Class: MessageTracer
- Package:
- stx:libbasic3
- Category:
- System-Debugging-Support
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2024/04/28 17:18:54
- user: cg
- file: MessageTracer.st directory: libbasic3
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic3
This class provides a common home for the tracing
facilities (originally, they where in Object, but have been moved to
allow easier separation of development vs. runtime configurations).
tracing execution of a block:
MessageTracer trace:[ ... ]
MessageTracer traceFull:[ ... ]
(for system developer only:)
MessageTracer debugTrace:[ ... ]
trapping sends to a specific object:
MessageTracer trap:anObject selector:aSelector
MessageTracer untrap:anObject selector:aSelector
MessageTracer untrap:anObject
trapping some messages sent to a specific object:
MessageTracer trap:anObject selectors:aCollectionOfSelectors
MessageTracer untrap:anObject
trapping any message sent to a specific object:
MessageTracer trapAll:anObject
MessageTracer untrap:anObject
trapping evaluation of a specific method:
MessageTracer trapMethod:aMethod
MessageTracer unwrapMethod:aMethod
trapping evaluation of a specific method with
receiver being an instance of some class:
MessageTracer trapMethod:aMethod forInstancesOf:aClass
MessageTracer unwrapMethod:aMethod
tracing sends to a specific object:
MessageTracer trace:anObject selector:aSelector
MessageTracer untrace:anObject selector:aSelector
MessageTracer untrace:anObject
tracing sender only:
MessageTracer traceSender:anObject selector:aSelector
MessageTracer untrace:anObject selector:aSelector
MessageTracer untrace:anObject
tracing evaluation of a specific method:
MessageTracer traceMethod:aMethod
MessageTracer unwrapmethod:aMethod
see more in examples and in method comments.
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 1994 by Claus Gittinger
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
Signal constants
class initialization
BreakpointSignal := HaltSignal newSignalMayProceed:true.
Usage example(s):
BreakpointSignal := nil.
MessageTracer initialize
update: something with: parameter from: changedObject
sent when restarted after a snapIn
class tracing
remove all traces of messages sent to any class
untraceClass: aClass
remove all traces of messages sent to instances of aClass
class wrapping
wrapClass: orgClass selector: aSelector onEntry: entryBlock onExit: exitBlock
arrange for the two blocks entryBlock and exitBlock to be evaluated whenever
aSelector is sent to instances of orgClass or subclasses.
EntryBlock will be called on entry, and get the current context passed as argument.
ExitBlock will be called, when the method is left, and get context and the method's return value as arguments.
Usage example(s):
onExit:[:con :retVal |
Transcript show:'leave Point>>scaleBy:; returning:'.
Transcript showCR:retVal printString.
Transcript endEntry
(1@2) scaleBy:5.
MessageTracer untrapClass:Point selector:#scaleBy:.
(1@2) scaleBy:5.
Usage example(s):
onEntry:[:con |
Transcript showCR:('entering ' , con receiver printString , '>>factorial').
onExit:[:con :retVal |
Transcript show:'leave Integer>>factorial; returning:'.
Transcript showCR:retVal printString.
Transcript endEntry
Transcript showCR:'5 factorial traced'.
5 factorial.
MessageTracer untrapClass:Integer selector:#factorial.
Transcript showCR:'5 factorial normal'.
5 factorial.
Usage example(s):
lvl := 0.
onEntry:[:con |
Transcript spaces:lvl. lvl := lvl + 2.
Transcript showCR:('entering ' , con receiver printString , '>>factorial').
onExit:[:con :retVal |
lvl := lvl - 2. Transcript spaces:lvl.
Transcript show:('leave ' , con receiver printString , '>>factorial; returning:').
Transcript showCR:retVal printString.
Transcript endEntry
Transcript showCR:'5 factorial traced'.
5 factorial.
MessageTracer untrapClass:Integer selector:#factorial.
Transcript showCR:'5 factorial normal'.
5 factorial.
if you forgot which classes/methods where wrapped and/or trapped,
this cleans up everything ...
Usage example(s):
execution trace
debugTrace: aBlock
trace execution of aBlock. This is for system debugging only;
The trace output is a low level trace generated in the VM.
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer debugTrace:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort]
trace: aBlock
evaluate aBlock sending trace information to stdout.
Return the value of the block.
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer trace:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort]
trace: aBlock on: aStream
evaluate aBlock sending trace information to stdout.
Return the value of the block.
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer trace:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] on:Transcript
traceFull: aBlock
evaluate aBlock sending trace information to stdout.
Return the value of the block.
The trace information is more detailed.
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceFull:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort]
traceFull: aBlock on: aStream
evaluate aBlock sending trace information to stdout.
Return the value of the block.
The trace information is more detailed.
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceFull:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort]
traceFullIndented: aBlock
evaluate aBlock sending trace information to stdout.
Return the value of the block.
The trace information is more detailed.
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceFullIndented:[ #(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort ]
traceFullIndented: aBlock on: aStream
evaluate aBlock sending trace information to aStream.
Return the value of the block.
The trace information is more detailed.
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceFullIndented:[ #(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort ]
traceIndented: aBlock
evaluate aBlock sending trace information to stdout.
Return the value of the block.
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceIndented:[ #(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort ]
traceIndented: aBlock on: aStream
evaluate aBlock sending trace information to aStream.
Return the value of the block.
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceIndented:[ #(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort ] on:Transcript
method breakpointing
trapClass: aClass selector: aSelector
arrange for the debugger to be entered when a message with aSelector is
sent to instances of aClass (or subclass instances). Use untrapClass to remove this trap.
Be careful, to not place a trap on code needed in the debugger (i.e. on scrollBars etc.);
if there is a need to trap those, use the low-level wrap-methods, and put a check into the
entry/leave blocks.
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer trapClass:Collection selector:#select:.
Dictionary new select:[:e | ]. 'not caught - Dictionary has its own select'.
(Array new:10) select:[:e | ]. 'not caught - SeqColl has its own select'.
Set new select:[:e | ]. 'caught - Set inherits this from Collection'.
MessageTracer untrapClass:Collection
trapMethod: aMethod
arrange for the debugger to be entered when aMethod is about to be executed.
The trap is enabled for any process - see #trapMethod:inProcess: for a more
selective breakPoint.
Use unwrapMethod or untrapClass to remove this trap.
Be careful, to not place a trap on code needed in the debugger (i.e. on scrollBars etc.);
if there is a need to trap those, use the low-level wrap-methods, and put a check into the
entry/leave blocks.
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer trapMethod:(Collection compiledMethodAt:#select:).
Dictionary new select:[:e | ]. 'not caught - Dictionary has its own select'.
(Array new:10) select:[:e | ]. 'not caught - SeqColl has its own select'.
Set new select:[:e | ]. 'caught - Set inherits this from Collection'.
MessageTracer unwrapMethod:(Collection compiledMethodAt:#select:).
trapMethod: aMethod after: countInvocations
arrange for the debugger to be entered when aMethod has been invoked countInvocations times.
The trap is enabled for any process.
Use unwrapMethod or untrapClass to remove this trap.
Be careful, to not place a trap on code needed in the debugger (i.e. on scrollBars etc.);
if there is a need to trap those, use the low-level wrap-methods, and put a check into the
entry/leave blocks.
trapMethod: aMethod forInstancesOf: aClass
arrange for the debugger to be entered when aMethod is about to be executed
for an instance of aClass.
Use unwrapMethod or untrapClass to remove this trap.
Be careful, to not place a trap on code needed in the debugger (i.e. on scrollBars etc.);
if there is a need to trap those, use the low-level wrap-methods, and put a check into the
entry/leave blocks.
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer trapMethod:(View compiledMethodAt:#redraw) forInstancesOf:myView.
trapMethod: aMethod if: conditionBlock
arrange for the debugger to be entered when aMethod has been invoked and conditionBlock
evaluates to true.
conditionBlock gets context and method as (optional) arguments.
The trap is enabled for any process.
Use unwrapMethod or untrapClass to remove this trap.
Be careful, to not place a trap on code needed in the debugger (i.e. on scrollBars etc.);
if there is a need to trap those, use the low-level wrap-methods, and put a check into the
entry/leave blocks.
trapMethod: aMethod inProcess: aProcess
arrange for the debugger to be entered when aMethod is about to be executed,
but only, if executed aProcess or one of aProcess's offspring.
This allows for breakpoints to be set on system-critical code.
The trap will only fire for selected processes (making browsers etc. still usable).
Use unwrapMethod or untrapClass to remove this trap.
Be careful, to not place a trap on code needed in the debugger (i.e. on scrollBars etc.);
if there is a need to trap those, use the low-level wrap-methods, and put a check into the
entry/leave blocks.
trapMethod: aMethod inProcess: aProcess withChildProcesses: withChildProcessesBoolean
arrange for the debugger to be entered when aMethod is about to be executed,
but only, if executed by aProcess or one of aProcess's offspring.
This allows for breakpoints to be set on system-critical code.
The trap will only fire for selected processes (making browsers etc. still usable).
Use unwrapMethod or untrapClass to remove this trap.
Be careful, to not place a trap on code needed in the debugger (i.e. on scrollBars etc.);
if there is a need to trap those, use the low-level wrap-methods, and put a check into the
entry/leave blocks.
trapMethod: aMethod onReturnIf: conditionBlock
arrange for the debugger to be entered when aMethod returns
and conditionBlock evaluates to true.
conditionBlock gets retVal, context and method as (optional) arguments.
The trap is enabled for any process.
Use unwrapMethod or untrapClass to remove this trap.
Be careful, to not place a trap on code needed in the debugger (i.e. on scrollBars etc.);
if there is a need to trap those, use the low-level wrap-methods, and put a check into the
entry/leave blocks.
remove any traps on any class
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer untrapAllClasses
untrapClass: aClass
remove any traps on aClass
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer untrapClass:Point
untrapClass: aClass selector: aSelector
remove trap of aSelector sent to aClass
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer trapClass:Point selector:#copy.
(1@2) copy.
(1@2) deepCopy.
MessageTracer trapClass:Point selector:#deepCopy.
(1@2) copy.
(1@2) deepCopy.
MessageTracer untrapClass:Point selector:#copy.
(1@2) copy.
(1@2) deepCopy.
MessageTracer untrapClass:Point selector:#deepCopy.
(1@2) copy.
(1@2) deepCopy.
untrapMethod: aMethod
remove break on aMethod
method breakpointing - new
breakMethod: method atLine: line
Installs new breakpoint in given method at given line.
Returns the installed breakpoint or nil if none could be
method counting
countMethod: aMethod
arrange for a aMethod's execution to be counted.
Use unwrapMethod to remove this.
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer countMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial).
5 factorial.
MessageTracer executionCountOf:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial) printNL.
MessageTracer stopCountingMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial)
countMethodByReceiverClass: aMethod
arrange for a aMethod's execution to be counted and maintain
a per-receiver class profile.
Use unwrapMethod to remove this.
executionCountOfMethod: aMethod
return the current count
executionCountsByReceiverClassOfMethod: aMethod
return a collection mapping receiver class to call counts
resetCountOfMethod: aMethod
return the current count
stopCountingMethod: aMethod
remove counting of aMethod
method memory usage
countMemoryUsageOfMethod: aMethod
arrange for aMethod's memory usage to be counted.
Use unwrapMethod to remove this.
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer countMemoryUsageOfMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorialR).
3 factorialR.
Transcript showCR:(MessageTracer memoryUsageOfMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorialR)).
MessageTracer stopCountingMemoryUsageOfMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorialR)
isCountingMemoryUsage: aMethod
return true if aMethod is counting memoryUsage
memoryUsageOfMethod: aMethod
return the current count
resetMemoryUsageOfMethod: aMethod
reset the current usage
stopCountingMemoryUsageOfMethod: aMethod
remove counting memory of aMethod
method mocking
mock: selector in: class do: block
mockMethod: method do: block
Temporarily change the behaviour of the given method to perform the given block instead
of the method's code. The value of the block is returned as the method's return value.
The behaviour is changed only for current thread, i.e., thread the calling this methood
and its child threads.
The block gets the receiver as the first argument, followed by method parameters
and then - optionally - the original method object.
Do not forget to 'unmock' by means of #unmockMethod: or #unmockAllMethods
CAVEAT: The 'current thread and its child threads' detection is done by walking
threads along their #creatorId. However, when the parent thread dies,
the link if broken and thus 'and its child threads' may not work 100%.
For the calling thread itself, mocking should work reliably.
Usage example(s):
mockMethod:(Color class compiledMethodAt:#magenta)
do: [ :color |
Color red
Color magenta.
[ [ Color magenta inspect ] fork. Delay waitForSeconds: 1. ] fork.
(Color class compiledMethodAt:#magenta) isMocked.
MessageTracer unwrapMethod:(Color class compiledMethodAt:#magenta).
Color magenta.
unmock: selector in: class
Remove mocking wrapper from all methods, unconditionally.
May (should) be called in tearDdown of each testcase that
uses method mocking
unmockMethod: method
Remove mocking wrapper from a method, if it has been mocked by
method profiling
spyMethod: aMethod
arrange for given method to collect profiling data
using message tally profiler.
Use unwrapMethod to remove this.
spyMethod: aMethod interval: anInteger
arrange for given method to collect profiling data
using message tally profiler.
Use unwrapMethod to remove this.
method timing
executionTimesOfMethod: aMethod
return the current gathered execution time statistics
resetExecutionTimesOfMethod: aMethod
reset the gathered execution times statistics for aMethod;
the method remains wrapped.
stopTimingMethod: aMethod
remove timing of aMethod
timeMethod: aMethod
arrange for a aMethod's execution time to be measured.
Use unwrapMethod: or stopTimingMethod: to remove this.
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer timeMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial).
5 factorial.
5 factorial.
5 factorial.
(MessageTracer executionTimesOfMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial)) printCR.
MessageTracer stopTimingMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial)
method tracing
traceClass: aClass selector: aSelector
arrange for a trace message to be output on Stderr, when a message with aSelector is
sent to instances of aClass (or subclass instances). Use untraceClass to remove this.
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceClass:Integer selector:#factorial.
5 factorial.
MessageTracer untraceClass:Integer
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceClass:SequenceableCollection selector:#quickSortFrom:to:.
#(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy sort.
MessageTracer untraceClass:SequenceableCollection
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceClass:Array selector:#at:.
MessageTracer traceClass:Array selector:#at:put:.
#(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy sort.
MessageTracer untraceClass:Array
traceClass: aClass selector: aSelector on: aStream
arrange for a trace message to be output on aStream, when a message with aSelector is
sent to instances of aClass (or subclass instances). Use untraceClass to remove this.
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceClass:Integer selector:#factorial on:Transcript.
5 factorial.
MessageTracer untraceClass:Integer
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceClass:Integer selector:#factorialR on:Transcript.
5 factorialR.
MessageTracer untraceClass:Integer
traceMethod: aMethod
arrange for a trace message to be output on Stderr,
when aMethod is executed. Traces both entry and exit.
Use unwrapMethod to remove this.
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial).
5 factorial.
MessageTracer untraceMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial)
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorialR).
5 factorialR.
MessageTracer untraceMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorialR)
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceMethod:(SequenceableCollection compiledMethodAt:#quickSortFrom:to:).
#(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy sort.
MessageTracer untraceMethod:(SequenceableCollection compiledMethodAt:#quickSortFrom:to:).
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceMethod:(Object compiledMethodAt:#at:).
MessageTracer traceMethod:(Object compiledMethodAt:#at:put:).
#(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy sort.
MessageTracer untraceMethod:(Object compiledMethodAt:#at:).
MessageTracer untraceMethod:(Object compiledMethodAt:#at:put:).
traceMethod: aMethod entry: traceEntryBoolean exit: traceExitBoolean inProcess: aProcessOrNil on: aStream
arrange for a trace message to be output on aStream,
when aMethod is executed;
either in a particular process and its subprocesses,
or by any process if aProcessOrNil is nil.
Traces both entry and exit.
Use unwrapMethod to remove this.
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial) on:Transcript.
5 factorial.
MessageTracer untraceMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial)
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorialR) on:Transcript.
5 factorialR.
MessageTracer untraceMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorialR)
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceMethod:(SequenceableCollection compiledMethodAt:#quickSortFrom:to:) on:Transcript.
#(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy sort.
MessageTracer untraceMethod:(SequenceableCollection compiledMethodAt:#quickSortFrom:to:).
traceMethod: aMethod inProcess: aProcessOrNil on: aStream
arrange for a trace message to be output on aStream,
when aMethod is executed;
either in a particular process and its subprocesses,
or by any process if aProcessOrNil is nil.
Traces both entry and exit.
Use unwrapMethod to remove this.
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial) on:Transcript.
5 factorial.
MessageTracer untraceMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial)
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorialR) on:Transcript.
5 factorialR.
MessageTracer untraceMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorialR)
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceMethod:(SequenceableCollection compiledMethodAt:#quickSortFrom:to:) on:Transcript.
#(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy sort.
MessageTracer untraceMethod:(SequenceableCollection compiledMethodAt:#quickSortFrom:to:).
traceMethod: aMethod on: aStream
arrange for a trace message to be output on aStream,
when aMethod is executed by any process.
Traces both entry and exit.
Use unwrapMethod to remove this.
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial) on:Transcript.
5 factorial.
MessageTracer untraceMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial)
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorialR) on:Transcript.
5 factorialR.
MessageTracer untraceMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorialR)
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceMethod:(SequenceableCollection compiledMethodAt:#quickSortFrom:to:) on:Transcript.
#(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy sort.
MessageTracer untraceMethod:(SequenceableCollection compiledMethodAt:#quickSortFrom:to:).
traceMethodAll: aMethod
arrange for a full trace message to be output on Stderr, when aMethod is executed.
Only the sender is traced on entry.
Use untraceMethod to remove this trace.
This is for system debugging only;
The trace output is a low level trace generated in the VM.
traceMethodEntry: aMethod
arrange for a trace message to be output on stdErr,
when aMethod is executed. Only entry is traced.
Use unwrapMethod to remove this.
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceMethodEntry:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial).
5 factorial.
MessageTracer untraceMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial)
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceMethodEntry:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorialR).
5 factorialR.
MessageTracer untraceMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorialR)
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceMethodEntry:(SequenceableCollection compiledMethodAt:#quickSortFrom:to:).
#(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy sort.
MessageTracer untraceMethod:(SequenceableCollection compiledMethodAt:#quickSortFrom:to:).
traceMethodEntry: aMethod on: aStream
arrange for a trace message to be output on aStream,
when aMethod is executed. Only entry is traced.
Use unwrapMethod to remove this.
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceMethodEntry:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial) on:Transcript.
5 factorial.
MessageTracer untraceMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial)
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceMethodEntry:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorialR) on:Transcript.
5 factorialR.
MessageTracer untraceMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorialR)
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceMethodEntry:(SequenceableCollection compiledMethodAt:#quickSortFrom:to:) on:Transcript.
#(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy sort.
MessageTracer untraceMethod:(SequenceableCollection compiledMethodAt:#quickSortFrom:to:).
traceMethodFull: aMethod
arrange for a full trace message to be output on Stderr, when amethod is executed.
Only the sender is traced on entry.
Use untraceMethod to remove this trace.
traceMethodFull: aMethod inProcess: aProcess on: aStream
arrange for a full trace message to be output on aStream, when aMethod is executed.
Only the sender is traced on entry.
Use untraceMethod to remove this trace.
traceMethodFull: aMethod on: aStream
arrange for a full trace message to be output on aStream, when aMethod is executed.
Only the sender is traced on entry.
Use untraceMethod to remove this trace.
traceMethodSender: aMethod
arrange for a trace message to be output on Stderr,
when amethod is executed.
Only the sender is traced on entry.
Use untraceMethod to remove this trace.
traceMethodSender: aMethod on: aStream
arrange for a trace message to be output on aStream, when amethod is executed.
Only the sender is traced on entry.
Use untraceMethod to remove this trace.
traceUpdateMethod: aMethod on: aStream
arrange for a trace message to be output on aStream,
when aMethod is executed.
Traces both entry and exit.
Use unwrapMethod to remove this.
This one is specialized for change-update calling i.e. it traces from the update
back to the origial change message.
tracelogMethod: aMethod
arrange for a trace log entry to be appended to a standard log using
Logger, when aMethod is executed. Traces both entry and exit.
Use unwrapMethod to remove this.
untraceMethod: aMethod
remove tracing of aMethod
method wrapping
just in case you don't know what methods have break/trace-points
on them; this removes them all
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer unwrapAllMethods
unwrapAllMethodsIn: aClass
just in case you don't know what methods have break/trace-points
on them; this removes them all in a class
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer unwrapAllMethods
MessageTracer unwrapAllMethodsIn:Integer
unwrapMethod: aMethod
remove any wrapper on aMethod
wrapMethod: aMethod onEntry: entryBlockOrNil onExit: exitBlockOrNil
install a wrapper so that entryBlock will be called on entry,
and gets the current context passed as argument.
ExitBlock will be called, when the method is left, and gets the context and
the method's return value as arguments.
wrapMethod: aMethod onEntry: entryBlockOrNil onExit: exitBlockOrNil onUnwind: unwindBlockOrNil
arrange for the two blocks entryBlock and exitBlock to be evaluated whenever
aMethod is evaluated.
EntryBlock will be called on entry, and gets the current context passed as argument.
ExitBlock will be called, when the method is left, and gets the context and
the method's return value as arguments and its value will be the return value
of the method.
UnwindBlock will be called when the context of aMethod is unwound.
If there is an unwindBlock, the entry and exitBlocks will be called within the unwind block,
because allocating the unwindBlock uses memory and some users want to count allocated memory.
Usage example(s):
wrapMethod:(Point compiledMethodAt:#scaleBy:)
onExit:[:con :retVal |
Transcript show:'leave Point>>scaleBy:; returning:'.
Transcript showCR:retVal printString.
Transcript endEntry
(1@2) scaleBy:5.
MessageTracer unwrapMethod:(Point compiledMethodAt:#scaleBy:).
(1@2) scaleBy:5.
Usage example(s):
wrapMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorialR)
onEntry:[:con |
Transcript showCR:('entering ' , con receiver printString , '>>factorial').
onExit:[:con :retVal |
Transcript show:'leave Integer>>factorial; returning:'.
Transcript showCR:retVal printString.
Transcript endEntry.
Transcript showCR:'5 factorialR traced'.
5 factorialR.
MessageTracer unwrapMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorialR).
Transcript showCR:'5 factorialR normal'.
5 factorialR.
Usage example(s):
lvl := 0.
wrapMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial)
onEntry:[:con |
Transcript spaces:lvl. lvl := lvl + 2.
Transcript showCR:('entering ' , con receiver printString , '>>factorial').
onExit:[:con :retVal |
lvl := lvl - 2. Transcript spaces:lvl.
Transcript show:('leave ' , con receiver printString , '>>factorial; returning:').
Transcript showCR:retVal printString.
Transcript endEntry
Transcript showCR:'5 factorial traced'.
5 factorial.
MessageTracer unwrapMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorial).
Transcript showCR:'5 factorial normal'.
5 factorial.
wrapMethod: aMethod onEntry: entryBlockOrNil onExit: exitBlockOrNil onUnwind: unwindBlockOrNil inProcess: aProcessOrNil
arrange for the two blocks entryBlock and exitBlock to be evaluated whenever
aMethod is evaluated;
either in a particular process and its subprocesses,
or by any process if aProcessOrNil is nil.
EntryBlock will be called on entry, and gets the current context passed as argument.
ExitBlock will be called, when the method is left, and gets the context and
the method's return value as arguments.
UnwindBlock will be called when the context of aMethod is unwound.
If there is an unwindBlock, the entry and exitBlocks will be called within the unwind block,
because allocating the unwindBlock uses memory and some users want to count allocated memory.
Usage example(s):
wrapMethod:(Point compiledMethodAt:#scaleBy:)
onExit:[:con :retVal |
Transcript show:'leave Point>>scaleBy:; returning:'.
Transcript showCR:retVal printString.
Transcript endEntry.
(1@2) scaleBy:5.
MessageTracer unwrapMethod:(Point compiledMethodAt:#scaleBy:).
(1@2) scaleBy:5.
Usage example(s):
wrapMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorialR)
onEntry:[:con |
Transcript showCR:('enter ' , con receiver printString , '>>factorialR').
onExit:[:con :retVal |
Transcript show:'leave ',con receiver printString,'>>factorialR; returning:'.
Transcript showCR:retVal printString.
Transcript endEntry.
Transcript showCR:'5 factorialR traced'.
5 factorialR.
MessageTracer unwrapMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorialR).
Transcript showCR:'5 factorialR normal'.
5 factorialR.
Usage example(s):
lvl := 0.
wrapMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorialR)
onEntry:[:con |
Transcript spaces:lvl. lvl := lvl + 2.
Transcript showCR:('entering ' , con receiver printString , '>>factorialR').
onExit:[:con :retVal |
lvl := lvl - 2. Transcript spaces:lvl.
Transcript show:('leave ' , con receiver printString , '>>factorialR; returning:').
Transcript showCR:retVal printString.
Transcript endEntry.
Transcript showCR:'5 factorialR traced'.
5 factorialR.
MessageTracer unwrapMethod:(Integer compiledMethodAt:#factorialR).
Transcript showCR:'5 factorialR normal'.
5 factorialR.
wrapMethod: aMethod onEntryCode: entryCodeOrNil onExitCode: exitCodeOrNil
arrange for the entryCode and exitCode to be evaluated whenever
aMethod is evaluated.
EntryCode will be executed on entry, exitCode when the method is left.
Because the code is sliced in, it may return.
Also the context call chain is not affected
(i.e. thisContext sender etc. work correctly inside).
Notice, that the code should be in a single line, so that the lineNr info is correct.
Useful to wrap existing methods with before and after code.
wrapMethod: aMethod onEntryCode: entryCodeOrNil onExitCode: exitCodeOrNil onUnwindCode: unwindCodeOrNil
arrange for the entryCode and exitCode to be evaluated whenever
aMethod is evaluated.
EntryCode will be executed on entry, exitCode when the method is left.
UnwindCode will be executed when the context of aMethod is unwound.
Because the code is sliced in, it may return.
Also the context call chain is not affected
(i.e. thisContext sender etc. work correctly inside).
Notice, that the code should be in a single line, so that the lineNr info is correct.
Useful to wrap existing methods with before and after code.
Usage example(s):
wrapMethod:(Point compiledMethodAt:#scaleBy:)
onEntryCode:'Transcript showCR:''hello'' '
onExitCode:'Transcript showCR:''good bye'' '.
(1@2) scaleBy:5.
MessageTracer unwrapMethod:(Point compiledMethodAt:#scaleBy:).
(1@2) scaleBy:5.
object breakpointing
objectHasWraps: anObject
return true, if anObject has any wraps
realClassOf: anObject
return anObjects real class
trap: anObject selector: aSelector
arrange for the debugger to be entered when a message with aSelector is
sent to anObject. Use untrap to remove this trap.
The current implementation does not allow integers or nil to be trapped.
Usage example(s):
p := Point new.
MessageTracer trap:p selector:#x:.
p x:5
trap: anObject selectors: aCollection
trapAll: anObject
trap on all messages which are understood by anObject
trapAll: anObject from: aClass
trap on all messages defined in aClass sent to anObject
untrap: anObject
remove any traps on anObject
Usage example(s):
p := Point new copy.
MessageTracer trace:p selector:#x:.
MessageTracer trace:p selector:#y:.
p y:1.
p x:2.
MessageTracer untrap:p
p y:2.
p x:1.
untrap: anObject selector: aSelector
remove trap on aSelector from anObject
Usage example(s):
p := Point new copy.
MessageTracer trace:p selector:#x:.
MessageTracer trace:p selector:#y:.
'trace both ...' errorPrintNL.
p x:2.
p y:1.
'trace only y ...' errorPrintNL.
MessageTracer untrap:p selector:#x:.
p x:2.
p y:1.
'trace none ...' errorPrintNL.
MessageTracer untrap:p selector:#y:.
p x:2.
p y:1.
wrappedSelectorsOf: anObject
return the set of wrapped selectors (if any)
object modification traps
trapModificationsIn: anObject
trap modifications in anObject
Usage example(s):
a := Array new:10.
MessageTracer trapModificationsIn:a.
a size.
a at:1.
a at:2 put:nil. ' no trap here (nil already there) '.
a at:2 put:2. ' expect trap here (changing nil to 2) '.
a at:2.
a at:3.
a at:2 put:2. ' no trap here (2 already there) '.
a at:2 put:3. ' expect trap here (changing 2 to 3) '.
MessageTracer untrace:a.
a at:3 put:5.
trapModificationsIn: anObject filter: aFilterBlock
trap modifications in anObject
Usage example(s):
trap if arrays 5th slot is modified:
a := Array new:10.
MessageTracer trapModificationsIn:a filter:[:old :new | (old at:5) ~~ (new at:5)].
a size.
a at:1.
a at:2 put:nil.
a at:2 put:2.
a at:2.
a at:3.
a at:2 put:2.
a at:2 put:3.
a at:5 put:3.
a at:5 put:3.
MessageTracer untrace:a.
a at:3 put:5.
trapModificationsIn: anObject selector: aSelector filter: aFilterBlock
install a trap for modifications in anObject by aSelector-messages.
the filterBlock will be invoked (after a modification) with the old and
new values as arguments and should return true,
if the debugger is really wanted.
trapModificationsIn: anObject selectors: aCollectionOfSelectors filter: aFilterBlock
install a trap for modifications in anObject by aSelector-messages.
the filterBlock will be invoked (after a modification) with the old and
new values as arguments and should return true,
if the debugger is really wanted.
trapModificationsOf: anInstVarOrOffset in: anObject
trap modifications in anObject
Usage example(s):
a := Array new:10.
MessageTracer trapModificationsOf:2 in:a.
a size.
a at:1.
a at:2 put:nil. ' no trap here (nil already there) '.
a at:2 put:2. ' expect trap here (changing nil to 2) '.
a at:2.
a at:3.
a at:2 put:2. ' no trap here (2 already there) '.
a at:2 put:3. ' expect trap here (changing nil to 2) '.
a at:3.
a at:3 put:3. ' no trap here (index is different) '.
MessageTracer untrace:a.
a at:3 put:5.
object tracing
trace: anObject selector: aSelector
arrange for a trace message to be output on Stderr, when a message with
aSelector is sent to anObject. Both entry and exit are traced.
Use untrap to remove this trace.
The current implementation does not allow integers or nil to be traced.
Usage example(s):
p := Point new.
MessageTracer trace:p selector:#x:.
p x:5.
p y:1.
p x:10.
MessageTracer untrap:p.
p x:7
Usage example(s):
a := #(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy.
MessageTracer trace:a selector:#at:put:.
MessageTracer trace:a selector:#at:.
a sort.
trace: anObject selector: aSelector on: aStream
arrange for a trace message to be output on aStream, when a message with
aSelector is sent to anObject. Both entry and exit are traced.
Use untrap to remove this trace.
The current implementation does not allow integers or nil to be traced.
Usage example(s):
p := Point new.
MessageTracer trace:p selector:#x: on:Stderr.
p x:5.
p y:1.
p x:10.
MessageTracer untrap:p.
p x:7
trace: anObject selectors: aCollectionOfSelectors
arrange for a trace message to be output on Stderr, when any message
from aCollectionOfSelectors is sent to anObject.
Both entry and exit are traced.
Use untrap:/untrace: to remove this trace.
The current implementation does not allow integers or nil to be traced.
Usage example(s):
p := Point new.
MessageTracer trace:p selector:#x:.
p x:5.
p y:1.
p x:10.
MessageTracer untrap:p.
p x:7
Usage example(s):
a := #(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy.
MessageTracer trace:a selector:#at:put:.
MessageTracer trace:a selector:#at:.
a sort.
trace: anObject selectors: aCollectionOfSelectors on: aStream
arrange for a trace message to be output on aStream, when any message
from aCollectionOfSelectors is sent to anObject.
Both entry and exit are traced.
Use untrap:/untrace: to remove this trace.
The current implementation does not allow integers or nil to be traced.
Usage example(s):
p := Point new.
MessageTracer trace:p selectors:#(x:) on:Transcript.
p x:5.
p y:1.
p x:10.
MessageTracer untrap:p.
p x:7
Usage example(s):
a := #(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy.
MessageTracer trace:a selectors:#( at:put: at:) on:Transcript.
a sort.
traceAll: anObject
trace all messages which are understood by anObject
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceAll:Display
MessageTracer untrace:Display
traceAll: anObject from: aClass
trace all messages, which are defined in aClass, sent to an anObject on stderr
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceAll:Display from:XWorkstation
MessageTracer untrace:Display
traceAll: anObject from: aClass on: aStream
trace all messages, which are defined in aClass, sent to anObject
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceAll:Display from:XWorkstation on:Transcript
MessageTracer untrace:Display
traceAll: anObject on: aStream
trace all messages which are understood by anObject
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer traceAll:Display on:Transcript
MessageTracer untrace:Display
traceEntry: anObject selectors: aCollectionOfSelectors on: aStream
arrange for a trace message to be output on aStream, when any message
from aCollectionOfSelectors is sent to anObject.
Only entry is traced.
Use untrap:/untrace: to remove this trace.
The current implementation does not allow integers or nil to be traced.
Usage example(s):
p := Point new.
MessageTracer traceEntry:p selectors:#(x:).
p x:5.
p y:1.
p x:10.
MessageTracer untrap:p.
p x:7
Usage example(s):
a := #(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy.
MessageTracer traceEntry:a selectors:#( at:put: at:).
a sort.
traceSender: anObject selector: aSelector
arrange for a trace message to be output on Stderr, when a message with
aSelector is sent to anObject. Only the sender is traced on entry.
Use untrap to remove this trace.
The current implementation does not allow integers or nil to be traced.
Usage example(s):
p := Point new.
MessageTracer traceSender:p selector:#x:.
p x:5.
p y:1.
p x:10.
MessageTracer untrap:p.
p x:7
Usage example(s):
a := #(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy.
MessageTracer traceSender:a selector:#at:put:.
MessageTracer traceSender:a selector:#at:.
a sort.
traceSender: anObject selector: aSelector on: aStream
arrange for a trace message to be output on aStream, when a message with
aSelector is sent to anObject. Only the sender is traced on entry.
Use untrap to remove this trace.
The current implementation does not allow integers or nil to be traced.
Usage example(s):
p := Point new.
MessageTracer traceSender:p selector:#x: on:Transcript.
p x:5.
p y:1.
p x:10.
MessageTracer untrap:p.
p x:7
untrace: anObject
remove any traces on anObject
untrace: anObject selector: aSelector
remove traces of aSelector sent to anObject
object wrapping
wrap: anObject selector: aSelector onEntry: entryBlock onExit: exitBlock
arrange for the two blocks entryBlock and exitBlock to be evaluated whenever
a message with aSelector is sent to anObject. EntryBlock will be called on
entry, and get the current context passed as argument. ExitBlock will be called,
when the method is left, and get the context and the method's return value as arguments.
The current implementation does not allow integers or nil to be wrapped.
wrap: anObject selector: aSelector onEntry: entryBlock onExit: exitBlock additionalEntryCode: additionalEntryCode additionalExitCode: additionalExitCode additionalVariables: additionalVariables withOriginalClass: withOriginalClass flushCaches: flushCaches
arrange for the two blocks entryBlock and exitBlock to be evaluated whenever
a message with aSelector is sent to anObject. EntryBlock will be called on
entry, and get the current context passed as argument. ExitBlock will be called,
when the method is left, and get the current context and the method's return value as argument.
If withOriginalClass is true, the class of anObject will be set to its original class
before the wrapped method will be called.
NOTICE: The current implementation does not allow integers or nil to be wrapped.
Usage example(s):
p := Point new copy.
onExit:[:context :retVal |
Transcript show:'leave Point>>y:, returning:'.
Transcript showCR:retVal printString.
Transcript endEntry
Transcript showCR:'sending x: ...'.
p x:1.
Transcript showCR:'sending y: ...'.
p y:2.
MessageTracer untrap:p.
Transcript showCR:'sending x: ...'.
p x:2.
Transcript showCR:'sending y: ...'.
p y:1.
Usage example(s):
p := Point new copy.
MessageTracer wrap:p
onEntry:[:context | self halt:'y: you are trapped']
Transcript showCR:'sending x: ...'.
p x:1.
Transcript showCR:'sending y: ...'.
p y:2.
MessageTracer untrap:p.
Transcript showCR:'sending x: ...'.
p x:2.
Transcript showCR:'sending y: ...'.
p y:1.
wrap: anObject selector: aSelector onEntry: entryBlock onExit: exitBlock withOriginalClass: withOriginalClass flushCaches: flushCaches
arrange for the two blocks entryBlock and exitBlock to be evaluated whenever
a message with aSelector is sent to anObject. EntryBlock will be called on
entry, and get the current context passed as argument. ExitBlock will be called,
when the method is left, and get the current context and the method's return value as argument.
If withOriginalClass is true, the class of anObject will be set to its original class
before the wrapped method will be called.
NOTICE: The current implementation does not allow integers or nil to be wrapped.
wrap: anObject selectors: aCollection onEntry: entryBlock onExit: exitBlock
install wrappers for anObject on all selectors from aCollection
wrapAll: anObject onEntry: entryBlock onExit: exitBlock
install wrappers for anObject on all implemented selectors
^ Smalltalk allMethodsForWhich:[:mthd | mthd isWrapped]
Smalltalk allMethodsDo:[:mthd |
isCounting: aMethod
return true if aMethod is counted
isCountingByReceiverClass: aMethod
return true if aMethod is counted with per receiver class statistics
isMocking: aMethod
Return true if aMethod is mocking
isTiming: aMethod
return true if aMethod is timed
isTrapped: aMethod
return true, if a breakpoint is set on aMethod.
This only returns true for standard breakpoints (i.e. for user-wraps,
this returns false)
Usage example(s):
MessageTracer trapMethod:(Collection compiledMethodAt:#select:).
Transcript showCR:(Collection compiledMethodAt:#select:) isWrapped.
Transcript showCR:(MessageTracer isTrapped:(Collection compiledMethodAt:#select:)).
MessageTracer unwrapMethod:(Collection compiledMethodAt:#select:).
trace helpers
helper - to get the time it takes to evaluate the wrappers for
a dummy method.
helper - get the overhead (in ms) spent in the wrapper code of
a timed method.
Usage example(s):
printEntryFull: aContext
printEntryFull: aContext level: lvl
printEntryFull: aContext level: lvl on: aStream
printEntryFull: aContext on: aStream
printEntrySender: aContext on: aStream
printExit: aContext with: retVal
printExit: aContext with: retVal level: lvl
printExit: aContext with: retVal level: lvl on: aStream
printExit: aContext with: retVal on: aStream
printFull: aContext on: aStream withSender: withSender
printFull: aContext on: aStream withSender: withSender prefix: prefixOrNIl
printFull: aContext on: aStream withSenderContext: aSenderContextOrNil
printFull: aContext on: aStream withSenderContext: aSenderContextOrNil prefix: prefixOrNil
printObject: anObject on: aStream
in case an error happens when we try to print an uninitialized object
printSender: aSenderContext on: aStream
printUpdateEntryFull: aContext level: lvl on: aStream
called when tracing changed-update sequences.
Searches for the sender of the changed message and prints its context
traceEntryFull: aContext on: aStream
traceFullBlockFor: aStream
avoid generation of fullBlocks
traceSenderBlockFor: aStream
avoid generation of fullBlocks
trace helpers
trace: aBlock detail: fullDetail
trace execution of aBlock.
Usage example(s):
PrintingMessageTracer new trace:[1 halt] detail:false
PrintingMessageTracer new trace:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] detail:false
PrintingMessageTracer new trace:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] detail:true
PrintingMessageTracer new trace:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] detail:#indent
PrintingMessageTracer new trace:[#(6 5 4 3 2 1) sort] detail:#fullIndent
For the common cases, you will find a menu entry in the SystemBrowser.
Howeever, more special cases (especially with condition checks) can be
set up by evaluating the lower level entries.
trapping specific methods:
(by class/selector):
MessageTracer trapClass:Collection selector:#select:.
Dictionary new select:[:e | ]. 'not caught - Dictionary has its own select'.
(Array new:10) select:[:e | ]. 'not caught - SeqColl has its own select'.
Set new select:[:e | ]. 'caught - Set inherits this from Collection'.
MessageTracer untrapClass:Collection
(by method):
MessageTracer trapMethod:(Collection compiledMethodAt:#select:).
Dictionary new select:[:e | ]. 'not caught - Dictionary has its own select'.
(Array new:10) select:[:e | ]. 'not caught - SeqColl has its own select'.
Set new select:[:e | ]. 'caught - Set inherits this from Collection'.
MessageTracer unwrapMethod:(Collection compiledMethodAt:#select:).
(by method & instance class):
MessageTracer trapMethod:(SequenceableCollection compiledMethodAt:#select:)
Dictionary new select:[:e | ]. 'not caught - Dictionary has its own select'.
(Array new:10) select:[:e | ]. 'not caught - not a SortedCollection'.
OrderedCollection new select:[:e | ]. 'not caught - not a SortedCollection'.
SortedCollection new select:[:e | ]. 'caught - Set inherits this from Collection'.
MessageTracer unwrapMethod:(SequenceableCollection compiledMethodAt:#select:).
tracing specific methods:
(by class/selector):
MessageTracer traceClass:SequenceableCollection selector:#quickSortFrom:to:.
#(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy sort.
MessageTracer untraceClass:SequenceableCollection
(by method):
MessageTracer traceMethod:(SequenceableCollection compiledMethodAt:#quickSortFrom:to:).
#(6 1 9 66 2 17) copy sort.
MessageTracer unwrapMethod:(SequenceableCollection compiledMethodAt:#quickSortFrom:to:).
object trapping:
o := OrderedCollection new.
MessageTracer trapAll:o.
o collect:[:el | el].
trapping modifications to an objects instVars:
o := Point new.
MessageTracer trapModificationsIn:o.
o x:1.
o y:2.
o x:1.
o y:2.
MessageTracer untrap:o
trapping modifications of a particular instVar:
o := Point new.
MessageTracer trapModificationsIn:o filter:[:old :new | old x ~~ new x].
o x:1.
o y:2.
o x:1.
o y:2.
MessageTracer untrap:o
| tracing during block execution:
MessageTracer trace:[ 10 factorialR ]