts need to be extracted
(for example: only documentation methods,
or espcially if only class definition changes up to the first method change are required).
Returns the changeSet.
Usage example(s):
ChangeSet fromStream:('changes' asFilename readStream)
ChangeSet fromStream:('patches' asFilename readStream)
ChangeSet fromStream:(Object source asString readStream)
ChangeSet fromStream:(XWorkstation source asString readStream)
fromXMLStream: aStream
build a changeSet from an XML stream, containing XML change definitions in VisualWorks XML change file format.
Return the changeSet.
Usage example(s):
ChangeSet fromXMLStream:('../../goodies/xml/vw/xmlFileInTests/XMLParser.xml' asFilename readStream)
openOn:(ChangeSet fromXMLStream:('../../goodies/xml/vw/xmlFileInTests/XMLParser.xml' asFilename readStream))
instance creation-private
changesFromStream: aStream do: aBlock
enumerate changes from a stream and invoke aBlock on each.
The block is invoked with the change, a lineNumberOrNil and streamPosition arguments.
The lineNumber is only valid, if the underlying stream
provides line-numbers; otherwise, nil is passed.
Usage example(s):
changesFromStream:('changes' asFilename readStream)
do:[:chg | Transcript showCR:chg]
changesFromStream: aStream for: aChangeSet reader: aReader do: aBlock
enumerate changes from a stream and invoke aBlock on each.
The block is invoked with the change, a lineNumberOrNil and streamPosition arguments.
The lineNumber is only valid, if the underlying stream
provides line-numbers; otherwise, nil is passed.
ST-80 compatibility: return the current changeSet
Usage example(s):
current: aChangeSet
ST-80 compatibility: set the current changeSet
signal access
decodedStreamFor: aStream
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
changeClass: aClass
dummy here
return a collection (a set) of all selectors for which changes are in this changeSet
Usage example(s):
ChangeSet current changeSelectors
return a collection of all classNames for which changes are in this changeSet;
for metaclasses, there will be entries named 'XXX class' as strings in the returned collection
Usage example(s):
ChangeSet current changedClassNames
return a collection of all classes for which changes are in this changeSet
Usage example(s):
ChangeSet current changedClasses
ChangeSet current flushChangedClassesCache
component: component definition: anObject change: changeSymbol
Include indication that a class/namespace was added or removed
from a CodeComponent.
dummy here
name: aString
Modified (format): / 28-07-2012 / 09:34:52 / cg
change & update
changed: anAspectSymbol with: aParameter
Allow objects to depend on the ChangeSet class instead of a particular instance
of ChangeSet (which may be switched using projects).
changes management
addClassCommentChangeFor: aClass
add a classComment change to the receiver
addClassDefinitionChangeFor: aClass
add a classDefinition change to the receiver
Usage example(s):
(ChangeSet new addClassDefinitionChangeFor:ChangeSet) inspect
addClassRemoveChange: oldClass
add a classRemove change to the receiver
addClassRenameChangeFrom: oldName to: newName
add a classRename change to the receiver
addDoIt: aString
add a doIt to the receiver
addInstVarDefinitionChangeFor: aClass
add an instVarDefinition change to the receiver
addMethodCategoryChange: aMethod category: newCategory in: aClass
add a methodCategory change to the receiver
addMethodChange: aMethod fromOld: oldMethod in: aClass
add a method change to the receiver
addMethodChange: aMethod in: aClass
add a method change to the receiver
addMethodPackageChange: aMethod package: newPackage in: aClass
add a methodPackage change to the receiver
addMethodPrivacyChange: aMethod in: aClass
add a methodPrivacy change to the receiver
addPrimitiveDefinitionsChangeFor: aClass
add a primitiveDefinitions change to the receiver
addPrimitiveFunctionsChangeFor: aClass
add a primitiveFunctions change to the receiver
addPrimitiveVariablesChangeFor: aClass
add a primitiveVariables change to the receiver
addRemoveSelectorChange: aSelector fromOld: oldMethod in: aClass
add a method-remove change to the receiver
addRenameCategoryChangeIn: aClass from: oldCategory to: newCategory
add a category rename change to the receiver
Return a new ChangeSet without version_XXX methods
fileIn / fileOut
fileInFrom: aStream
fileInFrom: aStream while: aConditionBlock
fileOutAs: aStringOrFilename
fileOutOn: stream
inspector2TabBrowser ( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
another tab browsing the changeset
addPatch: nameOfPatch
ignored for now - allows fileIn of ST-80 patch stuff ..
flattenOnto: aCollection ( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
flattenedChanges ( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
addChange: aChange
aChange sendChangeNotificationThroughSmalltalk.
ChangeSet current flushChangedClassesCache
rememberChangedClass: aClass
removeAll: aCollection
(comment from inherited method)
remove all elements from the receiver which are equal to any in aCollection.
Return the argument, aCollection.
Raises an error, if some element-to-remove is not in the receiver.
(see also: #removeAllFoundIn:, which does not raise an error).
Notice: for some collections (those not tuned for
resizing themself) this may be very slow.
If the number of removed elements is big compared to
the receiver's size, it may be better to copy the
ones which are not to be removed into a new collection.
return a collection of all packages for which changes are in this changeSet
Usage example(s):
Usage example(s):
ChangeSet current changedPackages
changesForClass: aClass selector: selector
return a collection of all changes for a particular method
Usage example(s):
ChangeSet current changesForClass:ChangeSet selector:#includesChangeForClass:
ChangeSet current changesForClass:ImageEditor class selector:#maskSpec
changesForPackage: aPackageSymbol
return a collection of all changes for a particular package
Usage example(s):
ChangeSet current changesForPackage:#'stx:goodies/libsvn'
return a collection of all class definition changes
includesChangeForClass: aClass
ChangeSet current includesChangeForClass:ChangeSet
ChangeSet current includesChangeForClass:ChangeSet class
ChangeSet current includesChangeForClass:SourceCodeManagerUtilities
ChangeSet current includesChangeForClass:(Expecco::ExpeccoXMLDecoder::ObjectCreator)
includesChangeForClass: aClass selector: selector
ChangeSet current includesChangeForClass:ChangeSet selector:#includesChangeForClass:
ChangeSet current includesChangeForClass:ImageEditor class selector:#maskSpec
includesChangeForClassNamed: aClassName
ChangeSet current includesChangeForClassNamed:'ChangeSet'
includesChangeForClassOrMetaclass: aClass
includesChangeForClassOrMetaclassOrPrivateClassOf: aClass
Modified (format): / 25-07-2012 / 16:50:26 / cg
includesChangeForClassOrMetaclassOrPrivateClassOfAny: aCollectionOfClasses
includesChangeForPackage: aPackageID
^ self anySatisfy:[:aChange | aChange package = aPackageID]
Usage example(s):
ChangeSet current includesChangeForPackage:'stx:libbasic'
includesChangeForSelector: selector
includesChangeForSelectorMatching: aGLOBPattern
methodDefinitionChangesForClassNamed: aClassName
selectClassesForWhichIncludesChangeForClassOrMetaclassOrPrivateClassFrom: aCollectionOfClasses
return the set of classes from a given collection, for which I have changes.
selectForWhichIncludesChangeForClassOrMetaclassOrPrivateClassFrom: aCollectionOfClasses
select changes for one of a given class.
Returns a collection of changes
apply all changes in the receiver's changeSet
applyWithInfoOn: aStream
apply all changes in the receiver's changeSet
remove previous (older) changes which got obsoleted by newer ones;
that is: a method change, if there are more changes later for the same method,
or class definition changes, if the class has more definition changes later,
condenseChanges: changesToRemove
remove the given changes - a helper for the rest of the condense protocol
condenseChangesForClass: aClass
remove all changes for aClass (and its metaclass)
(i.e. leave changes for other classes).
condenseChangesForClass: aClass package: aPackageSymbolOrNil
remove all changes for aClass (and its metaclass) and aPackageSymbol
(i.e. leave methodChanges for other packages).
This is invoked when a class is checked into the repository.
condenseChangesForClass: aClass selector: aSelector
remove all changes for aClass >> selector.
condenseChangesForClass: aClass selector: selectorOrNil package: aPackageSymbolOrNil
remove all changes for aClass/selector and aPackageSymbol
(i.e. leave methodChanges for other packages).
If selectorOrNil is nil, all changes for that class (or metaclass) are removed;
otherwise, only changes for the given selector.
This is invoked when a class is checked into the repository.
condenseChangesForExtensionsInPackage: aPackageSymbol
remove all changes for aClass and aPackageSymbol
(i.e. leave methodChanges for other packages).
This is invoked when a class is checked into the repository.
condenseChangesForPackage: aPackageSymbol
remove all changes for aPackageSymbol
This is invoked when a project is checked into the repository.
condenseChangesForRemoved ( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
remove all changes which have been removed
(marked for removal by aChange removed: true)
diffSetsAgainst: anotherChangeSet
walk over the receiver and anotherChangeSet,
add all changes to one of the tree lists:
onlyInReceiver, onlyInArg or changed,
each being a changeSet containing corresponding changes.
destructive; could modify both the receiver and the argument by possibly
changing methodChanges into categoryChanges
diffSetsAgainst: anotherChangeSet comparingDifferentClasses: comparingDifferentClasses
walk over the receiver and anotherChangeSet,
add all changes to one of the tree lists:
onlyInReceiver, onlyInArg or changed,
each being a changeSet containing corresponding changes.
If comparingDifferentClasses is false, changes to different classes will
generate onlyInA/onlyInB changes; eg. changes for the same selector will be
listed on either side.
If it is true, we are comparing two different classes, and selectors present in
both will be listed as different (or even as the same).
destructive; could modify both the receiver and the argument by possibly
changing methodChanges into categoryChanges.
return a flat changeset from a changeset which may contain compositeChanges
groupBy: groupBlock labelAs: labelBlock
returns a new changeset consisting of CompositeChanges.
Changes are grouped together by value (tag) of groupBlock.
Each composite change is then labeled using label
returned by labelBlock (called with the tag returned
by groupBlock as arg)
groupBy: groupBlock labelAs: labelBlock sort: doSort
returns a new changeset consisting of CompositeChanges.
Changes are grouped together by value (tag) of groupBlock.
Each composite change is then labeled using label
returned by labelBlock (called with the tag returned
by groupBlock as arg)
saveSignedToFile: aFilename
write the changeSet to a signed file in chunk format
saveSignedToFile: aFilename format: formatSymbolOrNil
write the changeSet to a signed file in some format.
Sign with the exept key (which you do not have outside of exept!).
formatSymbolOrNil is passed to saveToStream:s format:formatSymbolOrNil,
and specifies which fileOut format to use.
Nil means: chunk format (currently, the only supported)
saveToFile: aFilename
write the changeSet to a regular file in chunk format
saveToFile: aFilename format: formatSymbolOrNil
Writes the changeSet to a regular file in some format.
Supported formats are:
nil ............ chunk changeset file
#classSource ... class fileout format, assumes that
the receiver is a changeset containing
single class (possibly with its private
saveToStream: aStream format: formatSymbolOrNil
Writes the changeSet to a stream in some format.
Supported formats are:
nil ............ chunk changeset file format
#classSource ... class fileout format, assumes that
the receiver is a changeset containing
single class (possibly with its private
returns a new changeset containing the changes sorted by class names