Class: MacOSXIconReader
- Package:
- stx:libview2
- Category:
- Graphics-Images-Readers
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2023/05/26 06:41:16
- user: stefan
- file: MacOSXIconReader.st directory: libview2
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libview2
Reader/writer for mac osx icon files.
These files are actually bundles of a sequence of icons (in possibly different resolutions,
colors and sizes).
When such a file is read, I return the first image as usual,
and all images as an imagesequence.
Only a subset of the supported image formats are supported by the writer
(i.e. JPEG and PNG based image encodings only).
This means, that only 10.8-and later icon files are really generated.
only a subset of the possibly formats are supported.
when reading an ICNS file with multiple icons in it,
the first image is returned as such, holding on the other images in its
imageFrames instvar.
Thus, the imageEditor will usually present the first of the images,
and offer a next-in-sequence button to step through them.
To get a collection of all images, collect the images from the sequence, as in:
someIcoImage imageFrames collect:#image
[supported formats:]
support format length pixels OS-version description
r ICON 128 32 1.0 32×32 1-bit mono icon
r ICN# 256 32 6.0 32×32 1-bit mono icon with 1-bit mask
icm# 48 16 6.0 16×12 1 bit mono icon with 1-bit mask
icm4 96 16 7.0 16×12 4 bit icon
icm8 192 16 7.0 16×12 8 bit icon
r ics# 64 (32 img + 32 mask) 16 6.0 16×16 1-bit mask
r ics4 128 16 7.0 16×16 4-bit icon
r ics8 256 16 7.0 16x16 8 bit icon
is32 varies (768) 16 8.5 16×16 24-bit icon
r s8mk 256 16 8.5 16x16 8-bit mask
r icl4 512 32 7.0 32×32 4-bit icon
r icl8 1,024 32 7.0 32×32 8-bit icon
r il32 varies (3,072) 32 8.5 32x32 24-bit icon
r l8mk 1,024 32 8.5 32×32 8-bit mask
r ich# 288 48 8.5 48×48 1-bit mask
r ich4 1,152 48 8.5 48×48 4-bit icon
r ich8 2,304 48 8.5 48×48 8-bit icon
r ih32 varies (6,912) 48 8.5 48×48 24-bit icon
r h8mk 2,304 48 8.5 48×48 8-bit mask
r it32 varies (49,152) 128 10.0 128×128 24-bit icon
r t8mk 16,384 128 10.0 128×128 8-bit mask
r icp4 varies 16 10.7 16x16 icon in JPEG 2000 or PNG format
r icp5 varies 32 10.7 32x32 icon in JPEG 2000 or PNG format
icp6 varies 64 10.7 64x64 icon in JPEG 2000 or PNG format
r ic07 varies 128 10.7 128x128 icon in JPEG 2000 or PNG format
r ic08 varies 256 10.5 256×256 icon in JPEG 2000 or PNG format
r ic09 varies 512 10.5 512×512 icon in JPEG 2000 or PNG format
r ic10 varies 1024 10.7 1024×1024 in 10.7 (or 512x512@2x 'retina' in 10.8) icon in JPEG 2000 or PNG format
ic11 varies 32 10.8 16x16@2x 'retina' icon in JPEG 2000 or PNG format
ic12 varies 64 10.8 32x32@2x 'retina' icon in JPEG 2000 or PNG format
ic13 varies 256 10.8 128x128@2x 'retina' icon in JPEG 2000 or PNG format
ic14 varies 512 10.8 256x256@2x 'retina' icon in JPEG 2000 or PNG format
Other types (ignored):
'TOC ' varies 'Table of Contents'
a list of all image types in the file,
and their sizes (added in Mac OS X 10.7)
'icnV' 4 4-byte big endian float
- equal to the bundle version number of Icon Composer.app that created to icon
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 2013 by Claus Gittinger
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
class initialization
install myself in the Image classes fileFormat table
for the `.icns' extension.
canRepresent: anImage
return true, if anImage can be represented in my file format.
Assuming that we store in PNG format, delegate that decision.
hasValidImageHeader: someHeaderBytes
return true, if someHeaderBytes
(which does not need to be the whole data, but large enough
to detect the header) contains a valid TIFF image header
isValidImageStream: inStream
return true, if inStream contains an apple osx icon file
image reading
fromStream: aStream
read a stream containing an icon image (or a collection of images).
Leave image description in instance variables.
readSingleIcon: iconType from: iconBytes
read a single image from the inputStream.
image writing
save: anImage onStream: aStream
save an icon to aStream.
Usage example(s):
save:(Image fromScreen:(0@0 corner:16@16))
saveAll: aCollectionOfImages onStream: aStream
save a number of images to aStream.
Usage example(s):
save:(Image fromScreen:(0@0 corner:16@16))
'test.icns' asFilename exists.
Image fromFile:'test.icns'
(Image fromScreen:(0@0 corner:16@16)) .
(Image fromScreen:(0@0 corner:32@32)) .
(Image fromScreen:(0@0 corner:64@64)) .
(Image fromScreen:(0@0 corner:128@128)) .
image is already made
private reading
common_read_paletteImage_from: bytes size: size width: w height: h depth: d
read an icl8/icl4/ics4/ics8 icon
readPNGOrJPEGFrom: bytes expectedSize: expectedSizeOrNil
read a PNG or JPEG image.
Helper for ipc4, ipc5, ipc6, ic07, ic09, ic10 formats
readPackBitsImageFrom: compressedData offset: offset width: w height: h depth: depth
rgb channels separate
read_ICN__from: bytes
read an ICN# format icon.
ICN# is 32x32 bit mono with 1-bit mask
read_ICON_from: bytes
read an ICON format icon.
128 bytes, 32x32x1 monochrome
read_TOC__from: bytes
read (actually: skip) a table of contents.
read_h8mk_from: bytes
read an h8mk packbits format mask icon
read_ic07_from: bytes
read an ic07 (PNG or JPEG, 128x128) format icon
read_ic08_from: bytes
read an ic08 (PNG or JPEG, 256x256) format icon
read_ic09_from: bytes
read an ic09 (PNG or JPEG, 512x512) format icon
read_ic10_from: bytes
read an ic10 (PNG or JPEG, 1024x1024) format icon
read_ic11_from: bytes
read an ic11 (PNG or JPEG, 32x32) format icon
read_ic12_from: bytes
read an ic12 (PNG or JPEG, 64) format icon
read_ic13_from: bytes
read an ic12 (PNG or JPEG, 256x256) format icon
read_ic14_from: bytes
read an ic12 (PNG or JPEG, 512x512) format icon
read_ich4_from: bytes
read an ich4 format icon;
1152 bytes; 48x48x4bit
read_ich8_from: bytes
read an ich8 format icon;
2304 bytes; 48x48x8bit
read_ich__from: bytes
read an ich# format icon.
ich# is 288+288 bytes, 48x48x1 monochrome + mask
read_icl4_from: bytes
read an icl4 format icon;
512 bytes; 32x32x4bit
read_icl8_from: bytes
read an icl8 format icon;
1024 bytes; 32x32x8bit
read_icm4_from: bytes
read (actually: skip) an icm4 record.
read_icm8_from: bytes
read (actually: skip) an icm8 record.
read_icm__from: bytes
read (actually: skip) an icm# record.
read_icnV_from: bytes
read (actually: skip) an icnV record.
read_icp4_from: bytes
read an ipc4 (PNG or JPEG, 16x16) format icon
read_icp5_from: bytes
read an ipc5 (PNG or JPEG, 32x32) format icon
read_icp6_from: bytes
read an ipc6 (PNG or JPEG, 64x64) format icon
read_ics4_from: bytes
read an ics4 format icon.
128 bytes, 16x16x4bit
read_ics8_from: bytes
read an ics8 format icon.
256 bytes, 16x16x8bit
read_ics__from: bytes
read an ics# format icon.
ics# is 64 bytes, 16x16x1 monochrome + mask
read_icsb_from: bytes
read (actually: skip) an icsb record.
read_icsd_from: bytes
read (actually: skip) an icsd record.
read_ih32_from: bytes
read an ih32 packbits format 48x48x24 icon
read_il32_from: bytes
read an il32 packbits format 32x32x24 icon
read_ipc4_from: bytes
read an ipc4 (PNG or JPEG, 16x16) format icon
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
read_ipc5_from: bytes
read an ipc5 (PNG or JPEG, 32x32) format icon
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
read_ipc6_from: bytes
read an ipc6 (PNG or JPEG, 64x64) format icon
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
read_is32_from: bytes
read an is32 packbits format 16x16x24 icon
read_it32_from: bytes
read an it32 packbits format 128x128x24 icon
read_l8mk_from: bytes
read an l8mk packbits format mask icon
read_name_from: bytes
read (actually: skip) a name entry.
read_s8mk_from: bytes
read an s8mk packbits format mask icon
read_t8mk_from: bytes
read an t8mk 128x128x8 mask icon