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Documentation of class 'Tools::NewSystemBrowserCodeView':



Class: NewSystemBrowserCodeView (in Tools)



rev: 1.20 date: 2019/07/31 15:49:25
user: cg
file: Tools__NewSystemBrowserCodeView.st directory: libtool
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libtool

Class protocol:

o  initialize
self initialize

menu specs
o  editMenuSpec
This resource specification was automatically generated
by the MenuEditor of ST/X.

usage example(s):

     MenuEditor new openOnClass:Tools::NewSystemBrowserCodeView andSelector:#editMenuSpec
     (Menu new fromLiteralArrayEncoding:(Tools::NewSystemBrowserCodeView editMenuSpec)) startUp

Instance protocol:

o  browser

o  browser: something

o  findNode

o  findNodeForInterval: anInterval
An empty interval check based on Claus' suggestion
(email Fri, 10 Oct 2008 16:10:25 +0200)

o  findNodeIn: tree forInterval: interval
|node wouldReturn|

o  selectedClass

o  selectedNode

o  selectedSelector

o  list: anObject
(comment from inherited method)
replace the whole contents by something new.
this is not undoably, unless you care for yourself.
Positions the cursor as defined in cursorMovementWhenUpdating
(which defaults to: home)

change & update
o  updateParseTree
Transcript showCR:'Updating parse tree'

event handling
o  buttonMotion: button x: x y: y

o  buttonPress: button x: x y: y
(comment from inherited method)
hide the cursor when button is activated

o  handleNonCommandKey: keyArg
(comment from inherited method)
pasted selection will NOT be replaced by keystroke

o  keyPress: key x: x y: y
key = #Alt_L ifTrue: [self highlightParseTreeNodeAtX: x y: y; redraw]

o  browseClassesMenu: classes

o  editMenu
(comment from inherited method)
return the popUpMenu;
to make this independent from what is defined in superclasses,
get the superclass menu and add my functions.

o  messageNodeContextMenu: messageNode

o  messageNodeImplementorsMenu: messageNode

o  messageNodeSendersMenu: messageNode

o  openMenu: aMenuOrNil

o  variableNodeMenuContext: variableNode

menu - actions
o  accept
(comment from inherited method)
redefined accept action;
save cursor and selection to allow restore in case of an error
(we are typically compiling here ... and the compiler may show
errors by highlighting them)

o  browseClass: class

o  browseImplementorsOfIt
(comment from inherited method)
open a browser on the implementors of the selected text,
or - if I support syntax elements, on the syntax element at the cursor position

o  browseMethod: method label: label

o  browseMethods: methods label: label

o  browseSendersOfIt
(comment from inherited method)
open a browser on the senders of the selected text

o  goBack

o  inspectParseTree

o  inspectSelectedSelector

o  refactorMenuRenameInstanceVariable

o  refactorMenuRenameLocalVariable

menu - double dispatch
o  blueButtonMenuForMessageNode: messageNode

o  blueButtonMenuForVariableNode: messageNode

o  leftClickMenuForMessageNode: messageNode

o  leftClickMenuForVariableNode: varNode

o  middleClickMenuForMessageNode: messageNode

o  redButtonMenuForMessageNode: messageNode

o  rightClickMenuForMessageNode: messageNode

o  rightClickMenuForVariableNode: variableNode

o  yellowButtonMenuForMessageNode: messageNode

o  implementorsOf: selector

o  sendersOf: selector

private - highlighting
o  highlightClear

o  highlightFrom: start to: end
Remove underlined emphasis

o  highlightLine: lineNo fromLine: startLine col: endLine toLine: startCol col: endCol emphasis: em

o  highlightNode: node

o  highlightNodeAtCursor

o  highlightNodeAtLine: line col: col

o  highlightNodeAtX: x y: y

o  highlightWithoutClearFrom: start to: end
Remove underlined emphasis

o  highlightWithoutClearFromLine: startLine col: startCol toLine: endLine col: endCol

o  highlightWithoutClearFromLine: startLine col: startCol toLine: endLine col: endCol emphasis: em

o  selectorEmphasis

private - highlighting - nodes
o  highlightLiteralNode: node

o  highlightMessageNode: node

o  highlightVariableNode: node

private - parsing
o  parseTree

o  parseTree: something

o  parseTree: something sequenceNumber: givenSeqNum

o  startParsingProcess

o  stopParsingProcess
raise its prio to make it terminate quickly

private - testing
o  isInstanceVariableNode: node

o  isLocalVariableNode: node

ST/X; WebServer 1.670 at bd0aa1f87cdd.unknown:8081; Thu, 25 Apr 2024 15:40:16 GMT