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Smalltalk/X Webserver

Documentation of class 'HTTPInterface':



Class: HTTPInterface



rev: 1.321 date: 2019/07/17 17:55:40
user: cg
file: HTTPInterface.st directory: goodies/communication
module: stx stc-classLibrary: communication
Claus Gittinger


An HTTP interface (i.e. a client) which is able to fetch documents using
HTTP GET, HEAD and POST commands.

- can use HTTP 0.9, HTTP 1.0 or HTTP 1.1 (default)
    HTTP 1.1 is defined in RFC2068.

- keeps track of open socket connections and can keep busy connections open.

- long contents (with configurable size limit) are stored into a temporary file
  and the fileName is provided instead of the contents.
  This is useful if huge files are to be transferred.

- define a proxy by answering to HTTPProxyQuery with an instance of HTTPProxySettings.
  (or use the withProxy:do: entry)

    I cannot guarantee that all HTTP 1.1 features are correctly implemented (as usual).
    However, it seems to work for our applications.

[class variables:]
    USEREL0_9                               - if true, HTTP 0.9 protocol is used
    USEREL1_0                               - if true, HTTP 1.0 protocol is used
                                              if both are false, HTTP 1.1 is used.

    Logging                                 - if true, protocol info is sent to Transcript

    TransferInformationSignal               - raised to pass transfer information; param is ASCII text telling
                                              caller what is currently been done (connecting etc.)
                                              Can be used by GUI to show connection state.

    TransferProgressNotificationSignal      - raised to pass transfer information; param is percentage of xferred data
                                              Can be used by GUI to show progress info.

    UnsupportedOperationNotificationSignal  - HTTP server does not support operation
    ContentTypeInformationSignal            - content-type of document as about to be xferred.
    WrongContentTypeNotificationSignal      - content of document is not as specified in allowedMimeTypes arg.
                                              If proceeded, the document is xferred as usual.
    TransferTimeoutNotificationSignal       - xfer timeout
    ShortTransferNotificationSignal         - short document
    CookieStoreRequestSignal                - HTTP server wants to install a cookie

    DefaultTransferTimeout                  - various defaults

Related information:


Class protocol:

Signal constants
o  contentTypeInformationSignal

o  cookieStoreRequestSignal

o  shortTransferNotificationSignal

o  transferInformationSignal

o  transferProgressNotificationSignal

o  transferTimeoutNotificationSignal

o  unsupportedOperationNotificationSignal

o  wrongContentTypeNotificationSignal

o  logging: aBoolean
enable/disable logging

usage example(s):

     self logging:true
     self logging:false

o  defaultConnectTimeout
return the default connect timeout

usage example(s):

     HTTPInterface defaultConnectTimeout
     HTTPInterface defaultConnectTimeout:120
     HTTPInterface defaultConnectTimeout:30

o  defaultConnectTimeout: seconds
set the default connect timeout

usage example(s):

     HTTPInterface defaultConnectTimeout
     HTTPInterface defaultConnectTimeout:120
     HTTPInterface defaultConnectTimeout:30

o  defaultTransferTimeout
return the default transfer timeout;
that is the max. time from request to data xmission start

usage example(s):

     HTTPInterface defaultTransferTimeout
     HTTPInterface defaultTransferTimeout:120
     HTTPInterface defaultTransferTimeout:30

o  defaultTransferTimeout: seconds
set the default transfer timeout;
that is the max. time from request to data xmission start

usage example(s):

     HTTPInterface defaultTransferTimeout
     HTTPInterface defaultTransferTimeout:120
     HTTPInterface defaultTransferTimeout:30

o  maxContentsLengthForDirectData
if a files size is smaller than the value returned by this method, then a bytearray-buffer
is used for the data; otherwise, the data is stored in a temporary file and
the dataFile is passed in the response object.

o  maxNumberOfKeptConnections
return the max. number of kept connections

o  maxNumberOfKeptConnections: numKept
set the max. number of kept connections

usage example(s):

     self maxNumberOfKeptConnections
     self maxNumberOfKeptConnections:3
     self maxNumberOfKeptConnections:1

o  closeKeptConnections

o  initialize
for now, simulate a Mozilla;

usage example(s):

     HTTPInterface initialize

instance creation
o  connectTo: anUrlorUrlString
create an instance to myself and connect it to anUrlorUrlString

o  connectTo: hostName port: portNrOrNil
create an instance to myself and connect it to portNr on hostName.
If portNr is nil, the default http port will be used.

o  connectTo: hostName port: portNrOrNil useSSL: useSSL
create an instance to myself and connect it to portNr on hostName.
If portNr is nil, the default http port will be used.

o  connectTo: hostName port: portNrOrNil useSSL: sslRequested sslVersion: sslVersionOrNil sslSuite: sslSuiteOrNil
create an instance to myself and connect it to portNr on hostName.
If portNr is nil, the default http port will be used.

o  connectToHost: host port: port viaProxy: httpProxySettings
connect a socket via a proxy.
Answer the connected socket.
THis is not HTTP specific. You can use this socket to connect to any service through a tunnel.
(Although it has to be allowed by the proxy - e.g. in Apache:'AllowCONNECT 443 5222'

o  new
(comment from inherited method)
return an instance of myself without indexed variables

private helpers
o  extractCharSetEncodingFromContentType: arg

o  extractMimeTypeFromContentType: arg

o  generateFieldDataFrom: nameValueAssociations
allow for both dictionaries and seqColls of associations

o  logInfo: msg
Logging := false
Logging := true

o  logVerboseInfo: msg
Logging := false
Logging := true

o  multiPartBoundaryPost: url filename: aFilename fileNameFieldName: aFilenameFieldName contents: contents otherValues: aValueDict
a post request with field values in a smalltalk-friendly form

o  numericReturnCodeForSymbol: aSymbolicHttpReturnCode
given a symbolic error code, return the corresponding HTTP code

usage example(s):

     self numericReturnCodeForSymbol:#'NOT_FOUND' -> 404
     self symbolForReturnCode:404 -> #'NOT_FOUND'

o  putAcceptString: aStringOrCollection for: what on: aStream
self putAcceptString:nil for:'Accept-Encoding' on:Transcript
self putAcceptString:'gzip' for:'Accept-Encoding' on:Transcript
self putAcceptString:#('gzip') for:'Accept-Encoding' on:Transcript
self putAcceptString:#('gzip' 'tar' 'bzip') for:'Accept-Encoding' on:Transcript

o  request: getOrPost url: urlOrPathOrNil fromHost: hostOrNil port: portNrOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: user password: passwd
Modified (format): / 08-02-2019 / 15:16:56 / Claus Gittinger

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  symbolForReturnCode: aNumericHttpReturnCode

o  transferRateStringFor: bytesTransferedPerSecond

request API
o  delete: url
a delete request. Usually only useful against a Rest service.
returns a response object

usage example(s):


o  delete: url userName: aUserName password: aPassword
a delete request. Usually only useful against a Rest service.
returns a response object

o  get: url
get url;
returns a response-object

usage example(s):

      HTTPInterface get:'http://www.exept.de/'
      HTTPInterface get:'http://foo.bar.baz/'

o  get: url accept: acceptedMimeTypes
get url, accepting types in acceptedMimeTypes.
Returns a response-object.

usage example(s):

        accept:#('image/gif' 'image/xbm' 'text/html')


o  get: url destinationFile: destinationFilename
get url;
returns a response-object.
Data is stored in destinationFile

usage example(s):

      HTTPInterface get:'http://www.exept.de/'
      HTTPInterface get:'http://foo.bar.baz/'

o  get: url fromDocument: referrer
get url with referrer;
returns a response-object

usage example(s):

      HTTPInterface get:'http://www.exept.de/'
      HTTPInterface get:'http://foo.bar.baz/'

o  get: path fromHost: host
get path from host.
Returns a response-object.

usage example(s):


o  get: path fromHost: host port: portNr
get path from host.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
Returns a response-object.

usage example(s):


o  get: path fromHost: host port: portNrOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL
get path from host.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.

o  get: urlOrPath fromHost: host port: portNrOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: user password: passwd
get url from host.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.

usage example(s):

     HTTPInterface get:'/' fromHost:'porty'
                   port:nil fromDocument:'http://murks'

o  get: urlOrPath fromHost: host port: portNrOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: user password: passwd cookies: aCollectionOfCookiesOrNil
get url from host.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.

usage example(s):

     HTTPInterface get:'/' fromHost:'porty'
                   port:nil fromDocument:'http://murks'

o  get: urlOrPath fromHost: host port: portNrOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: user password: passwd cookies: aCollectionOfCookiesOrNil maxCountFollowMoved: maxCountFollowed
get url from host.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
If the response is a moved-file response, follow the indirection, but at most maxCountFollowed times.
Returns a response-object.

o  get: urlOrPath fromHost: host port: portNrOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: user password: passwd maxCountFollowMoved: maxCountFollowed
get url from host.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
If the response is a moved-file response, follow the indirection, but at most maxCountFollowed times.
Returns a response-object.

o  get: path fromHost: host port: portNrOrNil fromDocument: documentURL
get path from host.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.

o  get: url port: portNr
get url;
returns a response-object

usage example(s):

      HTTPInterface get:'http://www.exept.de/'
      HTTPInterface get:'http://foo.bar.baz/'

o  get: url userName: user password: password
get url;
Returns a response-object.

usage example(s):


o  get: url with: data
a get request with field values in HTTP-request form (&nameKey=value;).
returns a response-object

o  get: url withFields: nameValueAssociations
a get request with field values.
returns a response-object

o  getFile: url
a get request,
returning the data if present, or else raising an error.

usage example(s):

     self getFile:'http://www.exept.de/'
     self getFile:'http://www.google.com/'
     self getFile:'http://webservices.daehosting.com/services/isbnservice.wso?WSDL'

o  getFile: url userName: aUserName password: aPassword
a get request,
returning the data if present, or else raising an error.

o  getStreamFor: url
a get request,
returning a stream on the data if present, or else raising an error.

usage example(s):

     self getStreamFor:'http://www.exept.de/'
     self getStreamFor:'http://www.google.com/'
     self getStreamFor:'http://webservices.daehosting.com/services/isbnservice.wso?WSDL'

o  head: url accept: acceptedMimeTypes
get a documents head (i.e. without body) url from host.
Returns a response-object.

usage example(s):

        accept:#('image/gif' 'image/xbm' 'text/html')


o  head: urlOrPath fromHost: host port: portNrOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: user password: passwd cookies: aCollectionOfCookiesOrNil
get a documents head (i.e. without body) url from host.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.

usage example(s):

     HTTPInterface head:'/' fromHost:'www.exept.de'
                   port:nil accept:#('*') fromDocument:'/'
                   userName:nil password:nil cookies:nil 

     HTTPInterface get:'/' fromHost:'www.exept.de'
                   port:nil accept:#('*') fromDocument:'/'
                   userName:nil password:nil cookies:nil 

o  multiPartBoundaryPost: url fromHost: host port: port userName: userName password: password attributes: aValueDict
a post request with field values in a smalltalk-friendly for;
returns a response object

o  post: path host: host port: port with: data
a post request with field values in HTTP-request form (&nameKey=value;);
returns a response object

usage example(s):


o  post: path host: host port: port withFields: nameValueAssociations
returns a response object

usage example(s):

        withFields:(Dictionary new at:'foo' put:'1'; at:'bar' put:'2'; yourself)

o  post: url userName: aUserName password: aPassword with: data
a post request with field values in HTTP-request form (&nameKey=value;);
returns a response object

o  post: url userName: aUserName password: aPassword with: data contentType: aType
a post request with field values in HTTP-request form (&nameKey=value;);
returns a response object

o  post: url with: data
a post request with field values in HTTP-request form (&nameKey=value;);
returns a response object

usage example(s):

        post:'http://se.finance.yahoo.com/m5?a=1&s=USD&t=EUR' with:'foo=1&bar=2'

o  post: url with: data contentType: mimeType
a post request with field values in HTTP-request form (&nameKey=value;);
returns a response object

usage example(s):

        post:'http://se.finance.yahoo.com/m5?a=1&s=USD&t=EUR' with:'foo=1&bar=2'

o  post: url withFields: nameValueAssociations
returns a response object

usage example(s):

        withFields:(Dictionary new at:'foo' put:'1'; at:'bar' put:'2'; yourself)

o  processRedirectsFor: anUrl with: fetchBlock
evaluate fetchBlock with anUrl, if error, raise it. If moved, get the moved document;
answer the response.

o  put: url userName: aUserName password: aPassword with: data contentType: mimeTypeOfData
a put request with data;
returns a response object

usage example(s):

        put:'http://someURL' with:'someData' contentType:'text/plain'.

        put:'http://someURL' with:'someData' contentType:nil.

o  put: url with: data contentType: mimeTypeOfData
a put request with data;
returns a response object

usage example(s):

        put:'http://someURL' with:'someData' contentType:'text/plain'.

        put:'http://someURL' with:'someData' contentType:nil.

o  request: getOrPost url: urlOrPathArgOrNil fromHost: hostOrNil port: portNrOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: userOrNil password: passwordOrNil contentType: contentType contents: contents
send a get/post request to host.
If urlOrPathArgOrNil is nil, host must be non-nil;
if host is nil, urlOrPathArgOrNil must be non-nil.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.

o  request: getOrPost url: urlOrPathArgOrNil fromHost: hostOrNil port: portNrOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: userOrNil password: passwordOrNil contentType: contentType contents: contents destinationFile: destinationFilenameOrNil
send a get/post request to host.
If urlOrPathArgOrNil is nil, host must be non-nil;
if host is nil, urlOrPathArgOrNil must be non-nil.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.

o  request: getOrPost url: urlOrPathArgOrNil fromHost: hostOrNil port: portNrOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: userOrNil password: passwordOrNil cookies: aCollectionOfCookiesOrNil contentType: contentType contents: contents destinationFile: destinationFilenameOrNil
send a get/post request to host.
If urlOrPathArgOrNil is nil, host must be non-nil;
if host is nil, urlOrPathArgOrNil must be non-nil.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.

o  request: getOrPost url: urlOrPathArgOrNil fromHost: hostOrNil port: portNrOrNil proxy: proxySettingsOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: userOrNil password: passwordOrNil contentType: contentType contents: contents destinationFile: destinationFilenameOrNil
send a get/post request to host.
If urlOrPathArgOrNil is nil, host must be non-nil;
if host is nil, urlOrPathArgOrNil must be non-nil.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.

o  request: getOrPost url: urlOrPathArgOrNil fromHost: hostOrNil port: portNrOrNil proxy: proxySettingsOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: userOrNil password: passwordOrNil cookies: aCollectionOfCookiesOrNil contentType: contentType contents: contents destinationFile: destinationFilenameOrNil
send a get/post request to host.
If urlOrPathArgOrNil is nil, host must be non-nil;
if host is nil, urlOrPathArgOrNil must be non-nil.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.

o  request: getOrPost url: urlOrPathArgOrNil fromHost: hostOrNil port: portNrOrNil proxy: proxySettingsOrNil accept: acceptedMimeTypes fromDocument: documentURL userName: userOrNil password: passwordOrNil cookies: aCollectionOfCookiesOrNil contentType: contentType contents: contents destinationFile: destinationFilenameOrNil additionalHeaderLines: additionalHeaderLinesOrNil
send a get/put/post request to host.
If urlOrPathArgOrNil is nil, host must be non-nil;
if host is nil, urlOrPathArgOrNil must be non-nil.
If port is not nil, it is a SmallInteger used instead of the default port.
DocumentUrl may be nil or a String containing the url of the referring document.
Returns a response-object.

o  withProxy: proxySettingsOrNil do: aBlock
utility function:
perform the request through the proxy defined in proxySettingsOrNil

usage example(s):

     self withProxy:(HTTPProxySettings useHost:'fooBar' port:1234) do:[ HTTPInterface get:'http://www.exept.de' ]

     self withProxy:nil do:[ HTTPInterface get:'http://www.exept.de' ]

o  withProxy: proxySettingsOrNil useSsl: useSsl do: aBlock
utility function:
perform the request through the proxy defined in proxySettingsOrNil
if useSsl is set to true, forces url method https if method is http

usage example(s):

        withProxy:(HTTPProxySettings useHost:'fooBar' port:1234) 
            HTTPInterface get:'http://www.exept.de' 

            HTTPInterface get:'http://expeccoalm.exept.de' 

o  validateAStringOnW3Org: aString
do not remove, application runs asynchronous"

usage example(s):

    self validateAStringOnW3Org:''

Instance protocol:

o  acceptedCharsets

o  acceptedCharsets: acceptedCharsetsStringOrNil
Modified (format): / 20-01-2019 / 00:40:49 / Claus Gittinger

o  acceptedCharsets: acceptedCharsetsStringOrNil acceptedMimeTypes: acceptedMimeTypesStringOrNil

o  acceptedEncodings

o  acceptedEncodings: acceptedEncodingsString
Modified (format): / 20-01-2019 / 00:39:52 / Claus Gittinger

o  acceptedEncodings: acceptedEncodingsString acceptedLanguages: acceptedLanguagesStringOrNil

o  acceptedLanguages

o  acceptedLanguages: acceptedLanguagesStringOrNil
Modified (format): / 20-01-2019 / 00:40:12 / Claus Gittinger

o  acceptedMimeTypes

o  acceptedMimeTypes: acceptedMimeTypesStringOrNil
Modified (format): / 20-01-2019 / 00:40:58 / Claus Gittinger

o  additionalHeaderLines

o  additionalHeaderLines: something

o  bindTo: anIpSocketAddress
use anIpSocketAddress as originating IP address

o  connectTimeout
the connectionTimeout in seconds

o  connectTimeout: something
set the connectionTimeout in seconds

o  contentType

o  contentType: contentTypeString
Modified (format): / 20-01-2019 / 00:41:43 / Claus Gittinger

o  contents

o  contents: something

o  contents: something contentType: contentTypeString

o  cookies

o  cookies: aCollectionOfCookiesOrNil
the cookies to send

o  destinationFile: aFilename
if given, received data will be stored there, instead of being returned
as string/byteAray. use this for big file transfers

o  host: hostArg port: portArg

o  keepConnection

o  keepConnection: aBoolean
if aBoolean is false, the connection will be closed
after request is finished.
If aBoolean is true, the server determines if the connection
is kept in a connection cache.

o  maxContentsLengthForDirectData: anInteger
if given, that is the maximum size of received data to be returned directly as
ByteArray/String. If the received document is larger, it will be stored into a
tempfile and that file's name is found in the dataFile slot of the response data.
If left undefined, a default value (currently 4Mb) is used as a maximum

o  password

o  password: passwordStringOrNil
Modified (format): / 20-01-2019 / 00:38:52 / Claus Gittinger

o  proxySettings

o  proxySettings: something

o  referer
Notice the misspelling - due to the fact that the misspelling made it into
the HTTP standard

o  referer: something
Notice the misspelling - due to the fact that the misspelling made it into
the HTTP standard

o  referrer
Notice the misspelling below - due to the fact that the misspelling made it into
the HTTP standard

o  referrer: something
Notice the misspelling below - due to the fact that the misspelling made it into
the HTTP standard

o  request: aRequestString

o  requestWebSocket: aBoolean

o  socket

o  socket: aSocket

o  sslSuite

o  sslSuite: something

o  sslVersion
the ssl version used (i.e. SSL::SSLProtocolVersion tls12).
If left undefined, the current default version is used

o  sslVersion: anSSLProtocolVersionOrNil
set the ssl version (i.e. SSL::SSLProtocolVersion tls12).
If left undefined, the current default version is used

o  suppressUnicode: aBoolean

o  transferTimeout
the transferTimeout in seconds

o  transferTimeout: seconds
set the transferTimeout in seconds

o  userAgent

o  userAgent: something

o  userName

o  userName: userNameStringOrNil
Modified (format): / 20-01-2019 / 00:39:06 / Claus Gittinger

o  userName: userNameStringOrNil password: passwordStringOrNil

o  authenticationStringForUser: user password: passwd
s := Base64Coder encode:('ca' , ':' , 'ca').
^ (Base64Coder decode:s) asString

o  basicDoRequest: getOrPostOrWhat
Send a request and expect a response. Return nil or a response.
The retrieved data is provided as:
- destinationFile's contents, if a destinationFile was given
- direct data (in response data), if the retrieved data is not too big
- a temporary dataFile, for large files.

o  close

o  closeSocket

o  doRequest: getOrPostOrWhat
proxy requires full URL

o  establishSocketToHost: connectHost port: connectPort
establish the socket connection

o  extractTransferParametersFromInfo: info

o  getResponse

o  logInfo: arg

o  logVerboseInfo: arg

o  receiveDocument
post a rangeGet ...

o  socketHandlingAfterRequestWithResponse: responseArg
cache the connection/socket for future requests.
Whether we do caching, depends on the returned HTTP response

o  connect
establish the connection, use the parameters stored in
my instance variables.

usage example(s):

cleanup old closed kept connections

usage example(s):

we are going to re-use the connection, so it is no longer available

o  connectTo: anUrl
get the parameters to connect from anURL and do the connect.
If host an port is explicitely set, they have precedence over
the values from anUrl.

o  connectTo: hostName port: portNrOrNil

h := HTTPInterface new connectTo:'exept.de' port:nil.
Transcript showCR:(h requestGET:'/').
h close.

o  connectTo: hostName port: portNrOrNil useSSL: sslRequested
|h reply|

h := HTTPInterface new connectTo:'www.google.de' port:nil useSSL:true.
reply := h requestGET:'/'.
h close.
reply inspect.

o  connectTo: hostName port: portNrOrNil useSSL: sslRequested sslVersion: sslProtocolVersionOrNil sslSuite: sslSuiteOrNil
Transcript showCR:(Time millisecondsToRun:[

h := HTTPInterface new
connectTo:'exept.de' port:nil
sslVersion: SSL::SSLProtocolVersion tls11
sslSuite:SSL::TlsRsaWithAes256CbcSha new.

reply := h requestGET:'/'.
h close.
reply inspect.

o  connectViaProxy: httpProxySettings
establish a proxy connection to proxyHost:proxyPort.
Answer the connected socket.

o  initialize
DefaultUserAgent := 'Mozilla/4.5 [en] (STX)'
DefaultConnectTimeout := 30
DefaultTransferTimeout := 30

o  dataBufferSize
^ 16384

o  isConnected

o  destroy

o  request: getOrPostOrDeleteOrWhateverUppercaseHTTPCommand url: urlArg
perform any HTTP request, possibly through a proxy

o  requestDELETE: args url: urlArg
perform an HTTP DELETE-request

o  requestGET: urlArg
Modified (format): / 05-10-2011 / 18:18:00 / cg

o  requestHEAD: urlArg
Modified (format): / 05-10-2011 / 18:17:45 / cg

o  requestPOST: args url: urlArg

o  requestPUT: args url: urlArg

requests - obsolete backward compatibility
o  request: getOrPost url: urlArg acceptedEncodings: acceptedEncodingsArg acceptedLanguages: acceptedLanguagesArg acceptedCharsets: acceptedCharsetsArg acceptedMimeTypes: acceptedMimeTypesArg additionalHeaderLines: additionalHeaderLinesArg contentType: contentTypeArg contents: contentsArg from: currentURL

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  request: getOrPost url: urlArg acceptedEncodings: acceptedEncodingsArg acceptedLanguages: acceptedLanguagesArg acceptedCharsets: acceptedCharsetsArg acceptedMimeTypes: acceptedMimeTypesArg additionalHeaderLines: additionalHeaderLinesArg contentType: contentTypeArg contents: contentsArg from: refererArg userName: userNameArg password: passwordArg

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  request: getOrPost url: urlArg acceptedEncodings: acceptedEncodingsArg acceptedLanguages: acceptedLanguagesArg acceptedCharsets: acceptedCharsetsArg acceptedMimeTypes: acceptedMimeTypesArg from: refererArg

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  request: getOrPost url: urlArg acceptedEncodings: acceptedEncodingsArg acceptedLanguages: acceptedLanguagesArg acceptedCharsets: acceptedCharsetsArg acceptedMimeTypes: acceptedMimeTypesArg from: refererArg userName: userNameArg password: passwordArg

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  requestGET: url accept: acceptedMimeTypes
Get url.

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  requestGET: url accept: acceptedMimeTypes from: currentURL
Get url. If currentUrl is not nil, this is the referer

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  requestGET: url accept: acceptedMimeTypes from: currentURL userName: user password: passwd
Get url. If currentUrl is not nil, this is the referer

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  requestGET: urlArg from: refererString
Get url. If referer is not nil, this is the referer.
Notice the wrong spelling of referer, which made it into the W3C standard;
written this way to make searching easier.

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

Private classes:



simple fetch (preferred):
  |rply document|

  rply := HTTPInterface get:'https://www.howsmyssl.com/'.
  rply isErrorResponse ifFalse:[
      document := rply data asString.
      HTMLDocumentView openOnText:document.
simple fetch (preferred): via https (requires the SSL support package to be loaded):
  |rply document|

  rply := HTTPInterface get:'https://www.exept.de'.
  rply isErrorResponse ifFalse:[
      document := rply data asString.
      HTMLDocumentView openOnText:document.
old interface:
  |rply document|

  rply := HTTPInterface get:'/' fromHost:'www.exept.de' port:443.
  rply isErrorResponse ifFalse:[
      document := rply data asString.
      HTMLDocumentView openOnText:document.
   |h reply|

   h := HTTPInterface connectTo:'https://www.exept.de:443'.
   (h requestGET:'/') inspect.
   h closeSocket.
write data to a temp file:
   |h reply|

   h := HTTPInterface connectTo:'https://www.exept.de'.
   h maxContentsLengthForDirectData:0.
   reply := h requestGET:'/'.
   reply inspect.
   reply dataStream inspect.
   h closeSocket.
via a proxy:
  |rply document|

      withProxy:(HTTPProxySettings useHost:'exeptn.bh.exept.de' port:8088 user:'proxyuser' password:'password')
          rply := HTTPInterface get:'https://www.exept.de/'.
  rply isErrorResponse ifTrue:[
      rply inspect.
  ] ifFalse:[
      document := rply data.
      HTMLDocumentView openOnText:document.
request a webSocket:
  |rply webSocket|

  rply := HTTPInterface get:'ws://'.
  rply isErrorResponse ifFalse:[
      webSocket := rply socket.
      webSocket inspect.

ST/X; WebServer 1.670 at bd0aa1f87cdd.unknown:8081; Sat, 27 Apr 2024 05:21:10 GMT