Class: SourceScannerNodeBuilder (in XML)
- Package:
- stx:goodies/xml/vw
- Category:
- XML-VW-Source Code
- Version:
- rev:
date: 2023/11/21 09:43:05
- user: cg
- file: SourceScannerNodeBuilder.st directory: goodies/xml/vw
- module: stx stc-classLibrary: vw
This subclass of XMLNodeBuilder is used by the VisualWorks ChangeScanner to scan a VisualWorks XML source file and distill it into first XML elements and then
into valid Smalltalk objects for display in the Change List tool.
Instance Variables:
selectors <Dictionary> comment
currentFile <ReadStream> comment
currentPosition <Integer> comment
positions <Dictionary> comment
changeBlock <BlockClosure> comment
forgetPosition: elm
positionAt: elm
positionAt: elm put: p
attribute: name value: value
comment: aText
makeText: text
notation: name value: val
scanFile: file do: aBlock
tag: tag attributes: attributes elements: elements position: p stream: stream
doChange: aChange
getAttributesList: tag from: element
getBoolean: tag from: element default: defaultValue
getGlobalId: tag from: element
getGlobalIdAny: possibleTags from: element do: aBlock
getNameSpaceId: tag from: element
getNameSpaceOrClassId: tag from: element
getString: tag from: element default: defaultValue
getSymbol: tag from: element
getSymbol: tag from: element default: defaultValue
listFrom: node to: list
Over time, we may want to accomodate more complex
annotations for a class.
selectorFor: aTag
parcel_loaded: anElement
scan: element
scan_bundle_structure: anElement
self halt.
scan_class: anElement
N.B. Must create otherParameters in same order as keywords in class def.
scan_comment: anElement
scan_component_created: anElement
class := self
scan_component_definition_change: anElement
self halt.
scan_component_property: anElement
self halt.
scan_component_selector_change: anElement
self halt.
scan_copyright: anElement
scan_do_it: anElement
scan_initialize: anElement
scan_methods: anElement
classId is VW-formatted fully qualified reference, i.e., namespaces separated by dots
scan_name_space: anElement
N.B. Must create otherParameters in same order as keywords in class def.
scan_new_page: anElement
scan_parcel_loaded: anElement
self halt.
scan_pundle_loaded: anElement
self halt.
scan_relocate: anElement
scan_remove: anElement
scan_remove_selector: anElement
scan_rename: anElement
scan_reorganize: anElement
scan_reorganize_data: anElement
scan_shared_variable: anElement
N.B. Must create otherParameters in same order as keywords in class def.
scan_st_source: anElement
Do nothing
scan_static: anElement
N.B. Must create otherParameters in same order as keywords in class def.
scan_time_stamp: anElement
builder := XML.SourceScannerNodeBuilder new.
builder scanFile:'../../goodies/xml/vw/xmlFileInTests/Test1.xml' asFilename readStream
do:[:element | self halt]
builder := XML.SourceScannerNodeBuilder new.
builder scanFile:'../../goodies/xml/vw/xmlFileInTests/Test2.xml' asFilename readStream
do:[:element | self halt]
|builder elements|
elements := OrderedCollection new.
builder := XML.SourceScannerNodeBuilder new.
builder scanFile:'../../goodies/xml/vw/xmlFileInTests/XMLParser.xml' asFilename readStream
do:[:element | elements add:element].
elements inspect