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Documentation of class 'Explainer':



Class: Explainer



rev: 1.260 date: 2024/04/22 17:39:16
user: stefan
file: Explainer.st directory: libcomp
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libcomp


a very simple explainer - much more should be added...

This one is involved, when the 'explain' menu function is used in a
codeView (popup or via CMD-E), or if the mouse button is clicked
on some code construct in the new browser (then a short explanation
is shown in the lower info area).

Most of the texts returned here are heuristically motivated,
based on the experience with beginners and their frequently asked questions.

this is in an experimental stage; the naive type inferer replicates code
found in DWIM support; it should use the code there.


COPYRIGHT (c) 1993 by Claus Gittinger All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

o  explainLiteralNode: node in: code forClass: cls short: short interval: intervalIfKnown

o  explainMessageNode: node in: code forClass: aClassOrNil short: short interval: intervalIfKnown
answer a string which explains node

o  explainMethodNode: node in: code forClass: cls short: short interval: intervalIfKnown
sendingMethods numSendingMethods sendingClasses

o  explainNode: node in: code forClass: cls short: short

o  explainNode: node in: code forClass: cls short: short interval: intervalIfKnown
parsetree based explanations

o  explainVariableNode: node in: code forClass: aClassOrNil short: short interval: intervalIfKnown

o  fetchCommentOfMethod: mthd
retrieve the comment of a method
(if possible and there is one; otherwise, return nil)

o  fetchDescriptionOfMethod: mthd
retrieve a desription of a method
(if possible and there is one; otherwise, return nil)

o  guessPossibleClassesFor: node in: code forClass: aClassOrNil
given a node of some code of a method in cls,
return a collection of possible types of the node.

o  withWaitCursorDo: aBlock
with wait cursor;
however: this class is in libcomp (should be in libtool)
so check if WindowGroup (from libview) is present

o  colorForValue: val

o  explain: someText in: source forClass: aClassOrNil
Given a source and a substring of it, return a string containing
an explanation.
This is just a q&d implementation - to be correct, it should use the parser,
and explain from the parsetree (instead of doing string matches).
This leads to some wrong explanations, for example if some string is
used as selector within a string, or if a variable is named like a
message selector. I.e. the explanation should be context sensitive.
Also, there could be much more detailed explanations.

o  explain: someText in: source forClass: aClassOrNil short: shortText
Given a source and a substring of it, return a string containing
an explanation.
This is just a q&d implementation - to be correct, it should use the parser,
and explain from the parsetree (instead of doing string matches).
This leads to some wrong explanations, for example if some string is
used as selector within a string, or if a variable is named like a
message selector. I.e. the explanation should be context sensitive.
Also, there could be much more detailed explanations.

o  explainGlobal: string inClass: aClassOrNil short: shortText
return an explanation or nil

o  explainGlobalOrPoolVariable: varName inClass: aClassOrNil short: shortText
return an explanation or nil

o  explainHereIn: aClassOrNil short: shortText
return an explanation

o  explainInstanceVariable: instVarName inClass: aClass short: shortText
look for instances

o  explainKnownSymbol: string inClass: aClass
return an explanation or nil

o  explainKnownSymbol: string inClass: aClassOrNil short: shortText
return an explanation or nil

o  explainPseudoVariable: string in: aClass
return an explanation for the pseudoVariables self, super etc.

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  explainPseudoVariable: string in: aClassOrNil short: shortText
return an explanation for the pseudoVariables self, super etc.

o  explainSelector: string inClass: aClassOrNil short: shortText
return an explanation or nil

o  explainSelfIn: aClassOrNil short: shortText
return an explanation

o  explainStringsForSyntax: stringArg in: fullSource
returns a triple:
long text,
short text

o  explainSuperIn: aClassOrNil short: shortText
return an explanation

o  explainSyntax: string
try syntax ...; return explanation or nil

o  explainSyntax: stringArg in: fullSource short: shortText
try syntax ...; return explanation or nil.
This is meant for beginners...

o  explainSyntax: string short: shortText
try syntax ...; return explanation or nil.
This is meant for beginners...

o  safeValueStringFor: aValue

o  typeDescriptionFor: setOfTypes andSelector: selectorOrNil
up to 3 types are shown by name; more are simply counted

o  typeDescriptionFor: setOfTypes andSelector: selectorOrNil wordBetween: wordbetween
up to 3 types are shown by name; more are simply counted

o  valueStringFor: aValue
only show the value, if it is really short...

naive type inferer
o  addTypeOfExpressionNode: expr forAssignmentTo: varName to: setOfTypes
pick up low hanging type information.
This is far from being complete, but often gives a hint good enough for code completion
and info in the browser.

o  addTypeOfMessageNode: expr forAssignmentTo: varName to: setOfTypes
pick up low hanging type information.
This is far from being complete, but often gives a hint good enough for code completion
and info in the browser.

o  addTypesAssignedToInstvar: instVarName inClass: aClass method: methodOrNil source: code to: setOfTypes
look to asssignments to an instance variable, and pick up low hanging class information.
This is far from being complete, but often gives a hint good enough for code completion
and info in the browser.

o  addTypesAssignedToInstvar: instVarName inClass: aClass method: aMethod to: setOfTypes
look to asssignments to an instance variable, and pick up low hanging class information.
This is far from being complete, but often gives a hint good enough for code completion
and info in the browser.

o  addTypesAssignedToInstvar: instVarName inClass: aClass to: setOfTypes
look to asssignments to an instance variable, and pick up low hanging class information.
This is far from being complete, but often gives a hint good enough for code completion
and info in the browser.

o  addTypesAssignedToInstvar: instVarName inTree: tree to: setOfTypes using: visitor
look to asssignments to an instance variable, and pick up low hanging class information.
This is far from being complete, but often gives a hint good enough for code completion
and info in the browser.

o  addTypesAssignedToLocal: localName inTree: tree to: setOfTypes
look to asssignments to a local variable, and pick up low hanging class information.
This is far from being complete, but often gives a hint good enough for code completion
and info in the browser.

o  addTypesOfInstvar: instVarName inClass: aClass fromExistingInstancesTo: setOfTypes
look for existing instances and see that type is there

o  compressSetOfTypes: setOfTypes
reduce by eliminating common superclasses...

o  rememberType: aClass in: setOfTypes

o  actionToBrowseClass: class

o  actionToBrowseClass: class selector: selectorOrNil

o  actionToBrowseClass: class selector: selectorOrNil info: info

o  actionToBrowseClasses: classes
Tools::NewSystemBrowser browseClasses:classes

o  actionToBrowseImplementorsOf: selector

o  actionToBrowseImplementorsOf: selector in: classes

o  actionToBrowseInstvarRefsTo: instVarName inClass: class

o  actionToBrowseMethod: mthd

o  actionToOpenMethodFinderFor: selector

o  asClassLink: nameOfClass
return text with a hyperlink to browse a class by that name

o  asLink: aString info: info to: actionOrNil

o  asLink: aString to: actionBlockOrNil

o  infoStringForClasses: aCollectionOfClasses withPrefix: prefix
get a nice user readable list for some classes.
Up to 4 are listed by name, otherwise the count is presented.
The prefix can be sth like 'other ', 'sub', 'super',
'implementing ' etc.
Or it can be an empty string.
The returned string is meant to be shown in the info line at the bottom.

Usage example(s):

     self infoStringForClasses:{ Array } withPrefix:'sub'
     self infoStringForClasses:{ Array . Point } withPrefix:'sub'
     self infoStringForClasses:{ Array . Point . Integer . Float} withPrefix:'sub'
     self infoStringForClasses:{ Array . Point . Integer . Float . Fraction} withPrefix:'sub'
     self infoStringForClasses:{ Number . Integer . Float . Fraction . SmallInteger} withPrefix:'sub'

o  infoStringForClasses: aCollectionOfClasses withPrefix: prefix actionGenerator: actionGeneratorOrNil
get a nice user readable list for some classes.
Up to 4 are named, otherwise the count is presented.
The prefix can be sth like ' other', ' sub', ' super',
' implementing' etc. Or it can be an empty string.
To be shown in the info line at the bottom.

o  infoStringForMethods: aCollectionOfMethods withPrefix: prefix
get a nice user readable list for some methods.
Up to 3 are named, otherwise the count is presented.
The prefix can be sth like ' other', ' sender', ' implementor',
Or it can be an empty string.
Result is meant to be shown in the info line at the bottom of a browser.

Usage example(s):

     Time millisecondsToRun:[
         self infoStringForMethods:(SystemBrowser allCallsOn:#'at:put:') withPrefix:''
     Time millisecondsToRun:[
         self infoStringForMethods:(SystemBrowser allCallsOn:#'actionToBrowseClasses:') withPrefix:''

o  methodImplementorsInfoFor: aMethod inEnvironment: environment
get something about the implementors of aMethod
to be shown in the info line at the bottom

o  methodInheritanceInfoFor: aMethod

o  methodRedefinitionInfoFor: aMethod
return a user readable string telling in how many subclasses
a method is redefined.
To be shown in the info line of a browser

o  methodSendersInfoFor: selector inEnvironment: environment
get something about the senders of a message.
to be shown in the info line at the bottom.
This may be slow; so think about doing it in background...

o  methodSpecialInfoFor: aMethod
handles special cases - such as documentation methods

o  thisOrNewBrowserInto: aTwoArgBlock
I am invoked when user clicks on a link in the info line.
If I am invoked by a browser, invoke the twoArgBlock with it and a #newBuffer arg.
Otherwise, create a new (invisible) browser and pass it to the block
with a #newBrowser arg.

Private classes:


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