Class: MiniDebugger
- Package:
- stx:libbasic
- Category:
- System-Debugging-Support
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2024/03/20 14:18:47
- user: alkurz
- file: MiniDebugger.st directory: libbasic
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic
a primitive (non graphical) debugger for use on systems without
graphics or when the real debugger dies
(i.e. an error occurs in the graphical debugger or the UI/event handler is broken).
This one is also called for, if an interrupt occurs within the debuger,
or if CTRL-C is pressed in the controlling tty/console.
Needs a console.
You can also enter it explicitly with:
MiniDebugger enter
all printing is done via lowLevel _errorPrint messages,
to ensure that output is to stderr, even if a logger is present,
or Stderr has been set to some other stream (Transcript).
Also to avoid the logger's interfering and adding imestamp information.
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 1988 by Claus Gittinger
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
blocked debugger protocol
stopIgnoringHaltsFor: haltingMethod atLineNr: lineNrInHaltingMethod
ignore; in case someone opened a Launcher in a standalone app without debugger
EOF is treated like which command by default?
eofCommand: aCharacter
EOF is treated like which command
instance creation
enter a miniDebugger
Usage example(s):
enter: aContext withMessage: aString mayProceed: mayProceed
enter a miniDebugger
enter: aContext withMessage: aString mayProceed: mayProceed input: inputStreamOrNil
enter a miniDebugger
enterException: ex
enter a debugger; if this is a recursive invocation, enter
a MiniDebugger instead.
This is the standard way of entering the debugger;
sent from error- and halt messages.
enterWithMessage: aString mayProceed: mayProceed
enter a miniDebugger
redefined to make certain that there is only one miniDebugger
in the system
openOn: aProcess
enter a miniDebugger
singleStep: aBlock
trace: aBlock
trace: aBlock on: aStream
trace: aBlock with: aTraceBlock
inputStream: aStream
if non-nil, the debugger will read its input from there.
This allows for a miniDebugger to be used in a telnet stream (scripting)
enter: aContext mayProceed: mayProceed
regular entry, via unhandled exception
entry via single stepinterrupt
Usage example(s):
where is stepInterrupt context
findContext: aSelector
got it
garbageCollectCommand: id
globally blocking
remove Debugger commandLoop frame
sigh - must search
dot fullPrint.
printBacktraceFrom: aContext
printContext: aContext
print the receiver, selector and args of the context
' args: ' _errorPrint. (argNames ? #() asStringWith:$;) _errorPrintCR.
printDotsMethodSource: full
tracingWith: aBlockOrNil
user commands
read-eval commands, until one of the continue, abort or single step commands is entered;
return the last command character.
on EOF, perform as if eofCommand was entered, which defaults to a(bort),
but can be configured (useful is: $x)
TEMPORARY kludge - find event handler context
this will be removed, once real debugging is possible
doCommand: cmd
a single command;
return true, if command loop should be finished
getCommand: prompt
Screen notNil ifTrue:[
helpOn: commandArg
interpreterLoopWith: anObject
|line done rslt|
showProcesses: how
' sys:' _errorPrint. (p isSystemProcess ifTrue:'y' ifFalse:'n') _errorPrint.