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Documentation of class 'XML::Element':



Class: Element (in XML)



rev: 1.78 date: 2023/10/18 17:03:54
user: stefan
file: Element.st directory: goodies/xml/vw
module: stx stc-classLibrary: vw


XML document element boundaries are either delimited by start-tags and end-tags, or, for empty elements, by an empty-element tag. Each element has a type, identified by name, sometimes called its "generic identifier" (GI), and may have a set of attribute specifications. Each attribute specification has a name and a value.

Instance Variables:
	tag     <String | NodeTag>  the identifier for the element
	attributes      <Collection>  the element's attributes
	namespaces      <Dictionary>  a mapping of tag qualifiers to namespace URIs
	elements        <SequenceableCollection>  child text, comments, PIs and elements
	userData        <Object>  extra space for a client program to add annotations
	definition      <XML.Pattern>  defines the type constraints for the content

Class protocol:

instance creation
o  new
(comment from inherited method)
return an instance of myself without indexed variables

o  tag: tag
Modified (format): / 18-07-2018 / 11:53:15 / Claus Gittinger

o  tag: tag attributes: attributes

o  tag: tag attributes: attributes elements: elements
Modified (format): / 18-07-2018 / 11:53:10 / Claus Gittinger

o  tag: tag elements: elements
Modified (format): / 18-07-2018 / 11:53:02 / Claus Gittinger

Instance protocol:

o  anyElementNamed: elementName
Answer the one and only element named elementName.
Raise an error, if there is not exactly one element.
This will return the receiver if its name matches the requirement.

o  anyElementsNamed: elementName
Traverse the tree and return all the elements named elementName

o  attributes
Modified (format): / 21-04-2021 / 12:40:38 / cg

o  characterData
return all concatenated character data

o  characterDataDo: aBlock
recursively apply aBlock for every characterdata piece

o  characterDataOnto: str

o  childNodes
##add -umejava

o  definition

o  definition: aPattern

o  description

o  elementNamed: elementName

o  elementNamed: elementName ifAbsent: exceptionValue

o  elements
(comment from inherited method)
Visualworks uses the method #children to do essentially the same as this. Does not do much though

o  elementsNamed: elementName

o  elementsWithTextDo: aBlock
return all text elements

o  elementsWithTexts
return all text elements

o  elementsWithoutTexts
return a collection of all non-text elements

o  elementsWithoutTextsDo: aBlock
evaluate a block for all non-text elements

o  expandedName

o  hasElementNamed: elementName

o  hasElementsWithoutText
answer true, if there is a subelement, which is not text

o  indexOf: aChild

o  localName
for compatibility with YAXO nodes

o  namespaces: aDictionary

o  selectNodes: aBlock

o  tag

o  tagName

o  valueOfAttribute: attributeName ifAbsent: aBlock

accessing - xpath like
o  / anElementName
XPath like processing - answer all the elements named anElementName
(direct children; corresponds to ./anElementName in XPath)

Usage example(s):

Modified (comment): / 08-12-2020 / 12:45:58 / cg

o  // anElementName
XPath like processing - traverse the tree and answer all the elements named anElementName
(recursive; corresponds to .//anElementName in XPath)

o  /@ anAttributeName
XPath like processing - answer a nodeSet with attributes named anAttributeName

o  @ anAttributeName
XPath like processing - answer the attribute named anAttributeName

o  addAllAttributesNamed: attributeName to: aCollection
Recursively (depth-first) traverse the element tree and add any
sub-elements atributes named attributeName to aCollection

o  addAllElementsNamed: elementName to: aCollection
Recursively (depth-first) traverse the element tree and add any
sub-element named elementName to aCollection

o  addAttributesNamed: anAttributeName to: aCollection
XPath like processing - add attributes named anAttributeName to aCollection

o  addElementsNamed: elementName to: aCollection
Traverse the tree and add the direct child elements named elementName to aCollection

o  allAttributesNamed: attributeName do: aBlock
Recursively (depth-first) traverse the element tree and evaluate aBlock for each

o  allElementsNamed: elementName do: aBlock
Recursively (depth-first) traverse the element tree and evaluates aBlock for each

o  attributesNamed: anAttributeName do: aBlock
XPath like processing - evaluate aBlock for all attributes named anAttributeName

o  = anXmlElement
(comment from inherited method)
return true if the receiver and the arg have the same structure.
This method is partially open coded (inlined) by the compiler(s)
identical objects are always considered equal.
redefining it may not work as expected.

o  hash
(comment from inherited method)
return an Integer useful as a hash key for the receiver.
This hash should return same values for objects with same
contents (i.e. use this to hash on structure)

o  cloneTree
answer a copy of the tree, so that removal of child elements
from the copy does not affect the original node.

o  childElementsDo: aBlock
enumerate my direct child-elements and
evaluate aBlock for each.

o  elementsDo: aBlock
recursively (depth-first) descend into my child-elements and
evaluate aBlock for each sub-element.
Bad naming: should be called allElementsDo:

o  nodesDo: aBlock
Evaluate aBlock for myself and recursively (depth-first) descend into my child-nodes and
evaluate aBlock for each sub-node.
Enumerates both attributes and elements

o  nodesReverseDo: aBlock

o  saxDo: aDriver forBodyDo: aBlock
a variation on #saxDo: that lets the client
control how the body of the element is to be

o  initialize

o  addNode: aNode
the following might look ugly, but saves a lot of memory,

o  removeAllNodes
##add -umejava

o  removeNode: aNode
remove a child node; raises an error if the given argument is
not a child of the receiver

o  namespaceAt: qualifier

o  qualifierAtNamespace: ns

o  prettyPrintColorizedOn: aStream depth: indent
(comment from inherited method)
depth should be named indent

o  prettyPrintOn: aStream depth: indent
(comment from inherited method)
self subclassResponsibility

o  printAsOneLineOn: aStream

o  printCanonicalOn: aStream
reject: [:str | str isBlankText]

o  printHTMLOn: aStream
reject: [:str | str isBlankText]

o  printNoIndentOn: aStream endSpacing: endSpacingBlock spacing: spacingBlock
(comment from inherited method)
Print myself on the stream with line breaks between adjacent
elements, but no indentation.

o  simpleDescription

o  attributes: attrColl

o  condenseList
condense the elements list;
if it is empty, make it nil;
otherwise, make it an array

o  condenseText
concatenate text elements into the smallest number of elements.
Return the receiver

o  elements: e

o  setAttributes: aCollection
private entries to set the attributes without reparenting

o  setElements: aCollection
private entries to set the elements without condensing

o  setTag: t attributes: a elements: e

private helpers
o  treePositionOf: aNode
return a collection containing the position of aNode in the document
in the form #(i1 i2 ... iN} where each iI is the index within the siblings

o  hasSubNodes

o  isContent

o  isElement

o  isEmpty

o  isHTMLBlock

o  isLike: aNode

o  notEmpty

o  verifyContents

o  acceptVisitor: aVisitor
Double dispatch back to the visitor, passing my type encoded in
the selector (visitor pattern)

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