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Documentation of class 'GraphicsContext':



Class: GraphicsContext



rev: 1.159 date: 2019/07/27 10:43:42
user: cg
file: GraphicsContext.st directory: libview
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libview
Claus Gittinger


this is an abstract superclass for all kinds of graphic drawables -
both windows and printed pages (i.e. printers) are inheriting from
this class (even drawables not at all associated with any device would do so).

Drawing is done in paint/bgPaint colors, which can be true colors (i.e.
directly supported by the underlying hardware) or simulated colors
(i.e. dithered colors or images).
The paint/bgPaint instance variables are set to the logical colors,
device specific drawable may like to keep actual colors in addition.

The transformation instance variable is typically nil, for a 1-to-1
coordinate mapping (i.e. x/y coordinates are pixels in the drawable).
If nonNil, the transformation must be an  instance of WindowingTransformation
and offers both a scale-factor and a translation.
Also, drawing in metric- or inch-units can be done using transformations.
(see instance creation methods of WindowingTransformation, and examples
 in 'doc/coding').

All drawing is defined upon a few basic drawing methods, which must be
implemented by subclasses (some subclasses also redefine the others for
more performance)

[Instance variables:]

    paint           <Color>         the paint used for drawing
    bgPaint         <Color>         the background used for drawing texts and bitmaps
    function        <Symbol>        the drawing function (i.e. #copy, #or, #xor ...)
                                    - not all Drawables support every function
                                    (i.e. paper only allows #copy)
    font            <Font>          the current font to be used for drawing
    lineStyle       <Symbol>        the lineStyle (i.e. #solid, #dashed, #doubleDashed)
    lineWidth       <SmallInteger>  the lineWidth (device dependent, usually pixels)
    joinStyle       <Symbol>        the style in which lines (in polygons)
                                    are joined (i.e. #miter, #bevel, #round)
    capStyle        <Symbol>        the style in which the last point of a line is drawn
                                    (i.e. #notLast, #butt, #round, #projecting)
    mask            <Form>          a mask used for drawing
                                    - not all Drawables support it
    maskOrigin      <Point>         the origin of the mask relative to
                                    the drawable's origin
                                    controls scale & translation of nonNil

    clipRect        <Rectangle>     a clip rectangle (device dep. usually pixels or inches)
                                    or nil.

[Class variables:[

    White           <Color>         cached white color - its needed so often
    Black           <Color>         cached black color - its needed so often

    DefaultFont     <Font>          default font to use

Related information:


Class protocol:

Signal constants
o  drawingOnClosedDrawableSignal
return the signal which is raised, if drawing is attempted
on a closed drawable.
This is especially useful, if a forked thread animates
a view in the background, and is not properly synchronized
with the window thread - i.e. the window gets closed by the user,
and the background process continues to draw.
In this case, the background thread should handle this signal
and terminate itself in the handler.

o  defaultFont
get the default font used for drawing

o  defaultFont: aFont
set the default font used for drawing

o  capButt
return a constant to specify butt cap

o  capNotLast
return a constant to specify not-last cap

o  capProjecting
return a constant to specify projecting cap

o  capRound
return a constant to specify round cap

o  joinBevel
return a constant to specify bevel join

o  joinMiter
return a constant to specify miter join

o  joinRound
return a constant to specify round join

o  initialize
setup some defaults - these are usually redefined
during startup.

instance creation
o  new
return a new instance of myself. Redefined to initialize
the new thingy

o  isAbstract
Return if this class is an abstract class.
True is returned here for myself only; false for subclasses.
Abstract subclasses must redefine this again.

Instance protocol:

o  displayArc: origin radius: radius from: startAngle angle: angle
draw an arc around a point

o  displayArcBoundedBy: boundingBox startAngle: startAngle sweepAngle: sweepAngle
draw an arc/circle/ellipse - ST-80 compatibility

o  displayArcBoundedBy: boundingBox startAngle: startAngle sweepAngle: sweepAngle at: origin
draw an arc/circle/ellipse - ST-80 compatibility

o  displayLineFrom: startPoint to: endPoint translateBy: anOffset
draw a line - ST-80 compatibility

o  displayPolyline: aPolygon
draw a polygon - ST-80 compatibility

o  displayRectangularBorder: aRectangle
draw a rectangle - ST-80 compatibility

o  displayRectangularBorder: aRectangle at: aPoint
draw a rectangle - ST-80 compatibility

o  displayWedgeBoundedBy: boundingBox startAngle: startAngle sweepAngle: sweepAngle
fill an arc/circle/ellipse - ST-80 compatibility

o  displayWedgeBoundedBy: boundingBox startAngle: startAngle sweepAngle: sweepAngle at: origin
fill an arc/circle/ellipse - ST-80 compatibility

o  findFont: aFontDescription
given a fontDescription, return a device font for it
on my device.

o  phase
return the origin within the mask (used to draw with patterns).
This is an alias for ST/X's #maskOrigin

o  phase: aPoint
set the origin within the mask (used to draw with patterns).
This is an alias for ST/X's #maskOrigin:

o  setDevicePattern: aColorOrMask
ST/X can paint in any color or image

o  tilePhase
return the origin within the mask (used to draw with patterns).
This is an alias for ST/X's #maskOrigin

o  tilePhase: aPoint
set the origin within the mask (used to draw with patterns).
This is an alias for ST/X's #maskOrigin

o  widthOfString: aString
given a string, return its width in pixels if
drawn on the receiver's device.

o  widthOfString: aString from: start to: stop
given a string, return the width in pixels if
a substring is drawn on the receiver's device.

o  fill: aRectangle fillColor: aColor
fill a rectangle with the given color color

o  fillRectangle: aRectangle color: aColor
fill a rectangle with the given paint color

o  backgroundPaint
return the background paint color.
(used for opaqueForms and opaqueStrings)

o  backgroundPaint: aColor
set the background painting color (which is used for
opaqueForms and opaqueStrings). aColor can be a dithered one.

o  basicFont
return the font for drawing

o  blackColor
return the black color on this device.
This is the same as 'Color black onDevice:self device', but much faster.

o  capStyle
return the current cap-style for line-drawing.
possible styles are: #notLast, #butt, #round, #projecting

o  capStyle: aStyleSymbol
set the cap-style for line-drawing;
possible styles are: #notLast, #butt, #round, #projecting

o  characterEncoding
returns a symbol describing how the contents is encoded internally.
This is now obsolete, as we are always using unicode internally.
(encoding is something like #'iso8859-5' #euc, #sjis, #jis7, #gb, #big5 or #ksc)

o  characterEncoding: encodingArg
define how the contents is encoded internally.
This should normally never be required, as ST/X now assumes
unicode (of which iso8859-1 is a subset) encoding.
The possibility to change the characterEncoding is provided as
a backward compatibility hook for programs which want to use
another encoding internally.
One such view is the CharacterSetView,
which wants to show character as they are actually present in a font.

o  clippingBounds
return the clip-rectangle for drawing (in logical coordinates).
If there is currently no active clip, return the underlying
medium (i.e. device) bounds. Added for ST-80 compatibility.

o  clippingBounds: aRectangleOrNil
set the clipping rectangle for drawing (in logical coordinates);
a nil argument turn off clipping (i.e. whole view is drawable)

o  clippingBoundsOrNil
return the clipping bounds (a Rectangle) for drawing in logical coordinates, nil if there is none.

o  dashStyle: aDashList offset: dashOffset
define dashes. Each element of the dashList specifies the length
of a corresponding dash. For example, setting it to [4 4]
defines 4on-4off dashing;
Setting it to [1 2 4 2] defines 1on-2off-4on-2off dashes.
The dashOffset specifies where in the dashList the dashing starts.
Ignored here - this may not be supported by all graphics devices.

o  font
return the current drawing font

o  font: aFont
set the drawing font

** This method raises an error - it must be redefined in concrete classes **

o  function
return the current drawing function

o  function: aFunctionSymbol
set the (bitblt) drawing function.
The argument is one of:
Notice: not all graphicMedia support all functions

** This method raises an error - it must be redefined in concrete classes **

o  graphicsContext
for ST-80 compatibility

o  graphicsDevice
same as #device, for ST-80 compatibility

o  joinStyle
return the current join-style for polygon-drawing.
possible styles are: #miter, #bevel, #round

o  joinStyle: aStyleSymbol
set the join-style of lines in polygon-drawing;
possible styles are: #miter, #bevel, #round

o  lineStyle
return the current line-drawing-style.
possible styles are: #solid, #dashed, #doubleDashed,
#dotted, #dashDot or #dashDotDot.

o  lineStyle: aStyleSymbol
set the line-drawing-style;
possible styles are: #solid, #dashed, #doubleDashed,
#dotted, #dashDot or #dashDotDot.

o  lineWidth
return the current drawing linewidth

o  lineWidth: aNumber
set the line drawing width in pixels

o  mask
return the current drawing mask

o  mask: aForm
set the drawing mask

** This method raises an error - it must be redefined in concrete classes **

o  maskOrigin
return the origin within the mask (used to draw with patterns).
Should be redefined in classes which support it.
This is an alias for ST-80's #phase

o  maskOrigin: aPoint
set the origin within the mask (used to draw with patterns).
Should be redefined in classes which support it.
This is an alias for ST-80's #phase:

o  maskOriginX: x y: y
set the origin within the mask (used to draw with patterns).
Should be redefined in classes which support it.
This is an alias for ST-80's #phase:

o  medium
return the destination medium i.e. the underlying graphics device

o  paint
return the current paint drawing color

o  paint: aColor
set the drawing painting color, aColor can be a dithered one

o  paint: fgColor on: bgColor
set the paint and backgroundPaint, used for text and bitmaps.
Both colors may be dithered colors

o  setDevice: aDevice

o  viewOrigin
return the drawable's visible origin (for scrolling)

o  whiteColor
return the white color on this device.
This is the same as 'Color white onDevice:self device', but much faster.

o  scale
return the scale factor (as point) of the transformation

o  scale: aPoint
set the scale factor of the transformation

o  scale: scale translation: aPoint

o  transformation
return the transformation

o  transformation: aTransformation
set the transformation

o  translateBy: aPoint
add to the translation offset of the transformation

o  translation
return the translation factor (as point) of the transformation

o  translation: aPoint
set the translation offset of the transformation

basic drawing
o  displayArcX: x y: y width: width height: height from: startAngle angle: angle
draw an arc in a box
- this could be recoded to draw using displayLine

** This method raises an error - it must be redefined in concrete classes **

o  displayDottedRectangleX: x y: y width: w height: h
draw a dotted-line rectangle
A general implementation is found here; deviceGC's
may reimplement this if directly supported by the device

o  displayHorizontalWavelineFromX: x0 y: y0 toX: x1
draw a horizontal wave-line from x0/y0 to x1/y0

o  displayLineFromX: x0 y: y0 toX: x1 y: y1
draw a line from x0/y0 to x1/y1

** This method raises an error - it must be redefined in concrete classes **

o  displayOpaqueForm: aForm x: x y: y
draw a form at x/y; if the form has depth 1, 1's in the form are
drawn in current fg, 0's in current bg color.
If the form has depth ~~ 1, it is copied as is onto the receiver

** This method raises an error - it must be redefined in concrete classes **

o  displayOpaqueString: aString from: index1 to: index2 x: x y: y
draw part of a string with both fg and bg at x/y in current font

** This method raises an error - it must be redefined in concrete classes **

o  displayOpaqueString: aString from: index1 to: index2 x: x y: y maxWidth: maxWidth
draw part of a string with both fg and bg at x/y in current font

** This method raises an error - it must be redefined in concrete classes **

o  displayOpaqueString: aString from: index1 to: index2 x: x y: y maxWitdh: maxWidth

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  displayPolygon: aPolygon
draw a polygon
- this could be recoded to draw using displayLine

** This method raises an error - it must be redefined in concrete classes **

o  displayRectangleX: x y: y width: w height: h
draw a rectangle
- this could be recoded to draw using displayLine

** This method raises an error - it must be redefined in concrete classes **

o  displayString: aString from: index1 to: index2 x: x y: y
draw part of a string with fg at x/y in current font

** This method raises an error - it must be redefined in concrete classes **

o  displayString: aString from: index1 to: index2 x: x y: y opaque: opaque
draw part of a string with both fg and bg at x/y in current font

basic filling
o  fillArcX: x y: y width: w height: h from: start angle: angle
fill an arc with current paint color

** This method raises an error - it must be redefined in concrete classes **

o  fillPolygon: points
fill a polygon with current paint color

** This method raises an error - it must be redefined in concrete classes **

o  fillRectangleX: x y: y width: w height: h
fill a rectangle with current paint color

** This method raises an error - it must be redefined in concrete classes **

o  fillRectangleX: x y: y width: w height: h color: aColor
fill a rectangle with given color

o  display: someObject at: aPoint
draw someObject - this must understand the #displayOn:at: message

o  displayArcIn: aRectangle from: startAngle angle: angle
draw an arc in a box

o  displayArcOrigin: origin corner: corner from: startAngle angle: angle
draw an arc in a box

o  displayCircle: aPoint radius: r
draw a circle around a center point

o  displayCircleIn: aRectangle
draw a circle in a box

o  displayCircleX: x y: y radius: r
draw a circle around a center point

o  displayForm: aFormOrImage
draw a form (or image) at the origin

o  displayForm: aFormOrImage at: aPoint
draw a form (or image)

o  displayForm: aFormOrImage x: x y: y
draw a form (or image) at x/y;
if the form has depth 1, 1's in the form are
drawn in current paint color, 0's are ignored.
If the form has depth ~~ 1, the current fg color setting is ignored.

o  displayForm: aFormOrImage x: x y: y opaque: opaque
draw a form (or image) at x/y;
if the form has depth 1, 1's in the form are
drawn in current paint color, 0's are ignored.
If the form has depth ~~ 1, the current fg color setting is ignored.

o  displayImage: aFormOrImage
draw an image (or form).
Provided for ST-80 compatibilty;
in ST/X, images are also handled by #displayForm:

o  displayImage: aFormOrImage at: aPoint
draw an image (or form).
Provided for ST-80 compatibilty;
in ST/X, images are also handled by #displayForm:

o  displayImage: aFormOrImage x: x y: y
draw an image (or form).
Provided for ST-80 compatibilty;
in ST/X, images are also handled by #displayForm:

o  displayLineFrom: point1 to: point2
draw a line

o  displayLineFromX: xStart y: yStart toX: xEnd y: yEnd brush: aForm
draw a line using a brush.
Here, a slow fallback is used, drawing into a
temporary bitmap first, which is then displayed

o  displayOpaqueString: aString from: start to: stop at: aPoint
draw part of a string - drawing both fg and bg

o  displayOpaqueString: aString x: x y: y
draw a string with both fg and bg

o  displayOpaqueString: aString x: x y: y angle: drawAngle
draw a string along a (possibly non-horizontal) line,
drawing both fg and bg pixels.
The angle is in degrees, clock-wise, starting with 0 for
a horizontal draw.
Drawing is done by first drawing the string into a temporary bitmap,
which is rotated and finally drawn as usual.
NOTICE: due to the rotation of the temporary bitmap, this is a slow
operation - not to be used with cillions of strings ...

o  displayPoint: aPoint
draw a pixel

o  displayPointX: x y: y
draw a point at x/y

o  displayRectangle: aRectangle
draw a rectangle

o  displayRectangleOrigin: origin corner: corner
draw a rectangle

o  displayRectangleOrigin: origin extent: extent
draw a rectangle

o  displayRoundRectangleX: left y: top width: width height: height wCorner: wCorn hCorner: hCorn
BIG KLUDGE WARNING HERE: the code below looks "good" on windows displays;

o  displayString: aString at: aPoint
draw a string - drawing fg only

o  displayString: aString centeredAt: aPoint
draw a string - drawing fg only

o  displayString: aString centeredAtX: x y: y
draw a string - drawing fg only

o  displayString: aString from: start to: stop at: aPoint
draw part of a string - drawing fg only

o  displayString: aString x: x y: y
draw a string - drawing fg only

o  displayString: aString x: x y: y angle: drawAngle
draw a string along a (possibly non-horizontal) line - drawing fg only.
The angle is in degrees, clock-wise, starting with 0 for
a horizontal draw.
Drawing is done by first drawing the string into a temporary bitmap,
which is rotated and finally drawn as usual.
NOTICE: due to the rotation of the temporary bitmap, this is a slow
operation - not to be used with cillions of strings ...

o  displayString: aString x: x y: y angle: drawAngle opaque: opaque
common code to draw a string along a (possibly non-horizontal) line.
The angle is in degrees, clock-wise, starting with 0 for
a horizontal draw.
Drawing is done by first drawing the string into a temporary bitmap,
which is rotated and finally drawn as usual.
NOTICE: due to the rotation of the temporary bitmap, this is a slow
operation - not to be used with cillions of strings ...
CAVEAT: if the string is not a real string (i.e. a LabelAndIcon),
this can (currently) only be done opaque

drawing in device coordinates
o  displayDeviceLineFromX: x1 y: y1 toX: x2 y: y2
draw a line in device coordinates

o  displayDeviceRectangleX: x y: y width: w height: h
draw a rectangle in device coordinates

o  fillDeviceRectangleX: x y: y width: w height: h
fill a rectangle with current paint color (device coordinates)

edge drawing
o  drawEdgesForX: x y: y width: w height: h level: l
draw 3D edges into a rectangle

o  drawEdgesForX: x y: y width: w height: h level: lvl shadow: shadowColor light: lightColor halfShadow: halfShadowColor halfLight: halfLightColor style: edgeStyle
draw 3D edges into a rectangle

o  edgeDrawn: whichOne
a redefinable hook for views which like to draw
over their edges (some checkToggles do).
Nothing done here.

o  fillArc: origin radius: r from: startAngle angle: angle
draw a filled arc around a point

o  fillArcIn: aRectangle from: startAngle angle: angle
draw a filled arc in a box

o  fillArcOrigin: origin corner: corner from: startAngle angle: angle
draw a filled arc in a box

o  fillArcX: x y: y width: w height: h from: startAngle to: endAngle
draw a filled arc in a box, given startAngle and endAngle.

o  fillCircle: aPoint radius: aNumber
draw a filled circle around aPoint

o  fillCircleIn: aRectangle
draw a filled circle in a box

o  fillCircleX: x y: y radius: r
draw a filled circle around x@y

o  fillRectangle: aRectangle
fill a rectangle with current paint color

o  fillRectangleLeft: left top: top right: cornerX bottom: cornerY
draw a filled rectangle.
Notice: the cornerPoint itself is NOT included

o  fillRectangleOrigin: origin corner: corner
draw a filled rectangle.
Notice: the cornerPoint itself is NOT included

o  fillRectangleOrigin: origin extent: extent
draw a filled rectangle.
Notice: the cornerPoint itself is NOT included

o  fillRectangleOrigin: origin width: w height: h
draw a filled rectangle.
Notice: the cornerPoint itself is NOT included

o  fillRoundRectangleX: left y: top width: width height: height wCorner: wCorn hCorner: hCorn
bug workaround

o  initialize
set up some useful default values

o  clippedTo: aRectangle do: aBlock

o  flush
send all buffered drawing to the device.

o  sync
send all buffered drawing to the device and wait until the device responds

printing & storing
o  storeOn: aStream
blocked: ascii storeString not possible (recursive - view - subviews - container)

o  fontAscent
answer the ascent of the current font on the current device


drawing uses a paint color (which may be a dithered one) which is used like a `pen'. A few drawing operations (opaqueForm and opaqueString drawing) use two colors, the paint and a backgroundPaint. For example, normal string drawing (#displayString:...) only draws the font's on-pixels in the current paint, leaving off-pixels unchanged. In contrast, #drawOpaqueString:.. also changes these to the bgPaint color. The bgPaint can be changed with #backgroundPaint: or #paint:on: (which modifies both). lets try it in a view:

    v := View new.
    v openAndWait.

    v paint:(Color red).
    v displayString:'hello' x:10 y:50
the same using opaque drawing:

    v := View new.
    v openAndWait.

    v paint:(Color red) on:(Color yellow).
    v displayOpaqueString:'hello' x:10 y:50
Lines are drawn using the paint color (if solid) or both paint and bgPaint (dashed lines). The look of the line is controlled by joinStyle, capStyle, lineWidth and lineStyle. `lineStyle' can be one of #solid, #dashed, #doubleDashed where: #solid - is for solid lines, drawn with the current paint color #dashed - for dashed lines, where only the on-dashes are drawn with the current paint color #doubleDashed - dashed lines, draws on-dashes with paint color, off-dashes with bgPaint for example:

    v := View new.
    v openAndWait.

    v paint:(Color red) on:(Color blue).
    v displayLineFrom:(10@10) to:(90@90).

    v lineStyle:#dashed.
    v displayLineFrom:(90@10) to:(10@90).

    v lineStyle:#doubleDashed.
    v displayRectangle:((5@5) corner:(95@95)).
changing the line-width:

    v := View new.
    v openAndWait.

    v paint:(Color red).
    v displayLineFrom:(20@20) to:(80@80).

    v lineWidth:5.
    v displayLineFrom:(80@20) to:(20@80).

    v lineWidth:8.
    v displayRectangle:((5@5) corner:(95@95)).
with wide lines, the corners (of polygons or rectangles) can be one of the joinStyles: #miter, #bevel, #round. The default is #miter.

    v := View new extent:200@200.
    v openAndWait.

    v lineWidth:15.
    v paint:(Color red).

    v displayRectangle:((65@65) corner:(135@135)).

    v joinStyle:#bevel.
    v displayRectangle:((45@45) corner:(155@155)).

    v joinStyle:#round.
    v displayRectangle:((25@25) corner:(175@175)).
the endPoints look is controlled with capStyle; possible values are: #notLast, #butt, #round, #projecting. The default is #butt. #notLast is mostly useful when exoring (inverting): it will not draw the endPoint, to allow another line to join the previous line without inverting this point twice. (See the X manual for more info).

    v := View new extent:200@200.
    v openAndWait.

    v lineWidth:15.
    v paint:(Color red).

    v displayLineFrom:(25@25) to:(175@25).

    v capStyle:#round.
    v displayLineFrom:(25@55) to:(175@55).

    v capStyle:#projecting.
    v displayLineFrom:(25@85) to:(175@85).
You can use a bitmap as a point color: (this may be slow on some graphics devices, though)

    v := View new extent:200@200.
    v openAndWait.

    v lineWidth:15.
    v paint:(Image fromFile:'granite_small.tiff').

    v displayLineFrom:(25@25) to:(175@25).

    v capStyle:#round.
    v displayLineFrom:(25@55) to:(175@55).

    v capStyle:#projecting.
    v displayLineFrom:(25@85) to:(175@85).
all views support a translation and scale, so you can draw in another coordinate system:

    v := View new extent:200@200.
    v openAndWait.

    v displayForm:(Image fromFile:'SBrowser.xbm') x:10 y:10.

    v scale:(2@2); translation:50.
    v displayForm:(Image fromFile:'SBrowser.xbm') x:10 y:10.

    v scale:(0.5@0.5); translation:0.
    v displayForm:(Image fromFile:'SBrowser.xbm') x:10 y:10.
if scaling is on, it is often useful to be able to draw individual things unscaled - this still translates the position, but uses the unscaled font (for example, to draw strings in a graphic):

    v := View new extent:200@200.
    v openAndWait.

    v displayForm:(Image fromFile:'SBrowser.xbm') x:10 y:10.
    v displayString:'hello' x:50 y:40.

    v scale:(2@4).
    v displayForm:(Image fromFile:'SBrowser.xbm') x:10 y:10.
    v displayUnscaledString:'hello' x:50 y:40.
Filled objects are drawin using the #fillXXX methods; for example, displayRectangleXXX draws the outline, while fillRectangleXXX draws a filled one:

    v := View new extent:200@200.
    v openAndWait.

    v displayArcIn:(20@20 corner:50@50) from:0 angle:180.
    v paint:Color yellow.
    v fillArcIn:(120@120 corner:150@150) from:0 angle:180.

    v paint:Color red.
    v displayCircle:150@50 radius:30.
    v paint:Color blue.
    v fillCircle:50@150 radius:30.
    |v poly1 poly2|

    poly1 := OrderedCollection new.
    poly1 add:(10 @ 10).
    poly1 add:(100 @ 50).
    poly1 add:(50 @ 50).
    poly1 add:(20 @ 100).
    poly1 add:(10 @ 100).

    poly2 := poly1 copy.
    poly2 add:(poly2 first).

    v := View new extent:200@200.
    v openAndWait.

    v scale:2.
    v paint:Color red.
    v fillPolygon:poly1.

    v scale:1.
    v paint:Color blue.
    v displayPolygon:poly2.

    v scale:0.5.
    v paint:Color yellow.
    v fillPolygon:poly1.

ST/X; WebServer 1.670 at bd0aa1f87cdd.unknown:8081; Wed, 24 Apr 2024 11:52:22 GMT