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Documentation of class 'XMLStandardCoder':



Class: XMLStandardCoder



rev: 1.19 date: 2018/01/15 07:31:11
user: mawalch
file: XMLStandardCoder.st directory: goodies/xml/stx
module: stx stc-classLibrary: stx
Stefan Vogel


A standard representation, which mimics the binary storage
semantics (i.e. an object can be restored - even if self-referencing)

Standard types are mapped to different element names.
The className, the index or instVarName are stored as attributes.

The same structure is used for all same-typed instances,
and a DTD may be used to describe the output.

[instance variables:]

[class variables:]

Related information:

Class protocol:

encoding / decoding
o  decode: aStringOrStream
redefined to make the protocol more horizontal

o  encodingOf: anObject aspect: aspect with: aParameter
return the encoding of anObject

Instance protocol:

o  visitBoolean: aBool with: nameOrIndex
xml encode a boolean

o  visitByteArray: bytes with: nameOrIndex
encode a byte array.
BASE64 coding is used

o  visitCharacter: aCharacter with: nameOrIndex
encode a character.
The characters codePoint value is used

o  visitCollection: aCollection with: nameOrIndex
encode a collection of objects

o  visitDictionary: aCollection with: nameOrIndex
encode a dictionary.
A collection of Associations is encoded

o  visitFloat: aNumber with: nameOrIndex
encode a float

o  visitInteger: aNumber with: nameOrIndex
encode an integer

o  visitInterval: anInterval with: aParameter
do not encode this as a sequenceable collection, but
encode the instance variables

o  visitNilWith: nameOrIndex
encode nil.
Be careful, often nil is not coded, but ignored

o  visitNumber: aNumber with: nameOrIndex
encode a number

o  visitObject: anObject with: nameOrIndex
encode an object.
Encode all the objects contained in anObject

o  visitSequenceableCollection: aCollection with: nameOrIndex
encode a sequenceable collection.
Nil elements in the collection are suppressed

o  visitString: aString with: nameOrIndex
self encodingOf:''
self encodingOf:'abc'
self encodingOf:'<abc'
self encodingOf:'&abc'
self encodingOf:'&abc

o  visitSymbol: aSymbol with: nameOrIndex
self encodingOf:#abc


<<EOF save a point:
     (XMLStandardCoder on:Transcript) nextPut:1 @ 2 .
save an array:

     o := Array new:3.
     o at:1 put:1 @ 2.
     o at:2 put:'hello'.
     o at:3 put:o.
     (XMLStandardCoder on:Transcript) nextPut:o .
save and restore:
     |xmlText o s|

     s := '' writeStream.
     o := OrderedCollection new.
     o add:1 @ 2.
     o add:'hello'.
     o add:true.
     o add:o.
     xmlText := XMLStandardCoder encodingOf:o.
     Transcript showCR:xmlText.

     (XMLStandardDecoder on:(xmlText readStream)) next inspect
save and restore:
     |xmlText p o s decodedObject|

     s := '' writeStream.
     o := Array new:5.
     o at:1 put:(p := 1 @ 2).
     o at:2 put:p.
     o at:3 put:'hello'.
     o at:4 put:p.
     o at:5 put:o.
     xmlText := XMLStandardCoder encodingOf:o.
     Transcript showCR:xmlText.

     decodedObject := (XMLStandardDecoder on:(xmlText readStream)) next.
     decodedObject inspect.
     (decodedObject at:2) == (decodedObject at:4) ifFalse:[self halt].
     (decodedObject at:2) == (decodedObject at:1) ifFalse:[self halt].
save and restore. Use special aspect to encode nil variables:
     |xmlText o s encoder decoder decodedObject sharedString|

     s := '' writeStream.
     o := OrderedCollection new.
     o add:1 @ 2.
     o add:(sharedString := 'hello').
     o add:sharedString.
     o add:o.
     o add:(1 @ nil).
     encoder := XMLStandardCoder new aspect:#encodingVectorForInstanceVariables.
     encoder version:'1.0'.
     xmlText := encoder encodingOf:o.
     Transcript showCR:xmlText.

     decoder := XMLStandardDecoder on:xmlText readStream.
     decodedObject := decoder next.
     decodedObject inspect.
     Transcript cr; showCR:'Aspect:', decoder aspect, ' Version: ', decoder version.
     decodedObject size ~~ 5 ifTrue:[self halt].
     ((decodedObject at:2) == (decodedObject at:3)) ifFalse:[self halt].
     (decodedObject copyTo:3) = (o copyTo:3) ifFalse:[self halt].
     (decodedObject at:4) == decodedObject ifFalse:[self halt].
save and restore, and use message sends to restore:
     |xmlText o s sharedString decoder decodedObject|

     s := '' writeStream.
     o := Set new.
     o add:1 @ 2.
     o add:(sharedString := 'hello').
     o add:sharedString.
     o add:o.
     xmlText := XMLStandardCoder encodingOf:o.
     Transcript showCR:xmlText.

     decoder := XMLStandardDecoder on:(xmlText readStream).
     decoder useSend:true.
     decodedObject := decoder next.
     decodedObject inspect.

     decodedObject size ~~ 3 ifTrue:[self halt].
save and restore with references:
     |xmlText sharedString a o s|

     sharedString := 'hello world'.

     s := '' writeStream.
     a := Array new:2.
     a at:1 put:sharedString.

     o := OrderedCollection new.
     o add:nil.
     o add:'hello'.
     o add:sharedString.

     a at:2 put:o.
     xmlText := XMLStandardCoder encodingOf:a.
     Transcript showCR:xmlText.

     (XMLStandardDecoder on:(xmlText readStream)) next inspect
     |o xmlText|

     o := Array new:1.
     o at:1 put:o.
     xmlText := XMLStandardCoder encodingOf:o.
     Transcript showCR:xmlText.
     |o s|

    s := '
<sequence SIZE="1" ID="1">
<sequence ID="2"/>
     (XMLStandardDecoder on:(s readStream)) next inspect

     |o s|

    s := '

<sequence SIZE="2" ID="1">
<sequence INDEX="1" IDREF="1"/>
     (XMLStandardDecoder on:(s readStream)) next inspect

     |o s|

    s := '
<object ASPECT="encodingVector" CLASS="Expecco::ExpeccoPreferences" ID="1">
<sequence NAME="savedHostSetupList" ID="10"/>
<sequence NAME="projectPath" IDREF="10"/>
     (XMLStandardDecoder on:(s readStream)) next inspect

ST/X; WebServer 1.670 at bd0aa1f87cdd.unknown:8081; Wed, 24 Apr 2024 23:55:23 GMT