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Documentation of class 'NameSpace':



Class: NameSpace



rev: 1.83 date: 2019/06/05 15:09:01
user: cg
file: NameSpace.st directory: libbasic
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic
Claus Gittinger


A NameSpace is actually a dummy class, providing a home
for its private classes. 
Thus, internally, the same mechanism is used for classes in
a NameSpace and private classes.
This has two advantages:
    - we only need one mechanism for both namespaces
      and private classes

    - there are no possible conflicts between a class
      and a namespace named alike.

Related information:


Class protocol:

o  defineClass: name superclass: superclass indexedType: indexed private: private instanceVariableNames: instVars classInstanceVariableNames: classInstVars imports: imports category: category
VW5i compatibility class/namespace creation

o  defineClass: name superclass: superclassOrName indexedType: indexed private: private instanceVariableNames: instVars classInstanceVariableNames: classInstVars imports: imports category: category attributes: annotations
VW5i compatibility class/namespace creation

o  defineNameSpace: nameSymbol private: private imports: imports category: category
VW5i compatibility class/namespace creation

o  allClasses

o  allClassesWithAllPrivateClasses

o  at: classNameSymbol
return a class from the namespace defined by the receiver

o  at: classNameSymbol ifAbsent: exceptionBlock
return a class or an alternative
from the namespace defined by the receiver

o  at: aKey ifPresent: aBlock
try to retrieve the value stored at aKey.
If there is nothing stored under this key, do nothing.
Otherwise, evaluate aBlock, passing the retrieved value as argument.

o  at: classNameSymbol put: aClass
add a class to the namespace defined by the receiver

o  classNamed: aString
return the class with name aString, or nil if absent.
To get to the metaClass, append ' class' to the string.

o  classNames

o  import: aNameSpace

o  imports

o  includesKey: aClassNameStringOrSymbol
return true if such a key is present

o  loadedClassNamed: aString
return the class with name aString, or nil if absent.
To get to the metaClass, append ' class' to the string.
Do not autoload the owning class of a private class.

o  package
all nameSpaces are outside of any package

usage example(s):

the nameSpace class itself has a package

o  allBehaviorsDo: aBlock
enumerate all classes in this namespace

o  allClassesDo: aBlock
enumerate all classes in this namespace

o  allClassesForWhich: filter
return a collection with all classes in the system,
for which filter evaluates to true.

usage example(s):

        allClassesForWhich:[:cls | cls name startsWith:'Po']

o  allClassesForWhich: filter do: aBlock
evaluate the argument, aBlock for all classes in the system, for which filter evaluates to true.

usage example(s):

        allClassesForWhich:[:cls | cls name startsWith:'Po']
        do:[:aClass | Transcript showCR:aClass name]

o  allMethodsDo: aBlock
enumerate all methods in this namespace's classes

o  allMethodsWithSelectorDo: aBlock
enumerate all methods in the Smalltalk namespace's classes

o  keyAtValue: anObject
return the symbol under which anObject is stored - or nil

usage example(s):

Smalltalk keyAtValue:Object

o  keys
enumerate all class names in this namespace

usage example(s):

     Benchmarks keys

o  keysDo: aBlock
enumerate all class names in this namespace

usage example(s):

     Benchmarks keysDo:[:k | Transcript showCR:k]

o  fileOutDefinitionOn: aStream
redefined to generate another definition message

o  fileOutXMLDefinitionOn: aStream
redefined to generate another definition message

instance creation
o  fullName: aFullNameSpacePathName
given a possibly nested name of a namespace, create all required
intermediate spaces (if not already existing) and return the
bottom-level space.

o  fullName: aFullNameSpacePathName createIfAbsent: createIfAbsent
given a possibly nested name of a namespace, lookup and return
a namespace instance for it.
If createIfAbsent is true, create all required intermediate spaces (if not already existing)
and return the bottom-level space.
If false, and if any namespace along the path does not exist, reutrn nil.

o  name: aStringOrSymbol
create a new nameSpace, named aStringOrSymbol.
Notice, that the nameSpace is created in the current one -
don't get confused; we recommend, not to nest them too much.

usage example(s):

     NameSpace name:'foo'
     (NameSpace name:'foo') category:'my name space'
     foo at:#bar put:(Metaclass new new)
     (NameSpace name:'foo') name:'bar'

usage example(s):

     NameSpace name:'an-invalid++name'
     NameSpace name:'another:invalidName'
     NameSpace name:'another::invalidName'

o  new
catch new - namespaces are not to be created by the user

misc ui support
o  inspectorClass
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
redefined to launch a DictionaryInspector
(instead of the default Inspector).

printing & storing
o  displayOn: aGCOrStream
append a printed description on some stream (Dolphin, Squeak)
display the receiver in a graphicsContext at 0@0 (ST80).
This method allows for any object to be displayed in some view
(although the fallBack is to display its printString ...)

o  setImports: anArrayOrNil
Sets namespace imports. Private entry,
Use 'self import: theNamespace' instead

o  allNameSpaces
return a list of all namespaces

o  allNameSpacesIn: anEnvironment
return a list of all namespaces

o  allNamespaces
return a list of all namespaces

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  allNamespacesIn: anEnvironment
return a list of all namespaces

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  canHaveExtensions
return true, if this class allows extensions from other packages.
Private classes, namespaces and projectDefinitions don't allow this

usage example(s):

     Smalltalk allClasses select:[:each | each canHaveExtensions not]

o  hasNameSpaces
return true - if I support sub-namespaces

o  hasNamespaces
return true - if I support sub-namespaces

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  isNameSpace
return true, if the receiver is a nameSpace.
Unconditionally true here for subclasses - my subclasses are namespaces

o  isRealNameSpace
return true, if the receiver is a nameSpace, but not Smalltalk (which is also a class).
Unconditionally true here for subclasses - my subclasses are namespaces

o  isTopLevelNameSpace

o  isTopLevelNamespace
obsolete - use isTopLevelNameSpace

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

ST/X; WebServer 1.670 at bd0aa1f87cdd.unknown:8081; Fri, 26 Apr 2024 13:56:27 GMT