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Documentation of class 'Tools::NavigationState':



Class: NavigationState (in Tools)



rev: 1.83 date: 2023/11/20 10:37:24
user: cg
file: Tools__NavigationState.st directory: libtool
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libtool


documentation to be added.

    <a short class summary here, describing what instances represent>

    <describing what my main role is>

    <describing with whom and how I talk to>

    <public api and main messages>
    <a one-line examples on how to use - can also be in a separate example method>

    <implementation points>

[instance variables:]

[class variables:]


COPYRIGHT (c) 2000 by eXept Software AG All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

o  initialize
Invoked at system start or when the class is dynamically loaded.

Instance protocol:

o  autoSearchAction

o  autoSearchAction: aBlock
define an autosearch action (for semantic searches)

o  autoSearchIgnoreCase
return true if the autoSearch is case-insensitive

o  autoSearchIgnoreCase: aBoolean
define the autoSearches case-insensitivenes

o  autoSearchIsMatch
return true if the autoSearch is a match search

o  autoSearchIsMatch: aBoolean
define the automatic search pattern matching behavior

o  autoSearchPattern
return the automatic search pattern.
The codeView will search for this automatically,
whenever the navigation is changing the shown method.

o  autoSearchPattern: aStringOrPattern
define the automatic search pattern.
The codeView will search for this automatically,
whenever the navigation is changing the shown method.

o  autoSearchPattern: aStringOrPattern ignoreCase: ignoreCaseBoolean match: isMatchBoolean
define the automatic search pattern.
The codeView will search for this automatically,
whenever the navigation is changing the shown method.

o  browserLabel
return the assigned state-label (to be shown in the tab).

o  browserLabel: aString
set the assigned state-label (to be shown in the tab).

o  canvas

o  canvas: something

o  canvasType
return the type of canvas

o  canvasType: aSpecSymbol
set the type of canvas

o  codeAspect
return the codeAspect; a symbol describing what is shown in the codeView

o  codeAspect: aSymbolOrNil
set the codeAspect; a symbol describing what is shown in the codeView

o  codePaneAndPluginView

o  codePaneAndPluginView: something

o  codePaneAndPluginViewRelativeCorners

o  codePaneAndPluginViewRelativeCorners: anArray

o  editorNoteBookCanvasHolder

o  editorNoteBookListHolder

o  environment

o  lastMethodShownInCodeView

o  lastMethodShownInCodeView: something

o  messagePaneView

o  messagePaneView: something

o  modified
check for modified code by asking the editTextView;
this one returns true if ever modified - even if
the modifications where undone in the editor
(i.e. not really modified).
Use #reallyModified if the contents should be compared
against the original contents

o  modified: aBoolean

o  noteBookView

o  noteBookView: something

o  realModifiedState

o  realModifiedState: aBoolean

o  realModifiedStateHolder

o  selectedEditorNoteBookTabIndexHolder

o  showMethodTemplate

o  showMethodTemplate: aBoolean

o  showingParseError

o  showingParseError: something

o  stringSearchToolView

o  stringSearchToolView: aStringSearchTool

o  tabContentView

o  tabContentView: something

o  worker

o  worker: aProcess

o  selectCategories: aCollection

o  selectClasses: aCollection

o  selectMethods: aCollection

o  theSingleSelectedClass
if only one class is selected, return it.
Otherwise, return nil

o  theSingleSelectedMethod
if only one method is selected, return it.
Otherwise, return nil

o  applicationOfComponent: aComponentName

o  applicationOfComponent: aComponentName or: anotherComponentName

o  classCategoryListApplication

o  classHierarchyListApplication

o  classListApplication

o  inlineMessageApplication

o  metaToggleComponent

o  methodCategoryListApplication

o  methodListApplication

o  nameSpaceListApplication

o  projectListApplication

o  variableList2Application

o  variableListApplication

o  versionDiffApplication

o  versionDiffApplication: anApplication

o  anySpecialEditorModified

o  codeView

o  doSaveInSpecialEditors

o  documentationView

o  getCodeView

o  inheritanceView

o  methodCategoryList: aView

o  methodList: aView

o  packageInfoButton

o  packageInfoButton: something

o  scrollableCodeView

o  setUpScrollableCodeView
codeView setClipboardText:(codeView contents). "/ for undo

o  specialEditorCanvasClassForResourceType: resourceTypeSymbol

o  specialEditorCanvasForResourceType: resourceTypeSymbol

o  bookmarkHolder
return/create the 'bookmarkHolder' value holder (automatically generated)

o  categoryList

o  categoryListGenerator

o  classDocumentationHolder

o  classHierarchyTopClass

o  classList

o  classListGenerator

o  classListPerNameSpaceGenerator

o  codeHolder

o  codeModifiedHolder

o  cursorColLabelHolder
self codeView isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

o  cursorLineAndColumnLabelHolder

o  cursorLineLabelHolder
self codeView isNil ifTrue:[^ nil].

o  editModeAutoIndentHolder

o  editModeHolder

o  filterClassVars

o  hidePrivateClasses

o  infoLabelHolder

o  languageHolder

o  lintRuleListGenerator

o  messageHolder
return/create the 'messageHolder' value holder (automatically generated)

o  messageHolder: aValueHolder
set the 'messageHolder' value holder (automatically generated)

o  messageSpecHolder
return/create the 'messageSpecHolder' value holder (automatically generated)

o  messageSpecHolder: something
set the 'messageSpecHolder' value holder (automatically generated)

o  meta

o  metaToggleLabelHolder

o  methodInfo

o  methodList

o  modeLabelHolder

o  nameSpaceFilter

o  nameSpaceListGenerator

o  navigationHistory

o  noAllItem

o  organizerMode
return the organizerMode holder;
holding a symbol describing how things are organized
(#category, #hierarchy, #project or #namespace)

o  packageFilter

o  packageInfoBackgroundColorHolder

o  packageLabelHolder

o  pluginVisibleHolder

o  profilerStatistics

o  profilerStatistics: aValueHolder

o  progressHolder
return/create the 'progressHolder' value holder (automatically generated)

o  progressHolder: aValueHolder
set the 'progressHolder' value holder (automatically generated)

o  projectListGenerator

o  protocolListGenerator

o  selectedCategories
a value holder on the currently selected class categories

o  selectedClasses
a value holder on the currently selected classes

o  selectedLintRules
a value holder on the currently selected lint rules

o  selectedMethods
a value holder on the currently selected methods

o  selectedMethodsArrayAt: index

o  selectedNamespaces
a value holder on the currently selected namespaces

o  selectedProjects
a value holder on the currently selected projects

o  selectedProtocols
a value holder on the currently selected protocols

o  selectorListGenerator
a value holder on the current selector generator

o  selectorListGeneratorArray

o  selectorListGeneratorArrayAt: index

o  sortBy

o  theSingleSelectedBookmarkFromMethodOrClass

o  theSingleSelectedClassFromMethodHolder
computes the class from the current single selected method

o  theSingleSelectedClassHolder

o  theSingleSelectedLanguageFromMethodOrClass

o  theSingleSelectedMethodHolder

o  updateBookmarkHolder

o  updateLanguageHolder

o  variableFilter

o  metaToggle

o  notMetaToggle

o  addToHistory: class selector: selector
selector ifNil:[^self].

printing & storing
o  colorizeForModifiedBuffer: someString

o  nameString
a descriptive string of what this state shows

o  nameStringOrNil
a descriptive string of what this state shows

o  rawNameStringForCategory

o  rawNameStringForNameSpace

o  rawNameStringForProject

o  rawNameStringOrNil
a descriptive string of what this state shows; nil, if nothing is selected

o  rawNameStringOrNilWantShort: shortName
a descriptive string of what this state shows; nil, if nothing is selected

o  shortNameString
a descriptive string of what this state shows

o  isCategoryBrowser

o  isChainBrowser

o  isCheckOutputBrowser

o  isClassBrowser

o  isClassDocumentationBrowser

o  isClassExtensionBrowser

o  isFullBrowser

o  isFullClassSourceBrowser

o  isFullProtocolBrowser

o  isLintResultBrowser

o  isMethodBrowser

o  isMethodListBrowser

o  isNameSpaceBrowser

o  isNameSpaceFullBrowser

o  isProjectBrowser

o  isProjectFullBrowser
showing a single or multiple full projects
(but not a regular browser, in projects-mode.

o  isProtocolBrowser

o  isProtocolOrFullProtocolBrowser

o  isSingleCategoryBrowser

o  isSingleClassBrowser

o  isSingleFullProtocolBrowser

o  isSingleMethodBrowser

o  isSingleNamespaceBrowser

o  isSingleNamespaceFullBrowser

o  isSingleProjectBrowser

o  isSingleProjectFullBrowser

o  isSingleProtocolBrowser

o  isVersionDiffBrowser

ST/X; WebServer 1.702 at 20f6060372b9.unknown:8081; Sun, 23 Feb 2025 07:19:32 GMT