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Documentation of class 'TerminalSession':



Class: TerminalSession



rev: 1.81 date: 2024/01/10 13:00:38
user: cg
file: TerminalSession.st directory: libbasic2
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic2


This is basically a TerminalView without a view.

This keeps the state and API to interact with another program
via a terminal session. Under Unix, a pseudo-tty connection
is used; other operating systems might use other mechanisms.

This is (currently) used by the GDBApplication, to interact
with gdb, cscope and the program.
It can be used wherever more control is needed than a simple pipe
offers (such as terminal emulation, window size, CTRL-c support etc.)

A major feature is a mechanism to catch certain prompt strings of the output
and get a notification.
This is very useful, if a program's output is to be shown both in a terminalview,
and also to be analyzed for robot actions.
Applications for this are telnet like interaction, interactions with a debugger
or monitor (gdb, android-adb) etc.,

A lot of code has been extracted from TerminalView, 
which will be refactored, once this is stable. 
For now, there is some code duplication (as of Summer 2014).

outStream   - the controlled program's output (a pty-half)
inStream    - the controlled program's input (a pty-half)
errStream   - the controlled program's output (a pty-half)


COPYRIGHT (c) 2013 by eXept Software AG All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

o  askToWaitLongerOnTimeoutQuery
by answering this with true, the ask-longer dialog is suppressed on timeout

o  initialize
self initialize
Debug := true.

Instance protocol:

o  errStream
the stdErrToStx stream.
Stuff written by the process' to its stderr will appear here

o  inStream
the stxTostdIn stream.
Stuff written to this stream will appear at the process' stdin

o  outStream
the process' stdOutToStx stream.
Stuff written by the process to its stdout will appear here

o  pluggableCheckBeforeReadAction: aBlockOrNil

o  pluggableProcessInputAction: aBlockOrNil

o  pty

o  ptyName

o  shellCommand

o  shellDirectory

o  shellPid

o  terminatedAction: aBlock
hook to be called when terminated

initialization & release
o  closeDownShell
shut down my shell process

o  closeDownShell: waitTimeInSeconds
shut down my shell process

o  closeDownShellAndStopReaderProcess
shut down my shell process,
stop the background reader thread
and close the streams

o  closeStreams

o  createTerminalConnectionAndSetupWith: setupBlock
create a terminal connection (pseudo terminal or pipe)

o  reinitialize

o  startCommand: aCommand in: aDirectory environment: envIn setupTerminalWith: setupBlock terminatedAction: terminatedActionArg
start a command on a pseudo terminal.
If the command arg is nil, a shell is started.
If aDirectory is nil, the command is executed in the current directory.
Also fork a reader process, to read the shell's output
and tell me, whenever something arrives

input / output
o  paste: someText
paste - redefined to send the chars to the shell instead
of pasting into the view

o  send: aString

o  sendCharacter: aCharacter

o  sendLine: aString

o  sendLineEnd

o  collectedOutput
return any collected output, so far

o  defineWindowSizeLines: numberOfLines columns: numberOfColumns
any idea, how to do this under windows ?

o  forgetPrompt: aStringOrRegex
Transcript showCR: e' T: forget "{aStringOrRegex}'.

o  onPrompt: aStringOrRegex do: aBlock
remember what to do, when a prompt arrives;
notice: will only start checking for prompt, when startCollectingOutput
has been called.

o  onPrompt: stringOrRegex1 do: block1 onPrompt: stringOrRegex2 do: block2
remember what to do, when a prompt arrives;
notice: will only start checking for prompt, when startCollectingOutput
has been called.

o  outputFromAction: aBlock prompt: prompt timeout: seconds
evaluate aBlock and wait for the prompt.
return gdb output as string collection

o  outputFromAction: aBlock prompt: prompt timeout: seconds to: aStreamOrNil
evaluate aBlock and wait for the prompt.
return the output as string collection

o  outputFromCommand: aCommand prompt: prompt timeout: seconds
return a command's output as string collection

o  outputFromCommand: aCommand prompt: prompt timeout: seconds to: aStreamOrNil
return a command's output as string collection

o  sendInterruptSignal
send an INT-signal to the shell (UNIX only)

o  sendKillSignal
send a KILL-signal to the shell (UNIX only)

o  startCollectingOutput
start collecting output in a collecting stream

o  startCollectingOutputTo: aStream
start collecting output into a collecting (or other) stream

o  stopCollectingOutput
start collecting output in a collecting stream

o  isOpen

reader process
o  collectOutputAndCheckForPrompt: buffer count: n
Logger debug:'string: "%1"' with:string.

o  readAnyAvailableData
read data from the stream,
and sends me #processInput:n: events if something arrived.
Returns the amount of data read.

o  readerProcessLoop
look for the session's output

o  startReaderProcess
Start a reader process, which looks for the commands output,
and sends me #processInput:n: events whenever something arrives.

o  stopReaderProcess
stop the background reader thread



session := TerminalSession new.
session startReaderProcess.
    pluggableProcessInputAction:[:buffer :n |
        Transcript show:(buffer copyTo:n).
        Transcript endEntry.
    startCommand:'ls -l' in:'~' 
    terminatedAction:[ Transcript showCR:'finished' ].

    startCommand:'(cd ~/work/cg/schemeNew ; make)' in:'~' 
    terminatedAction:[ Transcript showCR:'finished' ].

    startCommand:'(ls ~/work/cg/schemeNew)' in:'~' 
    terminatedAction:[ Transcript showCR:'finished' ].

ST/X; WebServer 1.702 at 20f6060372b9.unknown:8081; Sun, 23 Feb 2025 06:48:55 GMT