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Smalltalk/X Webserver

Documentation of class 'HTML::Table':



Class: Table (in HTML)



rev: 1.41 date: 2022/07/05 18:11:42
user: cg
file: HTML__Table.st directory: goodies/webServer/htmlTree
module: stx stc-classLibrary: htmlTree


HTML table object

[instance variables:]

[class variables:]


COPYRIGHT (c) 2003 by eXept Software AG All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

required protocol
o  tagName

Instance protocol:

o  bgcolor: aColorSpec

o  cellPadding
Return the cellpadding of the table.
The cellpadding is the spacing within the cells.

o  cellPadding: aLength
Set the cellpadding of the table.
The cellpadding is the spacing within the cells.

o  cellSpacing
Return the cellspacing of the table.
The cellspacing is the spacing between the cells.

o  cellSpacing: aLength
Set the cellspacing of the table..
The cellspacing is the spacing between the cells.

o  cellpadding
Return the cellpadding of the table.
The cellpadding is the spacing within the cells.

o  cellpadding: aLength
Set the cellpadding of the table.
The cellpadding is the spacing within the cells.

o  cellspacing
Return the cellspacing of the table.
The cellspacing is the spacing between the cells.

o  cellspacing: aLength
Set the cellspacing of the table..
The cellspacing is the spacing between the cells.

o  height
Return the height of the table.

o  height: aNumberOrPercentString
Set the height of the table.

o  summary
Return a text with purpose and structure of table.

o  summary: aStringOrText
Set a text with purpose and structure of table.

o  vspace: verticalSpace
Set the vertical spacing (space above and below) of the table.

o  width
Return the width of the table.

o  width: aNumberOrPercentString
set the width of the table.

o  frame
Return the frame of the table.
The frame is the outer borders.

Possible frame types are:
void, above, below, hsides,
lh, rhs, vsides, box, border

o  frame: aFrameType
Set the frame of the table.
The frame is the outer borders.

Possible frame types are:
void, above, below, hsides,
lh, rhs, vsides, box, border

o  frameAbove
Set frame to be at above.
The frame is the outer borders.

o  frameBelow
Set frame to be at below.
The frame is the outer borders.

o  frameBorder
Set the frame to be border.
The frame is the outer borders.

o  frameBox
Set the frame to be as box.
The frame is the outer borders.

o  frameHorizontalSides
Set the frame to be at horizontal sides.
The frame is the outer borders.

o  frameLeftHorizontalSide
Set frame to be at left horizontal sides.
The frame is the outer borders.

o  frameRightHorizontalSide
Set frame to be at right horizontal side.
The frame is the outer borders.

o  frameVerticalSides
Set the frame to be at vertical sides.
The frame is the outer borders.

o  beRulesAll
Set rules to be rows.
The rules are the inner borders.

o  beRulesColumns
Set rules to be columns.
The rules are the inner borders.

o  beRulesGroups
Set rules to be groups.
The rules are the inner borders.

o  beRulesNone
Set rules to have no rules.
The rules are the inner borders.

o  beRulesRows
Set rules to be rows.
The rules are the inner borders.

o  rules
Return the rules of the table.
The rules are the inner borders.

Possible frame types are:
none, groups, rows, cols, all

o  rules: aRuleType
Set the rules of the table.
The rules are the inner borders.

Possible frame types are:
none, groups, rows, cols, all

o  caption
Return the caption of the table.
The caption is the heading of a table.

o  caption: aCaptionOrString
Set the caption of the table.
The caption is the heading of a table.
You can set a caption element or a simple string.

o  foot
Return the foot of the table.

o  foot: aFoot
Set the table foot.
A foot can be a ready built table foot, a simple string to be wrapped
by a table foot or a collection of heading cells or strings to be the
foot cells of the head.

o  head
Return the head of the table.

o  head: aHead
Set the table head. The head is the heading or headline of the table.
A head can be a ready built table head, a simple string to be wrapped
by a table head or a collection of heading cells or strings to be the
heading cells of the head.

o  addBody
Build an empty body and
add it to the children.

o  addBody: aTableBodyOrString
Add a table body to the children of this table.
The passed table body can be a ready built table body,
a simple string to be wrapped in a body, or a collection
of table rows. These table rows can be either ready built
table rows or simple strings too.

o  body
Return a default body,
it is the first body found.
If no body can be found nil.

o  bodyAt: anIndex
Return an existing body at the given index or nil.

o  bodyAt: aBodyIndex rowAt: aRowIndex cellAt: aCellIndex
Find a cell by the given indices.
Return nil if one of the indices doesn't exist.

o  bodyAt: aBodyIndex rowAt: aRowIndex cellAt: aCellIndex put: aBodyOrString
Set a cell at the given indices.
The cell can be a cell element
or a simple string.

o  cellAt: aCellIndexPoint
Find a cell by the given indices.
Return nil if one of the indices doesn't exist.

o  cellAt: anIndexPoint put: aBodyOrString
Set a cell at the given index.
The cell can be a cell element
or a simple string.

o  rowAt: aRowIndex cellAt: aCellIndex
Find a cell by the given indices.
Return nil if one of the indices doesn't exist.

o  rowAt: aRowIndex cellAt: aCellIndex put: aBodyOrString
Set a cell at the given indices.
The cell can be a cell element
or a simple string.

o  footCellAt: aCellIndex
Return the head cell at a cell index.

o  footCellAt: aCellIndex put: aHeadingCellOrString
Set the head cell at a cell index.

o  headCellAt: aCellIndex
Return the head cell at a cell index.

o  headCellAt: aCellIndex put: aHeadingCellOrString
Set the head cell at a cell index.

o  addRow
Build a new empty table row.

o  addRow: aTableRow
Add a table row to the children of this table.
The passed table row can be a ready built table row,
a simple string to be wrapped in a row, or a collection
of data cells. These data cells can be either ready built
data cells or simple strings too.

o  bodyAt: aBodyIndex rowAt: aRowIndex
Find a row by the given indices.
Return nil if one of the indices doesn't exist.

o  bodyAt: aBodyIndex rowAt: aRowIndex put: aBodyOrString
Set a row at the given indices.

o  rowAt: anIndex
Try to find a row at the given index.
Look first in a body if one exists,
then look at the children for direct rows.

o  getBody
Return a body to add rows.
If no body exists, build one.

o  getBodyAt: aBodyIndex
Return a body at the given index.
If not exists build one.

o  getCaption
Return a caption.
If no caption exists, build one.

o  getFoot
Return a head to add head cells.
If no head exists, build one.

o  getHead
Return a head to add head cells.
If no head exists, build one.

o  canHaveChild: anElement in: aParser
self halt.

o  canHaveText
(comment from inherited method)
return true, if I allow text as child (i.f. PCDATA)

o  acceptHTMLVisitor: aVisitor
visitor pattern: dispatch me to the visitor

o  subelementsDo: aOneArgumentBlock
Execute a one argument block additionally for caption, head and foot

o  isBlockElement

o  isTable


Building a table:
    table := Table new.
    table border:  1.
    table caption: 'This is the caption of a generated table'.
    table head:    #('Hans' 'Otto' 'Karl' 'Kurt' 'Gerd' 'John' 'Bert').
    table addRow:  #(373 937 363 836 217 832 234).
    table addRow:  #(945 123 534 345 563 343 342).
    table foot:    #(111 222 333 444 555 666 777).
    table htmlString.
Accessing a single cell:
    |table cell|
    table := HTML::Table new.
    table addBody:  #( #(678 212 131 200 344)
                       #(312 567 112 678 120)
                       #(177 314 234 189 789)).

    cell := table cellAt:3@2.
    cell bgColor:Color red.

ST/X; WebServer 1.702 at 20f6060372b9.unknown:8081; Mon, 10 Mar 2025 22:34:32 GMT