Class: DSVColumnView
- Package:
- stx:libwidg2
- Category:
- Views-DataSet
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2023/11/26 19:10:23
- user: cg
- file: DSVColumnView.st directory: libwidg2
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libwidg2
ColumnView part of a DataSetView.
implements a scrollable selection view based on rows and columns.
Used as the contents-part of a DataSetView.
[Instance variables:]
editValue <Model> current editing model
editView <View> current editing component
buttonReleaseAction <Action or nil> called if the mouse button is released
buttonMotionAction <Action or nil> called during mouse motion with one
argument the point under the mouse.
multipleSelectOk <Boolean> multiple selection enabled/disabled
selectedColIndex <Integer> selected column index or 0
selectedRowIndex <Integer> selected row index or 0
rowHeight <Integer> maximum height of any row
minRowHeight <Integer> minimum height of all displayed labels
columnDescriptors <SequancableCollection> list of column descriptors
viewOrigin <Point> current view origin
colorMap <Dictionary> store and register used colors on device
rowFontAscent <SmallInteger> inset of a printable text in a row
including separator and font ascent.
lockRowIndex <SmallInteger> internal used to indicate a row which has
changed its contents but no redraw should be
done( at:put: ).
columnHolder <ValueHolder> holder which keeps the list of column descriptors.
registererImages <IdentityDictionary> list of images registered on the device
list <SequancableCollection> list of rows
catchChangeEvents <Boolean> internal used to discard change notifications
beDependentOfRows <Boolean> keep rows dependent; by default is disabled.
in case of enabled a row can raise a change
notification whithout a parameter which
will force a redraw of the row or the
readSelector of the column which will
redraw the cell in the row only.
fgColor <Color> foreground color
bgColor <Color> background color
hgLgFgColor <Color> highlight foreground color (selected)
hgLgBgColor <Color> highlight background color (selected)
buttonLightColor <Color> LightColor ( drawing the edge of a button )
buttonShadowColor <Color> ShadowColor ( drawing the edge of a button )
buttonHalfLightColor <Color> HalfLightColor ( drawing the edge of a button )
buttonHalfShadowColor <Color> HalfShadowColor ( drawing the edge of a button )
actionBlock <a OneArgBlock> action block performed on select
doubleClickActionBlock <a OneArgBlock> action block performed on double click
rowIfAbsentBlock <a OneArgBlock> this block is performed on an empty list entry
to retrive the item from the application. The
argument to the block is the index into the list.
The block should return the row instance which
is put to the list under the index.
builder <UIBuilder> builder set by application
verticalSpacing <SmallInteger> vertical row spacing( top & bottom )
horizontalSpacing <SmallInteger> horizontal row spacing( left & right )
separatorSize <SmallInteger> line width of a vertical or horizontal separator
rowSelectorForm <Form> form used by a row selector
checkToggleForm <Form> form used by a checkToggle
checkToggleExtent <Point> extent of a checkToggle
checkToggleLevel <SmallInteger> level used to draw a check toggle
comboButtonForm <Form> form used by a comboList or -Box
comboButtonExtent <Point> extent of a comboList or -Box
comboButtonLevel <SmallInteger> level used to draw a comboList or -Box
dropTarget <DropTarget> drag & drop target
dropSource <DropSource> drag & drop source
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 1997 by Claus Gittinger / eXept Software AG
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
returns the default horizontal space between rows
preselectAllWhenOpeningEditor: aBoolean
extract values from the styleSheet and cache them in class variables
Usage example(s):
returns the default vertical space between rows
image specs
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the ImageEditor of ST/X.
Usage example(s):
self dragIconMulti inspect
ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#dragIconMulti
Icon flushCachedIcons
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the ImageEditor of ST/X.
Usage example(s):
self dragIconSingle inspect
ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#dragIconSingle
Icon flushCachedIcons
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the ImageEditor of ST/X.
Usage example(s):
self rowSelectorImage inspect
ImageEditor openOnClass:self andSelector:#rowSelectorImage
Icon flushCachedIcons
signal constants
returns the signal which is raised during drawing if the
required label height is less than the current rowHeight
get the builder (UIBuilder or nil)
builder: aBuilder
set the builder (UIBuilder or nil)
returns self
labelView: aView
level: aLevel
change the level and thus the level of the labelView
Usage example(s):
+ (labelView margin + self verticalSpacing * 2).
returns the inset of a printable text in a row
selectedColIndex: newSelectedColIndex
action: aOneArgAction
set the action block to be performed on select
doubleClickAction: aOneArgAction
set the action block to be performed on doubleclick
rowIfAbsent: aOneArgAction
set the action block to be performed on each 'nil' entry into the
list. The argument to the block is the index into the list. The
block returns the row which is put to the list
get the select-conditionBlock; this block is evaluated before
any selection change is performed (passing the to-be-changed row number
index as arg).
The change will not be done, if the block returns false.
selectConditionBlock: aOneArgBlockOrNil
set the select-conditionBlock; this block is evaluated before
any selection change is performed (passing the to-be-changed row number
index as arg).
The change will not be done, if the block returns false.
tabAtEndAction: aNoneArgAction
set the action, called without any argument at end of the list entering
tab next.
The default is to give the focus to the view after self in the focusSequence
tabAtStartAction: aNoneArgAction
set the action, called without any argument at start of the list entering
tab previous.
The default is to give the focus to the view before self in the focusSequence
return true, if I scroll to the column, when one is selected.
autoScrollToColumn: aBoolean
control, if I should scroll to the column, when one is selected.
The default is true
make myself dependent of any row; in this case any change notification
raised by a row is catched and the cell identified by the 'readSelector'
is redrawn. In case of a nil readSelector, the whole raw is redrawn.
-> row changed:'what'
By default, the attribute is set to false (disabled).
beDependentOfRows: aBool
make myself dependent of any row; in this case any change notification
raised by a row is catched and the cell identified by the 'readSelector'
is redrawn. In case of a nil readSelector, the whole raw is redrawn.
-> row changed:'what'
By default, the attribute is set to false (disabled).
enableChannel: aChannel
(comment from inherited method)
set the valueHolder, which holds the enable boolean value
controls if clicking on an already selected item should
be ignored or should perform the select action again.
By default, these are ignored
ignoreReselect: aBoolean
controls if clicking on an already selected item should
be ignored or should perform the select action again.
By default, these are ignored
make myself dependent of any row
make myself independent of any row
allow/disallow multiple row selections; the default is false
multipleSelectOk: sBoolean
allow/disallow multiple row selections; the default is false
opaqueColumnResize: aBoolean
return the scroll behavior, when I get a new text
(via the model or the #contents/#list)
Possible returnValues are:
#keep / nil -> no change
#endOfText -> scroll to the end
#beginOfText -> scroll to the top
The default is #beginOfText.
This may be useful for fields which get new values assigned from
the program (i.e. not from the user)
scrollWhenUpdating: aSymbolOrNil
define how to scroll, when I get a new text
(via the model or the #contents/#list)
Allowed arguments are:
#keep / nil -> no change
#endOfText -> scroll to the end
#beginOfText -> scroll to the top
The default is #beginOfText.
This may be useful for fields which get new values assigned from
the program (i.e. not from the user)
if true, in case of selecting a none selectable cell, the row is selected.
If false, nothing is selected. The default is true.
selectRowOnDefault: aBool
if true, in case of selecting a none selectable cell, the row is selected.
If false, nothing is selected. The default is true.
when false (default for backward compatibility):
if sorting, create a copy
of the list, which is wrong when useIndex is on,
as the application will get the index in the sorted
list, which is probably different from tha apps list mode.
When true (should be default, but that might break many
users), the passed in list is sorted in place (i.e. possibly
sorting the application's list).
sortListInPlace: aBoolean
when false (default for backward compatibility):
if sorting, create a copy
of the list, which is wrong when useIndex is on,
as the application will get the index in the sorted
list, which is probably different from tha apps list mode.
When true (should be default, but that might break many
users), the passed in list is sorted in place (i.e. possibly
sorting the application's list).
returns true if tabing is supported in the widget
tabIntern: aBool
returns true if tabing is supported in the widget
return true if the the listHolder's value are be updated,
when I sort a list.
By default, this is false so it must be set explicitly
(for bug-backward compatibility,
and to avoid introducing new side effects).
updateListHolderWhenSorting: aBoolean
define if the the listHolder's value should be updated,
when I sort a list.
By default, this is false so it must be set explicitly
(for bug-backward compatibility,
and to avoid introducing new side effects).
specify, if the selected components value or its index in the
list should be sent to the model. The default is its index.
useIndex: aBool
specify, if the selected components value or its index in the
list should be sent to the model. The default is its index.
modifiedChannel: something
accessing-color & font
get the background color of the rows
backgroundColor: aColor
set the background color of the rows
return the foreground color of the rows
foregroundColor: aColor
set the foreground color of the rows
get the background color of the label row
get the foreground color of the label row
returns the background color of a selected row
returns the foreground color of a selected row
returns the frame color of a selected row
returns the dark color used for drawing a shadowed separator (3D)
returns the light color used for drawing a shadowed separator (3D)
returns the color used for drawing a oneD separator
separatorOneDColor: aColorOrNil
set the color used for drawing a oneD separator; if the color
is nil, the current forgroundColor is used
columnAt: anIndex
returns the column at an index
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
columnDescriptorAt: anIndex
returns the columnDescriptor at an index
returns list of column descriptors
columnDescriptors: aColumnDescriptionList
set the columnDescriptors;
scroll to top and deselect
columnDescriptors: aColumnDescriptionList deselect: deselect scrollToTop: scrollToTop
set the columnDescriptors;
if deselect is true, then deselect;
if scrollToTop is true, then scroll to top;
otherwise, take the current selection and try to make it visible
columnDescriptors: aColumnDescriptionList scrollToTop: scrollToTop
set the columnDescriptors and deselect;
if scrollToTop is true, then scroll to top;
otherwise, take the current selection and try to make it visible
returns the list of DataSetColumns; each column represents a DataSetColumnSpec
returns the first column
returns the last column
setColumnDescriptors: aColumnDescriptionList
set the columnDescriptors; don't deselect and do not scroll to top
returns the extent of a checkToggle
returns the form of a checkToggle
returns the level of a checkToggle button
returns the extent of a comboList or -Box
returns the form of a comboList or -Box
returns the level of a comboList or -Box button
returns the extent of a radio button
returns the bitmap of a selected row
returns the (arrow-) image shown for a selected row.
(the arrow shown in the first column)
If non-nil, messages to fetch/store columns from a model-list's element
will be sent to the adapter (i.e. it can map or compute values).
Use #yourself to let the application itself access the columns.
Use nil or leave empty, to have messages been sent directly to the row element.
The per-column getter/setter messages are specified in the columnSpecification.
columnAdaptor: usuallyAnApplication
If non-nil, messages to fetch/store columns from a model-list's element
will be sent to the adapter (i.e. it can map or compute values).
Use #yourself to let the application itself access the columns.
Use nil or leave empty, to have messages been sent directly to the row element.
The per-column getter/setter messages are specified in the columnSpecification.
get the valueHolder, which keeps the list of column descriptions
columnHolder: aValueHolder
set the valueHolder, which keeps the list of column descriptions
listAt: index put: newElement
kludge callback, when an element hs to be replaced
due to a col-adaptor returning a new row element
get the valueHolder which holds the list of rows
listHolder: aListHolder
set the valueHolder which holds the list of rows
model: aModel
set the valueHolder which holds the selection and maybe the list of rows
at: aRowNr
return the row at an index, aRowNr
at: aRowNr ifAbsent: exceptionBlock
return the row at a aRowNr. If the index is invalid, return the
result of evaluating the exceptionblock
at: aRowNr put: aRow
change the row at an index. The added row is returned
return the first row
identityIndexOfRow: aRow
returns index of a row or 0
return the last row
get the list of rows
list: aRawList
set the list of rows
font: aFont
set the font for all shown rows.
returns true if shown in 3D mode
has3Dseparators: aBool
enable or disable 3D mode
horizontal spacing used by columns
horizontalSpacing: aNumber
horizontal spacing used by columns
control the labels view to be visible or unvisible
showLabels: aBoolean
control the labels view to be visible or unvisible
vertical spacing used by columns
verticalSpacing: aNumber
vertical spacing used by columns
adding & removing rows
add: aRow
insert aRow at the end (i.e. append)
add: aRow afterIndex: rowNrToInsertAfter
add a new row after slot aRowNr and redisplay; returns nil in case
of an invalid index or the row
add: aRow beforeIndex: rowNrToInsertBefore
add a new row before slot aRowNr and redisplay; returns nil in case
of an invalid index or the row
addAll: aCollectionOfRows beforeIndex: rowNrToInsertBefore
add a collection of rows before index rowIndexToInsertBefore and redisplay
addFirst: aRow
insert a row at start
remove: aRow
remove a row
remove first row; returns the removed row
removeFrom: startIndex to: stopIndex
remove rows from start to stop
removeIndex: aRowNr
remove row at an index.
Returns the removed row
remove last row; the row is returned
replaceFrom: start to: stop with: aCollection startingAt: repStart
replace elements in the receiver between index start and stop,
with elements taken from aCollection starting at repStart.
Return the receiver.
change & update
changeWidthOfColumn: aColumn deltaX: aDeltaX
update: anAspect with: aParameter from: changedObject
one of my rows/cells changed its value
turn off the other column
drag & drop
returns true if dragging is enabled
canStartDragAt: aPoint clickedAt: clickPoint
dragAutoScroll: aDropContext
called by the DragAndDropManager to scroll during a drag/drop operation
if required (decided by the widget itself).
If a scroll is done, return true;
otherwise false (used to restore the background)
returns the dropSource or nil
dropSource: aDropSourceOrNil
set the dropSource or nil
startDragAt: aPoint
colorOnDevice: aColor
returns color on device
a redraw forced by any other component
recompute extent before repair range
invalidateRowAt: aRowNr
redraw total row at an index
invalidateRowAt: aRowNr colAt: aColNr
redraw either a single column in a row,
or the complete visible row (in case of aColNr == 0).
If the row/column is hidden, no redraw is done
invalidateRows: aCollection
redraw some visible rows
invalidateRowsFrom: aStart to: aStop
redraw visible row from start to stop
invalidate (force async redraw) the current selection
invalidateVisibleRow: aRow
redraw row if visible
invalidateVisibleRow: aRow colAt: aColNr
redraw either a single column in a row,
or the complete visible row (in case of aColNr == 0).
If the row/column is hidden, no redraw is done
invalidateVisibleRow: aRow readSelector: aSelector
redraw a column identified by its read selector; if no column with
the specified read selector is detected, the whole line is drawn.
redrawX: x y: y width: w height: h
redraw part of myself immediately, given logical coordinates
drawing interactors
displayLabel: aLabel x: xLeft y: yTop
display the label at x y; test whether the height of the label matches to the current
rowHeight. If not, an exception is raised and the rowHeight is recomputed
drawCheckToggleAtX: xLeft y: yTop w: cellWidth state: cellValue
draw a check toggle button
drawComboButtonAtX: xTop y: yTop w: rowWidth
draw a combo button
drawEdgesAtX: x y: y width: w height: h level: aLevel on: aGC
draw edges for a cell or label
drawRadioButtonAtX: xLeft y: yTop w: cellWidth state: aBooleanOrNil
draw a radio button
enumerating columns
columnsDo: aOneArgBlock
evaluate the argument, aOneArgBlock for every columnDescriptor
columnsFrom: start to: stop do: aOneArgBlock
evaluate the argument, aOneArgBlock for the columns with index start to
stop in the collection of column descriptors
event handling
buttonControlPressAt: clickPoint rowNr: aRowNr colNr: aColNr
buttonMotion: buttonMask x: x y: y
mouse-move while button was pressed - handle multiple selection changes
buttonMultiPress: button x: x y: y
a button was pressed twice - handle doubleclick here
buttonPress: button x: x y: y
a button was pressed - handle selection here
buttonRelease: button x: x y: y
(comment from inherited method)
button was released - check my components for a hit.
buttonShiftPressAt: clickPoint rowNr: aRowNr colNr: aColNr
toggle column selection
characterPress: aChar x: x y: y
search row in column at x/y starting its printable label with character.
size of contents changed - move origin up if possible
cursorKey: aKey rawKey: rawKey
aKey == #BeginOfLine or:[
handle a double click
find the middle button menu for the current selection; returns the menu or nil
keyPress: aKey x: x y: y
a key was pressed - handle page-keys here
keyboardZoom: largerBoolean
ALT+/- (was: CTRL+/-) zoom action
mouseWheelZoom: amount
CTRL-wheel action
originChanged: delta
this one is sent, after the origin of my contents has changed -
tell dependents (i.e. scrollers) about this
sizeChanged: how from: oldExtentOrNil
my view has changed the size (not the contents);
move origin up if possible
change the layout of the labelView dependent on my layout
visibilityChange: how
TableColumnView / DSV View: initiale ColumnWidth falsch
focus handling
(comment from inherited method)
returns true if the widget is tabable
showFocus: explicit
(comment from inherited method)
highlight myself somehow to tell user that I have the focus.
If explicit is true, the focus came via focusStepping (i.e. tabbing);
if false, it came via the window manager (i.e. pointer entering).
Only change my border, if this is an explicit focusChange.
showNoFocus: explicit
(comment from inherited method)
undo the effect of showFocus.
Explicit tells if the focus came via focusStepping (i.e. tabbing)
or via the window manager (i.e. pointer entering).
Only change my border, if this is an explicit focusChange.
views which like to take the keyboard focus
when the pointer enters can do so by redefining this
to return true
gc operations
imageOnMyDevice: anImage
associate image to device and returns the new image.
registerImage: anImage key: aKey
any row can register an image with a unique identifier a key symbol
registeredImageAt: aKey
any row can register an image with a unique identifier
release all registered images
helpTextAt: aPoint
return the helpText for aPoint (i.e. when mouse-pointer is moved over an item).
initialization & release
(comment from inherited method)
create (i.e. tell my device about me) if not already created.
This does not make the view visible (needs a #map for that)
setup colors, etc.
set default attributes
set selection (if any) after mapping
recompute contents and fit columns to view
remove dependencies
shouldn't be used any more
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
has3Dsepartors: aBool
shouldn't be used any more
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
columnDescriptors do:[:eachCol | eachCol hasPotentialNonConstantBackground ifTrue:[^ true]].
destroy the edit view; release KeyboardForwarder
detectViewAt: aPoint in: aView
returns the view at a point
fit columns to view;
Usage example(s):
have to invalidate unconditionally even if nothing has been changed here:
#fitColumns is called from #changeWidthOfColumn:deltaX:
after a manual resize
returns the maximum possible y of the view origin
update origin of the editView
xVisibleOfColNr: aColNr
returns visible x assigned to a column number
xVisibleToColNr: x
returns the column number for a physical x position.
Returns nil if x is beyond the last column.
yVisibleOfRowNr: aRowNr
returns visible y assigned to the row number
yVisibleToRowNr: y
returns the row number assigned to a physical y or nil
for protocol-compat. with listviews
returns the index of the first shown row
returns the index of the last shown row
(comment from inherited method)
return true, if this view is enabled (i.e. accepts user interaction).
Most views are enabled - only a few (buttons, SelectionInList etc.) can
be disabled.
#isEnabled is ST-80's equivalent of #enabled
isRowSelectable: aRowNumber
returne true if a row number is selectable
returns number of columns
returns number of rows
get the height of the highest row in pixels
returns vertical/horizontal size of a separator dependent on the
3D effect.
returns number of rows
yVisibleToLineNr: yVisible
return the height of the contents in pixels
return the width of the contents in pixels
return my preferred extent
to fix a double bug which compensated for not computing things correctly
returns true if preferred extent is accumulated
called if the preferred extent changed
recompute height of contents( scrolling )
scroller interface
returns the inner height of the contents shown
return the amount to scroll when stepping up/down (also used for mouseWheel).
return the viewOrigin;
that's the coordinate of the contents which is shown topLeft in the view.
return the horizontal origin of the contents in pixels
return the vertical origin of the contents in pixels
scrollTo: anOrigin redraw: doRedraw
change origin to have newOrigin be visible at the top-left.
scrollToLine: aLineNr
for compat. with listViews
scrollToRowAt: aRowNr colAt: aColNr
make row at a row number in column at a column number visible
make selection visible
scrollVerticalTo: aPixelOffset
change origin to make aPixelOffset be the top line
startAutoScroll: aSelectorOrBlock distance: aDistance
setup for auto-scroll (when button-press-moving below/above view);
- timeDelta for scroll is computed from distance
stop any autoScroll
findFirstColumnWithStringFrom: start to: stop
findFirstRowFrom: start to: stop withString: aString inColumn: colNr
findFirstRowWithString: aString from: start to: stop by: step ignoreCase: ignoreCase
Return the rowNr from the first row that matches aString.
The search is performed between the start and stop row numbers and incrementing by a step
findFirstRowWithString: aString from: start to: stop ignoreCase: ignoreCase
Return the rowNr from the first row that matches aString.
The search is performed between the start and stop row numbers
findFirstRowWithString: aString inColumn: colNr
addRowToSelection: aRowNr
add a row to the selection
if a column is selected, the column will be closed
returns index of first row selected or 0
returns true if a selection exists, and its a complete row
(as opposed to either no selection, or a columnSelection)
returns true if a selection exists
isInSelection: aRowNr
returns true, if row, aRowNr is in the selection
isRowSelected: aRowNr
returns true, if row is in the selection
isRowVisible: aRowNr
isSelected: aRowNr inColumn: aColNr
returns true if cell in a row; a row number, in a column, a column
number is selected.
isSelectionVisibleIn: anExtentPoint
returns index of last selected row or 0
makeLineVisible: aLineNr
scroll to make aLineNr visible;
if it is already visible, do nothing
scroll to make the selection line visible;
cg@ca: not exactly clear, what happens, if it is already visible
does it scroll it to the top, the bottom, or does it not scroll at all?
return the largest index selected or 0
return the smallest index selected or 0
return the number of selected rows
editorAndModel acceptAction value:nil.
removeRowFromSelection: aRowNr
remove a row from the selection
select all
selectColIndex: aColNr rowIndex: aRowNr
change selection to a single column, possibly opening an editor there.
With notification
selectColIndex: aColNr rowIndex: aRowNr openEditor: openEditor
change selection to a single column, possibly opening an editor there.
With notification
selectRow: anInteger
select a row
selectRowAt: rowNr colAt: colNr atPoint: aPoint
selectRowAt: rowNr colAt: colNr atPoint: aPoint openEditor: openEditor
might be a reselection
selectRowFrom: start to: stop
selectRowIndex: anInteger
set the selected row (selected col remains unchanged)
returns selected column number or 0
returns selected column or nil
returns the selected row (or collection if multiple selection) or nil
selectedRow: rowNr
select rowNr
bad name: may return a collection (if multiSelect is enabled)
returns the selected row number or 0 (if singleSelect)
or a collection of selected row numbers or #() (if multiSelect)
selectedRowIndex: rowNrOrCollectionOfRowNrs
set the row selection (single or multiple rows);
does NOT change the selected column.
selection has changed
selectionChanged: colNrOrNil
selection has changed
selectionIndicesDo: aOneArgBlock
evaluate block on each row selected; the argument to the row
is the index of the selected row
setSelectColIndex: colNrArg rowIndex: rowNrArg
change selection without notification
setSelectColIndex: colNrArg rowIndex: rowNrArg openEditor: openEditor
change selection without notification
??? should we do ???:
validateSelection: aSelection
multiple selection