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Documentation of class 'FileDirectory':



Class: FileDirectory



rev: 1.74 date: 2022/10/12 11:34:57
user: stefan
file: FileDirectory.st directory: libcompat
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libcompat



    This class is obsolete and does work only under UNIX. 
    Use Filename instead. It is left here for squeak compatibility.

    This class is not available in other ST-systems;
    in contrast, VisualWorks provides a Filename class.
    Therefore, Filename has taken over the functionality.

FileDirectories represent directories in the underlying host system.
They provide various methods to create/delete and query for files and/or
directories. Also, since FileDirectory inherits from Collection, it
provides all enumeration and testing protocol. For example, you can
loop over the filenames in a directory using 'aFileDirectory do:[:nm | ...]'.


COPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

o  default

o  localNameFor: aFileNameString

o  pathNameDelimiter

o  slash

o  initialize
(comment from inherited method)
setup the signal

o  update: something with: aParameter from: changedObject
(comment from inherited method)
dependent is notified of some change -
Default is to try update:with:

instance creation
o  currentDirectory
create and return a new FileDirectory for the current directory

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  directoryNamed: name
create and return a new FileDirectory for the directory
with given pathname

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  directoryNamed: name in: aFileDirectory
create and return a new FileDirectory for the directory with given name
in another FileDirectory

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  on: aDirectoryPathName

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  rootDirectory
create and return a new FileDirectory for the root directory

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  fullPathNameOf: name in: path
is it an absolute path ?

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  isObsolete
Return if this class is considered an obsolete class
(it will be marked as such in the browser).
True is returned here for myself only; false for subclasses.
Obsolete subclasses must redefine this again.

Instance protocol:

o  assureExistence

o  containingDirectory

o  deleteDirectory: dirName
Squeak/ST80 compatibility

o  deleteFileNamed: fileName
Squeak/ST80 compatibility

o  directoryEntryFor: name
(FileDirectory directoryNamed:'.') entries

o  directoryExists: dir
Squeak/ST80 compatibility

o  directoryNames
Squeak/ST80 compatibility

o  entries

o  fileExists: dir
Squeak/ST80 compatibility

o  fileNames
Squeak/ST80 compatibility

o  fileNamesMatching: pattern
Same as directoryContents, but returns only files
that matches given patterns. This uses String>>matches:
for pattern matching.

o  forceNewFileNamed: fn
Squeak/ST80 compatibility

o  fullName
Squeak/ST80 compatibility

o  includesKey: name
Squeak/ST80 compatibility

o  oldFileNamed: fn
Squeak/ST80 compatibility

o  readOnlyFileNamed: fn
Squeak/ST80 compatibility

o  recursiveDelete

o  baseName
return my baseName
- that's the directory name without leading parent-dirs

o  contents
return a collection with all files and subdirectories in the receiver.
Skips any '.' or '..' entries (UNIX)

o  directories
return a collection with all subdirectories in the receiver directory

o  directoryName
return my directoryName
- that's the directory name where I'm in

o  files
return a collection with all plain files in the receiver directory

o  pathName
return my full pathname

o  pathName: dirName
set my pathname; return nil if not a valid path; self otherwise

o  changeAccessModeOf: name to: modeBits
set the access-mode bits (rwxrwxrwx) of a file in myself

o  createDirectory: newName
create a new filedirectory as a subdirectory of myself;
return true if successful

o  link: oldFileName to: newFileName
link oldFileName to newFileName in myself, return true if successful

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  remove: aFileOrDirectoryName
remove the file or directory from myself; return true if successful

o  removeDirectory: dirName
remove the directory 'dirName' from myself; return true if successful.
If the directory is not empty, the containing files/directories are also

o  removeFile: fileName
remove the file 'fileName' from myself; return true if successful

o  renameFile: oldFileName newName: newFileName
rename the file; return true if successful

o  asFilename
return myself as a filename

o  asFilename: someFile
return a filename for a file named someFile in myself

o  allDirectoriesDo: aBlock
evaluate the argument, aBlock for every directory name
in the directory and in all subdirectories

o  allFilesDo: aBlock
evaluate the argument, aBlock for every file name in the directory and in all

o  directoriesDo: aBlock
evaluate the argument, aBlock for every subdirectory name in the directory

o  do: aBlock
evaluate the argument, aBlock for every name in the directory

o  filesDo: aBlock
evaluate the argument, aBlock for every plain file name in the directory

o  namesDo: aBlock
evaluate the argument, aBlock for every name in the directory.
for ST-80 compatibility

o  where: testBlock do: doBlock
evaluate the argument, aBlock for every object in the directory
for which testBlock evaluates to true.

instance creation
o  directoryNamed: aName
create & return a new fileDirectory for a subdirectory in myself

printing & storing
o  printOn: aStream
append a user printed representation of the receiver to aStream.
The format is suitable for a human - not meant to be read back.

o  storeOn: aStream
append a printed representation of the receiver to aStream,
which allows reconstructing it via readFrom:

o  filenameFor: fileName
return a filename representing the argument, fileName
either in myself (if the arg is a releative path) or absolute otherwise.

o  fullNameFor: fileName
return a filename representing the argument, fileName
either in myself (if the arg is a releative path) or absolute otherwise.

o  getFullPathName
make my pathname be a full pathname - i.e. starting at root

o  pathNameOf: fileName
return the pathname for an entry in myself

o  accessModeOf: name
return the access-mode bits (rwxrwxrwx) of a file in myself

o  exists
return true if this directory exists

Usage example(s):

     (FileDirectory directoryNamed:'fooBar') exists
     (FileDirectory directoryNamed:'/tmp') exists

o  exists: name
return true, if the given name exists in myself

o  id
return the directories file-id (inode number)

o  infoOf: name
return an array filled with file info for the file 'aFileName';
return nil if such a file does not exist

o  isDirectory
return true, if the receiver represents a directory

o  isDirectory: name
return true, if the given name is that of a directory in myself

o  isExecutable: name
return true, if the given file is executable

o  isReadable: name
return true, if the given file is readable

o  isWritable: name
return true, if the given file is readable

o  species
return the type of collection to be returned by collect, select etc.

o  timeOfLastChange
return the timeStamp of myself

o  timeOfLastChange: name
return the timeStamp of a file in myself

o  typeOf: name
return the symbolic type of a file in myself

o  isEmpty
return true, if the directory is empty;
redefined since '.' and '..' do not count as entries here.

Private classes:


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