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Documentation of class 'HierarchicalListView':



Class: HierarchicalListView



rev: 1.157 date: 2019/07/25 12:02:11
user: cg
file: HierarchicalListView.st directory: libwidg2
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libwidg2
Claus Atzkern


This class implements a hierarchical list view based on a
hierachical list.
It provides functionality similar to SelectionInTreeView, but optimizes
redraws, and operates directly on the model 
(in contrast to SelectionInTreeView, which generates a list internally).

[Instance variables:]
    textStartLeft       <Integer>              inset between icon and text
    imageInset          <Integer>              inset between left side and icon
    imageWidth          <Integer>              width of widest icon
    minLineHeight       <Integer>              minimum required line height
                                               including open/close indication ...
    indicatorWidth      <Integer>              max. width  of indicator
    indicatorHeight     <Integer>              max. height of indicator

    lineMask            <Form>                 line mask
    lineColor           <Color>                line color
    showRoot            <Boolean>              root element is shown or hidden
                                               derives from the hierachical list.
    showLines           <Boolean>              show or hide lines
    showIndicators      <Boolean>              show or hide indicators
    useDefaultIcons     <Boolean>              use the default icons if no icon
                                               for an item is specified
    icons               <IdentityDictionary>   list of registered icons;
                                               identifier := <key> value := <icon>
    showLeftIndicators  <Boolean>              show or hide indicator for most left items
    indicatorAction     <Block>                action evaluated if indicator is pressed (0/1/2 arguments)
    openIndicator       <Icon, Image or Form>  expanded indicator
    closeIndicator      <Icon, Image or Form>  collapsed indicator

    alignTextRight      <Boolean>              enable disable of align the text right
                                               icon            text
                                                    icon       text of child
                                               should be set after creation of the widget!
    alignTextRightX     <Integer>              left x position of aligned right text
    maxWidthOfText      <Integer>              keeps the maximum width of a text label

    levelOfLastItem     <Integer>              keeps the level of the last item;
                                               in case of a delete last items from list
                                               we know were to redraw lines from

    autoScrollHorizontal <Boolean>             true, than automatically scroll horizontal upto
                                               the text label of the current selected line.

    expandOnSelect      <Boolean>              true, than the item selected by a buttonPress
                                               event will be immediately expanded.

Related information:


Class protocol:

o  closeIndicator

o  collapsedIcon

o  emptyIcon

o  expandedIcon

o  openIndicator

Instance protocol:

o  font: aFont
set a new font; if the font changed, all my items
have to clear their cached width and height.

o  list: aList

o  newDefaultList
creates and returns a new default list class, on default a HierarchicalList

o  root
return the anchor of the list or nil

o  autoScrollHorizontal
returns true if automatic horizontal scrolling
(upto the text label of the selected line)
is allowed (the default is as specified in the styleSheet).

o  autoScrollHorizontal: aBoolean
true, than automatically scroll horizontal upto the text label
of the current selected line.

o  expandOnSelect
true, than the item selected by a buttonPress event will
be immediately expanded.

o  expandOnSelect: aBoolean
true, than the item selected by a buttonPress event will
be immediately expanded.

accessing-color & font
o  lineColor
get the color of the horizontal and vertical lines

o  lineColor: aColor
set the color of the horizontal and vertical lines

o  alignTextRight
align the text right

o  alignTextRight: aBool
align the text right

o  alignTextRightX
returns the minimum used text inset, if text is aligned right.

o  alignTextRightX: aNumber
set the minimum used text inset, if text is aligned right.

o  closeIndicator: anIconOrNil

o  iconAlignment: aSymbol
alignment of the icons
#left align icons left
#right align icons right
#center align icons center between left and right

o  iconAt: aKey ifAbsentPut: aBlock
return the icon stored under a key; if not present,the
result of the block if not nil is stored under the key
and returned.

o  openIndicator

o  openIndicator: anIconOrNil

o  registerKeysAndIcons: aDictionary
register icons by key and value derived from a directory

o  selectedVisualBlock
To be polymorph with SelectionInListView

o  selectedVisualBlock: aBlockOrNil
To be polymorph with SelectionInListView

o  showIndicators
returns true if indicators are shown

o  showIndicators: aBoolean
true if indicators are shown

o  showLeftIndicators
show or hide the indicators for the most left items

o  showLeftIndicators: aBoolean
show or hide the indicators for the most left items

o  showLines
returns true if lines are shown

o  showLines: aBoolean
show or hide lines

o  showRoot
true if the root is shown

o  showRoot: aBoolean
controls if the root is to be shown

o  useDefaultIcons
use the default icons if no icon for an item is specified;
** default: true

o  useDefaultIcons: aBoolean
use the default icons if no icon for an item is specified;
** default: true

o  visualBlock
To be polymorph with SelectionInListView

o  visualBlock: aBlockOrNil
To be polymorph with SelectionInListView

o  indicatorAction
the action evaluated if an indicator is pressed; otherwise
if indicators are shown a default action is performed (toggle expand item).

The arguments to the block are:
- no argument
- 1 argument index
- 2 argument index, self

o  indicatorAction: anAction
the action evaluated if an indicator is pressed; otherwise
if indicators are shown a default action is performed (toggle expand item).

The arguments to the block are:
- no argument
- 1 argument index
- 2 argument index, self

change & update
o  indicatorIconChanged
must recompute all

o  indicatorPressedAt: aLnNr
handle indicator pressed action;
if the item changed expanded, we try to show all
new visible children

o  lineChangedAt: aLnNr with: arg
line changed at position; check whether line height changed

o  listChangedInsert: firstAddedIndex nItems: nLines
must draw vertical lines above the added items

o  listChangedRemove: aStart toIndex: aStop
test whether last items are deleted;
than we have to redraw lines because of different levels

o  updateFromList: what with: aPara
get the status of <showRoot> from the list

drawing basics
o  drawElementsFrom: start to: stop x: xLeft y: yT w: w
draw the items between start to stop without clearing the background

o  drawLinesFrom: start to: stop x: xL y: yT toX: xR
draw the lines between start to stop without clearing the background

o  drawVericalLineForElement: item minX: xL maxX: xR
draw the vertical line my children are connected to

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  drawVerticalLineForElement: item minX: xL maxX: xR
draw the vertical line my children are connected to

o  validateDrawableIconFor: anItem
returns the icon to be drawn for an item or nil
test the extent of the icon; on error an exception is raised

event handling
o  buttonPress: button x: x y: y
handle a button press event

o  buttonPressOrReleaseAtLine: aLnNr x: x y: y
handle a button press or release at a line

o  keyPress: aKey x: x y: y
a key was pressed - handle page-keys here

fetch resources
o  fetchResources
fetch device colors and ..., to avoid reallocation at redraw time;
*** called after a create or snapin to fetch all device resources

initialization & release
o  initStyle
setup viewStyle specifics

o  initialize

o  iconFor: anItem
returns an icon or image for the item or nil if the item
provides no image and useDefaultIcons is switched off,
or if anItem returns #none from the icon query.

o  lineHeightFor: anItem
returns the computed line height for an item

o  smallestLevelBetween: start and: stop
returns the smallest level of all items in a range

o  widthOfWidestLineBetween: firstLine and: lastLine
returns the width of the longest line in pixels in a range
- used to optimize scrolling, by limiting the scrolled area;
not for scrollbar or other width related stuff which should be exact.

o  xVisibleOfIconAtLevel: aLevel
returns the visible origin x of the icon at a level.

o  xVisibleOfIndicatorAtLevel: aLevel
returns the visible origin x of the vertical line at a level.

o  xVisibleOfItem: anItem
returns the visible origin x of the item's label.

o  xVisibleOfTextAtLevel: aLevel
returns the visible origin x of the text label at a level.

o  xVisibleOfVerticalLineAt: aLevel
returns the visible origin x of the vertical line assigned to a level.

o  yVisibleOfIndicatorForItem: anItem
return the y of the vertical center of anItem

o  yVisibleOfIndicatorForItemBottom: anItem
return the y of the vertical bottom of anItem

o  yVisibleOfIndicatorForItemTop: anItem
return the y of the vertical top of anItem

o  hasToSkipButtonMultiPress: button x: x y: y
(comment from inherited method)
return true if a button multi press at x@y should be skipped

o  computeViewOriginXat: aLnrNr
returns the viewOrigin x to make the item at a line visisble

o  makeItemVisible: anItem withMinimumLines: aNumber
handle indicator pressed action;
if the item changed expanded, we try to show all
new visible children

o  makeLineVisible: aLineNumber
make the line horizontally and vertically visible


show a hierarchical list
|top sel list item|

list := HierarchicalList new.
item := HierarchicalItem::Example labeled:'Root Item'.

item expand.
list showRoot:false.
list root:item.

top := StandardSystemView new; extent:300@300.
sel := ScrollableView for:HierarchicalListView miniScrollerH:true
                   origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.

sel list:list.
sel multipleSelectOk:true.

sel doubleClickAction:[:i| (list at:i) toggleExpand ].
sel   indicatorAction:[:i| (list at:i) toggleExpand ].

top open.
show a hierarchical list; open an editor on reselect a line with label is a string.
|top sel list item|

list := HierarchicalList new.
item := HierarchicalItem::Example labeled:'Root Item'.

item expand.
list showRoot:false.
list root:item.

top := StandardSystemView new; extent:300@300.
sel := ScrollableView for:HierarchicalListView miniScrollerH:true
                   origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.

sel list:list.

sel openEditorAction:[:ln :aGC| |field item|
    item  := list at:ln.

    item label isString ifFalse:[
        field := nil
    ] ifTrue:[
        field := EditField new.
        field level:0.
        field acceptOnLostFocus:true.
        field acceptAction:[:x| item label:(field contents) ].
        field font:(aGC font).
        field contents:(item label).

sel multipleSelectOk:true.

sel doubleClickAction:[:i| (list at:i) toggleExpand ].
sel   indicatorAction:[:i| (list at:i) toggleExpand ].

top open.
|top sel list item|

list := HierarchicalList new.
item := HierarchicalItem::Example labeled:'Root Item'.

item expand.
list showRoot:false.
list root:item.

top := StandardSystemView new; extent:300@300.
sel := ScrollableView for:HierarchicalListView miniScrollerH:true
                   origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0 in:top.

sel openIndicator:(ToolbarIconLibrary down22x22Icon).
sel closeIndicator:(ToolbarIconLibrary downRight22x22Icon).
sel showLines:false.

sel list:list.
sel multipleSelectOk:true.
sel alignTextRight:true.
sel doubleClickAction:[:i| (list at:i) toggleExpand ].
sel   indicatorAction:[:i| (list at:i) toggleExpand ].

top open.

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