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Smalltalk/X Webserver

Documentation of class 'UserPreferences':



Class: UserPreferences



rev: 1.581 date: 2024/04/25 12:21:14
user: alkurz
file: UserPreferences.st directory: libbasic
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libbasic


A Dictionary for user preference values.
For non-existing keys, either a defaultValue (false),
or the value from a defaultDictionary is returned.

This will eventually keep track of ALL user preferences.
For now, not all preferences are found here -
(some of them are currently spread over the system - especially, in Class-Variables)
- but this will change over time.

If more prefs are added, think about adding a corresponding UI to the SystemSettingsDialog too.

Notice, that ST/X is intended to be multi-user capable, supporting multiple users on multiple screens.
This is effectively used by (at least) 2 ST/X customers we are aware of (for multi-screen applications).
So do not break it, by putting user-specific stuff into class variables.

    UserPreferences current at:#foo
    UserPreferences current at:#foo put:something


COPYRIGHT (c) 1998 by eXept Software AG All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred.

Class protocol:

o  current
CurrentPreferences := nil

o  currentSettingsFilename

o  default
DefaultPreferences := nil.

o  reset
resets the CurrentPreferences to its default values

o  setCurrent: preferencesInstance
sets the CurrentPreferences to preferencesInstance

o  syntaxColorKeys
returns the keys of syntax color items

Usage example(s):

     self syntaxColorKeys

o  syntaxColorNames
returns the syntax colors for the settings in the launcher

o  syntaxColorNamesAndKeys
returns the names and keys of syntax color items

o  defaultSettingsFilename

o  defaultUserSettingsFile

o  defaultWorkspaceDirectory

o  fileBrowserClass
the class to be used for file browsing
(used to be the simple FileBrowser, but is now the FileBrowserV2)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences fileBrowserClass

o  systemBrowserClass
UserPreferences systemBrowserClass

o  versionDiffViewerClass
UserPreferences versionDiffViewerClass

o  initializeDefaultsIn: preferences
Smalltalk isStandAloneApp

o  readSettingsFile
read the settings from standard places,
If a --preferences command line argument was given, read it from there

o  saveSettings: userPrefs in: fileNameOrString
save settings to a settings-file.

o  saveSettingsAsDefaultSettings

Instance protocol:

o  at: key
(comment from inherited method)
return the element indexed by aKey - report an error if none found

o  at: key ifAbsent: exceptionValue
Look to DefaultPreferences first...

o  at: key put: value
key isSymbol ifFalse:[

Usage example(s):

self at:key asSymbol put:value.

o  beModified
this is not needed for settings applications,
which notice any modifications themself.
However, if someone else modifies the settings (programmatically),
the change should be remembered, so that the user can be warned at session end

o  beUnmodified
done when saved

o  isModified
this is set, if someone modifies the settings programmatically,
so that the user can be warned at session end

o  dateInputFormat
return a format used when tools read a date from the user

o  dateInputFormat: aFormatString
return a format used when tools read a date from the user

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current dateInputFormat:'%d %m %y'  -- european
     UserPreferences current dateInputFormat:'%m %d %y'  -- us

o  decimalPointCharacter
toDo: migrate from ClassVar in Number;
use this for new applications

o  decimalPointCharacter: aCharacter

o  thousandsSeparatorCharacter
toDo: migrate from ClassVar elsewhere;
use this for new applications

o  thousandsSeparatorCharacter: aCharacter

o  selectorNamespacesEnabled
Return true, if selector namespaces support is enabled
for this system. Note, that this method may return true
even if selector namespaces are not supported by this system.

This is rather user setting. To ask whether the selector namespaces
support should be used, use:

UserPreferences current selectorNamespacesSupportedAndEnabled

Usage example(s):

        UserPreferences current selectorNamespacesEnabled
        UserPreferences current selectorNamespacesSupportedAndEnabled

        UserPreferences current selectorNamespacesEnabled: true.
        UserPreferences current selectorNamespacesEnabled: false.

o  selectorNamespacesEnabled: aBoolean
Enables/disables selector namespaces support for this system.
Please note that even if selector namespaces are enabled here,
they may not be supported by the system/VM.

This is rather user setting. To ask whether the selector namespaces
are supported use

ConfigurableFeatures includesFeature:#SelectorNamespaces

Usage example(s):

	UserPreferences current selectorNamespacesEnabled
	UserPreferences current selectorNamespacesSupportedAndEnabled

	UserPreferences current selectorNamespacesEnabled: true.
	UserPreferences current selectorNamespacesEnabled: false.

o  selectorNamespacesSupportedAndEnabled
Return true, if selector namespaces are both enabled
and supported by this system/VM, false otherwise

Usage example(s):

	UserPreferences current selectorNamespacesEnabled
	UserPreferences current selectorNamespacesSupportedAndEnabled

	UserPreferences current selectorNamespacesEnabled: true.
	UserPreferences current selectorNamespacesEnabled: false.

o  dotNetBridgeRunsInIDE
a debugging flag: if true, the dotNetBridge is assumed to be
already running and the bridge-exe will not be started by st/x

o  dotNetBridgeRunsInIDE: aBoolean
a debugging flag: if true, the dotNetBridge is assumed to be
already running and the bridge-exe will not be started by st/x

o  dotNetBridgeVerbose
UserPreferences current dotNetBridgeVerbose

o  dotNetBridgeVerbose: aBoolean

o  javaBridgeRunsInIDE
a debugging flag: if true, the javaBridge is assumed to be
already running and the bridge-exe will not be started by st/x

o  javaBridgeRunsInIDE: aBoolean
a debugging flag: if true, the javaBridge is assumed to be
already running and the bridge-exe will not be started by st/x

o  logExecutedOSCommands
controls if executed OS commands are logged

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current logExecutedOSCommands

o  logExecutedOSCommands: aBoolean
controls if executed OS commands are shown on the transcript

o  logFinishedOSCommandsIfSuccessful
controls if OS command finish is logged if successful
(non-successful are logged if logExecutedOSCommands is true)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current logFinishedOSCommandsIfSuccessful

o  logFinishedOSCommandsIfSuccessful: aBoolean
controls if OS command finish is logged if successful
(non-successful are logged if logExecutedOSCommands is true)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current logFinishedOSCommandsIfSuccessful:true
     UserPreferences current logFinishedOSCommandsIfSuccessful:false
     UserPreferences current logFinishedOSCommandsIfSuccessful

o  logHTTPRequests

o  logHTTPRequests: aBoolean
UserPreferences current logHTTPRequests
UserPreferences current logHTTPRequests:true
UserPreferences current logHTTPRequests:false

o  logNetCommunications

o  logNetCommunications: aBoolean
use Smalltalk at: to avoid prerequisite package dependency

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current logNetCommunications
     UserPreferences current logNetCommunications:true
     UserPreferences current logNetCommunications:false

o  logSOAPRequests

o  logSOAPRequests: aBoolean
UserPreferences current logSOAPRequests
UserPreferences current logSOAPRequests:true
UserPreferences current logSOAPRequests:false

o  logSSLCommunications
UserPreferences current logSSLCommunications
UserPreferences current logSSLCommunications:true

o  logSSLCommunications: aBoolean
UserPreferences current logSSLCommunications
UserPreferences current logSSLCommunications:true
UserPreferences current logSSLCommunications:false

o  smallteamViaXMPPEnabled

o  smallteamViaXMPPEnabled: aBoolean

o  smallteamXMPPPassword

o  smallteamXMPPPassword: aPasswordString

o  smallteamXMPPServer

o  smallteamXMPPServer: aHostname
UserPreferences current smallteamXMPPUser:'exept.de'.

o  smallteamXMPPUser

o  smallteamXMPPUser: aUsernameString
UserPreferences current smallteamXMPPUser:'cg'.

o  smtpServerName

o  smtpServerName: aHostnameString
UserPreferences current smtpServerName
UserPreferences current smtpServerName:'mailhost'

o  soapErrorDebugging
open a debugger on error, or report it as a soap-error

o  soapErrorDebugging: aBoolean
open a debugger on error, or report it as a soap-error

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current soapErrorDebugging:true

o  soapLoggingLevel

o  soapLoggingLevel: anIntegerBetween0_and_3

o  socksProxyHost

o  socksProxyHost: aString

o  socksProxyPort

o  socksProxyPort: aNumber

o  traceStdoutAndStderrOnTranscript
controls if stdout and stderr of executed OS commands is shown on the transcript

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current traceStdoutAndStderrOnTranscript

o  traceStdoutAndStderrOnTranscript: aBoolean
controls if stdout and stderr of executed OS commands is shown on the transcript

o  traceStdoutAndStderrWithFileNumberOnTranscript
controls if stdout and stderr on the transcript should be prefixed with the file number

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current traceStdoutAndStderrWithFileNumberOnTranscript
     UserPreferences current traceStdoutAndStderrWithFileNumberOnTranscript:false
     UserPreferences current traceStdoutAndStderrWithFileNumberOnTranscript:true

o  traceStdoutAndStderrWithFileNumberOnTranscript: aBoolean
controls if stdout and stderr on the transcript should be prefixed with the file number

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current traceStdoutAndStderrWithFileNumberOnTranscript
     UserPreferences current traceStdoutAndStderrWithFileNumberOnTranscript:true
     UserPreferences current traceStdoutAndStderrWithFileNumberOnTranscript:false

o  useBuiltinJVM
an experimental flag if the builtin JVM should be used for
JAVA instead of an external jvm.
Notice that the builtin jvm does not support >= v8 java

o  useBuiltinJVM: aBoolean
an experimental flag if the builtin JVM should be used for
JAVA instead of an external jvm.
Notice that the builtin jvm does not support >= v8 java

accessing-pref'd tools
o  changeSetBrowserClass
Original code

Usage example(s):

     self current changeSetBrowserClass

o  changeSetBrowserClass: aClass
UserPreferences current changeSetBrowserClass
UserPreferences current changeSetBrowserClass: Tools::ChangeSetBrowser2.
UserPreferences current changeSetBrowserClass: ChangeSetBrowser.

o  changesBrowserClass
the browser to be used for the changeFile

o  changesBrowserClass: aClass
UserPreferences current changesBrowserClass
UserPreferences current changesBrowserClass: Tools::ChangeSetBrowser2.
UserPreferences current changesBrowserClass: ChangeSetBrowser.

o  changesBrowserClassName
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
Backward comparibility

o  externalDiffCommandTemplate
the external command to use for diff

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current externalDiffCommandTemplate

o  externalDiffCommandTemplate: aString
the external command to use for diff.
The default is 'diff %1 %2' on msdos and 'diff -b %1 %2' on unix

o  fileBrowserClass
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
the class to be used for file browsing
(used to be the simple FileBrowser, but is now the FileBrowserV2)

o  fileBrowserClass: aClass
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
UserPreferences current fileBrowserClass
UserPreferences current fileBrowserClass: FileBrowser.
UserPreferences current fileBrowserClass: FileBrowserV2.

o  fileBrowserClassName
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
Backward comparibility

o  inspectorClassSetting

o  processMonitorClass
the class to be used as pros monitor
(used to be the simple ProcessMonitor, but is now the ProcessMonitorV2)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current processMonitorClass

o  processMonitorClass: aClass
UserPreferences current processMonitorClass
UserPreferences current processMonitorClass: ProcessMonitor.
UserPreferences current processMonitorClass: ProcessMonitorV2.

o  showTipOfTheDayAtStartup

o  showTipOfTheDayAtStartup: aBoolean

o  systemBrowserClass

o  testRunnerClass

o  useInspector2
using brand new or old inspector

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current useInspector2

o  useInspector2: aBoolean
using very new or old inspector

o  useNativeFileDialog

o  useNativeFileDialog: aBoolean

o  useNewChangeSetBrowser
using old or jan's changeSetBrowser for package diffs

o  useNewChangeSetBrowser: aBoolean
using old or jan's changeSetBrowser for package diffs

o  useNewChangesBrowser
using new or old change browser for the changes file

o  useNewChangesBrowser: aBoolean
using new or old changeBrowser for the changes file

o  useNewFileBrowser
using new or old version diff viewer

o  useNewFileBrowser: aBoolean
using new or old file browser

o  useNewFileDialog
using new or old file dialog

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current useNewFileDialog:false
     UserPreferences current useNewFileDialog:true

o  useNewFileDialog: aBoolean
using new or old file dialog

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current useNewFileDialog:true

o  useNewInspector
using new or old inspector

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current useNewInspector

o  useNewInspector: aBoolean
using new or old inspector

o  useNewSettingsApplication
using one application for the settings

o  useNewSettingsApplication: aBoolean
using one application for the settings

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current useNewSettingsApplication:true

o  useNewSystemBrowser
using new or old system browser

o  useNewSystemBrowser: aBoolean
using new or old systemBrowser

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current useNewSystemBrowser:true

o  useNewVersionDiffBrowser
using new or old version diff viewer

o  useNewVersionDiffBrowser: aBoolean
using new or old versionDiffBrowser

o  useProcessMonitorV2
using ProcessMonitorV2 application for display Processes

o  useProcessMonitorV2: aBoolean
using ProcessMonitorV2 application for display Processes

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current useProcessMonitorV2:true

o  useSmalltalkDocumentViewer
using the smalltalk-DocumentViewer (as opposed to the native systems Browser)
to display documentation

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current useSmalltalkDocumentViewer
     UserPreferences current useSmalltalkDocumentViewer:false

o  useSmalltalkDocumentViewer: aBoolean
using the smalltalk-DocumentViewer (as opposed to the native systems Browser)
to display documentation

o  useTestRunner2
using new or old test runner

o  useTestRunner2: aBoolean
using new or old test runner

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current useTestRunner2:true

o  useXTermViewIfAvailable
switch between xtermView (xembed) and vt100 (st/x emulation)
if possible on that architecture.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current useXTermViewIfAvailable

o  useXTermViewIfAvailable: aBoolean
switch between xtermView (xembed) and vt100 (st/x emulation)
if possible on that architecture.

o  versionDiffViewerClass

o  allowMouseWheelZoom
return the flag which controls if text can be magnified via the ALT-wheel-action

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current allowMouseWheelZoom

o  allowMouseWheelZoom: aBooleanOrNil
set/clear the flag which controls if text can be magnified via the ALT-wheel-action

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current allowMouseWheelZoom:true
     UserPreferences current allowMouseWheelZoom:false
     UserPreferences current allowMouseWheelZoom

o  avoidConfirmationsForExperiencedUsers
some confirmers ara annoying, if you are an experienced st/x user

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current avoidConfirmationsForExperiencedUsers
     UserPreferences current avoidConfirmationsForExperiencedUsers:true

o  avoidConfirmationsForExperiencedUsers: aBooleanOrNil
some confirmers ara annoying, if you are an experienced st/x user.
Set/clear the flag which controls this

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current avoidConfirmationsForExperiencedUsers:true

o  avoidSlowDrawingOperationsUnderWindows

o  beepEnabled
return the flag which controls the beeper.
This affects any beeping

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current beepEnabled

o  beepEnabled: aBoolean
set/clear the flag which controls the beeper.
This affects any beeping

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current beepEnabled:false

o  beepForErrorDialog
return the flag which controls beeping for error dialogs
(unless completely disabled via beepEnabled)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current beepForErrorDialog

o  beepForErrorDialog: aBoolean
set/clear the flag which controls beeping for error dialogs.
(unless completely disabled via beepEnabled)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current beepForErrorDialog:true

o  beepForInfoDialog
return the flag which controls beeping for info dialogs.
(unless completely disabled via beepEnabled)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current beepForInfoDialog

o  beepForInfoDialog: aBoolean
set/clear the flag which controls beeping for info dialogs.
(unless completely disabled via beepEnabled)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current beepForInfoDialog:true

o  beepForWarningDialog
return the flag which controls beeping for warning dialogs.
(unless completely disabled via beepEnabled)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current beepForWarningDialog

o  beepForWarningDialog: aBoolean
set/clear the flag which controls beeping for warning dialogs.
(unless completely disabled via beepEnabled)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current beepForWarningDialog:true

o  beepInEditor
return the flag which controls the beeper in editors.
This affects beeping in response to a bad user operation
(not system failure beeps).
(unless completely disabled via beepEnabled)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current beepInEditor

o  beepInEditor: aBoolean
set/clear the flag which controls the beeper in editors.
This affects beeping in response to a bad user operation (not system failure beeps).
(unless completely disabled via beepEnabled)

o  busyBackgroundColorInDoits
if non nil, that color is shown as background in editors while
performing a doit (i.e. in addition to showing a busy cursor).
If nil is returned, the color remains unchanged.

o  busyBackgroundColorInDoits: aColorOrNil
if non nil, that color is shown as background in editors while
performing a doit (i.e. in addition to showing a busy cursor).
If nil is returned, the color remains unchanged.

o  button2WithAltKey
if true, an ALT-left click is translated to a right click
Useful with 1-button mice

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current button2WithAltKey

o  button2WithAltKey: aBoolean
if true, an ALT-left click is translated to a right click
Useful with 1-button mice

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current button2WithAltKey
     UserPreferences current button2WithAltKey:true
     UserPreferences current button2WithAltKey:false

o  closePopUpMenuChainOnEscape
if true, the whole chain of popUpMenus is closed when escape is pressed.
if false (the default), only the last popup-view is closed.
The first corresponds to X-behavior, the later is how windows does it - sigh.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current closePopUpMenuChainOnEscape:false
     UserPreferences current closePopUpMenuChainOnEscape:true

o  closePopUpMenuChainOnEscape: aBoolean
if true, the whole chain of popUpMenus is closed when escape is pressed.
if false (the default), only the last popup-view is closed.
The first corresponds to X-behavior, the later is how windows does it - sigh.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current closePopUpMenuChainOnEscape:true
     UserPreferences current closePopUpMenuChainOnEscape:false

o  delayedMenuShowAndHide
the Windows behavior of showing submenus of a menu slightly delayed,
to allow for short-time leaving of the mouse pointer.
(bug #D1480943)

o  delayedMenuShowAndHide: aBoolean
the Windows behavior of showing submenus of a menu slightly delayed,
to allow for short-time leaving of the mouse pointer.
(bug #D1480943)

o  eclipseStyleMenus
if true, return menus organized like in eclipse;
if false (the default) return them as usual

o  eclipseStyleMenus: aBoolean
if true, return menus organized like in eclipse;
if false (the default) return them as usual

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current eclipseStyleMenus:true

o  enableVMWareDrawingBugWorkaround
return the flag which enables a workaround for a redraw bug when running X/Linux in the VMWare virtual machine

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current enableVMWareDrawingBugWorkaround

o  enableVMWareDrawingBugWorkaround: aBoolean
change the flag which enables a workaround for a redraw bug when running X/Linux in the VMWare virtual machine

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current enableVMWareDrawingBugWorkaround
     UserPreferences current enableVMWareDrawingBugWorkaround:true
     UserPreferences current enableVMWareDrawingBugWorkaround:false

o  enforcedPositionOfOKButtonInDialogs
this can be used to override any setting from the viewStyle,
and force it to true. This is a customer request and useful if either
the stylesheet is in error, or the user is using expecco on both windows
and unix machines and wants to have the same feeling.
Return: #left to force at left, #right to force to the right,
nil to use whatever the stylesheet uses

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current enforcedPositionOfOKButtonInDialogs
     UserPreferences current enforcedPositionOfOKButtonInDialogs:#left
     UserPreferences current enforcedPositionOfOKButtonInDialogs:nil

o  enforcedPositionOfOKButtonInDialogs: aSymbolOrNil
this can be used to override any setting from the viewStyle,
and force it to true. This is a customer request and useful if either
the stylesheet is in error, or the user is using expecco on both windows
and unix machines and wants to have the same feeling.
Return: #left to force at left, #right to force to the right,
nil to use whatever the stylesheet uses

o  expandSelectionOnMouseMoveWithButtonPressed
expand the selection in a selectionInListView if the mouse is pressed while moving over
more lines. Default is not FALSE !

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current expandSelectionOnMouseMoveWithButtonPressed

o  expandSelectionOnMouseMoveWithButtonPressed: aBoolean
expand the selection in a selectionInListView if the mouse is pressed while moving over
more lines. Default is not FALSE !

o  flyByHelpActive
(FlyByHelp notNil and:[FlyByHelp isActive])

o  flyByHelpActive: aBoolean
UserPreferences current flyByHelpActive:false
UserPreferences current flyByHelpActive:true
UserPreferences current flyByHelpActive

o  focusFollowsMouse
return the flag which controls if the keyboard focus should
follow the mouse (as in X) - as opposed to click mode (as in MS-win).
This only affects certain widgets (EditFields, EditTextViews and SelectionInListViews).
The returned value has 3 states: true/false and nil, which means: as defined in styleSheet.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current focusFollowsMouse

o  focusFollowsMouse: aBooleanOrNil
set/clear the flag which controls if the keyboard focus should
follow the mouse (as in X) - as opposed to click mode (as in MS-win).
This only affects certain widgets (EditFields, EditTextViews and SelectionInListViews).
Allowed are: true/false and nil, which means: as defined in styleSheet.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current focusFollowsMouse:true
     UserPreferences current focusFollowsMouse:false
     UserPreferences current focusFollowsMouse

o  fontPreferences

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current fontPreferences
     UserPreferences current fontPreferences:nil

o  fontPreferences: aDictionary
experimental; aDictionary maps symbolic keys (such as #Button) to fonts

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current fontPreferences
     UserPreferences current fontPreferences:nil

o  fontPreferencesChanged
tells view classes about changed font preferences

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current fontPreferencesChanged

o  forceWindowsIntoMonitorBounds
if true, windows are forced to be placed into a monitor's bounds completely;
if false, they may be placed as to cross a boundary. This only affects initial placement,
not window movement.

o  forceWindowsIntoMonitorBounds: aBoolean
if true, windows are forced to be placed into a monitor's bounds completely;
if false, they may be placed as to cross a boundary. This only affects initial placement,
not window movement.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current forceWindowsIntoMonitorBounds:false
     UserPreferences current forceWindowsIntoMonitorBounds:true

o  icccm20Compliant
should I behave icccm20Compliant w.r.t the X window manager?

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current icccm20Compliant

o  menuPanelTakesFocusOnClick
if true, the menu panel takes the focus and allows further control via
cursor and tab keys.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current menuPanelTakesFocusOnClick
     UserPreferences current menuPanelTakesFocusOnClick:false
     UserPreferences current menuPanelTakesFocusOnClick:true

o  menuPanelTakesFocusOnClick: aBooleanOrNil
if true, the menu panel takes the focus and allows further control via
cursor and tab keys.
Used to be on, but now we changed the default as it turned out to be counter productive

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current menuPanelTakesFocusOnClick:true
     UserPreferences current menuPanelTakesFocusOnClick:false
     UserPreferences current menuPanelTakesFocusOnClick

o  metaIsMouseWheelZoom
return the flag which controls if meta+mouseWheel shall invoke the zoom.
(or else, the horizontal scroll)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current metaIsMouseWheelZoom

o  metaIsMouseWheelZoom: aBoolean
set/clear the flag which controls if meta+mouseWheel shall invoke the zoom.
(or else, the horizontal scroll)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current metaIsMouseWheelZoom
     UserPreferences current metaIsMouseWheelZoom:true
     UserPreferences current metaIsMouseWheelZoom:false

o  motionDistanceToStartDrag
the motion distance (in pixel) to start drag (as opposed to adding to the selection)

o  mouseWheelDirectionReversed
if set, mouse wheel motions are upside-down.
I got very confused with macOSX10.9, behavind different from 10.6,
so I added this option

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current mouseWheelDirectionReversed
     UserPreferences current mouseWheelDirectionReversed:true
     UserPreferences current mouseWheelDirectionReversed:false

o  mouseWheelDirectionReversed: aBoolean
if set, mouse wheel motions are upside-down.
I got very confused with macOSX10.9, behavind different from 10.6,
so I added this option

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current mouseWheelDirectionReversed
     UserPreferences current mouseWheelDirectionReversed:true
     UserPreferences current mouseWheelDirectionReversed:false

o  mouseWheelFocusFollowsMouse
return the flag which controls if the mouseWheel focus should
follow the mouse (as in X) - as opposed to click mode (as in MS-win)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current mouseWheelFocusFollowsMouse

o  mouseWheelScale
if set, mouse wheel motions are scaled by this number

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current mouseWheelScale
     UserPreferences current mouseWheelScale:0.5
     UserPreferences current mouseWheelScale:1

o  mouseWheelScale: aNumber
if set, mouse wheel motions are scaled by this number

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current mouseWheelScale
     UserPreferences current mouseWheelScale:0.25
     UserPreferences current mouseWheelScale:0.5
     UserPreferences current mouseWheelScale:1

     WindowSensor mouseWheelScale

o  nativeDialogs

o  nativeDialogs: aBoolean

o  nativeFileDialogs
all developers, please help testing the native file dialog

o  nativeFileDialogs: aBoolean

o  nativeWidgets

o  nativeWidgets: aBoolean
enable/disable native widgets on the current display

o  onlyShowTooltipsForActiveWindow
on a mac (and maybe on others), it is preferable to turn this on

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current onlyShowTooltipsForActiveWindow
     UserPreferences current onlyShowTooltipsForActiveWindow:false

o  onlyShowTooltipsForActiveWindow: aBooleanOrNil
on a mac (and maybe on others), it is preferable to turn this on

o  opaqueTableColumnResizing
return the flag which controls if table column resizing should be done
animated (opaque)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current opaqueTableColumnResizing

o  opaqueTableColumnResizing: aBoolean
change the flag which controls if table column resizing should be done
animated (opaque)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current opaqueTableColumnResizing:true

o  opaqueVariablePanelResizing
return the flag which controls if variable panel resizing should be done
animated (opaque)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current opaqueVariablePanelResizing

o  opaqueVariablePanelResizing: aBoolean
change the flag which controls if variable panel resizing should be done
animated (opaque)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current opaqueVariablePanelResizing:true

o  searchDialogIsModal
true if the search dialog (in textViews) shall be modal (the default)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current searchDialogIsModal

o  searchDialogIsModal: aBooleanOrNil
true if the search dialog (in textViews) shall be modal (the default)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current searchDialogIsModal:true
     UserPreferences current searchDialogIsModal:false
     UserPreferences current searchDialogIsModal

o  selectOnRightClick
the Windows behavior of selecting on a right-click

o  selectOnRightClick: aBoolean
the Windows behavior of selecting on a right-click

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current selectOnRightClick:true.
     UserPreferences current selectOnRightClick:false.

o  shiftMouseWheelScrollsHorizontally
if true (the default), a shift-mouse-wheel does horizontal scrolling

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current shiftMouseWheelScrollsHorizontally

o  shiftMouseWheelScrollsHorizontally: aBoolean
if true (the default), a shift-mouse-wheel does horizontal scrolling

o  shouldRememberLastExtent

o  shouldRememberLastExtent: aBoolean
UserPreferences current shouldRememberLastExtent.
UserPreferences current shouldRememberLastExtent:true.
UserPreferences current shouldRememberLastExtent:false.

o  showDottedLinesInTree

o  showDottedLinesInTree: aBoolean
UserPreferences current showDottedLinesInTree:true.
UserPreferences current showDottedLinesInTree:false.

o  showRightButtonMenuOnRelease
the Windows behavior of showing the right-button menu on a release.

o  showRightButtonMenuOnRelease: aBoolean
the Windows behavior of showing the right-button menu on a release.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current showRightButtonMenuOnRelease:true.
     UserPreferences current showRightButtonMenuOnRelease:false.

o  showUnsupportedFeatures
show features which are unstable/inprogress in menus&toolbars

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current showUnsupportedFeatures

o  showUnsupportedFeatures: aBoolean
show features which are unstable/inprogress in menus&toolbars

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current showUnsupportedFeatures:true

o  startTextDragWithControl
if true, textDrag is only started when the CTRL-key is down

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current startTextDragWithControl

o  startTextDragWithControl: aBooleanOrNil
if true, textDrag is only started when the CTRL-key is down

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current startTextDragWithControl:true
     UserPreferences current startTextDragWithControl:false
     UserPreferences current startTextDragWithControl

o  suppressDialogBoxForWarnings
Used in StandardLibrary

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current suppressDialogBoxForWarnings

o  suppressDialogBoxForWarnings: aBoolean
Used in StandardLibrary

o  toolTipAutoHideDelay
return the time in seconds, tooltips are shown. 0 means: show forever

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current toolTipAutoHideDelay

o  toolTipAutoHideDelay: aTimeDuration
set the time, tooltips are shown. 0 means: don't hide

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current toolTipAutoHideDelay:10 seconds
     UserPreferences current toolTipAutoHideDelay:0

o  toolTipDelay
return the time in seconds, after which tooltips are shown
when hovering over a widget

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current toolTipDelay
     UserPreferences current toolTipDelay:0.6

o  toolTipDelay: aNumber
set the time in seconds, after which tooltips are shown
when hovering over a widget

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current toolTipDelay
     UserPreferences current toolTipDelay:0.6
     UserPreferences current toolTipDelay:1

o  toolTipShapeStyle
return a symbol, or nil. If nil, the value from the stylesheet is used.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current toolTipShapeStyle
     UserPreferences current toolTipShapeStyle:#cartoon
     UserPreferences current toolTipShapeStyle:nil

o  toolTipShapeStyle: aSymbolOrNil
A symbol, or nil. If nil, the value from the stylesheet is used.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current toolTipShapeStyle
     UserPreferences current toolTipShapeStyle:#cartoon
     UserPreferences current toolTipShapeStyle:nil

o  useColorsForColorBlindness
return the flag which controls some color combinations
to compensate for color deficiencies, such as red-green blindness.
For example, red-green is replaced by red-blue

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current useColorsForColorBlindness
     UserPreferences current useColorsForColorBlindness:true
     UserPreferences current useColorsForColorBlindness:false

o  useColorsForColorBlindness: aBoolean
change the flag which controls some color combinations
to compensate for color deficiencies, such as red-green blindness.
For example, red-green is replaced by red-blue

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current useColorsForColorBlindness
     UserPreferences current useColorsForColorBlindness:true
     UserPreferences current useColorsForColorBlindness:false

o  useXFontsOnly
a flag to suppress any use of Xft Fonts on X window displays

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current useXFontsOnly

o  useXFontsOnly: aBoolean
a flag to suppress any use of Xft Fonts on X window displays

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current useXFontsOnly
     UserPreferences current useXFontsOnly:true
     UserPreferences current useXFontsOnly:false
     UserPreferences current useXftFontsOnly:true
     UserPreferences current useXftFontsOnly:false

o  useXftFontsOnly
return the flag which controls if ONLY Xft fonts should be used.
If changed, this should be done very early during startup, before any other fonts
are already acquired (i.e. before any views are opened)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current useXftFontsOnly

o  useXftFontsOnly: aBooleanOrNil
set/clear the flag which controls if ONLY Xft fonts should be used.
If changed, this should be done very early during startup, before any other fonts
are already acquired (i.e. before any views are opened)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current useXftFontsOnly:true
     UserPreferences current useXftFontsOnly:false
     UserPreferences current useXftFontsOnly

o  viewStyle
UserPreferences current viewStyle
UserPreferences current viewStyle:(ViewStyle adwaita)

o  viewStyle: aStyleSymbol
UserPreferences current viewStyle
UserPreferences current viewStyle:(ViewStyle adwaita)

o  waitCursorVisibleTime
answer the time (in ms), how long a wait cursor should be visible at least

o  workAroundRenderingBugOnVista
a temporary kludge for the vista-cleartype character redraw bug

o  colorForActionLinks

o  colorForStderrInTranscript
used when stderr of executed process actions is shown in the Transcript

o  colorForStdoutInTranscript
used when stdout of executed process actions is shown in the Transcript

o  uiColorFor: aColor
allows for a central user-specified color replacement;
for example, users might wish to replace the bright red, green and yellow
by ncs red, green and yellow (C40233, 009F6B and FFD300).
This entry allows for such a mapping to be specified

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current uiColorFor:(Color red)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current uiColorMap:(Dictionary new at:Color red put:(Color rgbValue:0xC40233); yourself).
     UserPreferences current uiColorFor:(Color red)
     UserPreferences current uiColorFor:(Color red:77 green:1 blue:20)

o  uiColorMap
allows for a central user-specified color replacement;
for example, users might wish to replace the bright red, green and yellow
by ncs red, green and yellow (C40233, 009F6B and FFD300).
This entry allows for such a mapping to be specified

o  uiColorMap: aDictionary
allows for a central user-specified color replacement;
for example, users might wish to replace the bright red, green and yellow
by ncs red, green and yellow (C40233, 009F6B and FFD300).
This entry allows for such a mapping to be specified

o  acceptCancelBarOrder
the original order was accept-cancel-compare.
However, we found that the danger of pressing cancel by accident
was too high, so we changed the default.
If you want to go back, return #acceptCancelCompare here

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current acceptCancelBarOrder
     UserPreferences current acceptCancelBarOrder: #acceptCompareCancel
     UserPreferences current acceptCancelBarOrder: #acceptCancelCompare

o  acceptCancelBarOrder: aSymbol
the original order was accept-cancel-compare.
However, we found that the danger of pressing cancel by accident
was too high, so we changed the default.
If you want to go back, return #acceptCancelCompare here

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current acceptCancelBarOrder
     UserPreferences current acceptCancelBarOrder: #acceptCompareCancel
     UserPreferences current acceptCancelBarOrder: #acceptCancelCompare

o  alwaysOpenNewTabWhenCtrlClick
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
UserPreferences current alwaysOpenNewTabWhenCtrlClick

o  alwaysOpenNewTabWhenCtrlClick: aBoolean
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )

o  autoFormatting
return the flag which controls automatic formatting of code (in some browsers)
Notice, the regular browser does not (yet) do automatic formating.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current autoFormatting

o  autoFormatting: aBoolean
turn on/off automatic formatting of code (in some browsers);
Notice, the regular browser does not (yet) do automatic formating.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current autoFormatting:true
     UserPreferences current autoFormatting:false

o  autoIndentInCodeView
return the flag which controls automatic cursor control in editors which
show code(autoIndent)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current autoIndentInCodeView

o  autoIndentInCodeView: aBoolean
flag which controls automatic cursor control in editors which
show code(autoIndent)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current autoIndentInCodeView:true
     UserPreferences current autoIndentInCodeView:false

o  confirmCheckinOfPrivateClasses
If set, a confirmation dialog is shown when attempting to checkin a private class.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current confirmCheckinOfPrivateClasses
     UserPreferences current confirmCheckinOfPrivateClasses:true
     UserPreferences current confirmCheckinOfPrivateClasses:false

o  confirmCheckinOfPrivateClasses: aBoolean
If set, a confirmation dialog is shown when attempting to checkin a private class.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current confirmCheckinOfPrivateClasses
     UserPreferences current confirmCheckinOfPrivateClasses:true
     UserPreferences current confirmCheckinOfPrivateClasses:false

o  confirmRefactorings
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
If set, each refactoring must be confirmed before accepted.
A programmer may select which changes to apply and which not
and/or alter the change.

See RefactoryChange>>shouldBeConfirmed

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current confirmRefactorings
     UserPreferences current confirmRefactorings:true
     UserPreferences current confirmRefactorings:false

o  confirmRefactorings: aBoolean
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
If set, each refactoring must be confirmed before accepted.
A programmer may select which changes to apply and which not
and/or alter the change.

See RefactoryChange>>shouldBeConfirmed

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current confirmRefactorings
     UserPreferences current confirmRefactorings:true
     UserPreferences current confirmRefactorings:false

o  enforceCodeStyle
return the flag which controls enforcing a certain code style (in some browsers)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current enforceCodeStyle
     UserPreferences current enforceCodeStyle:true
     UserPreferences current enforceCodeStyle:false

o  enforceComment
return the flag which controls enforcing a comment in accepted methods

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current enforceComment
     UserPreferences current enforceComment:true
     UserPreferences current enforceComment:false

o  enforceComment: aBoolean
set/clear the flag which controls enforcing a comment in accepted methods

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current enforceComment:true
     UserPreferences current enforceComment:false

o  immediateCheckClassVersionAgainstRepository
if true, a class' revision is checked to be up-to-date, when selected (and shown in the lower package info).

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current immediateCheckClassVersionAgainstRepository
     UserPreferences current immediateCheckClassVersionAgainstRepository:true

o  immediateCheckClassVersionAgainstRepository: aBoolean
if true, a class' revision is checked to be up-to-date, when selected (and shown in the lower package info).

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current immediateCheckClassVersionAgainstRepository
     UserPreferences current immediateCheckClassVersionAgainstRepository:true

o  runLintChecksInBackground
controls the browser's lint-check behavior;
background operation (Jan's pref) makes it difficult to stop and debug...)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current runLintChecksInBackground
     UserPreferences current runLintChecksInBackground:true
     UserPreferences current runLintChecksInBackground:false

o  runLintChecksInBackground: aBoolean
controls the browser's lint-check behavior;
background operation (Jan's pref) makes it difficult to stop and debug...)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current runLintChecksInBackground:true
     UserPreferences current runLintChecksInBackground:false

o  showAcceptCancelBarInBrowser
this is a little confusing: the codeview2 has its own accept/cancel bar
which can be turned on separately.
The codeview2 will suppress the regular accept/cancel bar, if it uses its own.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current showAcceptCancelBarInBrowser
     UserPreferences current showAcceptCancelBarInBrowser:true
     UserPreferences current showAcceptCancelBarInBrowser:false

o  showAcceptCancelBarInBrowser: aBoolean
this is a little confusing: the codeview2 has its own accept/cancel bar
which can be turned on separately.
The codeview2 will suppress the regular accept/cancel bar, if it uses its own.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current showAcceptCancelBarInBrowser:true
     UserPreferences current showAcceptCancelBarInBrowser:false

o  showBookmarkBar
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current showBookmarkBar
     UserPreferences current showBookmarkBar:true
     UserPreferences current showBookmarkBar:false

o  showBookmarkBar: aBoolean
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current showBookmarkBar
     UserPreferences current showBookmarkBar:true
     UserPreferences current showBookmarkBar:false

o  showEmbeddedTestRunnerInBrowser
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current showEmbeddedTestRunnerInBrowser
     UserPreferences current showEmbeddedTestRunnerInBrowser:true
     UserPreferences current showEmbeddedTestRunnerInBrowser:false

o  showEmbeddedTestRunnerInBrowser: aBoolean
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current showEmbeddedTestRunnerInBrowser:true
     UserPreferences current showEmbeddedTestRunnerInBrowser:false

o  showGlobalHistory
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
Whether to show global history in the browser

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current showGlobalHistory
     UserPreferences current showGlobalHistory:true
     UserPreferences current showGlobalHistory:false

o  showGlobalHistory: aBoolean
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
Whether to show global history in the browser

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current showGlobalHistory
     UserPreferences current showGlobalHistory:true
     UserPreferences current showGlobalHistory:false

o  showLocalHistory
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
Whether to show local (per tab) history in the browser

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current showLocalHistory
     UserPreferences current showLocalHistory:true
     UserPreferences current showLocalHistory:false

o  showLocalHistory: aBoolean
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
Whether to show local (per tab) history in the browser

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current showLocalHistory
     UserPreferences current showLocalHistory:true
     UserPreferences current showLocalHistory:false

o  showMarqueeInfo
If set, show multiline infos in the info area as a scrolling marquee text

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current showMarqueeInfo
     UserPreferences current showMarqueeInfo:true
     UserPreferences current showMarqueeInfo:false

o  showMarqueeInfo: aBoolean
If set, show multiline infos in the info area as a scrolling marquee text

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current showMarqueeInfo
     UserPreferences current showMarqueeInfo:true
     UserPreferences current showMarqueeInfo:false

o  showMethodTemplate
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current showMethodTemplate
     UserPreferences current showMethodTemplate:true
     UserPreferences current showMethodTemplate:false

o  showMethodTemplate: aBoolean
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current showMethodTemplate:true
     UserPreferences current showMethodTemplate:false

o  sortAndIndentClassesByInheritance
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
UserPreferences current sortAndIndentClassesByInheritance
UserPreferences current sortAndIndentClassesByInheritance:true
UserPreferences current sortAndIndentClassesByInheritance:false

o  sortAndIndentClassesByInheritance: aBoolean
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
UserPreferences current sortAndIndentClassesByInheritance
UserPreferences current sortAndIndentClassesByInheritance:true
UserPreferences current sortAndIndentClassesByInheritance:false

o  sourceCodeManagementMenuLayout
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
Defines the layout of source code management menus in
NewSystemBrowser. Can be one of:
#old - old style as of 2011-10-06
#compact - only one Repository menu, SCM specific menus underneath
#inline - Repository and then SCM specific menus inlined

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current sourceCodeManagementMenuLayout
     UserPreferences current sourceCodeManagementMenuLayout: #inline
     UserPreferences current sourceCodeManagementMenuLayout: #compact
     UserPreferences current sourceCodeManagementMenuLayout: #old

o  sourceCodeManagementMenuLayout: aSymbol
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
Defines the layout of source code management menus in
NewSystemBrowser. Can be one of:
#old - old style as of 2011-10-06
#compact - only one Repository menu, SCM specific menus underneath
#inline - Repository and then SCM specific menus inlined

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current sourceCodeManagementMenuLayout
     UserPreferences current sourceCodeManagementMenuLayout: #inline
     UserPreferences current sourceCodeManagementMenuLayout: #compact
     UserPreferences current sourceCodeManagementMenuLayout: #old

o  syntaxColoring
return the flag which controls syntax coloring (in the browsers)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current syntaxColoring

o  syntaxColoring: aBoolean
turn on/off syntaxColoring (in the browsers).

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current syntaxColoring:true
     UserPreferences current syntaxColoring:false

o  useInPlaceSearchInBrowserLists
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
UserPreferences current useInPlaceSearchInBrowserLists
UserPreferences current useInPlaceSearchInBrowserLists:true
UserPreferences current useInPlaceSearchInBrowserLists:false

o  useInPlaceSearchInBrowserLists: aBoolean
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
UserPreferences current useInPlaceSearchInBrowserLists
UserPreferences current useInPlaceSearchInBrowserLists:true
UserPreferences current useInPlaceSearchInBrowserLists:false

o  useSearchBarInBrowser
true, if the search-entry fields are initially shown in the browser itself
(like in firefox). False if a dialog is to be opened.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current useSearchBarInBrowser
     UserPreferences current useSearchBarInBrowser:true
     UserPreferences current useSearchBarInBrowser:false

o  useSearchBarInBrowser: aBoolean
true, if the search-entry fields are initially shown in the browser itself
(like in firefox). False if a dialog is to be opened.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current useSearchBarInBrowser:true
     UserPreferences current useSearchBarInBrowser:false

o  webBrowserLikeLayout
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current webBrowserLikeLayout
     UserPreferences current webBrowserLikeLayout:true
     UserPreferences current webBrowserLikeLayout:false

o  webBrowserLikeLayout: aBoolean
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current webBrowserLikeLayout
     UserPreferences current webBrowserLikeLayout:true
     UserPreferences current webBrowserLikeLayout:false

o  colorForInstrumentedFullyCoveredCode
the color for code in the browser which is instrumented
and where all branches have been executed (also code, which has been executed)

Usage example(s):

self at:#colorForInstrumentedFullyCoveredCode put:clr.

o  colorForInstrumentedFullyCoveredCode: aColor
the color for code in the browser which is instrumented
and where all branches have been executed (also code, which has been executed)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current colorForInstrumentedFullyCoveredCode:(Color green slightlyDarkened).
     UserPreferences current colorForInstrumentedFullyCoveredCode:nil.

o  colorForInstrumentedNeverCalledCode
the color for code in the browser which is instrumented but has never been called

Usage example(s):

self at:#colorForInstrumentedNeverCalledCode put:clr.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current
	put:(Color red slightlyDarkened).

o  colorForInstrumentedNeverCalledCode: aColor
the color for code in the browser which is instrumented but has never been called

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current colorForInstrumentedNeverCalledCode:(Color red slightlyDarkened).
     UserPreferences current colorForInstrumentedNeverCalledCode:nil.

o  colorForInstrumentedPartiallyCoveredCode
color for code in the browser which is instrumented and where some branches have been

Usage example(s):

self at:#colorForInstrumentedPartiallyCoveredCode put:clr.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current
	put:(Color orange slightlyLightened).

o  colorForInstrumentedPartiallyCoveredCode: aColor
color for code in the browser which is instrumented and where some branches have been

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current colorForInstrumentedPartiallyCoveredCode:(Color orange slightlyLightened).
     UserPreferences current colorForInstrumentedPartiallyCoveredCode:nil.

o  colorForPseudoProtocolsInMethodListInBrowser
eventually, make this also a settings value (for people with weak gray-visibility)

o  emphasisForChangedCode
the emphasis for changed code (in changeSet) in the browser

Usage example(s):

     self allInstancesDo:[:pref |pref at:#emphasisForChangedCode put:nil].
     UserPreferences current emphasisForChangedCode.
     UserPreferences current at:#emphasisForChangedCode put:nil.

o  emphasisForChangedCodeInRepository
the emphasis for changed code (in the repository) in the browser.
You need the RepositoryWatcher to be active for this to work.

Usage example(s):

     self allInstancesDo:[:pref |pref at:#emphasisForChangedCodeInRepository put:nil].
     UserPreferences current emphasisForChangedCodeInRepository.
     UserPreferences current at:#emphasisForChangedCodeInRepository put:nil.

o  emphasisForChangedCodeInSmallTeam
the emphasis for changed code (in a remote changeSet) in the browser.
You need the SmallTeam extension to be present for this to work.

Usage example(s):

     self allInstancesDo:[:pref |pref at:#emphasisForChangedCodeInSmallTeam put:nil].
     UserPreferences current emphasisForChangedCodeInSmallTeam.
     UserPreferences current at:#emphasisForChangedCodeInSmallTeam put:nil.

o  emphasisForDifferentPackage
emp := Array with:#bold with:emp.

Usage example(s):

     self allInstancesDo:[:pref |pref at:#emphasisForDifferentPackage put:nil].

o  emphasisForInstrumentedFullyCoveredCode
the emphasis for code in the browser which is instrumented and where all branches have been

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current
        put:(Array with:#bold with:(#color->Color green slightlyDarkened)).

o  emphasisForInstrumentedNeverCalledCode
the emphasis for code in the browser which is instrumented but has never been called

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current
	put:(Array with:#bold with:(#color->Color red slightlyDarkened)).

o  emphasisForInstrumentedPartiallyCoveredCode
the emphasis for code in the browser which is instrumented and where some branches have been

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current
	put:(Array with:#bold with:(#color->Color orange slightlyLightened)).

o  emphasisForModifiedBuffer
self allInstancesDo:[:pref |pref at:#emphasisForModifiedBuffer put:nil].

o  emphasisForNamespacedCode
the emphasis for changed code (in changeSet) in the browser

Usage example(s):

     self allInstancesDo:[:pref |pref at:#emphasisForNamespacedCode put:nil].
     UserPreferences current emphasisForNamespacedCode.
     UserPreferences current at:#emphasisForNamespacedCode put:nil.

o  emphasisForObsoleteCode
self allInstancesDo:[:pref |pref at:#emphasisForObsoleteCode put:nil].

o  emphasisForReadVariable

o  emphasisForWrittenVariable

o  annotationColor
the color used for annotations/resource specs;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  annotationEmphasis
the emphasis used for annotations/resource specs;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  argumentIdentifierColor
the color used for argument identifiers;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  argumentIdentifierEmphasis
the emphasis used for argument identifiers;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  badIdentifierColor
the color used for illegal identifiers;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  badIdentifierEmphasis
the emphasis used for illegal identifiers;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  booleanConstantColor
the color used for boolean constants;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  booleanConstantEmphasis
the emphasis used for boolean constants;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  bracketColor
the color used for brackets;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

Usage example(s):

     self current at:#bracketColor  put:Color red.
     self current at:#bracketEmphasis  put:#bold

     self current bracketColor
     self current bracketEmphasis

o  bracketEmphasis
the emphasis used for brackets;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

Usage example(s):

     self current at:#bracketEmphasis  put:#bold
     self current bracketEmphasis

o  classVariableIdentifierColor
the color used for classVar/classInstVar identifiers
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  classVariableIdentifierEmphasis
the color used for classVar/classInstVar identifiers
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  collectionEnumerationSelectorColor
the color used for some selected collection enumeration
selectors (such as collect:, select: etc.);
If syntaxColoring is turned on.
If left nil, the normal selector color is used.

o  collectionEnumerationSelectorEmphasis
the color used for some selected collection enumeration
selectors (such as collect:, select: etc.);
If syntaxColoring is turned on.
If left nil, the normal selector emphasis is used.

o  colorWithKey: key default: defaultColor

o  commentColor
the color used for comments;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  commentEmphasis
the emphasis used for comments;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  commentEmphasisAndColor

o  commentFont
the font used for comments; nil if no special font has been defined.
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  commentFont: aFont
the font used for comments; nil if no special font has been defined.
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current commentFont:(XftFontDescription family: 'Comic Sans' size: 12)
     UserPreferences current commentFont

o  constantColor
the color used for constants;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  constantEmphasis
the emphasis used for constants;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  controlFlowSelectorColor
the color used for some selected controlFlow selectors (such as if, while etc.);
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  controlFlowSelectorEmphasis
the emphasis used for some selected controlFlow selectors (such as if, while etc.);
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  debugSelectorColor
the color used for some selected debug
selectors (such as halt etc.);
If syntaxColoring is turned on.
If left nil, the normal selector color is used.

o  debugSelectorEmphasis
the color used for some selected debug
selectors (such as halt etc.);
If syntaxColoring is turned on.
If left nil, the normal selector emphasis is used.

o  defaultSyntaxColor
the color used for anything else;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  defaultSyntaxEmphasis
the emphasis used for anything else;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  emphasis: e andColor: c

o  emphasizeParenthesisLevel
UserPreferences current emphasizeParenthesisLevel
UserPreferences current emphasizeParenthesisLevel:true
UserPreferences current emphasizeParenthesisLevel:false

o  emphasizeParenthesisLevel: aBoolean
UserPreferences current emphasizeParenthesisLevel
UserPreferences current emphasizeParenthesisLevel:true
UserPreferences current emphasizeParenthesisLevel:false

o  errorColor
the color used for illegal identifiers;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  errorRaisingSelectorColor
the color used for some selected error raising
selectors (such as raise etc.);
If syntaxColoring is turned on.
If left nil, the normal selector color is used.

o  errorRaisingSelectorEmphasis
the color used for some selected error raising
selectors (such as raise etc.);
If syntaxColoring is turned on.
If left nil, the normal selector emphasis is used.

o  fullSelectorCheck
with fullSelector check, selectors are searched immediately for
being implemented in the system. This may not be useful on slow machines

o  fullSelectorCheck: aBoolean
with fullSelector check, selectors are searched immediately for
being implemented in the system. This may not be useful on slow machines

o  globalClassIdentifierColor
the color used for global identifiers which are known to be classes;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  globalClassIdentifierEmphasis
the emphasis used for global variable identifiers which are known to be classes;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  globalIdentifierColor
the color used for global identifiers;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

Usage example(s):

     self current globalIdentifierColor

o  globalIdentifierEmphasis
the emphasis used for global variable identifiers;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  hereColor
the color used for the here pseudoVariable;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  hereEmphasis
the emphasis used for the hre special variable;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  identifierColor
the color used for other identifiers;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current at:#identifierColor put:Color green darkened darkened.
     UserPreferences current at:#identifierColor put:Color black.

o  identifierEmphasis
the emphasis used for other identifiers;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  instVarIdentifierColor
the color used for instance variable identifiers;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current at:#instVarIdentifierColor put:Color green darkened.
     UserPreferences current at:#instVarIdentifierColor put:Color black.
     UserPreferences current instVarIdentifierColor

o  instVarIdentifierEmphasis
the emphais used for instance variable identifiers;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  jsFieldNameColor

o  jsFieldNameEmphasis

o  jsKeywordColor

o  jsKeywordEmphasis

o  localIdentifierColor
the color used for local variable identifiers;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current at:#localIdentifierColor put:Color green darkened.
     UserPreferences current at:#localIdentifierColor put:Color black.

o  localIdentifierEmphasis
the emphais used for local variable identifiers;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  methodSelectorColor
the color used for a methods selector pattern;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  methodSelectorEmphasis
the emphasis used for a methods selector pattern;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  numberConstantColor
the color used for number constants;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  numberConstantEmphasis
the emphasis used for number constants;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  poolVariableIdentifierColor
the color used for pool variable identifiers
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  poolVariableIdentifierEmphasis
the color used for pool variable identifiers
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  returnColor
the color used for the return expression;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  returnEmphasis
the emphasis used for returns;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  selectorColor
the color used for message selectors;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  selectorEmphasis
the emphasis used for message selectors;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  selfColor
the color used for the self pseudoVariable;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  selfEmphasis
the emphasis used for the self pseudoVariable;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  sideEffectAssignmentBackgroundColor
the bg-color used for assignments with side effect (i.e. to instvars, globals, classvars or pool vars).
If nil is returned, the variable's color is used

o  sideEffectAssignmentColor
the color used for assignments with side effect (i.e. to instvars, globals, classvars or pool vars).
If nil is returned, the variable's color is used

o  stringColor
the color used for string constants;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  stringEmphasis
the emphasis used for string constants;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  stringEmphasisAndColor

o  superColor
the color used for the super pseudoVariable;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  superEmphasis
the emphasis used for the super pseudoVariable;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  symbolColor
the color used for symbol constants;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  symbolEmphasis
the emphasis used for symbol constants;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  thisContextColor
the color used for the thisContext pseudoVariable;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  thisContextEmphasis
the emphasis used for the thisContext pseudoVariable;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  unimplementedSelectorColor
the color used for bad message selectors;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  unimplementedSelectorEmphasis
the emphasis used for bad message selectors;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  unknownIdentifierColor
the color used for unknown identifiers;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

Usage example(s):

     self current at:#unknownIdentifierColor  put:Color red.
     self current at:#unknownIdentifierEmphasis  put:#bold

     self current unknownIdentifierColor
     self current unknownIdentifierEmphasis

o  unknownIdentifierEmphasis
the emphasis used for unknown identifiers;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

o  xmlAttributeColor
the emphasis used for xml-attributes;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

Usage example(s):

     self current at:#xmlAttributeColor put:Color black
     self current xmlAttributeColor

o  xmlAttributeEmphasis
the emphasis used for xml-attributes;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

Usage example(s):

     self current at:#xmlAttributeEmphasis put:#normal
     self current at:#xmlAttributeEmphasis put:#bold
     self current xmlAttributeEmphasis

o  xmlCDataColor
the emphasis used for xml-CData;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

Usage example(s):

     self current at:#xmlCDataColor put:Color black
     self current xmlCDataColor

o  xmlCDataEmphasis
the emphasis used for xml-CData;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

Usage example(s):

     self current at:#xmlCDataEmphasis put:#normal
     self current xmlCDataEmphasis

o  xmlTagColor
the emphasis used for xml-tags;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

Usage example(s):

     self current at:#xmlTagColor put:Color black
     self current xmlTagColor

o  xmlTagEmphasis
the emphasis used for xml-tags;
If syntaxColoring is turned on.

Usage example(s):

     self current at:#xmlTagEmphasis put:#normal
     self current xmlTagEmphasis

accessing-prefs-changes & history
o  historyManagerAllowEditOfHistory
( an extension from the stx:libbasic3 package )
useful if you have 'beginner students', to prevent them from changing the history

o  historyManagerAllowEditOfHistory: aBoolean
useful if you have 'beginner students', to prevent them from changing the history

Usage example(s):

        self default historyManagerAllowEditOfHistory:true.
        self default historyManagerAllowEditOfHistory:false.

o  historyManagerEnabled
automatically add history line comments to accepted methods

o  historyManagerEnabled: aBoolean
automatically add history line comments to accepted methods

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current historyManagerEnabled
     UserPreferences current historyManagerEnabled:true
     UserPreferences current historyManagerEnabled:false

o  historyManagerModificationLimit
( an extension from the stx:libbasic3 package )
the time-delta within which the history manager does not treat a change as a new one

o  historyManagerModificationLimit: sec
( an extension from the stx:libbasic3 package )
the time-delta within which the history manager does not treat a change as a new one

o  historyManagerSignature
( an extension from the stx:libbasic3 package )
the signature added by the history manager

o  historyManagerSignature: aString
( an extension from the stx:libbasic3 package )
the signature added by the history manager

o  historyManagerSignatures
( an extension from the stx:libbasic3 package )
the signatures added by the history manager

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current historyManagerSignatures

o  historyManagerSignatures: aDictionary
( an extension from the stx:libbasic3 package )
the signatures added by the history manager

o  autoFillSourceCacheAtStartup
start fetching sources automatically at startup

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current autoFillSourceCacheAtStartup

o  autoFillSourceCacheAtStartup: aBoolean
start fetching sources automatically at startup

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current autoFillSourceCacheAtStartup:true.
     UserPreferences current autoFillSourceCacheAtStartup:false.

     UserPreferences current autoFillSourceCacheAtStartup   

o  categoryForMenuActionsMethods

o  haltInObsoleteMethod
sometimes, these are annoying...

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current haltInObsoleteMethod

     UserPreferences current haltInObsoleteMethod:true
     UserPreferences current haltInObsoleteMethod:false

o  ignorePublicPrivateCategories
used when loading dolphin code (which defines multiple categories per method);
if on, categories like public and private are ignored (if the method already has a category).
Turn this on, to get reasonable categories when loading dolphin code

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current ignorePublicPrivateCategories

o  ignorePublicPrivateCategories: aBoolean
used when loading dolphin code (which defines multiple categories per method);
if on, categories like public and private are ignored (if the method already has a category).
Turn this on, to get reasonable categories when loading dolphin code

o  keepMethodSourceCode
when fetching the source from a file/cvs, should the source be kept in the image ?
If on, the image will grow over time by about 10-20 Mb.
(will stay that high, even if switched off afterwards)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current keepMethodSourceCode

o  keepMethodSourceCode: aBoolean
when fetching the source from a file/cvs, should the source be kept in the image ?
If on, the image will grow over time by about 10-20 Mb.
(will stay that high, even if switched off afterwards)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current keepMethodSourceCode
     UserPreferences current keepMethodSourceCode:true

o  numberOfLinesForLongMethod
how many lines for a method's source to be considered as 'long'

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current numberOfLinesForLongMethod

accessing-prefs-code generator
o  generateComments
return true; comments shall be generated (by the codeGenerator tool)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current generateComments
     UserPreferences current generateComments:false
     UserPreferences current generateComments:true

o  generateComments: aBoolean
true if comments shall be generated (by the codeGenerator tool)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current generateComments
     UserPreferences current generateComments:false

o  generateCommentsForAspectMethods
return true; comments shall be generated (by the codeGenerator tool)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current generateCommentsForAspectMethods

o  generateCommentsForAspectMethods: aBoolean
true if comments shall be generated (by the codeGenerator tool)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current generateCommentsForAspectMethods:false

o  generateCommentsForGetters
return true if comments for simple getters are to be generated (by the codeGenerator tool).
The default is now false, as these look stupid in the browser and were only generated
for the HTMLDocumentGenerator, which is not able to generate these comments on the fly.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current generateCommentsForGetters

o  generateCommentsForGetters: aBoolean
true if comments for simple getters are to be generated (by the codeGenerator tool).
The default is now false, as these look stupid in the browser and were only generated
for the HTMLDocumentGenerator, which is not able to generate these comments on the fly.

o  generateCommentsForSetters
return true if comments for simple setters are to be generated (by the codeGenerator tool).
The default is now false, as these look stupid in the browser and were only generated
for the HTMLDocumentGenerator, which is not able to generate these comments on the fly.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current generateCommentsForSetters

o  generateCommentsForSetters: aBoolean
true if comments for simple setters are to be generated (by the codeGenerator tool).
The default is now false, as these look stupid in the browser and were only generated
for the HTMLDocumentGenerator, which is not able to generate these comments on the fly.

accessing-prefs-code view
o  assignmentBackgroundColorForNavigationService

o  codeView2AutoPrettyPrint
UserPreferences current codeView2AutoPrettyPrint
UserPreferences current codeView2AutoPrettyPrint:true
UserPreferences current codeView2AutoPrettyPrint:false

o  codeView2AutoPrettyPrint: aBoolean
UserPreferences current codeView2AutoPrettyPrint
UserPreferences current codeView2AutoPrettyPrint:true
UserPreferences current codeView2AutoPrettyPrint:false

o  codeView2QuickSendersAndImplementorsOnControl
if true, CTRL-click opens the quick senders/implementors menu;
if false, you have to press ALT

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current codeView2QuickSendersAndImplementorsOnControl
     UserPreferences current codeView2QuickSendersAndImplementorsOnControl:true
     UserPreferences current codeView2QuickSendersAndImplementorsOnControl:false

o  codeView2QuickSendersAndImplementorsOnControl: aBoolean
if true, CTRL-click opens the quick senders/implementors menu;
if false, you have to press ALT

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current codeView2QuickSendersAndImplementorsOnControl
     UserPreferences current codeView2QuickSendersAndImplementorsOnControl:true
     UserPreferences current codeView2QuickSendersAndImplementorsOnControl:false

o  codeView2ShowAcceptCancel
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
this is a little confusing: the codeview2 has its own accept/cancel bar
(why reinvent the wheel?).
So if this is enabled, the outer accept/cancel bar will be suppressed,
if this is on

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current codeView2ShowAcceptCancel 
     UserPreferences current codeView2ShowAcceptCancel:true 
     UserPreferences current codeView2ShowAcceptCancel:false

o  codeView2ShowAcceptCancel: aBoolean
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
this is a little confusing: the codeview2 has its own accept/cancel bar
(why reinvent the wheel?).
So if this is enabled, the outer accept/cancel bar will be suppressed,
if this is on

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current codeView2ShowAcceptCancel 
     UserPreferences current codeView2ShowAcceptCancel:true 
     UserPreferences current codeView2ShowAcceptCancel:false

o  codeViewClassInTools
UserPreferences current useCodeView2InTools
UserPreferences current codeViewClassInTools
UserPreferences current codeViewClassInTools

o  selectorBackgroundColorForNavigationService

o  useCodeView2In: appSymbol
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
no longer used - will vanish.
Now the use of the codeView2 is globally enabled/disabled by useCodeView2InTools

Usage example(s):

    UserPreferences current useCodeView2In: #Browser 
    UserPreferences current useCodeView2InBrowser:true 
    UserPreferences current useCodeView2InBrowser:false

    UserPreferences current useCodeView2InTools:true
    UserPreferences current useCodeView2InTools:false

o  useCodeView2InBrowser
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
no longer used - will vanish.
Now the use of the codeView2 is globally enabled/disabled by useCodeView2InTools

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  useCodeView2InBrowser: aBoolean
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
no longer used - will vanish.
Now the use of the codeView2 is globally enabled/disabled by useCodeView2InTools

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  useCodeView2InDebugger
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
no longer used - will vanish.
Now the use of the codeView2 is globally enabled/disabled by useCodeView2InTools

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  useCodeView2InDebugger: aBoolean
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
no longer used - will vanish.
Now the use of the codeView2 is globally enabled/disabled by useCodeView2InTools

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  useCodeView2InTools
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current useCodeView2InTools 
     UserPreferences current useCodeView2InTools:true 
     UserPreferences current useCodeView2InTools:false

o  useCodeView2InTools: aBoolean
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
UserPreferences current useCodeView2InBrowser:true
UserPreferences current useCodeView2InBrowser:false

o  useCodeView2InWorkspace
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
no longer used - will vanish.
Now the use of the codeView2 is globally enabled/disabled by useCodeView2InTools

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  useCodeView2InWorkspace: aBoolean
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
no longer used - will vanish.
Now the use of the codeView2 is globally enabled/disabled by useCodeView2InTools

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  variableBackgroundColorForNavigationService
(Color rgbValue:16rEFD7A7)

o  addPreloadedPackage: packageName
add this to the set of preloaded packages.
This will be automatically loaded whenever the system starts

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current preloadedPackages

     UserPreferences current addPreloadedPackage:'stx:goodies/smallsense'
     UserPreferences current removePreloadedPackage:'stx:goodies/smallsense'

o  preloadedPackages
the set of preloaded packages.
These will be automatically loaded whenever the system starts

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current addPreloadedPackage:'stx:goodies/smallsense'
     UserPreferences current removePreloadedPackage:'stx:goodies/smallsense'
     UserPreferences current preloadedPackages

o  preloadedPackages: setOfPreloadedPackages
define the set of preloaded packages.
This will be automatically loaded whenever the system starts

o  removePreloadedPackage: packageName
remove this from the set of preloaded packages.
This will be no longer be automatically loaded whenever the system starts

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current preloadedPackages

     UserPreferences current addPreloadedPackage:'stx:goodies/smallsense'
     UserPreferences current removePreloadedPackage:'stx:goodies/smallsense'

o  appendAbbreviationsToCompletionSuggestions
show abbreviations in completion

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current appendAbbreviationsToCompletionSuggestions
     UserPreferences current appendAbbreviationsToCompletionSuggestions:true
     UserPreferences current appendAbbreviationsToCompletionSuggestions:false

o  appendAbbreviationsToCompletionSuggestions: aBoolean
show abbreviations in completion

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current appendAbbreviationsToCompletionSuggestions
     UserPreferences current appendAbbreviationsToCompletionSuggestions:true
     UserPreferences current appendAbbreviationsToCompletionSuggestions:false

o  codeCompletionOnControlKey
show completion with CTRL-key - experimental

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current codeCompletionOnControlKey
     UserPreferences current codeCompletionOnControlKey:true
     UserPreferences current codeCompletionOnControlKey:false

o  codeCompletionOnControlKey: aBoolean
show completion with CTRL key - experimental

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current codeCompletionOnControlKey
     UserPreferences current codeCompletionOnControlKey:true
     UserPreferences current codeCompletionOnControlKey:false

o  codeCompletionOnTabKey
show completion with TAB-key - experimental

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current codeCompletionOnTabKey
     UserPreferences current codeCompletionOnTabKey:true
     UserPreferences current codeCompletionOnTabKey:false

o  codeCompletionOnTabKey: aBoolean
show completion with TAB-key - experimental

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current codeCompletionOnTabKey
     UserPreferences current codeCompletionOnTabKey:true
     UserPreferences current codeCompletionOnTabKey:false

o  codeCompletionViewKeyboardNavigationNeedsModifier
if you find it annoying, that cursor up/down is intercepted by a floating
completion view, set this to true. Then cursor up/down are only passed to the completion
view if a shift- or control modifier is pressed.
The default is false for backward compatibility

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current codeCompletionViewKeyboardNavigationNeedsModifier
     UserPreferences current codeCompletionViewKeyboardNavigationNeedsModifier:true
     UserPreferences current codeCompletionViewKeyboardNavigationNeedsModifier:false

o  codeCompletionViewKeyboardNavigationNeedsModifier: aBoolean
if you find it annoying, that cursor up/down is intercepted by a floating
completion view, set this to true. Then cursor up/down are only passed to the completion
view if a shift- or control modifier is pressed.
The default is false for backward compatibility

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current codeCompletionViewKeyboardNavigationNeedsModifier
     UserPreferences current codeCompletionViewKeyboardNavigationNeedsModifier:true
     UserPreferences current codeCompletionViewKeyboardNavigationNeedsModifier:false

o  deleteSetsClipboardText
if true, a delete also updates the clipboard with the deleted text

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current deleteSetsClipboardText

o  deleteSetsClipboardText: aBooleanOrNil
if true, a delete also updates the clipboard with the deleted text

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current deleteSetsClipboardTextdeleteSetsClipboardText:true
     UserPreferences current deleteSetsClipboardText:false
     UserPreferences current deleteSetsClipboardText

o  enforcedDropModeForFiles
when dropping a file, paste the #name, the #contents or ask ?
(default is nil, for ask)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current enforcedDropModeForFiles

o  enforcedDropModeForFiles: aSymbolOrNil
when dropping a file, paste the #name, the #contents or ask ?
(default is nil, for ask)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current enforcedDropModeForFiles:#contents
     UserPreferences current enforcedDropModeForFiles:#name

o  extendedWordSelectMode
when double clicking, include underscore, dollar and at-character as word-characters ?
(default is on)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current extendedWordSelectMode

o  extendedWordSelectMode: aBoolean
when double clicking, include underscore, dollar and at-character as word-characters ?
(default is on)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current extendedWordSelectMode:true
     UserPreferences current extendedWordSelectMode:false

o  generateBackupFileWhenSaving
if true, the editor will write a backup file
before saving. The default is true

o  generateBackupFileWhenSaving: aBoolean
if true, the editor will write a backup file
before saving. The default is true

o  immediateCodeCompletion
show completion, as you type - experimental

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current immediateCodeCompletion
     UserPreferences current immediateCodeCompletion:true
     UserPreferences current immediateCodeCompletion:false

o  immediateCodeCompletion: aBoolean
show completion, as you type - experimental

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current immediateCodeCompletion
     UserPreferences current immediateCodeCompletion:true
     UserPreferences current immediateCodeCompletion:false

o  numberOfRememberedUndoOperationsInEditor
the number of possible undo-operations.
Nil means: unlimited.
Notice: you may run out of memory, if editing a lot and the number of undos is not limited.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current numberOfRememberedUndoOperationsInEditor

o  numberOfRememberedUndoOperationsInEditor: aNumberOrNil
the number of possible undo-operations.
Nil means: unlimited.
Notice: you may run out of memory, if editing a lot and the number of undos is not limited.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current numberOfRememberedUndoOperationsInEditor:20

o  selectAllWhenClickingBeyondEnd
select mode, when clicking after the end of text,
as in st80 (or squeak), select all

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current selectAllWhenClickingBeyondEnd

o  selectAllWhenClickingBeyondEnd: aBoolean
select mode, when clicking after the end of text,
as in st80 (or squeak), select all

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current selectAllWhenClickingBeyondEnd:true
     UserPreferences current selectAllWhenClickingBeyondEnd:false

o  selectionExtensionMode
Returns selection extension mode. Mode is either

#traditional ... Shift-End always moves end of selection (iff it is on the same line)
Shift->Home always moves beggining of selection (iff it is on the same line)
That's how CG likes it.

#standard ... That's how vast majority text editors and text widgets behaves, therefore
this is how most users expects it to behave.

For historical reasons, #traditional is the default...

Usage example(s):

    UserPreferences current selectionExtensionMode

    UserPreferences current selectionExtensionMode:#traditional
    UserPreferences current selectionExtensionMode:#standard
    UserPreferences current selectionExtensionMode:nil

    UserPreferences current selectionExtensionMode

o  selectionExtensionMode: aSymbol
Sets selection extension mode. Must be either:

#traditional ... Shift-End always moves end of selection (iff it is on the same line)
Shift->Home always moves beggining of selection (iff it is on the same line)
That's how CG likes it.

#standard ... That's how vast majority text editors and text widgets behaves, therefore
this is how most users expects it to behave.

For historical reasons, #traditional is the default...

Usage example(s):

    UserPreferences current selectionExtensionMode

    UserPreferences current selectionExtensionMode:#traditional
    UserPreferences current selectionExtensionMode:#standard
    UserPreferences current selectionExtensionMode:nil

    UserPreferences current selectionExtensionMode

o  smartEditing
editor will give sugestions for repetitive edit operations

Usage example(s):

    UserPreferences current smartEditing

    UserPreferences current smartEditing:true
    UserPreferences current smartEditing:false

o  smartEditing: aBoolean
editor will give sugestions for repetitive edit operations

Usage example(s):

    UserPreferences current smartEditing

    UserPreferences current smartEditing:true
    UserPreferences current smartEditing:false

o  st80EditMode
editing as in st80 (do not allow cursor beyond endOfLine/endOftext).

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current st80EditMode
     UserPreferences current st80EditMode:true
     UserPreferences current st80EditMode
     UserPreferences current st80EditMode:false
     UserPreferences current st80EditMode

o  st80EditMode: aBoolean
editing as in st80 (do not allow cursor beyond endOfLine/endOftext).

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current st80EditMode:true
     UserPreferences current st80EditMode:false

o  st80SelectMode
select mode, when double clicking as in st80
(select to corresponding lparen/double-quote) ?

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current st80SelectMode

o  st80SelectMode: aBoolean
select mode, when double clicking as in st80
(select to corresponding lparen/double-quote).

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current st80SelectMode:true
     UserPreferences current st80SelectMode:false

o  trimBlankLines
if true, blank lines are trimmed to zero size in the editor

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current trimBlankLines
     UserPreferences current trimBlankLines:true
     UserPreferences current trimBlankLines
     UserPreferences current trimBlankLines:false
     UserPreferences current trimBlankLines

o  trimBlankLines: aBoolean
if true, blank lines are trimmed to zero size in the editor

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current trimBlankLines
     UserPreferences current trimBlankLines:true
     UserPreferences current trimBlankLines
     UserPreferences current trimBlankLines:false
     UserPreferences current trimBlankLines

o  whitespaceWordSelectMode
when double clicking, treat ANY non-whitespace as word-characters ?
(default is off)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current whitespaceWordSelectMode

o  whitespaceWordSelectMode: aBoolean
when double clicking, treat ANY non-whitespace as word-characters ?
(default is off)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current whitespaceWordSelectMode:true
     UserPreferences current whitespaceWordSelectMode:false

accessing-prefs-external tools
o  defaultFileOpenCommandFor: suffix
for the fileBrowser - remember which command to use as-per suffix

o  defaultFileOpenCommandFor: suffix put: openCmd
for the fileBrowser - remember which command to use as-per suffix

o  dllPath
ExpeccoPreferences current dllPath.
ExpeccoPreferences current dllPath:{ '/usr/local/lib' '/opt/local/lib' }

o  dllPath: aCollectionOfFolderNames
should only be used by the settings application;
NOT by code

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current dllPath.
     UserPreferences current dllPath:{ '/usr/local/lib' '/opt/local/lib' }

o  osFileExplorerCommand
return an OS command template to open a finder/explorer or similar

o  osFileExplorerCommand: aString
define an OS command template to open a finder/explorer or similar

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current osFileExplorerCommand
     UserPreferences current osFileExplorerCommand:'open %1'
     UserPreferences current osFileExplorerCommand:'nautilus %1'
     UserPreferences current osFileExplorerCommand:'dolphin %1'

accessing-prefs-files and directories
o  changeFileName
were to keep changes

o  changeFileName: aFilename
were to keep changes

o  usersModuleName
this will be taken as the user's module in the workspace and as a default for new projects

o  usersModuleName: aString

o  workspaceDirectory
this is the folder where snapshot images, the change file and any stc-compiled
object files are stored.
The idea is to keep that stuff together, so we can move it as a bunch.
These used to be in the bin-folder of st/x, but that would not work with readonly/shared
st/x installations.

o  workspaceDirectory: aDirectoryOrNilForDefault

o  language
intermediate migration code;

Usage example(s):

For now, forward to Smalltalk, while all references to "Smalltalk-language"

Usage example(s):

and "Smalltalk-languageTerritory" are replaced with "UserPreferences current"-messages

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current language

o  language: aLanguageSymbol
intermediate migration code;

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current language
     UserPreferences current language:#en

o  language: aLanguageSymbol territory: aTerritorySymbol
intermediate migration code;

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current language
     UserPreferences current language:#en territory:#us
     UserPreferences current language:#de territory:#de

o  languageTerritory
intermediate migration code;

Usage example(s):

and "Smalltalk-languageTerritory" are replaced with "UserPreferences current"-messages

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current languageTerritory

o  languageTerritory: aLanguageSymbol
intermediate migration code;

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current languageTerritory
     UserPreferences current languageTerritory:#en

o  unitForFileSize
may return either 1000 or 1024

o  unitStringsForFileSize
Modified (format): / 17-11-2017 / 10:31:42 / cg

o  useSystemLanguage
if true, the operating system's language is used (i.e. LANG environment variable),
when the system comes up. If false, the setting here is used.
The default is true.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current useSystemLanguage
     UserPreferences current useSystemLanguage:false
     UserPreferences current useSystemLanguage:true

o  useSystemLanguage: aBoolean
if true, the operating system's language is used (i.e. LANG environment variable),
when the system comes up. If false, the setting here is used.
The default is true.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current useSystemLanguage
     UserPreferences current useSystemLanguage:false

o  addLogOSProcessFilter: aGLOBString
OSProcess can filter those which we are not interested in;
candidates are: 'diff'
Add a GLOB pattern to filter those.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current addLogOSProcessFilter:'diff *'

o  shouldLogOSProcess: cmd
called by osprocess to determine if a command is to be logged
Can filter those which we are not interested in;
candidates are: 'diff'.
See addLogOSProcessFilter:

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current shouldLogOSProcess:'diff bla bla2'

o  addToAutoloadedPackages: packageID

o  autoloadedPackages
list of package names, which are automatically loaded upon startup

o  autoloadedPackages: aCollectionOfPackageNames
list of package names, which are automatically loaded upon startup

o  timeToAutoExpandItemsWhenDraggingOver
in a hierarchical tree view

o  twoDigitDateHandler
return a block which converts a two-digit date.
Possible algorithms:
- identity: treat as year 00..99
- add 1900: treat as 1900..1999
- around: treat as 1950..1999 if value is 50..99; 2000..2049 otherwise.

TODO: make this configurable, keep in dictionary and add to settings.

o  addExpeccoToWindowsFavorites
if true, links to expecco's project folders are added to the explorer's favorites

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current addExpeccoToWindowsFavorites

o  addExpeccoToWindowsFavorites: aBoolean
if true, links to expecco's project folders are added to the explorer's favorites

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current addExpeccoToWindowsFavorites
     UserPreferences current addExpeccoToWindowsFavorites:false
     UserPreferences current addExpeccoToWindowsFavorites:true

o  allowSendMailFromDebugger
if true inserts a button in Debugger for open a GUI to send useful debugger infos per mail to a default
mail account

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current allowSendMailFromDebugger

o  allowSendMailFromDebugger: aBoolean
if true inserts a button in Debugger for open a GUI to send useful debugger infos per mail to a default
mail account

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current allowSendMailFromDebugger:true
     UserPreferences current allowSendMailFromDebugger:false

o  autoDefineWorkspaceVariables
return the flag which controls automatic definition of unknown variables
as workspace variables (in doIts)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current autoDefineWorkspaceVariables

o  autoDefineWorkspaceVariables: aBoolean
turn on/off automatic definition of unknown variables
as workspace variables (in doIts)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current autoDefineWorkspaceVariables:true
     UserPreferences current autoDefineWorkspaceVariables:false

o  autoRaiseDebugger
if true, the debugger raises itself automatically when entered.
The default is true

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current autoRaiseDebugger

o  autoRaiseDebugger: aBoolean
if true, the debugger raises itself automatically when entered.
The default is true

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current autoRaiseDebugger
     UserPreferences current autoRaiseDebugger:false
     UserPreferences current autoRaiseDebugger:true

o  autoRaiseOnFocusInDelay
if non-nil, an application window will raise automatically,
when it gets the focus (via the window manager) after that
number of milliseconds. If nil, autoRaise is disabled.
Especially useful with focusFollowsMouse under X11

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current autoRaiseOnFocusInDelay

o  autoRaiseOnFocusInDelay: anIntegerOrNil
if non-nil, an application window will raise automatically,
when it gets the focus (via the window manager) after that
number of milliseconds. If nil, autoRaise is disabled.
Especially useful with focusFollowsMouse under X11

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current autoRaiseOnFocusInDelay
     UserPreferences current autoRaiseOnFocusInDelay:nil
     UserPreferences current autoRaiseOnFocusInDelay:750

o  autoRaiseTranscript
if true, the transcript raises itself automatically when new messages appear.
The default is false

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current autoRaiseTranscript

o  autoRaiseTranscript: aBoolean
if true, the transcript raises itself automatically when new messages appear.
The default is false

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current autoRaiseTranscript:true
     UserPreferences current autoRaiseTranscript:false
     UserPreferences current autoRaiseTranscript

o  debuggerLogFile
if non nil, any entered debugger writes a backrace to that logfile.
This is useful to record all session-problems

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current debuggerLogFile
     UserPreferences current debuggerLogFile:'debug.log'
     UserPreferences current debuggerLogFile:nil

o  debuggerLogFile: aFilename
if non nil, any entered debugger writes a backrace to that logfile.
This is useful to record all session-problems

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current debuggerLogFile
     UserPreferences current debuggerLogFile:'debug.log'
     UserPreferences current debuggerLogFile:nil

o  editToolbarVisibleInWorkspace
return the flag which defaults the edit-toolbar-visibility in a workspace application

o  editToolbarVisibleInWorkspace: aBooleanOrNil
set the flag which defaults the edit-toolbar-visibility in a workspace application

o  functionKeySequences
return the collection of function-key macros.
That's a dictionary, which assigns code to F-keys

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current functionKeySequences

o  hideSupportCodeInDebugger
UserPreferences current hideSupportCodeInDebugger

o  hideSupportCodeInDebugger: aBooleanOrNil

o  infoVisibleInWorkspace
return the flag which defaults the info-visibility in a workspace application

o  infoVisibleInWorkspace: aBooleanOrNil
set the flag which defaults the info-visibility in a workspace application

o  sendMessagesAlsoToTranscript
return the flag which controls if info/error messages are to be shown
on both Stderr AND the Transcript, or only on Stderr

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current sendMessagesAlsoToTranscript

o  sendMessagesAlsoToTranscript: aBooleanOrNil
set/clear the flag which controls if info/error messages are to be shown
on both Stderr AND the Transcript, or only on Stderr

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current sendMessagesAlsoToTranscript:false.
     'hello' infoPrintCR.

     UserPreferences current sendMessagesAlsoToTranscript:true.
     'hello' infoPrintCR.

o  sendMessagesOnlyToTranscript
return the flag which controls if info/error messages are to be shown
on Stderr (if true is returned, they are only shown on the Transcript)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current sendMessagesOnlyToTranscript

o  sendMessagesOnlyToTranscript: aBoolean
set the flag which controls if info/error messages are to be shown
on Stderr (if true is returned, they are only shown on the Transcript)

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current sendMessagesOnlyToTranscript:true.
     'hello' errorPrintCR.

     UserPreferences current sendMessagesOnlyToTranscript:false.
     'hello' errorPrintCR.

     UserPreferences current sendMessagesOnlyToTranscript

o  showClockInLauncher
return the flag which controls if a clock is shown in the launcher

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current showClockInLauncher

o  showClockInLauncher: aBooleanOrNil
set/clear the flag which controls if a clock is shown in the launcher

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current showClockInLauncher:false.
     NewLauncher open.

     UserPreferences current showClockInLauncher:true.
     NewLauncher open.

o  showTypeIndicatorInInspector
UserPreferences current showTypeIndicatorInInspector

o  showTypeIndicatorInInspector: aBooleanOrNil
UserPreferences current showTypeIndicatorInInspector:false.
NewLauncher inspect.

UserPreferences current showTypeIndicatorInInspector:true.
NewLauncher inspect.

o  terminalInputIsUTF8
if true, a shell or unix command accepts utf8 encoded input and character input
should be encoded as such by the terminal emulator.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current terminalInputIsUTF8

o  terminalInputIsUTF8: aBoolean
if true, a shell or unix command accepts utf8 encoded input and character input
should be encoded as such by the terminal emulator.
This specifies a default setting for terminal views; individual instances can be
changed be calling a corresponding setup method on it.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current terminalInputIsUTF8
     UserPreferences current terminalInputIsUTF8:true
     UserPreferences current terminalInputIsUTF8:false

o  terminalOutputIsUTF8
if true, the shell's output is utf8 encoded and should be decoded by
the terminal emulator.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current terminalOutputIsUTF8

o  terminalOutputIsUTF8: aBoolean
if true, the shell's output is utf8 encoded and should be decoded by
the terminal emulator.
This specifies a default setting for terminal views; individual instances can be
changed be calling a corresponding setup method on it.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current terminalOutputIsUTF8
     UserPreferences current terminalOutputIsUTF8:true
     UserPreferences current terminalOutputIsUTF8:false

o  toolbarVisibleInWorkspace
return the flag which defaults the toolbar-visibility in a workspace application

o  toolbarVisibleInWorkspace: aBooleanOrNil
set the flag which defaults the toolbar-visibility in a workspace application

o  useJavaCompletionEngineSimple
switch to false, when the JavaCompletionEngine is

o  useNewLayoutInDebugger
UserPreferences current useNewLayoutInDebugger

o  useNewLayoutInDebugger: aBoolean

o  useRefactoringSupport
return the flag which enables/disables use of refactoring package in browser.
If enabled, this enables all kinds of refactorings, better search and undo features.
There is usually no reason to disable these.

o  useRefactoringSupport: aBooleanOrNil
enable/disable use of refactoring package in browser.
If enabled, this enables all kinds of refactorings, better search and undo features.
There is usually no reason to disable these.

Usage example(s):

     UserPreferences current useRefactoringSupport:false
     UserPreferences current useRefactoringSupport:true

o  verboseBacktraceInDebugger
UserPreferences current verboseBacktraceInDebugger

o  verboseBacktraceInDebugger: aBoolean

o  autoUnloadAutoloadedClassesInProjectDefinition
UserPreferences current autoUnloadAutoloadedClassesInProjectDefinition

o  autoUnloadAutoloadedClassesInProjectDefinition: aBoolean
UserPreferences current autoUnloadAutoloadedClassesInProjectDefinition
UserPreferences current autoUnloadAutoloadedClassesInProjectDefinition:false

o  buildDirectory
UserPreferences current buildDirectory

o  buildDirectory: aFilenameStringOrNil
UserPreferences current buildDirectory

o  localBuild
deployment-build in a local directory (as opposed to making via the repository)

o  localBuild: aBoolean
deployment-build in a local directory (as opposed to making via the repository)

o  suppressProjectDefinitionWarnings
UserPreferences current suppressProjectDefinitionWarnings

o  suppressProjectDefinitionWarnings: aBoolean
UserPreferences current suppressProjectDefinitionWarnings
UserPreferences current suppressProjectDefinitionWarnings:true

o  usedCompilerForBuild
UserPreferences current usedCompilerForBuild

o  usedCompilerForBuild: aString
UserPreferences current usedCompilerForBuild
UserPreferences current usedCompilerForBuild:'bcc'

o  managerPerMatchingModuleDefinitions
( an extension from the stx:libbasic3 package )
UserPreferences current managerPerMatchingModuleDefinitions
UserPreferences current managerPerMatchingModuleDefinitions: #().

o  managerPerMatchingModuleDefinitions: defs
( an extension from the stx:libbasic3 package )

o  showBadRevisionStringDialogs
show a dialog when a bad revision string is encountered, or silently fix it

o  showBadRevisionStringDialogs: aBoolean
show a dialog when a bad revision string is encountered, or silently fix it

default settings-syntax colors
o  at: key putSyntaxColor: aColor

o  listOfPredefinedSyntaxColoringSchemes
return a list of pre-defined syntax highlightning styles
(as shown in the Launchers 'source and debugger settings' dialog.

o  resetSyntaxColors
resets the colors in the CurrentPreferences to their default values

o  resetSyntaxColorsAllBlackExceptBadIDs
resets the colors in the CurrentPreferences to no-color mode,
except for bad identifiers, which are underwaved.

o  resetSyntaxColorsBlueControlFlowSelectors
resets the colors in the CurrentPreferences to alternative default values
(with blue control flow selectors)

o  resetSyntaxColorsBlueSelectorsGreenComments
resets the colors in the CurrentPreferences to alternative default values
(with blue selectors and green comments)

o  resetSyntaxColorsBlueSelectorsGreyComments
resets the colors in the CurrentPreferences to alternative default values
(with blue selectors and grey comments)

o  resetSyntaxColorsGreenComments
resets the colors in the CurrentPreferences to alternative default values
(with green comments)

o  resetSyntaxColorsGreenCommentsBlueControlFlowSelectors
resets the colors in the CurrentPreferences to alternative default values
(with green comments, blue control flow)

o  resetSyntaxColorsToSqueakStyle
resets the colors in the CurrentPreferences to alternative default values

o  resetSyntaxColorsToSqueakStyle1
resets the colors in the CurrentPreferences to alternative default values
(with blue selectors and green comments)

o  resetSyntaxColorsToSqueakStyle2
resets the colors in the CurrentPreferences to alternative default values
(with blue selectors and green comments)

o  resetSyntaxColorsToVAgeStyle
resets the colors in the CurrentPreferences to alternative default values
(green comments, blue globals)

o  resetSyntaxColorsToVCStyle
resets the colors in the CurrentPreferences to visual C default style
(green comments, blue keywords, redish string constants)

o  resetSyntaxColorsToVW7Style
resets the colors in the CurrentPreferences to alternative default values
(with light blue comments, green variables)

o  resetSyntaxColorsWithSideEffectHighlighting
resets the colors in the CurrentPreferences to their default values
plus side effect highlighting (assignments to instvars and globals are marked)

default values
o  defaultValue
the defaultValue for non-existing keys

o  errorKeyNotFound: aKey
for any non-existing key, false is returned

o  doesNotUnderstand: aMessage
this is needed, if a setting is loaded (via the settings.stx) at a time

o  flyByHelpSettingChanged

o  codeView2AutoIndent
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
UserPreferences current codeView2AutoIndent
UserPreferences current codeView2AutoIndent:true
UserPreferences current codeView2AutoIndent:false

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  codeView2AutoIndent: aBoolean
( an extension from the stx:libtool package )
UserPreferences current codeView2AutoIndent
UserPreferences current codeView2AutoIndent:true
UserPreferences current codeView2AutoIndent:false

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  useNewSettinsApplication
obsolete - will be removed in next release.
(this is kept for a while, as it may have found its way into some
saved user preference files)

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  useNewSettinsApplication: aBoolean
obsolete - will be removed in next release

** This is an obsolete interface - do not use it (it may vanish in future versions) **

o  saveIn: fileName
UserPreferences current saveIn:'test.settings'

ST/X; WebServer 1.702 at 20f6060372b9.unknown:8081; Mon, 10 Mar 2025 13:31:34 GMT