Smalltalk/X WebserverDocumentation of class 'HPLjetIIPrinterStream': | |
Class: HPLjetIIPrinterStreamInheritance:Object | +--Stream | +--PrinterStream | +--HPLjetIIPrinterStream
Description:This class defines protocol for simple text prinitng on an HP Laserjet 2/3 (and compatible) printer. It does not support multiple fonts, but knows how to print bold, italic etc. Graphics printing is not supported - you need a postscriptprinter for this. Notice: This class only defines some minimum protocol for printing on HP-LJ - you really should use a PostscriptPrinter ... ... however, if you own a LJ, here is some class to start with. It may need to be enhanced at some places (for example: provide more fonts/emphasis's, better international character translation, image printing etc.) [Disclaimer:] This class is not officially supported - take it or leave it. Class protocol:initialization
Instance protocol:access-writing
ST/X; WebServer 1.702 at 20f6060372b9.unknown:8081; Sun, 02 Feb 2025 12:39:52 GMT |