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Documentation of class 'PriorityQueue':



Class: PriorityQueue



rev: 1.8 date: 2023/03/13 03:32:23
user: cg
file: PriorityQueue.st directory: libbasic2
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic2


a priority queue is a collection which keeps its elements in order.
The internal organization is a heap; 
eg. elements are not kept sorted internally.

If a maximumu size is given:
    keeping only the maxSize largest values at any time.
    When elements are added, a check is made, 
    if the new element should be kept or not.

Finally, when all elements have been added,
get the elements in sorted order by repeated calls to removeFirst,
which will remove and return the next smallest element.

A different comparator may be given, to sort the elements in reverse,
or to use a different comparison method.


COPYRIGHT (c) 2018 by eXept Software AG All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

instance creation
o  new: maxSize
retun a new PriorityQueue, which holds at most maxNode elements,
the largest one's added

o  new: maxSize comparator: aBlock
retun a new PriorityQueue, which holds at most maxNode elements,
the largest one's added

o  newWithCapacity: size
return a new empty Collection with capacity for n elements.

o  newWithUnlimitedSize
retun a new PriorityQueue, which holds any number of elements

o  newWithUnlimitedSizeWithComparator: comparatorBlock
retun a new PriorityQueue, which holds any number of elements

Instance protocol:

o  add: anElement
if the argument is larger than the currently smallest element,
then add it and remove the smallest.
Otherwise do nothing

Usage example(s):


     pq := PriorityQueue new:5.
     pq add:1.
     pq add:10.
     pq add:5.
     pq add:9.
     pq add:17.
     pq add:-1.
     pq add:29.

o  isEmpty
(comment from inherited method)
return true, if the receiver is empty

o  size

o  do: aBlock
evaluate the argument, aBlock for each element in the queue
(in the order of priority)

o  comparator: aBlock

o  initializeFor: maxSizeArg

o  initializeFor: maxSizeArg comparator: aBlock

o  contents
return the current contents sorted

o  downHeap
an element was added at the bottom of the heap;
shift it to its place

o  getContents
return the current contents.
Attention: it is not sorted, but a heap structure

o  upHeap
an element was added to the top of the heap;
shift it to its place

o  removeAll
remove all elements from the receiver. Returns the receiver

o  removeFirst
removes and returns the smallest element from the priority queue.
The interpretation of 'smallest' is defined by the compare block

Usage example(s):


     pq := PriorityQueue new:5.
     #(30 80 10 50 60 20 70 40) do:[:e | pq add:e].
     self assert:(pq contents = #(40 50 60 70 80)).
     self assert:(pq size == 5).
     self assert:(pq removeFirst = 40).
     self assert:(pq size == 4).
     self assert:(pq removeFirst = 50).
     self assert:(pq size == 3).
     self assert:(pq removeFirst = 60).
     self assert:(pq size == 2).
     self assert:(pq removeFirst = 70).
     self assert:(pq size == 1).
     self assert:(pq removeFirst = 80).
     self assert:(pq size == 0).
     self assert:(pq isEmpty).

o  max
(comment from inherited method)
return the maximum value in the receiver collection,
using #< to compare elements.
Raises an error, if the receiver is empty.

o  min
(comment from inherited method)
return the minimum value in the receiver collection,
using < to compare elements.
Raises an error if the receiver is empty.


find the 10 largest files in the stx source tree
  |pq dir|

  pq := PriorityQueue new:10 comparator:[:a :b | a fileSize > b fileSize].
  dir := '../../' asFilename.
  dir directoryContentsAsFilenamesDo:[:eachLib |
      (eachLib baseName startsWith:'lib') ifTrue:[
          eachLib filesWithSuffix:'st' do:[:fn |
              pq add:fn
  [ pq notEmpty ] whileTrue:[

      next := pq removeFirst.
      Transcript show:next fileSize; space; showCR:next pathName
generate 1 million random numbers and show the 10 largest

  pq := PriorityQueue new:10.
  1000000 timesRepeat:[
      pq add:(Random nextInteger).
  [ pq notEmpty ] whileTrue:[
      Transcript showCR:pq removeFirst.
a little test

  #(10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80) permutationsDo:[:p |
      pq := PriorityQueue new:5.
      pq addAll:p.
      self assert:(pq getContents copy sort = #(40 50 60 70 80)).
      self assert:(pq contents = #(40 50 60 70 80)).
an unlimited size priority queue; add 1000 elements; extract the first 10 elements; show the remaining size.
  |pq coll|
  pq := PriorityQueue newWithUnlimitedSizeWithComparator:[:a :b | a < b].
  coll := OrderedCollection new.
  1000 timesRepeat:[ 
      pq add:(n := Random nextIntegerBetween:1 and:100000).
      coll add:n.
  coll sort.
  Transcript show:'smallest: '; showCR:(coll first:10).
  Transcript show:'largest: '; showCR:(coll last:10).

  Transcript showCR:'prio largest:'.
  10 timesRepeat:[ Transcript showCR:pq removeFirst ].
  Transcript show:'remaining: '; showCR: pq size.
  pq size - 10 timesRepeat:[pq removeFirst].
  Transcript showCR:'prio smallest:'.
  10 timesRepeat:[ Transcript showCR:pq removeFirst ].

ST/X; WebServer 1.702 at 20f6060372b9.unknown:8081; Sun, 23 Feb 2025 06:30:20 GMT