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Documentation of class 'HTML::AbstractHTMLElement':



Class: AbstractHTMLElement (in HTML)



rev: 1.31 date: 2019/07/13 12:19:57
user: cg
file: HTML__AbstractHTMLElement.st directory: goodies/webServer/htmlTree
module: stx stc-classLibrary: htmlTree

Class protocol:

instance creation
o  tagToClassMapping
return a mapping for all existing tag names.
The key is the tag name, the value is a
concrete element class.

o  isAbstract
Return if this class is an abstract class.
Return true for this class but false for all subclasses.
To have an abstract subclass implement this method there again.

usage example(s):

     AbstractElement isAbstract.
     Table isAbstract.

o  isElement
Say that you are an element.
Attention this method is not
implemented in Object, like
on should think!
Use method:'#askFor:#isElement'
and forget about this return
value here.

o  isElementImplementing
Return true if the class is implementing a concrete tag.

usage example(s):

     AbstractElement isElementImplementing
     Element         isElementImplementing
     Table           isElementImplementing

o  isGeneric
Return false here.
The Element will return true.

Instance protocol:

o  backgroundColor: aRawColor
Set background-color using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderStyle: aStyle
Set border-width using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderStyleDashed
Set border-width to dashed using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderStyleDotted
Set border-style to dotted using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderStyleDouble
Set border-width to double using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderStyleGroove
Set border-style to groove using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderStyleInset
Set border-style to inset using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderStyleNone
Set border-style to none using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderStyleOutset
Set border-style to outset using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderStyleRidge
Set border-style to ridge using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderStyleSolid
Set border-style to solid using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderWidth: aRawWidth
Set border-width using style-sheets(CSS).

o  margin: aDistance
Set margin for all four sides using style-sheets(CSS).

o  padding: aDistance
Set padding for all four sides using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderColor: aRawColor
Set color using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderColorAqua
Set border-color to aqua using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderColorBlack
Set border-color to black using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderColorBlue
Set border-color to blue using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderColorFuchsia
Set border-color to fuchsia using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderColorGray
Set border-color to gray using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderColorGreen
Set border-color to green using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderColorLime
Set border-color to lime using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderColorMaroon
Set border-color to maroon using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderColorNavy
Set border-color to navy using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderColorOlive
Set border-color to olive using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderColorPurple
Set border-color to purple using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderColorRed
Set border-color to red using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderColorSilver
Set border-color to silver using style-sheets(CSS).

o  borderColorTeal
Set border-color to teal using style-sheets(CSS).

o  atPosition: aPosition
Set position using style-sheets(CSS).

o  bottom: aBottom
Set bottom using style-sheets(CSS).

o  bounds: aRectangle
Set bounds using style-sheets(CSS).

o  display: aDisplayPropertyString
Set display using style-sheets(CSS).

o  document

o  extent: aPosition
Set extent using style-sheets(CSS).

o  height: aNumberOrPercentString
Set height using style-sheets(CSS).

o  left: aLeft
Set left using style-sheets(CSS).

o  right: aRight
Set right using style-sheets(CSS).

o  top: aTop
Set top using style-sheets(CSS).

o  width: aNumberOrPercentString
Set width using style-sheets(CSS).

o  addAnchor
Add an anchor.

o  addAnchorHRef: anURLString
Add an anchor.

o  addAnchorHRef: anURLString with: aElementOrString
Add an anchor.

o  addBig: anELementOrStringOtCollection
Add a big.

o  addBold: anELementOrStringOtCollection
Add a bold.

o  addBreak
Add a line break to the children.

o  addDiv
Add an empty div.

o  addDiv: anElementOrStringOrCollection
Add a div.

o  addItalic: anELementOrStringOtCollection
Add an italic.

o  addLineBreak
Add a line break to the children.

o  addScriptType: language code: theCode

o  addSmall: anELementOrStringOtCollection
Add an small.

o  addSpan: anELementOrStringOtCollection
Add a span.

o  addUnderlined: anElementOrStringOrCollection
Add an underlined.

o  bgColor
Return the background color of the element.

o  bgColor: aColorOrRGBColorString
Set the background color of the element.
This can be either an rgb-color string or a smalltalk color.

o  border
Return the border of the element.

o  border: aWidth
Set the border of the element.

o  class
OUCH: class is a bad name!
Return the css-class of the element.

o  class: classString
Set the css-class of the element.

o  cssClass
Return the css-class of the element.

o  name
Return the name of the frame.

o  name: aName
Set the name of the frame.

o  style
Return the style of the element.

o  style: aStyle
Set the style of the element.

o  text
Return the text of the element.

o  text: aText
Set the text of the element.

o  title: aText
Set the title of the element.

o  valign
Return the valign of the table.

o  valign: align
Set the vertical align of the table/cell (top|middle|bottom|baseline).

o  align: alignmentString
Set the alignment of the element.
The alignment can be left, center, right.

o  alignCenter
Set alignment to be center.

o  alignLeft
Set alignment to be left.

o  alignRight
Set alignment to be right.

o  alignment
Return the alignment of the table.
The alignment can be left, center, right
or nil in case no alignment is set so far.

o  alignment: alignmentString
Set the alignment of the table.
The alignment can be left, center, right.

o  buildHtmlUsingEncoder: anEncoder

o  htmlString
Print yourself as html string.
See class Encoder and Visitor.

o  htmlStringOfSubElements
Print my children as html string.
See class Encoder and Visitor.

o  htmlStringUsingEncoder: anEncoder
Print yourself as html string.
See class Encoder and Visitor.

o  printHtmlOn: aStream
Print yourself as html string.
See class Encoder and Visitor.

o  printHtmlString
Print yourself as html string.
See class Encoder and Visitor.

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  printOn: aStream

o  mustBeClosed
return true, if I need a closing tag (as opposed to br or img, which do not)

o  canBeReformatted
answer true, if the text may be reformatted by the browser,
and added white space does not matter.
Redefined in subclasses.

o  isElement
See class-method:'#isElement'

o  isInlineElement

o  printInlineWithSimpleElements
helper for printing; controls if begin- and end-tags are generated into extra lines

ST/X; WebServer 1.670 at bd0aa1f87cdd.unknown:8081; Sat, 20 Apr 2024 09:52:36 GMT