Class: HttpFormDictionary (in Comanche)
- Package:
- stx:goodies/webServer/comanche/swiki
- Category:
- Comanche-Kom-Protocol-HTTP
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2003/09/11 12:47:54
- user: cg
- file: HttpFormDictionary.st directory: goodies/webServer/comanche/swiki
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: swiki
kom/4.12 (Comanche/4.12)
HttpFormDictionary (kom/4.10; bolot 6/22/2001 12:09)
- use this instead of plain Dictionary for GET and POST forms
- maintains multiple values for the same field
-- but is backwards compatible, #at: returns the first value (?)
-- so do #booleanAt:, #numberAt:
- to access the actual value at key, use #rawAt:
-- returns an OrderedCollection
- file upload support
-- idea: first value is file name, second is FileStream?
at: key
(comment from inherited method)
return the element indexed by aKey - report an error if none found
at: key ifAbsent: aBlock
is this not absent?
at: key put: value
(comment from inherited method)
add the argument anObject under key, aKey to the receiver.
Return anObject (sigh).
WARNING: do not add elements while iterating over the receiver.
Iterate over a copy to do this.
booleanAt: key
booleansAt: key
(Smalltalk dialectName = 'SmalltalkX')
numberAt: key
numbersAt: key
rawAt: key
rawAt: key ifAbsent: aBlock
stringAt: key
stringsAt: key
printElementsOn: aStream
(comment from inherited method)
append a user readable representation of the receiver to aStream.
The text appended is not meant to be read back for reconstruction of
the receiver. Also, this method limits the size of generated string.