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Documentation of class 'GeometricSeries':



Class: GeometricSeries



rev: 1.10 date: 2021/11/13 13:29:44
user: cg
file: GeometricSeries.st directory: libbasic2
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic2


Much like intervals (which have a constant difference between elements), 
these have a constant factor between them.
GeometricSeries represent a collection (or range) of values specified by
a startValue, an endValue and a *factor*. 
Like with intervals, the elements are computed, not stored.
For example, 
    the GeometricSeries (1 to:100 byFactor:2) contains the elements (1 2 4 8 16 32 64).
    and GeometricSeries (1 to:(1/100) byFactor:(1/2)) contains the elements (1 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/16 1/32 1/64).


    (1 to:100 byFactor:2) do:[:i | Transcript showCR:i]
    (1 to:100 byFactor:1.1) do:[:i | Transcript showCR:i]
    (1 to:100 byFactor:2) asArray  
    (1 to:128 byFactor:2) asArray  
    (128 to:2 byFactor:(1/2)) asArray  

    (1 to:128 byFactor:2) sum
    (1 to:128 byFactor:2) asArray sum    


COPYRIGHT (c) 2000 by eXept Software AG All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

instance creation
o  from: start to: stop byFactor: factor
return a new geometric series with elements from start
to stop by a factor

Instance protocol:

o  at: index
return (i.e. compute) the index'th element

Usage example(s):

     (1 to:128 byFactor:2) do:[:v | Transcript showCR:v].
     (1 to:128 byFactor:2) at:1.
     (1 to:128 byFactor:2) at:2.
     (1 to:128 byFactor:2) at:3.
     (1 to:128 byFactor:2) last.  
     (1 to:100 byFactor:2) last.  

     (16 to:1 byFactor:(1/2)) do:[:v | Transcript showCR:v].
     (16 to:1 byFactor:(1/2)) at:1.
     (16 to:1 byFactor:(1/2)) at:2.
     (16 to:1 byFactor:(1/2)) at:3.
     (16 to:1 byFactor:(1/2)) last.
     (16 to:3 byFactor:(1/2)) last.    

o  first
return the first element

Usage example(s):

     (1 to:100 byFactor:2) first.    
     (10 to:100 byFactor:3) first.    
     (100 to:10 byFactor:1/3) first.    

o  last
return the last element

Usage example(s):

     (1 to:100 byFactor:2) last.          
     (1 to:100 byFactor:3) last.      
     (10 to:100 byFactor:3) last.    
     (100 to:10 byFactor:1/3) last.    
     (100 to:1 byFactor:1/2) last.    

     (1 to:100 byFactor:2.0) last.    
     (1 to:64.0 byFactor:2.0) last.    
     (1 to:100 byFactor:3.0) last.     
     (10 to:100.0 byFactor:3) last.    
     (100 to:10.0 byFactor:0.3) last.    
     (100 to:3 byFactor:1/2) last.    
     (100 to:3 byFactor:0.5) last.    

o  do: aBlock
evaluate the argument, aBlock for every element in the receiver.
Redefined since SeqColl accesses the receiver with at:,
which is slow for intervals.

Usage example(s):

     (1 to:128 byFactor:2) do:[:v | Transcript showCR:v]
     (16 to:1 byFactor:(1/2)) do:[:v | Transcript showCR:v]
     (1.0 to:128.0 byFactor:2) do:[:v | Transcript showCR:v]

     (GeometricSeries from:1 to:128 byFactor:2) do:[:v | Transcript showCR:v]

printing & storing
o  printOn: aStream
append a printed representation to aStream

o  storeOn: aStream
store a representation which can reconstruct the receiver to aStream

o  setFrom: startVal to: stopVal byFactor: factorVal
set start, stop and factor components

o  species
return the type of collection to be returned by collect, select etc.

o  size
return the number of elements in the collection (computed)

Usage example(s):

     (1 to:100 byFactor:2) size    
     (1 to:100 byFactor:3) size     
     (10 to:100 byFactor:3) size    
     (100 to:10 byFactor:1/3) size    
     (100 to:1 byFactor:1/2) size    

     (1 to:100 byFactor:2.0) size    
     (1 to:64.0 byFactor:2.0) size    
     (1 to:100 byFactor:3.0) size     
     (10 to:100.0 byFactor:3) size    
     (100 to:10.0 byFactor:0.3) size    
     (100 to:3 byFactor:1/2) size    
     (100 to:3 byFactor:0.5) size    

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