Class: HTTPResponse
- Package:
- stx:goodies/webServer
- Category:
- Net-Communication-HTTP-Server
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2023/11/23 10:34:51
- user: cg
- file: HTTPResponse.st directory: goodies/webServer
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: webServer
represents a response to an HTTP request as constructed (filled in)
by HTTP-Services.
[instance variables:]
header collects all header data
data a chunk of data to send (if data is available as String or ByteArray)
dataStream a stream collecting (writeStream) or providing (readStream) the replyData
(if data is nil)
request the request for which this is a reply
cookies cokies to set in the client
binary ?
responseAlreadySent flag set by services which send something on their own behalf
(prevent the response from being sent by the server at the end)
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 2003 by eXept Software AG
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
returns a dictionary which maps HTTP-codes to a descriptive message text
instance creation
request: aRequest
returns an initialized instance for the request
get the binary mode flag (data is bytes as opposed to text)
binary: aBoolean
set/clear binary mode (data is bytes as opposed to text)
binaryData: aStreamOrBytes contentType: contentType
setup to return the contents of a binary stream
(typically: image data)
binaryDataStream: aStreamOrBytes contentType: contentType
setup to return the contents of a binary stream
(typically: image data)
a collection of cookies (to be filled by the service)
data: bytesOrCharacters
set the response data en-bloque.
Useful if the data is already available in a service (for example, from a cache)
data: bytesOrCharacters contentType: aMimeType
set the response data en-bloque and the type.
Useful if the data is already available in a service (for example, from a cache)
dataFile: aFilename
set the response data to be read from a file.
Useful if the data is big and should not be read in for transmission
dataFile: aFilename contentType: aMimeType
set the response data to be read from a file and the content type.
Useful if the data is big and should not be read in for transmission
dataStream: aStream
set the response dataStream.
Useful if the data is to be read from a file and should not be read in for transmission
dataStream: aStream contentType: aMimeType
set the response dataStream and the content type.
Useful if the data is to be read from a file and should not be read in for transmission
expectedAuthRealm: aRealm
header: something
replyPresenter: aDecoratingPresenterOrNil
request: something
responseAlreadySent: something
addCookie: aCookie
header access
addLineToHeader: aString
contentDisposition: aContentDispositionString filename: aFileNameString
contentLength: aNumber
contentLocation: aUrl
contentType: aContentType
set the mimetype of the response
contentType: aContentType contentLength: aNumber expirationTime: aTimeStamp
expirationTime: aTimeStamp
the responses expirationTimestamp.
Obsolete, only for old HHTP/1.0 caches, which are long gone.
Use #maxAge:
lastModified: aNumber
location: aUrl
maxAge: aSecondsIntegerOrTimeDuration
how many seconds may this response be cached
replyHeader: aCompleteHeaderString
some services (e.g. comanche services) generates his own response header
send this header if set from service
responseCode: aNumber
Tell the client and possible caches to not cache the response
html reply composition
nextPutAll: aString
append aString to the collected reply.
Answer the receiver
nextPutAllEscaped: aString
append aString to the collected reply.
The string is processed, by replacing html-special characters by there html-equivalent (such as '>' into <)
nextPutLine: aString
nextPutLineEscaped: aString
append aString to the collected reply and append a cr.
The string is processed, by replacing html-special characters by there html-equivalent (such as '>' into <)
reply: aString
collect part of a reply (i.e. append aString to the reply buffer).
reply: aString with: aParameter
collect part of a reply (i.e. append aString to the reply buffer);
aString may contain %1 escape which is replaced by aParameter.
replyEscaped: aStringOrCharacter
collect part of a reply (i.e. append aString to the reply buffer).
Special character (lt, gt) are escaped.
(comment from inherited method)
just to ignore initialize to objects which do not need it
start a new collecting response data
(i.e. throw away what has been already collected)
old html reply composition
Write </BODY>
Write <BODY>
OLD stuff - please use a TreeBuilder
append the standard footer for a form.
Write the standard footer for a form.
generate a reset button for a form.
OLD stuff - please use a TreeBuilder
formSubmitButtonForString: aString
OLD stuff - please use a TreeBuilder
formSubmitButtonForString: aString name: aName
OLD stuff - please use a TreeBuilder
formSubmitButtonStringForString: aString name: aName
OLD stuff - please use a TreeBuilder
OLD stuff - please use a TreeBuilder
OLD stuff - please use a TreeBuilder
imageFor: anImageOrImageFilename
generate an IMG tag for a real image (or an image file name)
imageFor: anImageOrImageFilename alt: alt
an IMG tag for a real image (or an image file name)
imageLinkTextFor: anImageOrImageFilename alt: alt
an IMG tag for a real image (or an image file name)
inputFieldFor: varName label: label initialValue: value
add an input field - must be within a form
inputFieldFor: varName size: size label: label initialValue: value
add an input field - must be within a form
inputFieldFor: varName type: aType size: size label: label initialValue: value
add an input field - must be within a form
inputFieldFor: varName type: aType size: size label: label initialValue: value append: aString
add an input field - must be within a form.
type: 'password' | 'checkbox' | 'submit' | 'reset' | nil
inputFieldStringFor: varName label: label initialValue: value
an input field - must be within a form
inputFieldStringFor: varName size: size label: label initialValue: value
an input field - must be within a form
inputFieldStringFor: varName type: aType size: size label: label initialValue: value
an input field - must be within a form
inputFieldStringFor: varName type: aType size: size label: label initialValue: value append: aString
strin for an input field - must be within a form.
type: 'password' | 'checkbox' | 'submit' | 'reset' | nil
label: labelString id: idString value: anObject
Add a table row for the given data to the reply.
label: labelString text: aString id: idString rows: rows cols: cols
Build a textarea form field.
finish the page.
refreshStringFor: aService selector: aSelector arguments: arguments time: seconds
OLD stuff - please use a TreeBuilder
refreshStringFor: aService selector: aSelector time: seconds
OLD stuff - please use a TreeBuilder
OLD stuff - please use a TreeBuilder
stxPoweredByStringForService: serviceOrNil
OLD stuff - please use a TreeBuilder
table: aBlock
OLD stuff - please use a TreeBuilder
table: aBlock attributes: attrString
OLD stuff - please use a TreeBuilder
OLD stuff - please use a TreeBuilder
Close the table and write the standard footer for a form.
tableRow: aBlock
OLD stuff - please use a TreeBuilder
tableRow: aBlock attributes: attrString
OLD stuff - please use a TreeBuilder
OLD stuff - please use a TreeBuilder
tableRowStart: attrString
OLD stuff - please use a TreeBuilder
tableStart: attrString
OLD stuff - please use a TreeBuilder
end some plainText.
start some plainText.
unformattedText: aString
add some plainText.
end some plainText.
start some plainText.
old html-reply-composition-stx-obsolete
notice: this requires a file service to run for the /files url
on the ../../goodies/webServer/data/sampleServerDir/files/ folder
Write the standard page footer.
attention: some (old) services still use this!
stxBodyStart: aString
Write a standard stx body with a headline #f6feff
stxBodyStart: aString homeLink: aHomeLink
Write a standard stx body with a headline #f6feff
stxBodyStart: aString homeLink: aHomeLink afterButtons: afterButtonsString
Write a standard stx body with a headline #f6feff
finish the page.
attention: some (old) services still use this!
stxReply: aString
attention: some (old) services still use this!
title: aString
Write a standard header and set the document title. Also used for logging purposes.
title: aString with: someMoreHeaderStuff
Write a standard header and set the document title. Also used for logging purposes.
titleAndHeader: aString
Write a standard header and set the document title. Also used for logging purposes.
copy over from some stream and send it as a response.
Any already collected replyData is ignored.
Typically used with big files, which we do not want to fill up our memory
(i.e. the document is not loaded as a whole)
Usage example(s):
try hard to send it as one block
sendBinaryData: binaryData type: contentType
send some binary data as a response.
Typically used with images and non-text documents