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Documentation of class 'stx_libcomp':



Class: stx_libcomp



* Projects & Packages *
rev: 1.88 date: 2019/07/15 13:38:51
user: cg
file: stx_libcomp.st directory: libcomp
module: stx stc-classLibrary: libcomp


Package documentation:

This library contains the Smalltalk parser and bytecode compiler,
and related support classes (AST representation).

This compiler is used when code is changed within the running IDE or application,
and when source code is loaded (fileIn).
It generates bytecode methods, which are (typically) further translated to machine code by the VM,
when first executed 
(although for some architectures, no JITTER is available, and the bytecode will be interpreted, 
 which is of course much slower).
This is not to be confused with the stc-compiler, which generates plain machine code, 
which is packaged into compiled class libraries and runs with very good performance. 
Usually, end user applications are deployed as stc-compiled binary code. 
And only patches or dynamically generated code uses bytecode methods.
Therefore, the speed of the bytecode interpreter is usually not at all relevant to a deployed app's 
overall speed (and also not to the ST/X IDE itself, as it also consists of precompiled machine code).

[primary maintainer:]

Class protocol:

o  excludedFromPreRequisites
Text - referenced by Parser>>selectorCheck:for:positions:

o  mandatoryPreRequisites
list packages which are mandatory as a prerequisite.
This are packages containing superclasses of my classes and classes which
are extended by myself.
They are mandatory, because we need these packages as a prerequisite for loading and compiling.
This method is generated automatically,
by searching along the inheritance chain of all of my classes.

o  referencedPreRequisites
list packages which are a prerequisite, because they contain
classes which are referenced by my classes.
We do not need these packages as a prerequisite for compiling or loading,
however, a class from it may be referenced during execution and having it
unloaded then may lead to a runtime doesNotUnderstand error, unless the caller
includes explicit checks for the package being present.
This method is generated automatically,
by searching all classes (and their packages) which are referenced by my classes.

description - compilation
o  additionalBaseAddressDefinition_bc_dot_mak
this is an optional definition, which (if present) may speed up the dll-loading a little
on win32 systems.

o  stcOptimizationOptions
(comment from inherited method)
see the stc reference / stc usage for options.
Can be redefined in concrete packages.
For now, the following variants are useful:
+optspace3 most compact code
- use for all gui, application code.

+optinline +optinline2 +inlineNew
fastest code
- use only for computation-intensive classes

o  stcWarningOptions

description - contents
o  classNamesAndAttributes
lists the classes which are to be included in the project.
Each entry in the list may be: a single class-name (symbol),
or an array-literal consisting of class name and attributes.
Attributes are: #autoload or #<os> where os is one of win32, unix,...

o  extensionMethodNames
lists the extension methods which are to be included in the project.
Entries are 2-element array literals, consisting of class-name and selector.
A correponding method with real names must be present in my concrete subclasses
if it has extensions.

o  xclassNamesAndAttributes
lists the classes which are to be included in the project.
Each entry in the list may be: a single class-name (symbol),
or an array-literal consisting of class name and attributes.
Attributes are: #autoload or #<os> where os is one of win32, unix,...

description - project information
o  companyName
Return a companyname which will appear in <lib>.rc

o  description
Return a description string which will appear in nt.def / bc.def

o  legalCopyright
Return copyright string which will appear in <lib>.rc

o  productName
Return a product name which will appear in <lib>.rc

description - svn
o  svnRepositoryUrlString
Return a SVN repository URL of myself.
(Generated since 2011-04-08)

o  svnRevisionNr
Return a SVN revision number of myself.
This number is updated after a commit

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