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Documentation of class 'UUID':



Class: UUID



rev: 1.63 date: 2019/08/11 22:12:49
user: cg
file: UUID.st directory: libbasic2
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic2


128-bit Universal Unique Ids (UUIDs) as defined by OpenGroup/DCE

See also RFC4122.

A UUID is unique in time and space (at least until about Year 3400).

Several fields if the UUID are interpreted as integers, so host/network byte
order is relevant. UUIDs are stored in a ByteArray in network byte order (MSB-first),
so they may be exported/imported between different machines.

You can import UUIDs in host byte order using #fromNativeBytes:

[instance variables:]

[class variables:]

Related information:

Class protocol:

o  adjustByteOrder: aByteArray
change the byte order of the uuid

o  getDtssUtcTime
return the DTSS based time in 100 nsec intervals
DTSS UTC base time is October 15, 1582 (the start of the Gregorian Calendar).

o  getValidMACAddress
return the first valid MAC address (i.e. having at least 6 bytes with the first six bytes ~~ 0).
As a side effect, initialize anything needed for timestamp UUIDs.

usage example(s):

       CachedMACAddress := nil.
       self getValidMACAddress

o  initialize
I want to get informed about image restarts

o  nameSpaceToUuidBytes
ASN.1 OID in DER or as Text

o  update: something with: aParameter from: changedObject
flush cached MAC address (may have been restarted on another host)

instance creation
o  basicNew

o  basicNew: size
allow creating with exact size. We need this for XMLStandardDecoder

o  decodeFromLiteralArray: anArray
UUID 'uuid-string'

usage example(s):

     (UUID decodeFromLiteralArray:#(UUID '5b023ce0-41f1-11dd-b99f-001558137da0'))

o  fromBytes: aByteArray
set uuid from aByteArray.
aByteArray must be 16 bytes in network byte order (MSB-first)

usage example(s):

 UUID fromBytes:#[16r01 16r02 16r03 16r04
                  16r05 16r06 16r07 16r08
                  16r09 16r10 16r11 16r12
                  16r13 16r14 16r15 16r16]. 

o  fromBytes: aByteArray MSB: msb
Set the UUID from aByteArray. UUIDS are stored internally as MSB-first.
So, alway set
msb = true if reading from network or persistent storage

usage example(s):

     UUID fromBytes:#[16r01 16r02 16r03 16r04
                      16r05 16r06 16r07 16r08
                      16r09 16r10 16r11 16r12
                      16r13 16r14 16r15 16r16] msb:false. 

usage example(s):

     UUID fromBytes:#[16r01 16r02 16r03 16r04
                      16r05 16r06 16r07 16r08
                      16r09 16r10 16r11 16r12
                      16r13 16r14 16r15 16r16] msb:true.    

o  fromNativeBytes: aByteArray
convert bytes to uuid.
aByteArray represents a UUID in host byte order
- e.g. an UUID fetched from the Windows OS

usage example(s):

 UUID fromNativeBytes:#[16r01 16r02 16r03 16r04
                          16r05 16r06 16r07 16r08
                          16r09 16r10 16r11 16r12
                          16r13 16r14 16r15 16r16]. 

o  fromString: aStringOrSymbol
convert aStringOrSymbol to a UUID.
If aStringOrSymbol is a symbol, cache this UUID for faster conversion.

The real conversion is done in #readFrom:onError.

usage example(s):

        UUID fromString:'be1ef7a0-ae1d-11e0-9cb5-02ff7d4f61ea'
        UUID fromString:#'be1ef7a0-ae1d-11e0-9cb5-02ff7d4f61ea'

        Time millisecondsToRun:[
            100000 timesRepeat:[
                UUID fromString:'be1ef7a0-ae1d-11e0-9cb5-02ff7d4f61ea'.

        Time millisecondsToRun:[
            100000 timesRepeat:[
                UUID fromString:#'be1ef7a0-ae1d-11e0-9cb5-02ff7d4f61ea'.

o  genRandomUUID
generate a new random UUID

usage example(s):

      self genRandomUUID

o  genTimestampUUID
generate a new timestamp UUID

usage example(s):

      self genTimestampUUID

o  genUUID
generate a uuid.
If a physical mac address can be retrieved from the OS,
a mac-address/timestamp uuid is generated,
otherwise a random uuid will be generated.

usage example(s):

      self genUUID

usage example(s):

      1 to: 100 do:[ : el |
          Transcript show:el.
          Transcript show:': '.
          Transcript showCR:(UUID genUUID).

o  genUUID: nameStringOrBytes inNameSpace: namespaceStringOrUUID
generate a namespace UUID (Version 5, hashed by SHA-1).
See RFC4122.

usage example(s):

        self genUUID:'www.example.org' inNameSpace:'DNS'.
        self genUUID:'http://www.exept.de' inNameSpace:'URL'.
        self genUUID:'' inNameSpace:'OID'.
        self genUUID:(OSI::DERCoder encode:(OSI::ASN1_OID newID:#(1 2 3 4 5))) 
        self genUUID:'c=de, o=eXept Software AG, cn=Development' 
        self genUUID:(OSI::DERCoder encode:(OSI::DistinguishedName fromString:'c=de, o=eXept Software AG, cn=Development') asAsn1Value) 

o  new
self new

o  readFrom: aStringOrStream onError: errorBlock
skip $-

usage example(s):

     UUID readFrom:'5ab2e9b4-3d48-11d2-9ea4-80c5140aaa77' 
     UUID readFrom:'{5ab2e9b4-3d48-11d2-9ea4-80c5140aaa77}' 
     UUID readFrom:'{5ab2e9b4-3d48-11d2-9ea4-80c5140aaa77' 
     UUID fromString:'5ab2e9b4-3d48-11d2-9ea4-80c5140aaa77 bllll' 
     UUID fromString:'5ab2e9b4-3d48-11d2-9ea4-80c5140aaa77' 
     UUID fromString:'00000001-0000-0000-C000-000000000046'
     UUID fromString:'00000001-0000-0000-C000-000000004600'
     UUID fromString:'00000001-0000-0000-C000-000000460000'
     UUID fromString:'00000001-0000-0000-C000-000046000000'
     UUID fromString:'00000001-0000-0000-C000-004600000000'
     UUID fromString:'00000001-0000-0000-C000-460000000000'
     UUID fromString:'00000001-0000-0000-C046-000000000000'
     UUID fromString:'00000001-0000-0046-C000-000000000000'
     UUID fromString:'00000001-0000-4600-C000-000000000000'
     UUID fromString:'00000001-0046-0000-C000-000000000000'
     UUID fromString:'00000001-4600-0000-C000-000000000000'
     UUID fromString:'00000100-4600-0000-C000-000000000000'
     UUID fromString:'00010000-4600-0000-C000-000000000000'
     UUID fromString:'10000000-4600-0000-C000-000000000000'

Instance protocol:

o  clockSeqHiAndReserved

o  clockSeqLow

o  node
answer the node (ethernet) address of this uuid

usage example(s):

       (self allInstances 
            select:[:e| e isTimestampUUID] 
            thenCollect:[:e| e node]) asBag

o  timeHighAndVersion

o  timeLow

o  timeMid

o  timestamp
Get the UTC timestamp, when the UUID has been created.
This is only valid for timestampUUIDs

usage example(s):

        self genTimestampUUID timestamp
        self genRandomUUID timestamp

        (self allInstances asSet asArray select:[:e| e isTimestampUUID] 
                                            thenCollect:[:e| e timestamp]) sort

o  version
the version number of the uuid

usage example(s):

        self genTimestampUUID version
        self genRandomUUID version

o  asBytes
convert this UUID to a ByteArray in network byte order (MSB-first)

o  asBytesMSB: msb
convert this UUID to a ByteArray.
If msb == false, it is converted into LSB-first byte ordering

o  asNativeBytes
convert this uuid to a ByteArray in host byte order.
Use this only to pass the UUID to the OS (Windows)

o  asString
self genUUID asString

o  asUUID

o  literalArrayEncoding

o  deepCopy
I am never changed, after I have been created.
So there is no need to make a copy

o  deepCopyUsing: aDictionary postCopySelector: postCopySelector
I am never changed, after I have been created.
So there is no need to make a copy

o  shallowCopy
I am never changed, after I have been created.
So there is no need to make a copy

o  simpleDeepCopy
I am never changed, after I have been created.
So there is no need to make a copy

generating uuids
o  genTimestampUUID
generate a timestamp (and mac-address) based uuid

usage example(s):

      self genTimestampUUID
      self genTimestampUUID genTimestampUUID

usage example(s):

      1 to: 100 do:[ : el |
          Transcript show:el.
          Transcript show:': '.
          Transcript showCR:(UUID genTimestampUUID).

o  genUUID: nameStringOrBytes inNameSpace: namespaceStringOrUUID
generate a namespace UUID (Version 5, hashed by SHA-1).
See RFC4122.

usage example(s):

        self genUUID:'www.example.org' inNameSpace:'DNS'.
        self genUUID:'http://www.exept.de' inNameSpace:'URL'.
        self genUUID:'some text' inNameSpace:(UUID fromString:'885f7d80-7d60-11e5-a133-101f74535bd0').
        self genUUID:'' inNameSpace:'OID'.
        self genUUID:(OSI::DERCoder encode:(OSI::ASN1_OID newID:#(1 2 3 4 5))) 
        self genUUID:'c=de, o=eXept Software AG, cn=Development' 
        self genUUID:(OSI::DERCoder encode:(OSI::DistinguishedName fromString:'c=de, o=eXept Software AG, cn=Development') asAsn1Value) 

o  setRandomUUIDFromBytes: sixteenBytes
answer a randomly generated uuid as defined in RFC4122 section 4.4

o  hash
Generate a 30 bit hash value.
For Timestamp-UUIDs:
Bytes 1,2,3,4 are the least significant bits of the timestamp,
Bytes 13,14,15,16 are the least significant bytes of the mac address -
but considering these bytes does not generate a better hash to
justify the additional computations.

For random UUIDs, every byte is random anyway.

o  inspectorValueStringInListFor: anInspector
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
returns a string to be shown in the inspector's list

printing & storing
o  displayOn: aGCOrStream
what a kludge - Dolphin and Squeak mean: printOn: a stream;

usage example(s):

        self genUUID displayOn:Transcript

o  printOn: aStream
UUID genUUID printString
UUID genUUID asString

usage example(s):

d printOn:tmpStream base:16 size:8 fill:$0.

usage example(s):

d printOn:tmpStream base:16 size:4 fill:$0.

usage example(s):

d printOn:tmpStream base:16 size:4 fill:$0.

usage example(s):

d printOn:tmpStream base:16 size:2 fill:$0.

usage example(s):

d printOn:tmpStream base:16 size:2 fill:$0.

usage example(s):

d printOn:tmpStream base:16 size:2 fill:$0.

o  printString
return a printed representation of the receiver for printing.
Uses the basic print mechanism of the underlying technology.

usage example(s):

        UUID genUUID printString

o  storeOn: aStream
Object readFrom:(UUID genUUID storeString)

o  isRandomUUID
self genRandomUUID isRandomUUID

o  isTimestampUUID
self genTimestampUUID isTimestampUUID

o  isUUID

ST/X; WebServer 1.670 at bd0aa1f87cdd.unknown:8081; Wed, 24 Apr 2024 22:11:23 GMT