Class: PopUpMenu
- Package:
- stx:libwidg
- Category:
- Views-Menus
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2021/09/24 16:12:55
- user: cg
- file: PopUpMenu.st directory: libwidg
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: libwidg
Warning: this is a very old class which was written well before many improved
successors and tools were added. A lot of stuff you find here is kept for backward
This class provides PopUpMenu functionality;
-> Actually, this class only provides the popup and shadow functionality
and wraps ANOTHER view, which shows the actual menu-list
(usually an instance of MenuView, but in theory, other views could be wrapped as popup).
PopUpMenus are usually created with a list of labels, selectors and a
Once activated, the specified receiver will be sent a 'selector'-message.
PopupMenus may be either assigned statically to a view (via the #middleButtonMenu:
message) or created dynamically as required.
Static definition makes sense, if the menu stays constant and you want to
assign it once for the lifetime of the view.
Dynamic menus are easier to use, if the number of or look of the entries has to
change according the internal state of some model. Also, this is the ST-80 way
of using popupMenus. For dynamic popups, the view's model is asked for a menu
via the #menuSelector each time a button press occurs.
See examples section for more.
copyrightCOPYRIGHT (c) 1989 by Claus Gittinger
All Rights Reserved
This software is furnished under a license and may be used
only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the
inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not
be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any
other person. No title to or ownership of the software is
hereby transferred.
ST-80 instance creation
labelArray: labels
ST80R4 compatibility
Usage example(s):
(PopUpMenu labelArray:#('one' 'two' 'three')) startUp
labelArray: labels lines: lines values: values
ST80R4 compatibility
labelArray: labels values: values
ST80R4 compatibility
labelList: labels
ST80R4 compatibility:
given a list consisting of group label entries (to be separated by
lines), convert into standard form (using '-' for lines.
Usage example(s):
(PopUpMenu labels:#('1' '2' '3')) showAtPointer
(PopUpMenu labelList:#(('1') ('2' '3'))) showAtPointer
(PopUpMenu labelList:#(('1') ('2') ('3'))) showAtPointer
labelList: labels lines: lines values: values
mhmh what is that ?
labelList: labels values: values
ST80R4 compatibility:
given a list consisting of group label entries (to be separated by
lines), convert into standard form (using '-' for lines.
Usage example(s):
(PopUpMenu labels:#('1' '2' '3') values:#(1 2 3)) showAtPointer
(PopUpMenu labelList:#(('1') ('2' '3')) values:#(1 2 3)) showAtPointer
(PopUpMenu labelList:#(('1') ('2') ('3')) values:#(1 2 3)) showAtPointer
labels: labels
ST80R2 compatibility
labels: labels lines: lines
ST80R2 compatibility
labels: labels lines: lines values: values
ST80R2 compatibility
labels: labels values: values
ST80R2 compatibility
if button is pressed shorter, its a click and the menu stays open.
maxClickTimeToStayOpen: millisecondsOrNil
if button is pressed shorter, its a click and the menu stays open.
instance creation
forMenu: aMenuView
this wraps an already existing menu - allowing to put any
view (not just MenuViews) into popups (for example, menus
with icons, or other components).
Currently, there is only one example of different menus in
the system (PatternMenu in the DrawTool) which could be used
this way.
The view should respond to some of the menuView messages
(such as hideSubmenu, deselectWithoutRedraw etc.)
itemList: itemList resources: resources
like labels:selectors:... messages, but expects a single collection,
containing items row-wise (i.e. elements are themself arrays, consisting of
label [selector [accelerator [arg]]]
if resources are non-nil, labels are translated using the translations found there.
itemList: itemList resources: resources performer: menuPerformer
like labels:selectors:... messages, but expects a single collection,
containing items row-wise (i.e. elements are themself arrays, consisting of
label [selector [accelerator [arg]]]
if resources are non-nil, labels are translated using the translations found there.
itemList: itemList resources: resources performer: menuPerformer for: aView
like labels:selectors:... messages, but expects a single collection,
containing items row-wise (i.e. elements are themself arrays, consisting of
label [selector [accelerator [arg]]]
if resources are non-nil, labels are translated using the translations found there.
itemList: itemList resources: resources receiver: menuPerformer for: aView
like labels:selectors:... messages, but expects a single collection,
containing items row-wise (i.e. elements are themself arrays, consisting of
label [selector [accelerator [arg]]]
if resources are non-nil, labels are translated using the translations found there.
labels: labels args: args
create and return a menu with label-items and args.
The actionBlock has to be defined later
Usage example(s):
m := PopUpMenu labels:#('foo' 'bar')
args:#('hello world' 'how about this').
m action:[:arg |
Transcript showCR:arg
m showAtPointer
labels: labels selector: aSelector args: args receiver: anObject
create and return a popup menu with labels as entries.
Each item will send aSelector with a corresponding argument from the
args array to anObject. The menu is created on the default DIsplay
Usage example(s):
OBSOLETE protocol: #labels:selectors:... knows how to handle single-symbol selectors-arg
labels: labels selector: aSelector args: args receiver: anObject for: aView
create and return a popup menu with labels as entries.
Each item will send aSelector with a corresponding argument from the
args array to anObject. The menu is created on the same physical device
as aView (which is only of interest in multi-Display applications;
typical applications can use the sibbling message without the for: argument).
Usage example(s):
OBSOLETE protocol: #labels:selectors:... knows how to handle single-symbol selectors-arg
labels: labels selectors: selectors
create and return a menu with label-items and selectors. The receiver
will either be defined later, or not used at all (if opened via startUp)
labels: labels selectors: selectors accelerators: shorties
create and return a menu with label-items and selectors. The receiver
will either be defined later, or not used at all (if opened via startUp)
labels: labels selectors: selectors accelerators: shorties args: args receiver: anObject
create and return a popup menu with labels as entries.
Each item will send a corresponding selector:argument from the selectors-
and args array to anObject. The menu is created on the default Display
labels: labels selectors: selectors accelerators: shorties args: args receiver: anObject for: aView
create and return a popup menu with labels as entries.
Each item will send a corresponding selector:argument from the selectors-
and args array to anObject. The menu is created on the same physical device
as aView (which is only of interest in multi-Display applications;
typical applications can use the sibbling message without the for: argument).
labels: labels selectors: selectors accelerators: shorties receiver: anObject
create and return a popup menu with labels as entries.
Each item will send a message with a selector from the corresponding
The menu is created on the default Display.
labels: labels selectors: selectors args: argArray
create and return a menu with label-items and selectors. The receiver
will either be defined later, or not used at all (if opened via startUp)
labels: labels selectors: selectors args: args receiver: anObject
create and return a popup menu with labels as entries.
Each item will send a corresponding selector:argument from the selectors-
and args array to anObject. The menu is created on the default Display
labels: labels selectors: selectors args: args receiver: anObject for: aView
create and return a popup menu with labels as entries.
Each item will send a corresponding selector:argument from the selectors-
and args array to anObject. The menu is created on the same physical device
as aView (which is only of interest in multi-Display applications;
typical applications can use the sibbling message without the for: argument).
labels: labels selectors: selectors receiver: anObject
create and return a popup menu with labels as entries.
Each item will send a message with a selector from the corresponding
The menu is created on the default Display.
labels: labels selectors: selectors receiver: anObject for: aView
create and return a popup menu with labels as entries.
Each item will send a corresponding selector from the selectors-array
to anObject. The menu is created on the same physical device
as aView (which is only of interest in multi-Display applications;
typical applications can use the sibbling message without the for: argument).
ST-80 activation
start the menu modal - return the selected value,
or - if no values where specified - return the index.
If nothing was selected, return 0.
Modal - i.e. stay in the menu until finished.
This is the ST-80 way of launching a menu.
Usage example(s):
Transcript showCR:(PopUpMenu labels:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz')) startUp
Transcript showCR:(PopUpMenu labels:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz')
values:#(foo bar baz)) startUp
startUpAt: aPoint
start the menu modal - return the selected value,
or - if no values where specified - return the index.
If nothing was selected, return 0.
Modal - i.e. stay in the menu until finished.
This is the ST-80 way of launching a menu.
startUpAt: aPoint ifNoneSelected: defaultReturnValue
start the menu modal - return the selected value,
or - if no values where specified - return the index.
If nothing was selected, return defaultReturnValue.
Modal - i.e. stay in the menu until finished.
This is the ST-80 way of launching a menu.
startUpFor: originatingWidget
start the menu modal - return the selected value,
or - if no values where specified - return the index.
If nothing was selected, return nil.
Modal - i.e. stay in the menu until finished.
This is the ST-80 way of launching a menu.
startUpWithHeading: aString
start the menu modal - return the selected value,
or - if no values where specified - return the index.
If nothing was selected, return 0.
Modal - i.e. stay in the menu until finished.
This is the ST-80 way of launching a menu.
Usage example(s):
labels:#('foo' 'bar'))
hideOnKeyFilter: aBlock
set a filter, which determines if a key should lead to closing the menu.
hideOnLeave: aBoolean
set/clear the hideOnLeave attribute, which controls
if the menu should be hidden when the pointer leaves
the view (used with multiple-menus)
hideOnRelease: aBoolean
set/clear the hideOnRelease attribute, which controls
if the menu should be hidden when the button is released
isEnabled: indexOrName
return true, if the item at anIndexOrName is enabled
memorizeLastSelection: index
normally, a popup menu comes up unselected, even if reused.
This can be used to arrange for an initial selection to be shown
addItem: anItem
atMenuItemLabeled: aString putSubmenu: aMenu visible: visible
return true, if I have items
indexOf: indexOrNameOrSelector
return the index of a submenu - or 0 if there is none
labelAt: indexOrNameOrSelector
return the label for entry indexOrName
return the list of labels
labels: labelString lines: lineArrayArg values: valueArray
define the menu the ST-80 way (with labels and lines defined separately)
st-80 compatibility
menuAt: indexOrNameOrSelector
return the submenu for entry indexOrName.
return the number of items in the menu
remove: indexOrName
remove a menu entry
subMenuAt: indexOrNameOrSelector
return the submenu for entry indexOrName
subMenuAt: indexOrNameOrSelector put: aMenu
define a submenu to be shown for entry indexOrName
Usage example(s):
|v m someObject|
v := View new.
m := PopUpMenu labels:#('1' '2' '3')
selectors:#(one two nil)
m subMenuAt:3 put:(PopUpMenu
labels:#('a' 'b' 'c')
selectors:#(a b c)
v middleButtonMenu:m.
v realize
valueAt: indexOrNameOrSelector
return the value for entry indexOrName
st-80 compatibility
values: aValueArray
st-80 compatibility
font: aFont
set the menus font.
CAVEAT: with the addition of Text objects,
this method is going to be obsoleted by a textStyle
method, which allows specific control over
normalFont/boldFont/italicFont parameters.
viewBackground: aColor
this is a kludge and will vanish ...
set the changeMessage from my menu
changeMessage: aSymbol
set the changeMessage - forward to my menu
get the menuPerformer - forwarded to my menuViews
menuPerformer: someone
set the menuPerformer - forwarded to my menuViews
return my menuViews model
model: aModel
set the model - forwarded to my menuViews
asMenu ( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
convert myself into a newStyle Menu instance, from which a MenuPanel is created.
The old PopUpMenu and MenuView is going to be obsoleted
(but still supported for backward compatibility)
hide the menu - if there are any pop-up-submenus, hide them also
hide the menu - if there are any pop-up-submenus, hide them also.
Any superMenu is not asked to regain control, since we are going to
hide them also.
findGuiResourcesIn: aResourceContainerOrApplication
dummy - for compatibility with MenuPanel
(in case an old-style PopUpMenu is returned from a menu message)
event handling
buttonMotion: state x: x y: y
state == 0 ifTrue:[^ self].
buttonPress: button x: x y: y
(comment from inherited method)
button was pressed - check my components for a hit.
buttonRelease: button x: x y: y
(comment from inherited method)
button was released - check my components for a hit.
keyPress: key x: x y: y
already redelegated
pointerEnter: state x: x y: y
catch quick release of button
pointerLeave: state
menuView pointerLeave:state.
(comment from inherited method)
will be sent by create - can be redefined by subclasses to enable
view events
menuview messages
doesNotUnderstand: aMessage
forward all menu-view messages
(comment from inherited method)
get exclusive access to pointer and keyboard
return true, if I have been opened as a submenu of some other
menu: aMenuView
set the actual menu
** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **
return the actual menu
menuView: aMenu
set the actual menu
superMenu: aMenu
set the superMenu
called right before the view is made visible.
adjust my size to the size of the actual menu
(comment from inherited method)
device zoom:(device pointerPosition extent:1@1)to:(self bounds) duration:10.
The ST-80 way of opening menus is to startUp a menu,
and use the returned value:
p := PopUpMenu
labels:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz').
Transcript showCR:p startUp
| It returns the index of the selected item or 0 if nothing was selected.
This opening is done by either the controller or the view (if it has
a middleButtonMenu and/or a menuHolder).
If the numeric index is inconvenient, alternative values may be specified
as in (here, nil is returned if nothing was selected):
p := PopUpMenu
labels:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz')
values:#('hello foo' 'hello bar' 'hello baz').
Transcript showCR:p startUp
| In ST/X, the above is actually done by a mimicri method (#startUp)
and menus are typically created in one of the following ways:
-> With a single actionBlock.
This is convenient, if all actions shall perform a similar task,
but require different arguments.
this is evaluated, passing the selections index or value as argument.
The action block is NOT evaluated, if nothing was selected.
With index:
p := PopUpMenu
labels:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz').
p action:[:item | Transcript showCR:item].
p showAtPointer
| With individual arguments:
p := PopUpMenu
labels:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz')
args:#('hello foo' 'hello bar' 'hello baz').
p action:[:item | Transcript showCR:item].
p showAtPointer
-> With an explicit receiver and different selectors.
This is convenient, if you have to send per-item messages
to some object (typically, the receiver is the view or a model)
|p m|
m := Plug new.
m respondTo:#foo with:[Transcript showCR:'foo received'].
m respondTo:#bar with:[Transcript showCR:'bar received'].
m respondTo:#maz with:[Transcript showCR:'maz received'].
p := PopUpMenu
labels:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz')
selectors:#(#foo #bar #baz)
p showAtPointer
More examples:
dynamic with action instead of selector being sent:
p := PopUpMenu
labels:(($a to: $d) collect:[:char | char asString])
p action:[:idx | Transcript showCR:'selected index is '; showCR:idx].
p showAtPointer
individual actions:
p := PopUpMenu
p actionAt:#foo put:[Transcript showCR:'foo'].
p actionAt:#bar put:[Transcript showCR:'bar'].
p actionAt:#baz put:[Transcript showCR:'baz'].
p showAtPointer
sometimes, you want to specify both selectors and some arguments
to be sent; this is done by:
p := PopUpMenu
labels:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz')
selectors:#(#foo: #bar: #foo:)
args:#(1 2 3)
p showAtPointer
or, the same selector but different arguments:
p := PopUpMenu
labels:#('foo' 'bar' 'baz')
args:#(1 2 3)
p showAtPointer
Normally, you do not show the menu explicitely, but install
it as a either as middleButtonMenu of some view or return it from
a model.
(Views/Controllers button-event handler will show it when the middle
button is pressed ...)
Static menu:
|v m|
v := View new.
m := PopUpMenu
selectors:#(#lower #raise nil #destroy)
v middleButtonMenu:m.
v open
Dynamic menu:
(since we need some model which responds to a menu-message,
we use a plug in the example below; normally, this would be your model)
|v model|
model := Plug new.
model respondTo:#getMenu with:[PopUpMenu labels:#('foo' 'bar')
selectors:#(foo bar)].
model respondTo:#foo with:[Transcript showCR:'models foo called'].
model respondTo:#bar with:[Transcript showCR:'models bar called'].
v := View new.
v model:model; menu:#getMenu.
v open
Dynamic menus are the MVC-way (i.e. ST-80) way of doing things.
They are usually easier to use, if the menu changes depending on the models
state. (for example, see the systemBrowsers menus being different when
things are selected ...)
It is also possible, to add check-mark entries, with an entry string
starting with the special sequence '\c' (for check-mark). The value
passed will be the truth-state of the check-mark.
|m v|
v := View new.
m := PopUpMenu
labels:#('\c foo'
'\c bar')
selectors:#(#value: #value:)
receiver:[:v | Transcript show:'arg: '; showCR:v].
v middleButtonMenu:m.
v open
The style of the checkmark can be: check (\c), box (\b) or thumbs (\t):
|m v|
v := View new.
m := PopUpMenu
labels:#('\c foo'
'\b bar'
'\t baz')
selectors:#(#value: #value: #value:)
receiver:[:v | Transcript show:'arg: '; showCR:v].
v middleButtonMenu:m.
v open
or at the end (looks better with variable fonts):
|m v|
v := View new.
m := PopUpMenu
labels:#('foo \c'
'bar \b'
'baz \t')
selectors:#(#value: #value: #value:)
receiver:[:v | Transcript show:'arg: '; showCR:v].
v middleButtonMenu:m.
v open
Finally, you can wrap other views into a popup menu (for example,
to implement menus with icons or other components).
The view should respond to some messages sent from here (for
example: #hideSubmenus, #deselectWithoutRedraw and others).
Currently there is only one class in the system, which can be used
this way (PatternMenu in the DrawTool demo):
|v p|
v := View new.
p := PatternMenu new.
p patterns:(Array with:Color red
with:Color green
with:Color blue).
v middleButtonMenu:(PopUpMenu forMenu:p).
v open
or try:
|v p|
v := View new.
p := PatternMenu new.
p patterns:(Array with:Color red
with:Color green
with:Color blue).
p selectors:#value:.
p receiver:[:val | v viewBackground:val. v clear].
p args:(Array with:Color red
with:Color green
with:Color blue).
v middleButtonMenu:(PopUpMenu forMenu:p).
v open
ST-80 style:
The above menus all did some message send on selection; it is
also possible, to use Smalltalk-80 style menus (which return some value
from their startup method):
|m selection|
m := PopUpMenu
labels:#('one' 'two' 'three').
selection := m startUp.
Transcript show:'the selection was: '; showCR:selection
startUp will return the entries index, or 0 if there was no selection.
You can also specify an array of values to be returned instead of the
|m selection|
m := PopUpMenu
labels:#('one' 'two' 'three')
values:#(10 20 30).
selection := m startUp.
Transcript show:'the value was: '; showCR:selection
In ST/X style menus, separating lines between entries are created
by a '-'-string as its label text (and corresponding nil-entries in the
selectors- and args-arrays).
In ST-80, you have to pass the indices of the lines in an extra array:
|m selection|
m := PopUpMenu
labels:#('one' 'two' 'three' 'four' 'five')
lines:#(2 4).
selection := m startUp.
Transcript show:'the value was: '; showCR:selection
|m selection|
m := PopUpMenu
labels:#('one' 'two' 'three')
values:#(10 20 30).
selection := m startUp.
Transcript show:'the value was: '; showCR:selection
Use whichever interface you prefer.