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Documentation of class 'Delay':



Class: Delay



rev: 1.57 date: 2019/05/27 19:55:52
user: stefan
file: Delay.st directory: libbasic
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic
Claus Gittinger


Instances of Delay are used to suspend the execution of a process
(i.e. thread) for some time interval.
Delays can be created either for some time-interval (seconds or milliseconds),
or for delaying until a specific time has reached.
Once created, a delay is waited upon with Delay>>wait.

Notice: due to delays (both within Unix AND within Smalltalk itself,
the resumption time will ALWAYS be after the actual delay time.
(i.e. a Delay for n-millis will actually suspend for more than n milliseconds)

    currently, the implementation does not support delays longer than
    a system specific maximum - future versions may remove this limitation.
    For now, do not use delays longer than the value returned by
    OperatingSystem maximumMillisecondTimeDelta

Also notice: the clock resolution of the operating system is usually limited
(1/100, 1/60, 1/50, or even 1/20 of a second). Thus very small delays will
delay for at least this minimum time interval. See examples.

Related information:

    [Using delay in ``Working with time, delays and interrupts'']

Class protocol:

instance creation
o  for: aTimeDuration
return a new Delay object for delaying aTimeDuration

usage example(s):

      Delay for:10 seconds
      Delay for:2.5

o  forMilliseconds: aNumber
return a new Delay object for delaying aNumber milliseconds

o  forSeconds: secondsOrTimeDuration
return a new Delay object for delaying secondsOrTimeDuration seconds

o  until: aTimeStamp
return a new Delay object, that will delay the active process
until the system has reached the time represented by the argument.

usage example(s):

        (self until:(Timestamp now + 1 seconds)) wait
        (self until:(Timestamp now - 30 seconds)) wait
        (self until:Date tomorrow asTimestamp) wait

o  untilMilliseconds: aMillisecondTime
return a new Delay object, that will delay the active process
until the systems millisecond time has reached aMillisecondTime.

o  millisecondClockValue
for ST-80 compatibility

o  waitFor: aTimeDuration
wait for the given timeDuration.
This is a combined instance creation & wait.

usage example(s):

     Delay waitFor:(TimeDuration seconds:5).
     Delay waitFor:2.5.

o  waitForMilliseconds: aNumber
wait for the given number of milliseconds.
This is a combined instance creation & wait.

o  waitForSeconds: aNumber
wait for the given number of seconds.
This is a combined instance creation & wait.

o  waitUntil: aTimestamp
wait until a given time is reached.
This is a combined instance creation & wait.

Instance protocol:

o  delay: numberOfMillis
set the millisecond delta and create a new semaphore internally to wait upon

o  delaySemaphore
return the semaphore used to resume the waiting process

o  resumptionTime: aMillisecondTime
set the resumption time and create a new semaphore internally to wait upon

o  setDelayDuration: numberOfMillis
set the millisecond delta

o  setResumptionTime: aMillisecondTime
set the resumption time

o  wait
suspend the current process until either the relative time delta
has passed (if millisecondDelta is non-nil), or the absolute millisecondTime
has been reached (if resumptionTime non-nil).

usage example(s):

     Transcript showCR:'1'.
     (Delay forSeconds:10) wait.
     Transcript showCR:'2'.

early signalling
o  resume
resume the waiter, even if the delay-time has not yet passed.

o  disable
tell the ProcessorScheduler to forget about signaling my semaphore.


Check your systems resolution with: (make certain, that no other timed processes are running in the background when doing this)
    |d t1 t2 res|

    Processor activeProcess priority:24.
    t1 := Time millisecondClockValue.
    d := Delay forMilliseconds:1.
    100 timesRepeat:[d wait].
    t2 := Time millisecondClockValue.
    res := (OperatingSystem millisecondTimeDeltaBetween:t2 and:t1) // 100.
    Transcript show:'minimum delta is about '; show:res; showCR:' milliseconds'.
    Processor activeProcess priority:8.
examples: delaying for some time-delta: (notice: you cannot use this without time-errors in a loop, since the errors will accumulate; after 10 runs through the loop, more than 5 seconds have passed) |d| d := Delay forMilliseconds:500. 10 timesRepeat:[d wait] prove:
        |d t1 t2 deltaT|
        d := Delay forMilliseconds:500.
        t1 := Time millisecondClockValue.
        20 timesRepeat:[
            d wait
        t2 := Time millisecondClockValue.
        deltaT := OperatingSystem millisecondTimeDeltaBetween:t2 and:t1.
        Transcript show:'average delay: '; show:deltaT // 20; showCR:' milliseconds'
delaying until a specific time is reached: (this can be used to fix the above problem)
        |now then t1 t2 deltaT|

        t1 := Time millisecondClockValue.
        now := Time millisecondClockValue.
        20 timesRepeat:[
            then := OperatingSystem millisecondTimeAdd:now and:500.
            (Delay untilMilliseconds:then) wait.
            now := then
        t2 := Time millisecondClockValue.
        deltaT := OperatingSystem millisecondTimeDeltaBetween:t2 and:t1.
        Transcript show:'average delay: '; show:deltaT // 20; showCR:' milliseconds'
instead of recreating new delays all over, you can also reuse it (but that does not make a big difference ;-):
        |d now then t1 t2 deltaT|

        t1 := Time millisecondClockValue.
        now := Time millisecondClockValue.
        d := Delay new.
        10 timesRepeat:[
            then := OperatingSystem millisecondTimeAdd:now and:1000.
            d resumptionTime:then.
            d wait.
            now := then
        t2 := Time millisecondClockValue.
        deltaT := OperatingSystem millisecondTimeDeltaBetween:t2 and:t1.
        Transcript show:'average delay: '; show:deltaT // 10; showCR:' milliseconds'

ST/X; WebServer 1.670 at bd0aa1f87cdd.unknown:8081; Fri, 19 Apr 2024 18:27:43 GMT