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Documentation of class 'DisplaySurface':



Class: DisplaySurface



rev: 1.252 date: 2023/11/29 15:23:10
user: cg
file: DisplaySurface.st directory: libview
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libview


this abstract class describes stuff common to any Window on a display
device. i.e. RootWindow, TopWindows, PopUps and Subwindows.
That is, they have a viewBackground, cursor etc. and especially events.
A special feature is the delegate field, which allows key- and button
events to be stolen from a view.
If the delegate is non-nil, these events will be sent to it instead.
So you can change a view's behavior even if it was not initially designed
for it. Also, controller functionality could be simulated using delegates.

[instance variables:]

    viewBackground  <Color|Form|Image>      the view's background

    cursor          <Cursor>                the cursor

    eventMask                               mask specifying the enabled

    backed                                  one of #always, #whenMapped or #never
                                            corresponds to X's backing store mechanism.
                                            May be ignored by other devices.

    flags                                   flag bits

        saveUnder                               bit 1; 1 if saveunder store for
                                                        that view is enabled

        gotExpose                               bit 2; 1 if an expose/noExpose event arrived
                                                        (for exposure handling after a scroll)

   delegate                                for event delegation


COPYRIGHT (c) 1992 by Claus Gittinger All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

o  initialize

o  isAbstract
Return if this class is an abstract class.
True is returned here for myself only; false for subclasses.
Abstract subclasses must redefine this again.

Instance protocol:

o  addUpdateRectangle: newRectangle
return true, if the newRectangle is not already contained in the updateRegion
(i.e. if it added any pixels to the region

o  application
to be redefined in real widgets.
Here nil is returned as fallback

o  applicationClassName
nil if I have no application

o  basicViewBackground: aColorOrFormOrViewBackground
set the viewBackground to something, a color, image or form.
The viewBackground is the color or pattern with which exposed
regions are filled - do not confuse this with the drawing background
color, which is used with opaque drawing.

o  controller
return nil - I have no controller

o  depth
return the depth in pixels of the view.
Notice, that this is currently the devices depth,
but support for mixed depth views is being prepared.
(especially useful on SGI, with 24bit view)

o  insideColor: aColor
set the view's background color - ST-80 compatibility

o  keyboardMap
by default, use my device's standard mapping.
However, subclasses may redefine this, to return their own
keyboard map (for example a terminalView may want treat CTRL-C as regular key)

o  monitorScaleFactor
answer the os scale factor for the current monitor of his view,
regardless if the app is high dpi aware or not.

this is the scale factor the user did enter in the os settings,
for e.g. the user can choose between 100, 125, 150 etc.
here we return 1, 1.25 1.5

o  renderer
warning: this is experimental and not yet implemented

o  renderer: aRenderer
warning: this is experimental and not yet implemented

o  sensor
I can only return a SynchronousWindowSensor,
since I do not have a window group

o  sensorOrNil
I can only return nil,
since I do not have a window group and so there is no sensor.

o  setViewBackground
install the viewBackground for the receiver on the device

o  updateRegion

o  updateRegion: aCollectionOfRectanglesOrNil
Modified (format): / 26-10-2023 / 19:41:41 / Stefan Vogel

o  viewBackground
return the viewBackground

o  viewBackground: aColorOrFormOrViewBackground
set the viewBackground to something, a color, image or form.
The viewBackground is the color or pattern with which exposed
regions are filled - do not confuse this with the drawing background
color, which is used with opaque drawing.

o  viewBackgroundAndClear: aColorOrImageOrForm
set the viewBackground to aColorOrImageOrForm, a color, image or form.
and clear the View.
The viewBackground is the color or pattern with which exposed
regions are filled - do not confuse this with the drawing background
color, which is used with opaque drawing.

o  viewGravity
return the view's gravity

o  widget
ST-80 compatibility

o  windowClass: classString name: nameString

o  windowGroup
return nil - I have no windowGroup

o  windowName: aString

o  cursor
return the view's cursor

o  cursor: aCursor
set the view's cursor. This cursor will be automatically displayed whenever
the mouse-pointer enters the receiver.
Cursors are typically set at view creation time and left as installed.

Usage example(s):


     v := View new.
     v cursor:(Cursor wait).
     v open.
     [v shown] whileFalse:[Processor yield].
     [v shown] whileTrue:[
	(Delay forSeconds:1) wait.
	v cursor:(Cursor normal).
	(Delay forSeconds:1) wait.
	v cursor:(Cursor wait).

o  cursor: aCursor now: showImmediately
set the view's cursor. This cursor will be automatically displayed whenever
the mouse-pointer enters the receiver.
Cursors are typically set at view creation time and left as installed.
The showImmediately parameter controls if the request is to be buffered,
or enforced immediately. Under XWindows, that makes a performance difference if many
cursors (a whole group) are set, because the setting involves an XServer round trip.

Usage example(s):


     v := View new.
     v cursor:(Cursor wait).
     v open.
     [v shown] whileFalse:[Processor yield].
     [v shown] whileTrue:[
	(Delay forSeconds:1) wait.
	v cursor:(Cursor normal).
	(Delay forSeconds:1) wait.
	v cursor:(Cursor wait).

o  setCursor

o  withCursor: aCursor do: aBlock
evaluate aBlock showing aCursor until ready; then restore the old cursor
and return the value as returned by aBlock.

Notice, that this method only changes the cursor for a SINGLE (sub-)view.
Most applications want to have the cursor changed in all of its views.
Use 'aView windowGroup withCursor:do:' or 'aView topView withCursor:do:'
to accomplish this.

o  withExecuteCursorDo: aBlock
evaluate aBlock while showing an execute cursor in all my views.
Return the value as returned by aBlock.

o  withReadCursorDo: aBlock
evaluate aBlock while showing a readCursor in all my views.
Return the value as returned by aBlock.

o  withVisibleCursor: aCursor do: aBlock
evaluate aBlock, showing a aCursor.
Return the value of aBlock.
Ensure, that the cursor is visible for the user for a minimal amount of time (100ms)
(even if the computation would be too quick for a cursor to be visible,
show the execute cursor for some time as a feedback).

o  withWaitCursorDo: aBlock
evaluate aBlock while showing a waitCursor in all my views.
Return the value as returned by aBlock.

o  withWriteCursorDo: aBlock
evaluate aBlock while showing a writeCursor in all my views.
Return the value as returned by aBlock.

o  delegate
return the delegate - that's the one getting keyboard and button events.
See dispatchEvent:... method

o  delegate: someOne
set the delegate - keyboard- and button events will be forwarded to
that object if it is interested in them.
See the dispatchEvent... method.

o  subViews

** This method must be redefined in concrete classes (subclassResponsibility) **

o  superView
return the superView - nil here

o  topComponent
return the topView - that the one with no superview

o  topView
return the topView - that's the one with no superview

o  maxExtent
return the view's maximum extent - this is nil here.
Only standardSystemViews support this.

o  maxExtent: extent
set the view's maximum extent - ignored here.
Only standardSystemViews support this.

o  minExtent
return the view's minimum extent - this is nil here.
Only standardSystemViews support this.

o  minExtent: extent
set the view's minimum extent - ignored here.
Only standardSystemViews support this.

o  automationUUID
return my uuid (for automation and the polonium st/x capture/replay tool).
This is a widget id, as specified in the uispec (if it is defined there).
Will be the same for all instances
(i.e. the same in different instances of the application).
Contrast this with the instanceUUID, which is unique for each view.

Notice: old uiSpecs do not provide/define a uuid, and nil is returned;
so the application's specs must be re-edited and saved again.

Usage example(s):

     Transcript topView automationUUID
     Transcript topView instanceUUID

o  automationUUID: aUuidOrUuidString
set my uuid (for automation and the pollonium st/x capture/replay tool).
This is a widget id, as specified in the uispec (if it is definedthere).
Will be the same for all instances
(i.e. the same in different instances of the application).
Contrast this with the instanceUUID, which is unique for each view.

Notice: old uiSpecs do not provide/define a uuid, and nil is returned from automationUUID;
so the application's specs must be re-edited and saved again.

o  backingStore: how
turn on/off backingStore (saving my pixels)
how may true/false, but also #always, #whenMapped or #never.

o  eventMask
return a (numeric) mask of allowed events -
this is X-specific and will be removed / replaced by symbolic values)

o  eventMask: aMask
set a (numeric) mask of allowed events -
this is X-specific and will be removed / replaced by symbolic values)

o  getKeyboardFocus
tell the Display to assign keyboard focus to the receiver

o  instanceUUID
return my unique uuid.
This will be assigned once and only once per instance
(i.e. the same type of view within different applications will
have different instanceUUIDs)

o  isInputOnly
return true, if the receiver is an input only view - that is:
the view will realize as a transparent view, into which you cannot
draw, but get events as usual. Thich can be used to catch events away from
others, which where never meant to work in such a setup.
(for example, if you want to manipulate views in some DrawTool-like manner).
This uses a special X feature, which might not be supported in the near future
or on other plattforms.

o  preferredDepth
return a non nil integer, if a specific depth is wanted in this view.
Return nil if we do not care (i.e. the display's default is wanted).
This is experimental and may change/vanish - do not use it.

o  preferredVisual
return a non nil id, if a specific visual is wanted in this view.
Return nil if we do not care (i.e. the display's default is wanted).
This is experimental and may change/vanish - do not use it.

o  saveUnder
return the saveUnder flag

o  saveUnder: aBoolean
turn on/off saveUnder (saving pixels under myself)
- used for temporary views (i.e. PopUps and ModalBoxes)

o  setPointerPosition: aRelativePoint
set the pointer to aRelativePoint relative to the view's origin.
Warning: moving the mouse pointer may lead to the mouse falling off the table
after a while. So it should be used very very seldom (if at all)

Usage example(s):

	Transcript setPointerPosition:Transcript extent // 2.
	Screen current rootView setPointerPosition:100@100.

o  uuid
Transcript topView uuid
Transcript topView instanceUuid

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  uuid: aUuidOrUuidString

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  icon
return the view's icon - this is nil here.
Only standardSystemViews support labels and icons.

o  icon: aBitmap
set the view's icon - ignored here.
Only standardSystemViews support labels and icons.

o  iconLabel
return the view's icon label.
This is nil here.
Only standardSystemViews support labels and icons.

o  iconLabel: aLabel
set the view's icon label.
Ignored here.
Only standardSystemViews support labels and icons.

o  iconMask
return the view's iconMask - this is nil here.
Only standardSystemViews may support labels and icons.

o  iconView
return the view's iconView - this is nil here.
Only standardSystemViews support labels and icons.

o  iconView: aView
set the view's icon view - ignored here.
Only standardSystemViews support labels and icons.

o  label
return the view's label - this is nil here

o  label: aLabel
set the view's label.
Ignored here.

o  label: aLabel iconLabel: iconLabel
set both the label and the iconLabel.
Ignored here.

o  clearGotExposeFlag
internal; used to wait for an expose-event after a scroll operation

o  gotExpose
internal; used to wait for an expose-event after a scroll operation

o  setGotExposeFlag
internal; used to wait for an expose-event after a scroll operation

attributes access
o  getAttribute: key

o  objectAttributes
return a Collection of attributes - nil if there is none.

o  objectAttributes: aDictionary
(comment from inherited method)
set the collection of attributes.

The default implementation here uses a global Dictionary to store
attributes which may be too slow for high frequency change&update.
Therefore, some classes may redefine this for better performance.

o  setAttribute: key to: newValue

button menus
o  getMiddleButtonMenu
return the menu associated with the middle mouse button.
This is a possibly obsolete hook for views which do not define their own menu,
but are configured from the outside. Nowadays, widgets provide their own menu
or are configured using a menuHolder.

o  middleButtonMenu
return the menu associated with the middle mouse button.
Here, return a hooked on menu, but usually redefined to provide a widget-specific

o  middleButtonMenu: aMenu
associate aMenu with the middle mouse button.
This is a possibly obsolete hook for views which do not define their own menu,
but are configured from the outside. Nowadays, widgets provide their own menu
or are configured using a menuHolder.

o  setMiddleButtonMenu: aMenu
associate aMenu with the middle mouse button.
Do not destroy the old menu if any

o  getClipboardObject
return the object selection
- either the local one, or the display's clipBoard buffer.

o  getClipboardText
return the copyBuffers contents
- either the local one, or the display's clipBoard buffer.

o  getClipboardText: selectionBufferSymbol
return the clipboard or text selection - either the local one,
or one of the display's clipBoard buffers determined by selectionBufferSymbol,
which should be one of:

Return aString or nil if there is no selection

o  getSelection

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  getTextSelection
return the copyBuffers contents
- either the local one, or the display's clipBoard buffer.

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  getTextSelection: selectionBufferSymbol
return the text selection - either the local one, or one of the display's
clipBoard buffers determined by selectionBufferSymbol, which should be one of:

Return aString or nil if there is no selection

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  setClipboardObject: anObject
set the object selection - both the local one, and tell the display
that we have changed it (i.e. place it into the clipBoard).

o  setClipboardText: aStringOrStringCollection
set the text selection - both the local one, and tell the display
that we have changed it (i.e. place it into the clipBoard).

o  setSelection: anObject
set the object selection - both the local one, and tell the display
that we have changed it (i.e. place it into the clipBoard).

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  setTextSelection: aStringOrStringCollection
set the text selection - both the local one, and tell the display
that we have changed it (i.e. place it into the clipBoard).

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  fillDeviceRectangleWithPattern: aPixmap x: xIn y: yIn width: wIn height: hIn patternOffset: pattOffs
fill a rectangular area with some pattern.
A helper for devices which do not support pixmap drawing (i.e. win95).
This is never invoked with X11 or Win-NT/XP/Vista systems.
Caller must ensure that aPixmap is really a form.
CG: mhm it seems that XQuartz has a bug and also has problems doing this.
therefore it is actually not obsolete.

o  fillRectangleWithPattern: aPixmap x: x y: y width: w height: h patternOffset: pattOffs
fill a rectangular area with aPixmap.
A helper for devices which do not support pixmap filling (i.e. win95 screens).
This is never invoked with X11 or Win-NT/XP/Vista systems.
Caller must ensure that the aPixmap is really a form.
CG: mhm it seems that XQuartz has a bug and also has problems doing this.
therefore it is actually not obsolete.

o  flashRectangle: rect
flash part of the view - fill it flashColor, then white,
finally redraw.
Can be used to bring attention to some line/part of view

Usage example(s):

     Display rootView flashRectangle:(10@10 corner:100@100)
     Display rootView flashRectangle:(100@100 corner:200@300)

o  redraw
nothing done here

enable/disable events
o  compressMotionEvents: aBoolean
enable/disable motion event compression
(i.e. replacing all motion events by the last one).
Compression makes almost always sense, except when
doing things like freehand drawing

o  disableButtonEvents
disable all button events

o  disableButtonMotionEvents
disable button motion-while-button-is-pressed events

o  disableButtonPressEvents
disable button press events

o  disableButtonReleaseEvents
disable button release events

o  disableEnterLeaveEvents
disable both mouse-pointer enter and leave events

o  disableEvent: anEventSymbol
disable an event -
this is a private (internal) method not to be used externally.
for a list of allowed event symbols see Workstation class

o  disableMotionEvents
disable mouse-pointer motion events

o  enableButtonEvents
enable both mouse button press and release events.
These are enabled by default anyway.

o  enableButtonMotionEvents
enable mouse-pointer motion-while-button-is-pressed events.
These are enabled by default anyway.

o  enableButtonPressEvents
enable mouse button press events.
These are enabled by default anyway.

o  enableButtonReleaseEvents
enable mouse button release events.
These are enabled by default anyway.

o  enableEnterEvents
enable mouse-pointer enter events

o  enableEnterLeaveEvents
enable both mouse-pointer enter and leave events

o  enableEvent: anEventSymbol
enable an event -
this is a private (internal) method not to be used externally.
for a list of allowed event symbols see Workstation class

o  enableFocusEvents
enable keyboard focus change events

o  enableKeyEvents
this is a compatibility leftover -
starting with 2.10.3, keyPress is always enabled to allow
^C processing.

o  enableKeyPressEvents
this is a compatibility leftover -
starting with 2.10.3, keyPress is always enabled to allow
^C processing.

o  enableKeyReleaseEvents
enable key release events

o  enableLeaveEvents
enable mouse-pointer leave events

o  enableMotionEvents
enable mouse-pointer motion events (those without a pressed button)

event dispatching
o  dispatchEvent: event
dispatch an event

o  dispatchEvent: type arguments: arguments
dispatch an event.
Obsoleted - now we always pass around event objects.

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  dispatchEvent: ev type: type arguments: argArrayIn withFocusOn: focusView delegate: doDelegate
dispatch the event represented by type and arguments either to my delegate,
or to my controller (which may be myself, if I implement the controller functionality myself).
If focusView is nonNil, and it is a keyboard event, it is forwarded to this
view (but not if there was a delegate in the first place).

If doDelegate is true, keyboard and button events are forwarded to a
delegate object (if non-nil). DoDelegate may be passed as true, to
handle events which are already delegated.
If there is a delegate, only messages which are understood by it are
forwarded. Also, the delegate is asked if it is willing to handle the event
Delegated messages get the original view as an extra argument.
Delegation has higher priority than both controller or focusView

o  dispatchEvent: event withFocusOn: focusViewOrNil
dispatch the event

o  dispatchEvent: event withFocusOn: focusViewOrNil delegate: doDelegate
dispatch the event

event handling
o  activateMenu
if there is a menu, show it.

o  activateMenu: aMenu
if aMenu is a menu, show it.

o  buttonMotion: state x: x y: y
mouse was moved while button is pressed - do nothing here

o  buttonMultiPress: button x: x y: y
button was pressed fast after previous press - default to press-again

o  buttonPress: button x: x y: y
button was pressed - if it's middle button and there is a menu, show it.

o  buttonRelease: button x: x y: y

o  buttonShiftPress: button x: x y: y
button was pressed - if it's middle button and there is a menu, show it.
Nothing is done here. Subclasses may redefine this.

o  catchExpose
this MUST be sent BEFORE doing a bit-blt copy (i.e. copyFrom...),
to tell the sensor that incoming expose events are to be remembered.
Sometime after the bit-blt, waitForExpose should be sent, to finally
suspend until the expose/noExpose event arrives.
This is an X speciality - for devices that do not need this kind of
asynchronous bit-blt confirmation, this is a noop.
(well, the windows interface simulates it as well)
Answer true if the sender is required to do a waitForExpose, false if not.

o  coveredBy: aView
the receiver has been covered by another view;
we are not interested in that here (but see modalBox for more).

o  deviceButtonMotion: state x: x y: y
this is the low-level (untransformed) event as received
from the device (i.e. coordinates are in device coordinates).
If there is a transformation, apply the inverse
and send a #buttonMotion with the logical coordinates.

Views which are interested in deviceCoordinates should
redefine this method -
those which are interested in logical coordinates
should redefine #buttonMotion:x:y:

o  deviceButtonMultiPress: butt x: x y: y
this is the low-level (untransformed) event as received
from the device (i.e. coordinates are in device coordinates).
If there is a transformation, apply the inverse
and send a buttonMultiPress with the logical coordinates.

Views which are interested in deviceCoordinates should
redefine this method -
those which are interested in logical coordinates
should redefine #buttonMultiPress:x:y:

o  deviceButtonPress: butt x: x y: y
this is the low-level (untransformed) event as received
from the device (i.e. coordinates are in device coordinates).
If there is a transformation, apply the inverse
and send a buttonPress with the logical coordinates.

Views which are interested in deviceCoordinates should
redefine this method -
those which are interested in logical coordinates
should redefine #buttonPress:x:y:

o  deviceButtonRelease: butt x: x y: y
this is the low-level (untransformed) event as received
from the device (i.e. coordinates are in device coordinates).
If there is a transformation, apply the inverse
and send a buttonRelease with the logical coordinates.

Views which are interested in deviceCoordinates should
redefine this method -
those which are interested in logical coordinates
should redefine #buttonRelease:x:y:

o  deviceButtonShiftPress: butt x: x y: y
this is the low-level (untransformed) event as received
from the device (i.e. coordinates are in device coordinates).
If there is a transformation, apply the inverse
and send a buttonShiftPress with the logical coordinates.

Views which are interested in deviceCoordinates should
redefine this method -
those which are interested in logical coordinates
should redefine #buttonShiftPress:x:y:

o  deviceExposeX: x y: y width: w height: h
this is the low-level (untransformed) event as received
from the device (i.e. coordinates are in device coordinates).
If there is a transformation, apply the inverse
and send an expose with the logical coordinates.

Views which are interested in deviceCoordinates should
redefine this method -
those which are interested in logical coordinates
should redefine #exposeX:x:y:width:height:

o  deviceGraphicsExposeX: x y: y width: w height: h final: final
this is the low-level (untransformed) event as received
from the device (i.e. coordinates are in device coordinates).
If there is a transformation, apply the inverse
and send a graphicsExpose with the logical coordinates.

Views which are interested in deviceCoordinates should
redefine this method -
those which are interested in logical coordinates
should redefine #graphicsExposeX:x:y:width:height:

o  deviceKeyPress: key x: x y: y
this is the low-level (untransformed) event as received
from the device (i.e. coordinates are in device coordinates).
If there is a transformation, apply the inverse
and send a keyPress with the logical coordinates.

Views which are interested in deviceCoordinates should
redefine this method -
those which are interested in logical coordinates
should redefine #keyPress:x:y:

o  deviceKeyRelease: key x: x y: y
this is the low-level (untransformed) event as received
from the device (i.e. coordinates are in device coordinates).
If there is a transformation, apply the inverse
and send a keyRelease with the logical coordinates.

Views which are interested in deviceCoordinates should
redefine this method -
those which are interested in logical coordinates
should redefine #keyRelease:x:y:

o  devicePointerEnter: state x: x y: y
this is the low-level (untransformed) event as received
from the device (i.e. coordinates are in device coordinates).
If there is a transformation, apply the inverse
and send a pointerEnter with the logical coordinates.

Views which are interested in deviceCoordinates should
redefine this method -
those which are interested in logical coordinates
should redefine #pointerEnter:x:y:

o  exposeX: x y: y width: w height: h
an expose event - nothing done here

o  focusIn
got keyboard focus - do nothing here

o  focusOut
lost keyboard focus - do nothing here

o  graphicsExposeX: x y: y width: w height: h final: final
an expose event after a scroll - do normal redraw processing

o  handlesMouseWheelMotion: event inView: aView
we do not handle delegated mousewheel events - subclasses may handle them

o  hotkeyWithId: aId rawKey: aKey
default action is to do nothing - may be reimplemented

o  keyPress: key x: x y: y
a key was pressed in this view.
Here only keyCommands are handled - more action has to
be implemented by redefining this method

o  keyRelease: key x: x y: y
default action is to do nothing

o  mouseWheelMotion: buttonState x: x y: y amount: amount deltaTime: dTime

o  noExpose
a no expose event after a scroll (event-mode only)

o  pointerEnter: state x: x y: y
mouse cursor entered view - do nothing here

o  pointerLeave: state
mouse cursor left view - do nothing here

o  resizeRequest
initionally does nothing

o  waitForExpose
wait until an expose event arrives (to wait for scroll-finish)

event simulation
o  simulateButtonMotion: buttonMask to: aPoint sendDisplayEvent: sendDisplayEvent
simulate a button motion by determining which sub-view is affected and
synthetically generating a buttonPressEvent for whatever view is underneath.
Returns the view which precessed the event or nil.

o  simulateButtonPress: button at: aPoint
simulate a button press by determining which sub-view is affected and
synthetically generating a buttonPressEvent for whatever view is underneath.
Returns the view which precessed the event or nil.

o  simulateButtonPress: button at: aPoint sendDisplayEvent: sendDisplayEvent
simulate a button press by determining which sub-view is affected and
synthetically generating a buttonPressEvent for whatever view is underneath.
Returns the view which precessed the event or nil.

o  simulateButtonRelease: button at: aPoint
simulate a button release by determining which sub-view is affected and
synthetically generating a buttonPressEvent for whatever view is underneath.
Returns the view which precessed the event or nil.

o  simulateButtonRelease: button at: aPoint sendDisplayEvent: sendDisplayEvent
simulate a button release by determining which sub-view is affected and
synthetically generating a buttonPressEvent for whatever view is underneath.
Returns the view which precessed the event or nil.

o  simulateKey: aKeySymbolOrCharacter at: aPoint sendDisplayEvent: sendDisplayEvent keyPressTime: seconds
simulate text input by generating alternating keyPress/keyRelease events.

o  simulateKeyPress: keyOrStringOrSymbol at: aPoint
simulate a key press by determining which sub-view is affected and
synthetically generating a keyPressEvent for whatever view is underneath.
Returns the view which processed the event or nil.

o  simulateKeyPress: keyOrStringOrSymbol at: aPoint sendDisplayEvent: sendDisplayEvent
simulate a key press by determining which sub-view is affected and
synthetically generating a keyPressEvent for whatever view is underneath.
Returns the view which processed the event or nil.

o  simulateKeyPressRelease: keyOrStringOrSymbol at: aPoint
simulate a key release by determining which sub-view is affected and
synthetically generating a keyPressEvent for whatever view is underneath.
Returns the view which processed the event or nil.

o  simulateKeyPressRelease: keyOrStringOrSymbol at: aPoint sendDisplayEvent: sendDisplayEvent
simulate a key release by determining which sub-view is affected and
synthetically generating a keyPressEvent for whatever view is underneath.
Returns the view which processed the event or nil.

o  simulateKeyRelease: keyOrStringOrSymbol at: aPoint
simulate a key release by determining which sub-view is affected and
synthetically generating a keyPressEvent for whatever view is underneath.
Returns the view which processed the event or nil.

o  simulateKeyRelease: keyOrStringOrSymbol at: aPoint sendDisplayEvent: sendDisplayEvent
simulate a key release by determining which sub-view is affected and
synthetically generating a keyPressEvent for whatever view is underneath.
Returns the view which processed the event or nil.

o  simulateTextInput: aString at: aPoint sendDisplayEvent: sendDisplayEvent
simulate text input by generating alternating keyPress/keyRelease events.

o  simulateTextInput: aString at: aPoint sendDisplayEvent: sendDisplayEvent keyPressTime: seconds
simulate text input by generating alternating keyPress/keyRelease events.

o  simulateUserEvent: ev at: aPoint
simulate a button press by determining which sub-view is affected and
synthetically generating a buttonPressEvent for whatever view is underneath.
Cares for any active grab - i.e. if some other view has grabbed the pointer or keyboard
the event is sent to the grabView with pointer coordinate translated as required
(typically these are popup views like menus)
Returns the view which precessed the event or nil.

o  simulateUserEvent: ev at: aPoint sendDisplayEvent: sendDisplayEvent
simulate a button event by determining which sub-view is affected and
synthetically generating an event for whatever view is underneath.

If sendDisplayEvent is true, a real physical event is generated via sendEvent, from the Display (xserver).
Otherwise, the event is pushed into the widget's event queue, without a roundtrip through the display.

Otherwise, care for any active grab - i.e. if some other view has grabbed the pointer or keyboard
the event is sent to the grabView with pointer coordinate translated as required
(typically these are popup views like menus)

Returns the view which processed the event or nil.
For displayEvent sending, always return the receiver, as we do not know how the grab processing came out at the end

o  clearDeviceRectangleX: x y: y width: w height: h
clear a rectangular area to viewBackground -
redefined since GraphicsMedium fills with background
- not viewBackground as we want here.

o  clearRectangleX: x y: y width: w height: h
clear a rectangular area to viewBackground -
redefined since GraphicsMedium fills with background
- not viewBackground as we want here.

initialization & release
o  destroy
view is about to be destroyed -
first destroy menu if there is one and also destroy the GC.
then the view is physically destroyed.

o  destroyed
view has been destroyed by someone else

o  initCursor
default cursor for all views

o  initStyle
nothing done here

o  initialize
initialize defaults

o  prepareForReinit

o  reAdjustGeometry
sent late during snapin processing, nothing done here

o  recreate
recreate (i.e. tell X about me) after a snapin or a migration

o  reinitStyle
nothing done here

o  releaseDeviceResources

keyboard commands
o  addActionForKey: aKey action: aBlock
define a keyboard command function

o  keyCommands

o  keyCommands: aDictionaryOrNil

o  removeActionForKey: aKey

o  buttonMotionEventPending
return true, if a button motion event is pending.
Normally, you don't want to use this, since no polling is needed
(not even for mouse-tracking).
Also, don't use it, since it does not honor the windowGroup,
but goes directly to the device instead.
Actually, its a historical leftover

o  buttonReleaseEventPending
return true, if a button release event is pending.
Don't use it, since it does not honor the windowGroup, but
goes directly to the device instead.
Actually, its a historical leftover

o  exposeEventPending
return true, if an expose event is pending.

o  redrawsFull

o  shown
return true if at least a part of myself is currently visible
(I am mapped and not completely covered).
Assumed that I am always visible when realized.

o  heightOfContents
return the height of the contents in pixels.
Since we don't know here, just return the view's size.
This will make your scrollbars show 100%-visible.
Must be redefined in subviews to make scrollbars really work.

o  widthOfContents
return the width of the contents in pixels.
Since we don't know here, just return the view's size.
This will make your scrollbars show 100%-visible.
Must be redefined in subviews to make scrollbars really work.

o  xOriginOfContents
return the x-origin of the contents in pixels.
Since we don't know here, just return 0 for left.
Must be redefined in subviews to make scrollbars really work.

o  yOriginOfContents
return the y-origin of the contents in pixels.
Since we don't know here, just return 0 for top.
Must be redefined in subviews to make scrollbars really work.

o  isDebugView

o  isMenu
true if this is a menu panel

o  isPopUpView
return true, if this view should be put on top (raised) automatically.
usually this is true for alertBoxes etc.

o  isRecorderView
Is this a view used in the recorder?
When returned true, the view should understand #information:
and redirect it to its recorder, so the text is shown there.

o  isRootView
return true, if the receiver is a root view
false is returned here, this is only redefined in DisplayRootView.

o  isScrollWrapper
answer true if this view wraps a possibly larger view and has scroll bars

o  isTopView
return true, if the receiver is some kind of topview;
false is returned here; redefined in some subclasses.

o  isView
return true, if the receiver is some kind of view;
true is returned here.

user interaction & notifications
o  beep
output an audible beep or bell on my screen device

o  beepInEditor
output an audible beep or bell on my screen device, if enabled.

Beep to wakeup the user after some error/not found condition in an editor.
Use this ONLY to beep in response to a bad user operation (not system failure beeps).
Can be disabled via the settings if too annoying

o  showActivity: aMessage
this is sent indirectly by the activityNotification mechanism.
Defined here as a fallback, if ever sent to non topviews.

ST/X; WebServer 1.702 at 20f6060372b9.unknown:8081; Tue, 18 Feb 2025 23:18:09 GMT