Class: PieChart
- Package:
- stx:libwidg3
- Category:
- Statistic-Charts
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2017/11/28 18:23:44
- user: cg
- file: PieChart.st directory: libwidg3
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libwidg3
hallo erstmal...
a simple PieChart,
(zeigt ein Tortendiagramm, wobei die Stücke jedoch nicht essbar sind.)
The model is a collection of chart description items,
each being a dictionary filled with entries for:
#value aNumber the numeric value
#color aColor the color
see example on how to fill such a chartDescription model.
This was one of the author's very first Smalltalk programs ever.
So please excuse any odd code.
[instance variables:]
middlePoint, only for the point in the middle => therefore middlepoint
radX radian for x-coordinate
radY radian for y-coordinate
anzahl number of pie-pieces
summe result of all values
aod Array of Dictionaries
aoHilf Array with help coordinates
foregroundColor text color for percent displaying
backgroundColor background color of pie chart
label1 name of pie chart
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 1998 by eXept Software AG
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
instance creation
(comment from inherited method)
return an instance of myself without indexed variables
return the value of the instance variable 'anzahl' (automatically generated)
anzahl: something
set the value of the instance variable 'anzahl' (automatically generated)
return the value of the instance variable 'aoHilf' (automatically generated)
aoHilf: something
set the value of the instance variable 'aoHilf' (automatically generated)
return the value of the instance variable 'aod' (automatically generated)
aod: something
set the value of the instance variable 'aod' (automatically generated)
label: aString
return the value of the instance variable 'middlePoint' (automatically generated)
middlePoint: aPoint
set the value of the instance variable 'middlePoint' (automatically generated)
model: newModel
return the value of the instance variable 'newfont' (automatically generated)
newfont: something
set the value of the instance variable 'newfont' (automatically generated)
return the value of the instance variable 'oldfont' (automatically generated)
oldfont: something
set the value of the instance variable 'oldfont' (automatically generated)
return the value of the instance variable 'pieChartName' (automatically generated)
pieChartName: something
set the value of the instance variable 'pieChartName' (automatically generated)
return the value of the instance variable 'rF' (automatically generated)
rF: something
set the value of the instance variable 'rF' (automatically generated)
return the value of the instance variable 'radX' (automatically generated)
radX: something
set the value of the instance variable 'radX' (automatically generated)
return the value of the instance variable 'radY' (automatically generated)
radY: something
set the value of the instance variable 'radY' (automatically generated)
return the value of the instance variable 'style' (automatically generated)
style: something
set the value of the instance variable 'style' (automatically generated)
return the value of the instance variable 'summe' (automatically generated)
summe: something
set the value of the instance variable 'summe' (automatically generated)
accessing-color & font
return the value of the instance variable 'backgroundColor' (automatically generated)
backgroundColor: something
set the value of the instance variable 'backgroundColor' (automatically generated)
return the value of the instance variable 'foregroundColor' (automatically generated)
foregroundColor: something
set the value of the instance variable 'foregroundColor' (automatically generated)
drawKeyOn: aForm inArea: aRect
drawLogo2On: aView
zeichnet den pie-Umfang
drawPercentDescriptionOn: aView
Prozentausgabe der Diagrammstücke
drawPieChartOn: aView
get number of pieces
drawPiePiecesOn: aView
draw a filled arc in a box, given startAngle and endAngle.
redrawPieChartOn: aView
redrawPieChartOn: aView inArea: anArea
Instanzvariablen initialisieren
writeLabelOn: aView
(comment from inherited method)
just to ignore initialize to objects which do not need it
fills the Dictionaries in Array with Values
ermittelt die Anzahl der belegten Diagrammstücke
initialisiert die Instanzvariable summe mit der Gesammtsumme
|p chart piece holder|
chart := OrderedCollection new.
piece := Dictionary new.
piece at:#value put:50.
piece at:#color put:(Color red onDevice:Display).
chart add:piece.
piece := Dictionary new.
piece at:#value put:100.
piece at:#color put:(Color blue onDevice:Display).
chart add:piece.
p := PieChartWidget new.
p model:(holder := ValueHolder new).
p extent:300@300.
p pieChartName:'demo PieChart'.
p open.
holder value:chart.
Delay waitForSeconds:2.
1 to: 5 do:[:i |
piece := Dictionary new.
piece at:#value put:30.
piece at:#color put:(i odd ifTrue:[Color green onDevice:Display]
ifFalse:[Color magenta onDevice:Display]).
chart add:piece.
holder value:nil.
holder value:chart.
|p chart piece holder v|
chart := OrderedCollection new.
piece := Dictionary new.
piece at:#value put:50.
piece at:#color put:(Color red onDevice:Display).
chart add:piece.
piece := Dictionary new.
piece at:#value put:100.
piece at:#color put:(Color blue onDevice:Display).
chart add:piece.
p := PieChart new.
p model:(holder := chart asValue).
p pieChartName:'demo PieChart'.
v := View new.
v extent:300@300.
v open.
Delay waitForSeconds:1.
p redrawPieChartOn:v.