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Documentation of class 'FTPClient':



Class: FTPClient



rev: 1.66 date: 2017/06/12 10:41:32
user: mawalch
file: FTPClient.st directory: goodies/communication
module: stx stc-classLibrary: communication
Claus Gittinger


Client interface to an ftp server.

[instance variables:]
    partnersTransferMode    mode of the connected-to partner
                            (nil initially - could be initialized by parsing some startup message)

    transferMode            wanted mode (can be changed before logging in)

    passiveMode             controls data connection setup - either I connect to the partners data port,
                            or he connects to my data port (req'd for firewalls / outgoing connection blockers)
                                passiveMode == false        -> I am actively connecting to partners data port
                                passiveMode == true         -> I am passively awaiting partner to connect to my data port

Related information:


Class protocol:

Signal constants
o  fileErrorSignal
return the signal raised if some file-get or chdir fails

o  fileNotFoundErrorSignal
return the signal raised if some file-get or chdir fails

o  filePutErrorSignal
return the signal raised if some file-put fails

o  ftpErrorSignal
return the parent of all ftp errors

o  transferInformationSignal
return the notification raised to transfer info information (such as speed etc.)
Currently never raised, but provided for later extension and compatibility with HTTPInterface.

o  transferProgressNotificationSignal
return the notification raised to provide progress (percentage) information.
Currently never raised, but provided for later extension and compatibility with HTTPInterface.

class initialization
o  initialize
self initialize.
Verbose := true

Instance protocol:

compatibility - squeak
o  changeDirectoryTo: dirName

o  getDirectory

o  getFileNamed: fileName

o  loginUser: user password: pw
login using userName and password. Squeak compatibility.
After successful login, set transfer mode

o  putFileStreamContents: aStream as: remoteFileName

o  defaultPassword
the anonymous's default password

o  defaultPort
Socket portOfService:'ftp'

o  defaultUser

error handling
o  fileNotFoundError

o  filePermissionError

o  noPort: errMsg

o  initialize
means: unknown

o  ascii
send a 'type a' command (switch to text-mode transfer).

o  binary
send a 'type i' command (switch to binary-mode transfer)

o  cd: aDirectoryPath
send a changeDirectory command

o  cdUp
send a changeDirectory-up command

o  delete: aFilePath
send a delete file command

o  get: aFileNameString
send a get command; return the result as either a string
or a byteArray (depending on the transfer mode).
Raise connectFailedSignal if data connection cannot be established

o  getStreamFor: aFilenameString
send a get command; return a stream on the files contents.
Raise a signal if connection cannot be established

o  help
send a 'HELP' command to ask about the partners capabilities.
Return a collection of help lines.

o  list
send a list command; return the result as a collection of
strings (containing the listing)

o  list: aFileName
send a list command; return the result as a collection of
strings (containing the listing)

o  listStream
send a list command; return a stream on the listing

o  listStream: listCommand
send a list command; return a stream on the listing

o  listWithCommand: listCommand
send a list command; return the result as a collection of
strings (containing the listing)

o  mkdir: aDirectoryNameString
send a make Directory command

o  nlist
send an nlist command; return the result as a collection of
strings (containing the listing)

o  passiveMode: aBoolean
set passiveMode to aBoolean.
In passive mode, the server instead of the client creates an extra socket to transmit the data.
Answer the prevoius status of passiveMode

o  put: aStringOrByteArrayOrStream as: remoteFileName
send a put command;
send aStringOrbyteArray

o  putFile: localFileName as: remoteFileName
send a put command;
send a local file

o  putStreamFor: aFilenameString
send a put command; return a stream for writing the file

o  pwd
send an XPWD (print current dir) command; return the directory or nil
if the partner does not support the XPWD command

o  recursiveMkDir: aDirectoryNameString
recursively create all required directories and change to

o  rename: fromFilename to: toFilename
rename a file

o  rmdir: aDirectoryNameString
send a make Directory command

o  sizeOf: aFileName
send an SIZE (print size) command; return the size or nil
if the partner does not support the SIZE command

o  systemStatus
send a 'STAT' command to ask about the partner systems status.
Return a collection of status lines.

o  systemType
send a 'SYST' command to ask about the partner system

private - commands & responses
o  getResponseForPORTCommand

o  handleReplyCode: replyCode

o  handleReplyCodeOfPORTCommand: replyCode

private - connection setup
o  close
means: unknown

o  getInitialConnectResponse

o  login: userName password: passwordOrNil
login using userName and password.
After successful login, set transfer mode

o  openActiveDataConnection: mode for: command
open & retrieve a data connection.
Raise connectFailedSignal if data connection can't be established

o  openDataConnection: mode for: command
open & retrieve a data connection

o  openDataConnectionFor: command
open & retrieve a data connection

o  openPassiveDataConnection: mode for: command
open & retrieve a data connection.
Raise connectFailedSignal if data connection can't be established

o  performLoginSequence
login using userName and password iff userName is not nil.
This is invoked automatically by doConnect.
If userName is nil, manual login is required.

o  sendGoodByeCommand

o  setModeTo: mode


   |host ftpClient|

   host := Dialog request:'host:' initialAnswer:'ftp.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de'.

   ftpClient := FTPClient new.
   ftpClient connectToHost:host.
   ftpClient login:'anonymous' password:'foo@bar.com'.
   Transcript showCR:(ftpClient pwd).
   ftpClient close.
getting a list from some other machine:
   |host ftp list|

   host := Dialog request:'host:' initialAnswer:'ftp.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de'.

   ftp := FTPClient new.
   ftp connectTo:host user:'anonymous' password:'foo@bar.com'.
   list := ftp list.
   ftp close.
   list do:[:line | Transcript showCR:line].
getting a list from some other machine (passive mode):
   |host ftp list|

   host := Dialog request:'host:' initialAnswer:'ftp.informatik.uni-stuttgart.de'.

   ftp := FTPClient new.
   ftp passiveMode:true.   
   ftp connectTo:host user:'anonymous' password:'foo@bar.com'.
   list := ftp list.
   ftp close.
   list do:[:line | Transcript showCR:line].
getting list from some other machine:
   |host user passwd fn ftp data|

   host := Dialog request:'host:' initialAnswer:'localhost'.
   user := Dialog request:'user:' initialAnswer:'anonymous'.
   passwd := Dialog requestPassword:'password:'.

   ftp := FTPClient new.
   ftp connectTo:host user:user password:passwd.
   data := ftp list.
   ftp close.
   data inspect.
on a special port:
   |host port user passwd fn ftp data|

   FTPClient verbose:true.
   host := Dialog request:'host:' initialAnswer:'localhost'.
   port := Dialog request:'port:' initialAnswer:(Socket portOfService:'ftp') printString.
   port := Integer readFrom:port onError:nil.
   user := Dialog request:'user:' initialAnswer:'anonymous'.
   passwd := Dialog requestPassword:'password:'.

   ftp := FTPClient new.
   ftp connectTo:host port:port user:user password:passwd.
   data := ftp list.
   ftp close.
   data inspect.
getting a (text) file from some other machine:
   |host user passwd fn ftp data|

   host := Dialog request:'host:' initialAnswer:'localhost'.
   user := Dialog request:'user:' initialAnswer:'anonymous'.
   passwd := Dialog requestPassword:'password:'.
   fn := Dialog request:'file:'.

   ftp := FTPClient new.
   ftp connectTo:host user:user password:passwd.
   data := ftp get:fn.
   ftp close.
   data asString inspect.
getting a (binary) file from some other machine:
   |host user passwd fn ftp data|

   host := Dialog request:'host:' initialAnswer:'localhost'.
   user := Dialog request:'user:' initialAnswer:'anonymous'.
   passwd := Dialog requestPassword:'password:'.
   fn := Dialog request:'file:'.

   ftp := FTPClient new.
   ftp connectTo:host user:user password:passwd.
   ftp binary.   
   data := ftp get:fn.
   ftp close.
   data inspect.
putting some data onto some other machine:
   |host user passwd fn ftp data|

   host := Dialog request:'host:' initialAnswer:'localhost'.
   user := Dialog request:'user:' initialAnswer:'anonymous'.
   passwd := Dialog requestPassword:'password:'.
   fn := Dialog request:'local file:'.

   ftp := FTPClient new.
   ftp connectTo:host user:user password:passwd.
   ftp binary.   
   data := ftp put:'hello world' as:'testfile'.
   ftp close.
   data inspect.
putting a (binary) file onto some other machine:
   |host user passwd fn ftp data|

   host := Dialog request:'host:' initialAnswer:'localhost'.
   user := Dialog request:'user:' initialAnswer:'anonymous'.
   passwd := Dialog requestPassword:'password:'.
   fn := Dialog request:'local file:'.

   ftp := FTPClient new.
   ftp connectTo:host user:user password:passwd.
   ftp binary.   
   data := ftp putFile:'Makefile' as:'testfile'.
   ftp close.
   data inspect.
handling errors:
   |host ftp list|

   host := Dialog request:'host:' initialAnswer:(OperatingSystem getHostName).

   FTPClient ftpErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
       self warn:('ftp error:\\' , ex signal errorString) withCRs
   ] do:[
       ftp := FTPClient new.
       ftp connectTo:host user:'anonymous'.
       list := ftp list.
       ftp close.
       list do:[:line | Transcript showCR:line].
chdir & get a list from some other machine:
   |ftp list|

   FTPClient ftpErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
       self warn:('ftp error:\\' , ex signal errorString) withCRs
   ] do:[
       ftp := FTPClient new.
       ftp connectTo:'aix' user:'anonymous'.
       ftp cd:'/'.
       list := ftp list.
       ftp close.
       list do:[:line | Transcript showCR:line].
dialog with user & password:
   |ftp dlg hostHolder userHolder passHolder list|

   hostHolder := OperatingSystem getHostName asValue.
   userHolder := OperatingSystem getLoginName asValue.
   passHolder := '' asValue.

   dlg := DialogBox new.
   dlg addTextLabel:'host:'.
   dlg addInputFieldOn:hostHolder tabable:true.
   dlg addTextLabel:'user:'.
   dlg addInputFieldOn:userHolder tabable:true.
   dlg addTextLabel:'password:'.
   (dlg addInputFieldOn:passHolder tabable:true) passwordCharacter:$*.
   dlg addAbortButton; addOkButton.
   dlg open.

   dlg accepted ifTrue:[
       FTPClient ftpErrorSignal handle:[:ex |
           self warn:('ftp error:\\' , ex signal errorString) withCRs
       ] do:[
           ftp := FTPClient new.
           ftp connectTo:hostHolder value
               user:userHolder value
               password:passHolder value.
           ftp cd:'/'.
           list := ftp list.
           ftp close.
           list do:[:line | Transcript showCR:line].
   |host port user passwd fn ftp data|

   FTPClient verbose:true.

   host := 'data'.
   port := 12345.
   user := 'anonymous'.
   passwd := nil.

   ftp := FTPClient new.
   ftp connectTo:host port:port user:user password:passwd.
   ftp ascii.
   data := ftp list.
   ftp close.
   data inspect.
   |host port user passwd fn ftp data|

   FTPClient verbose:true.

   host := 'data'.
   port := 12345.
   user := 'anonymous'.
   passwd := nil.

   ftp := FTPClient new.
   ftp connectTo:host port:port user:user password:passwd.
   ftp ascii.
   data := ftp list.
   ftp close.
   data inspect.

ST/X; WebServer 1.670 at bd0aa1f87cdd.unknown:8081; Thu, 25 Apr 2024 01:12:46 GMT