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Documentation of class 'SegmentedOrderedCollection':



Class: SegmentedOrderedCollection



rev: 1.22 date: 2023/11/27 15:34:30
user: cg
file: SegmentedOrderedCollection.st directory: libbasic2
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic2


SegmentedOrderedCollections are intended as a replacement for huge OrderedCollections or Lists.
They keep their elements in chunks (segments), allowing for fast 
adding/removing at either end AND relatively fast add/remove inside the collection.
Compared to regular orderedColletions, there is not much of a difference if
elements are added at either end.
However, when adding/removing inner elements, the performance of SegmentedOrderedCollections
is much better above a certain number of elements (actually quite big).

However, notice again: 
    when only removing at either end only, an OrderedCollection is faster.

The break-even in performance depends on the number of elements and the usage pattern.
Consider it with (say) > 10000 elements and many adds/removes from the inside.

This class was added to support huge selection-in-lists (>100k elements), which are
constantly changing by adding/removing elements at arbitrary positions.

Possibly unfinished (may need optimized search and replace).

[complexity:] (M is the segment size)        
     access by index:                O(logM(n))           depends on segment size M which defaults to 200
     insertion at either end:        O(logM(n)) mostly    logM to find the segment; then append at either end
     removal at either end:          O(logM(n))
     insertion in the middle:        O(logM(n)) + O(M)    logM to find the segment; O(M) to shift in that segment
     removal in the middle:          O(logM(n)) + O(M)    - ditto -
     searching:                      O(n)
     min/max:                        O(n)


COPYRIGHT (c) 2013 by Claus Gittinger All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

instance creation
o  new
return an initialized instance

o  new: size
return an initialized instance with space for size elements.
However, be aware that the logical size is 0

Instance protocol:

o  at: index
return the element at index, anInteger

o  at: index put: newElement
set the element at index, to be anInteger.
Return anObject (sigh).

o  first
return the first element

o  last
return the last element

adding & removing
o  add: anObject
add anObject to the end.
Returns the object (sigh)

o  add: anObject beforeIndex: index
insert the first argument, anObject into the collection before slot index.
Return the receiver (sigh - ST-80 compatibility).

Notice that this modifies the receiver, NOT a copy.

o  addAll: aCollection
add aCollection to the end.

Usage example(s):

     sc := SegmentedOrderedCollection new.
     sc addAll:(1 to:100).
     sc addAll:(101 to:200).
     sc addAll:(201 to:300).
     sc add:301.

o  addFirst: anObject
add anObject to the beginning (insert as new first element).

o  removeAll
remove all elements from the receiver. Returns the receiver.

o  removeFirst
remove the first element from the collection; return the element.
If there is no element in the receiver collection, raise an error.

o  removeFirstIfAbsent: exceptionBlock
remove the first element from the collection; return the element.
If there is no element in the receiver collection, return the value from
Destructive: modifies the receiver

o  removeFromIndex: startIndex toIndex: endIndex
remove the elements stored under startIndex up to and including
the elements under stopIndex.
Return the receiver.
Returning the receiver here is a historic leftover - it may change.
Please use yourself in a cascade, if you need the receiver's value
when using this method.

o  removeLast
remove the last element from the collection; return the element

o  do: aBlock
evaluate the argument, aBlock for every element in the collection.

o  keysAndValuesDo: aBlock
evaluate the argument, aBlock for every element in the collection,
passing both index and element as arguments.

grow & shrink
o  grow: newSize
adjust the logical size to newSize

o  initialize
Invoked when a new instance is created.

o  splitSegmentAt: segmentIndex

o  isFixedSize
return true if the receiver cannot grow

o  size
return the number of elements in the collection


oc := OrderedCollection new.
Time millisecondsToRun:[
    1 to:100000 do:[:i |
        oc add:i
] => 21


sc := SegmentedOrderedCollection new.
Time millisecondsToRun:[
    1 to:100000 do:[:i |
        sc add:i
] => 87

oc := OrderedCollection new.
Time millisecondsToRun:[
    oc grow:100000.
    oc at:1 put:1.
    oc at:100000 put:100000.


sc := SegmentedOrderedCollection new.
Time millisecondsToRun:[
    sc grow:100000.
    sc at:1 put:1.
    sc at:100000 put:100000.

|oc c|
oc := OrderedCollection new.
c := 1 to:100000.
Time millisecondsToRun:[
    oc addAll:c.
    oc addAll:c.
    oc addAll:c.
]   47 

|sc c|

sc := SegmentedOrderedCollection new.
c := 1 to:100000.
Time millisecondsToRun:[
    sc addAll:c.
    sc addAll:c.
    sc addAll:c.

ST/X; WebServer 1.702 at 20f6060372b9.unknown:8081; Sat, 22 Feb 2025 23:22:01 GMT