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Smalltalk/X Webserver

Documentation of class 'FileSelectionItem':



Class: FileSelectionItem



rev: 1.24 date: 2018/01/18 19:53:02
user: cg
file: FileSelectionItem.st directory: libwidg2
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libwidg2
Claus Atzkern


class to build up file tree like structures. You can define your own
icons and filter. To change the icons, look for these methods:

    class method:           #keysAndIcons      : returns a list of icons and access keys used

    instance method:        #imageType         : get type of icon assigned to file

                            #icon              : get the type of image to be drawn

Especially suited for use with FileSelectionTree.

[class variables:]
    ReadDirectoriesForIndicator     <Boolean>       if true, the directories are searched
                                                    for subdirectories to update the
                                                    indicator; on auto mounted file systems
                                                    this would take a very long time!!
                                                    therefore the default is set to false.

Related information:


Class protocol:

accessing class
o  filterClassForDirectoriesOnly

o  filterClassForFilesOnly

o  asFilename: aPathname
convert pathname to an absolute path

default icons
o  keysAndIcons
returns an IdentityDictionary containing a list of images and keys used
by any file entry.

o  initialize

instance creation
o  pathName: aPath
create a new node entry associated with the full pathname, aPath

Instance protocol:

o  children
get's list of children

o  fileName
returns the fileName of node

o  icon
returns type of image to be drawn.
Either an iconKey (such as #directoryOpen) or a real image.
If a key is returned, that is used by the owning view to
fetch a real icon - thus allowing the view to be configured
to different view styles.
Not sure, if the naming is good: this method was probably better named iconKey or similar.

o  imageType: anIconkeySymbolOrImage
see MIMETypeIconLibrary keyForFile:

o  match: aOneArgBlock

o  pathName
returns full pathname of node

o  pathName: aPathname
initialze attributes associated with the full pathname, aPathname

o  collapse
check to release children

o  collapseAll
release my childrens

o  expandAll
not allowed for a file directory

change & update
o  changedSelected
called if the node is selected

o  childFileName: aFilename baseName: aBaseName parent: aParent isDirectory: aBool matchAction: mA
initialze attributes associated with the full pathname, aPathname.
Same as #fileName:baseName:parent:isDirectory:,
but used only for children (i.e. no need to check for
being a rootDirectory).

o  directoryIsLocked

o  fileName: aFilename baseName: aBaseName parent: aParent isDirectory: aBool
initialze attributes associated with the full pathname, aPathname

o  matchAction
returns my match action

o  releaseChildren
release my childrens without tests and deregistration from
update task

o  stopIndicatorValidation
called to stop indicator validation on each child

o  stopIndicatorValidation: aModel
called to stop indicator validation on each child

o  isVisibleFile: aFilename isDirectory: isDirectory baseName: aBasename

o  canReleaseChildren
returns true if children could be released

o  defaultShowSeparator
returns true if the separator is shown if the contents
from the directory is not yet read

o  discardDirectories
returns true if children are not type of directory; could be
reimplemented for speed in any subclass

o  discardFiles
returns true if children are not type of file; could be
reimplemented for speed in any subclass

o  hasChildren
returns true if the pathname assigned to this node is a directory
otherwise false

o  hasValidIndicator
returns true if indication flag is uptodate

o  isDirectory

o  releaseCollapsedChildren
release collapsed children

o  setShowIndicator: aBool
set indication; raise no change notification

o  showIndicator
returns true if the node is a non-empty directory.
This information is gathered lazily: first, false is
returned and indicatorValidation is started for mySelf;
this will read directories in the background to avoid
long startup delays (of my treeView)

o  showIndicator: aBool
indication might change; raise a change notification

repair mechanism
o  hasObsoleteNodes
check whether node or any child node is obsolete

o  repairObsoleteNodes
repair nodes

o  imageType
return my icon-image type - a symbol

o  readInChildren
read children from directory

Private classes:


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