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Smalltalk/X Webserver

Documentation of class 'DictionaryInspectorView':



Class: DictionaryInspectorView



rev: 1.115 date: 2023/12/08 09:11:41
user: cg
file: DictionaryInspectorView.st directory: libtool
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libtool


a modified Inspector for Dictionaries

Notice the filters: these are to inspect Smalltalk,
to get to interesting references more quickly 
(typically to find class variables which still refer to object,
 keeping them from being collected)

    Smalltalk inspect
then enable some filter(s)


COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Instance protocol:

event handling
o  keyPress: key x: x y: y
handle special keys

initialization & release
o  initialize
(comment from inherited method)
labelView origin:0.0@0.0 corner:0.0@1.0.

o  fieldMenu
allowed for multi-select

menu actions
o  browse
cls isNameSpace ifTrue:[

o  doAddKey
user action: add a key

o  doHideAliases

o  doHideAll
hideClassVars := true.

o  doHideClassVars

o  doHideClasses

o  doHideCollectionsHoldingOnlyLiterals

o  doHideColorsAndImages

o  doHideEmptyCollections

o  doHideFilenames

o  doHideFreeSemaphores

o  doHideLiteralValues

o  doHideNilValues

o  doHideNonRefObjectReferences

o  doHideSignalInstances

o  doHideSimpleObjects

o  doHideStreams

o  doHideUnloadedClasses

o  doInspectKey
inspect selected items key

o  doRemoveKey
user action: remove selected item from keys;
if via menu, no confirmation dialog is shown;
if via DELETE key, the event handler asks

o  doShowAliases

o  doShowAll
hideClassVars := := false.

o  doShowClassVars

o  doShowClasses

o  doShowCollectionsHoldingOnlyLiterals

o  doShowColorsAndImages

o  doShowEmptyCollections

o  doShowFilenames

o  doShowFreeSemaphores

o  doShowLiteralValues

o  doShowNilValues

o  doShowNonRefObjectReferences

o  doShowSignalInstances

o  doShowSimpleObjects

o  doShowStreams

o  doShowUnloadedClasses

o  showKeyReferences
show users of selected key (i.e. global).
Only useful when inspecting smalltalk

o  showReferencesToKey
Run in own process to allow inspector to be closed while running

o  baseInspectedObjectClass
only instvars below that are shown by me in the non-basic tab.
This hides uninterresting details in the regular tab

o  defaultLabel

o  hasAllNumericKeys
answer true, if all keys of the inspectedObject are numbers

o  indexList
return a list of indexes to show in the selectionList.
Set hasMore to true, if a '...' entry should be added.

o  indexListForNameSpace
return a list of indexes to show in the selectionList.
Set hasMore to true, if a '...' entry should be added.

o  indexedFieldList
return a list of indexed-variable names to show in the selectionList.
Set hasMore to true, if a '...' entry should be added.

o  indexedValueAtKey: key
keys may vanish

o  instVarIndexForLine: lineNr
helper - return the index for a named instVar;
nil, if self or a keyed instvar is selected.

o  keyIndexForLine: lineNr
helper - return the index of the key-list

o  namedFieldList
return a list of instVar names to show in the selectionList.

o  numIndexedFields

o  release
release inspected object

o  selectedKey
selected item's key or nil. But only if exactly one item is selected

o  selectedKeyName
same as selected item's key here

o  selectedKeys
selected keys or empty

o  selection: lineNrCollection
redefined because of multiselect

user interaction
o  indexedValueAtIndex: idx

o  indexedValueAtIndex: idx put: newValue

ST/X; WebServer 1.702 at 20f6060372b9.unknown:8081; Sun, 23 Feb 2025 06:03:42 GMT