"{ Encoding: utf8 }" " COPYRIGHT (c) 1988 by Claus Gittinger All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred. " 'From Smalltalk/X, Version: on 22-12-2024 at 03:31:51 AM' ! "{ Package: 'stx:libbasic' }" "{ NameSpace: Smalltalk }" Object subclass:#Boolean instanceVariableNames:'' classVariableNames:'' poolDictionaries:'' category:'Kernel-Objects' ! !Boolean class methodsFor:'documentation'! copyright " COPYRIGHT (c) 1988 by Claus Gittinger All Rights Reserved This software is furnished under a license and may be used only in accordance with the terms of that license and with the inclusion of the above copyright notice. This software may not be provided or otherwise made available to, or used by, any other person. No title to or ownership of the software is hereby transferred. " ! documentation " Boolean is an abstract class defining the common protocol for logical values. The logical values are represented by its two subclasses True and False. There are no instances of Boolean in the system and there is only one instance of True (which is the global true) and one of False (false). Boolean redefines some messages which deal with copying Booleans, to make certain there is only one instance of each. The system will behave strange if you fiddle around here and create new instances of True or False (i.e. it will not recognize these new instances as being true or false). [author:] Claus Gittinger " ! ! !Boolean class methodsFor:'instance creation'! basicNew "catch instance creation - there must be exactly one instance of each - no more" "{ Pragma: +optSpace }" self error:'new instances of True/False are not allowed' " True new => error " "Modified (comment): / 22-11-2023 / 12:10:34 / exept MBP" ! readFrom:aStringOrStream onError:exceptionBlock "return a new Boolean, reading a printed representation from aStringOrStream." |word| word := aStringOrStream readStream nextAlphaNumericWord. word = #true ifTrue:[^ true]. word = #false ifTrue:[^ false]. ^ exceptionBlock value. " Boolean readFrom:'true' Boolean readFrom:'false' Boolean readFrom:'xxx' Boolean readFrom:' true' Boolean readFrom:' false' Boolean readFrom:'true xxx' Boolean readFrom:'false xxx' Boolean readFromString:'true xxx' Boolean readFromString:'false xxx' " "Modified: / 18-03-2020 / 15:09:11 / Stefan Vogel" "Modified: / 02-07-2021 / 12:35:32 / Stefan_Vogel" ! ! !Boolean class methodsFor:'Javascript support'! js_new:argument "redefined JS-new, for compatibility i.e. allow new Boolean(arg)" ( #( 0 -0 nil false void '' ) includes:argument) ifTrue:[ ^ false]. (argument isNumber and:[argument isNaN]) ifTrue:[ ^ false]. ^ true. ! ! !Boolean class methodsFor:'queries'! hasSharedInstances "return true if this class can share instances when stored binary, that is, instances with the same value can be stored by reference. True returned here - there is only one true and only one false." ^ true ! isAbstract "Return if this class is an abstract class. True is returned here for myself only; false for subclasses. Abstract subclasses must redefine this again." ^ self == Boolean ! isBuiltInClass "return true if this class is known by the run-time-system. Here, true is returned (for my two subclasses)." ^ true "Modified: 23.4.1996 / 15:58:22 / cg" ! ! !Boolean methodsFor:'Javascript support'! js_asBoolean ^ self ! js_typeof "return a string describing what I am" ^ 'boolean' " JavaScriptParser evaluate:'''hello''.typeof()' JavaScriptParser evaluate:'false.typeof();' " ! ! !Boolean methodsFor:'blocked'! addDependent:someOne "/ not really an error ... "/ self error:'should not be invoked for booleans' "Created: / 17-11-2010 / 13:03:25 / cg" ! onChangeSend:selector to:someOne "It doesn't make sense to add dependents to a constant; will never change. Silently ignore ..." "/ not really an error ... "/ self error:'should not be invoked for booleans' "Modified (comment): / 23-06-2020 / 16:21:23 / cg" ! ! !Boolean methodsFor:'converting'! asBoolean ^ self ! asBooleanValue "return a valueHolder for the receiver." ^ BooleanValueHolder with:self. "Created: / 14-03-2024 / 08:20:51 / Stefan Vogel" ! asBooleanValueWithDependent:aDependent "return a valueHolder for the receiver, and make aDependent dependent of it" |holder| holder := BooleanValueHolder with:self. holder addDependent:aDependent. ^ holder "Created: / 04-08-2023 / 10:10:11 / Stefan Vogel" ! literalArrayEncoding "encode myself as an array literal, from which a copy of the receiver can be reconstructed with #decodeAsLiteralArray." ^ self "Modified: 5.9.1995 / 22:46:57 / claus" "Modified: 22.4.1996 / 13:00:05 / cg" ! ! !Boolean methodsFor:'copying'! copy "return a shallow copy of the receiver - since both true and false are unique, return the receiver" ^ self ! deepCopyUsing:aDictionary postCopySelector:postCopySelector "return a deep copy of the receiver - since both true and false are unique, return the receiver" ^ self ! shallowCopy "return a shallow copy of the receiver - since both true and false are unique, return the receiver" ^ self ! simpleDeepCopy "return a deep copy of the receiver - since both true and false are unique, return the receiver" ^ self ! ! !Boolean methodsFor:'inspecting'! inspectorValueStringInListFor:anInspector "returns a string to be shown in the inspector's selection list" ^ self printString "Modified (comment): / 16-08-2017 / 20:52:09 / cg" ! ! !Boolean methodsFor:'printing & storing'! printOn:aStream "append a character sequence representing the receiver to the argument, aStream" aStream nextPutAll:self printString ! storeOn:aStream "append a character sequence to the argument, aStream from which the receiver can be reconstructed using readFrom:." ^ self printOn:aStream ! storeString "return a character sequence to the argument, aStream from which the receiver can be reconstructed using readFrom:." ^ self printString ! ! !Boolean methodsFor:'testing'! isBoolean "Return true, because it is a boolean." ^ true. "Modified: / 17-07-2006 / 14:14:24 / cg" ! isLiteral "return true, if the receiver can be used as a literal constant in ST syntax (i.e. can be used in constant arrays)" ^ true ! ! !Boolean methodsFor:'tracing'! traceInto:aRequestor level:level from:referrer "double dispatch into tracer, passing my type implicitely in the selector" ^ aRequestor traceBoolean:self level:level from:referrer ! ! !Boolean methodsFor:'visiting'! acceptVisitor:aVisitor with:aParameter "dispatch for visitor pattern; send #visitBoolean:with: to aVisitor" ^ aVisitor visitBoolean:self with:aParameter ! ! !Boolean class methodsFor:'documentation'! version_CVS ^ '$Header: /cvs/stx/stx/libbasic/Boolean.st,v 1.54 2023/11/22 11:10:46 cg Exp $'! !