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Smalltalk/X Webserver

Documentation of class 'SelectionInHierarchy':



Class: SelectionInHierarchy



rev: 1.19 date: 2023/07/15 18:32:46
user: cg
file: SelectionInHierarchy.st directory: libwidg2
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libwidg2


THIS CLASS IS OBSOLETE - use HierarchicalListView

model for a selection in a hierarchical list.
See examples in SelectionInHierarchyView.

Notice: this class was provided for free by a customer
        It is more or less obsoleted by SelectionInTree, which provides
        similar (but more sphisticated) functionality.
        SelectionInHierarchy remains in the system for backward compatibility.


COPYRIGHT (c) 1994 by AEG Industry Automation COPYRIGHT (c) 1994 by Claus Gittinger All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Instance protocol:

o  getHierarchyNodeForContents: something
return the hierarchyNode whose contents is something

o  list
Answer a collection of nodes representing the
list of currently viewed objects.

o  root: aHierarchyNode
Set the root object - this means initialization.

o  selectedPath
Answer the pathName to the currently selected node.

o  setHideToChildren: aBoolean startingAt: aHierarchyNode
set the hide-Falg to aBoolean starting at aHierarchyNode down

o  showCompleteHierarchyStartingAtNode: aHierarchyNode
Set the hide-Flag to false for the hierarchy starting at aHierarchyNode

o  addChildAndSubChildren: aHierarchyNode below: existingHierarchyNode after: aChild
Add a new HierarchyNode to the tree.

o  addChildAndSubChildren: aHierarchyNode below: existingHierarchyNode at: anIndex

adding & removing
o  add: aChild below: aParent
add a new HierarchyNode to the tree.

o  add: aChild belowIndex: aParentIndex
Add a new HierarchyNode to the tree below the node
which is found in the list at anIndex.

o  remove: aHierarchyNode
Remove aHierarchyNode and all its children.

o  removeBelow: existingHierarchyNode
Remove all children below an existingHierarchyNode .

o  removeBelowIndex: anIndex
Remove all the children of aHierarchyNode
which is found in the list at anIndex.

o  removeIndex: anIndex
Remove the HierarchyNode and all its children
which is found in the list at anIndex.

hierarchy manipulation
o  collapse
If possible, collapse the tree at the currently selected node.
The tree structure can be restored again with #expand.

o  collapseAll
If possible, collapse the tree at the currently selected node.
A latter #expand will show the next hierarchy level

o  expand
If possible, expand the tree
at the currently selected node.

o  expandAll
If possible, expand the tree completely to all leaves
at the currently selected node.

o  hideShow
If possible, expand or collaps the tree
at the currently selected node.

o  setNewList
Travers the tree and build a new list.

o  doubleClickSelection: anIndex
Set the current selected object to be the element
at anIndex of the selection list.
Also expand or collapse the tree at that point.

o  selectedNode
returns current selected node or nil

o  selection
get the selection or nil

o  selection: anIndexOrNil
set the selection

o  selectionIndex
get the selection or nil

o  selectionIndex: anIndexOrNil
set the selection

testing & debugging
o  root
get the root node

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