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Documentation of class 'TextStyle':



Class: TextStyle



rev: 1.14 date: 2024/01/22 14:44:02
user: cg
file: TextStyle.st directory: libcompat
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libcompat



ST-80 compatibility class.
This may be required when existing code has to be ported to ST/X;
however, it may not be complete and more protocol may be added in the future.
The code here was created when public domain code (Manchester) had to
be ported to ST/X and missing classes/methods were encountered, and code added
by reasoning 'what the original class could probably do there'.

This is currently not used by ST/X itself.


COPYRIGHT (c) 1999 by Claus Gittinger / eXept Software AG All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

o  default
Answer the system default text style.

o  defaultFont

o  named: familyName

instance creation
o  changeDefaultFontSizeBy: delta
TextStyle changeDefaultFontSizeBy: 1

o  fontArray: anArray
Answer an instance of me with fonts those in the argument, anArray.

o  initDefaultFontsAndStyle
This provides the system with 10 and 12-pt basal fonts.
Bold and italic versions will be automatically generated as needed

Usage example(s):

TextStyle initDefaultFontsAndStyle.

o  new
(comment from inherited method)
return an instance of myself without indexed variables

Instance protocol:

Disk I/O
o  storeDataOn: aDataStream
Store myself on a DataStream. This is a low-level DataStream/ReferenceStream method. See also objectToStoreOnDataStream. Need this to share tabsArray and marginTabsArray. Fonts will take care of themselves.

o  veryDeepCopyWith: deepCopier
All inst vars are meant to be shared

o  = other
(comment from inherited method)
return true if the receiver and the arg have the same structure.
This method is partially open coded (inlined) by the compiler(s)
identical objects are always considered equal.
redefining it may not work as expected.

o  alignment
Answer the code for the current setting of the alignment.

o  alignment: anInteger
Set the current setting of the alignment to be anInteger:
0=left flush, 1=centered, 2=right flush, 3=justified.

o  baseline
Answer the distance from the top of the line to the bottom of most of the
characters (by convention, bottom of the letter 'A').

o  baseline: anInteger
Set the distance from the top of the line to the bottom of most of the

o  centered
Modified (format): / 22-01-2024 / 15:35:26 / cg

o  defaultFont
Answer the first font in the font family.

o  firstIndent
Answer the horizontal indenting of the first line of a paragraph in the
style of the receiver.

o  firstIndent: anInteger
Set the horizontal indenting of the first line of a paragraph in the style
of the receiver to be the argument, anInteger.

o  fontNamed: fontName
TextStyle default fontNamed: 'TimesRoman10'

o  fontNames
TextStyle default fontNames

o  fontNamesAndSizes
TextStyle default fontNames

o  justified
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o  leading
Leading (from typographers historical use of extra lead (type metal))
is the extra spacing above and beyond that needed just to accomodate
the various font heights in the set.

o  leading: yDelta
Modified (format): / 22-01-2024 / 15:36:07 / cg

o  leftFlush
Modified (format): / 22-01-2024 / 15:36:10 / cg

o  lineGrid
Answer the relative space between lines of a paragraph in the style of
the receiver.

o  lineGrid: anInteger
Set the relative space between lines of a paragraph in the style of the
receiver to be the argument, anInteger.

o  printOn: aStream
(comment from inherited method)
append a user printed representation of the receiver to aStream.
The format is suitable for a human - not meant to be read back.

The default here is to output the receiver's class name.
BUT: this method is heavily redefined for objects which
can print prettier.

o  restIndent
Answer the indent for all but the first line of a paragraph in the style
of the receiver.

o  restIndent: anInteger
Set the indent for all but the first line of a paragraph in the style of the
receiver to be the argument, anInteger.

o  rightFlush
Modified (format): / 22-01-2024 / 15:43:06 / cg

o  rightIndent
Answer the right margin indent for the lines of a paragraph in the style
of the receiver.

o  rightIndent: anInteger
Answer the right margin indent for the lines of a paragraph in the style
of the receiver to be the argument, anInteger.

fonts and font indexes
o  collectionFromFileNamed: fileName
Read the file. It is an TextStyle whose StrikeFonts are to be added to the system. (Written by fooling SmartRefStream, so it won't write a DiskProxy!) These fonts will be added to the master TextSytle for this font family.
To write out fonts:
| ff | ff _ ReferenceStream fileNamed: 'new fonts'.
TextConstants at: #forceFontWriting put: true.
ff nextPut: (TextConstants at: #AFontName).
'do not mix font families in the TextStyle written out'.
TextConstants at: #forceFontWriting put: false.
ff close.
To read: (TextStyle default collectionFromFileNamed: 'new fonts')
*** Do not remove this method ***

o  flushFonts
Clean out the fonts, an aid when snapshotting claims too many are
holding onto Display.

Usage example(s):

TextStyle default flushFonts

o  fontIndexOfSize: desiredHeight
Returns an index in fontArray of the font with height <= desiredHeight

o  fontOfSize: aHeight
See fontIndexOfSize.
Returns the actual font. Leading not considered.

o  consolidate
If this style includes any fonts that are also in the default style,
then replace them with references to the default ones.

Usage example(s):

        TextStyle allInstancesDo: [:s | s == TextStyle default ifFalse: [s consolidate]]

o  fontArray
Only for writing out fonts, etc. 8/16/96 tk

o  fontAt: index
This is private because no object outside TextStyle should depend on the
representation of the font family in fontArray.

o  fontAt: index put: font
Automatically grow the array. 8/20/96 tk

o  gridForFont: fontIndex withLead: leadInteger
Force whole style to suit one of its fonts. Assumes only one font referred
to by runs.

o  marginTabAt: marginIndex side: sideIndex
The marginTabsArray is an Array of tuples. The Array is indexed
according to the marginIndex, the 'nesting' level of the requestor.
sideIndex is 1 for left, 2 for right.

o  newFontArray: anArray
Currently there is no supporting protocol for changing these arrays. If an editor wishes to implement margin setting, then a copy of the default should be stored with these instance variables.
, Make size depend on first font.

Usage example(s):

TextStyle allInstancesDo: [:ts | ts newFontArray: TextStyle default fontArray].

tabs and margins
o  clearIndents
Reset all the margin (index) settings to be 0.

o  leftMarginTabAt: marginIndex
Set the 'nesting' level of left margin indents of the paragraph in the
style of the receiver to be the argument, marginIndex.

o  nextTabXFrom: anX leftMargin: leftMargin rightMargin: rightMargin
Tab stops are distances from the left margin. Set the distance into the
argument, anX, normalized for the paragraph's left margin.

o  rightMarginTabAt: marginIndex
Set the 'nesting' level of right margin indents of the paragraph in the
style of the receiver to be marginIndex.

o  tabWidth
Answer the width of a tab.

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