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Getting Started


Starting ST/X

There are a number of useful command line options to speed up the startup, to preload packages or to suppress diagnostic messages. See 'Getting Started' for a detailed description.
For now without explaining details, start ST/X by entering (at the command prompt) with:
    stx -I --quick
This will start Smalltalk/X and open a Launcher plus a workspace window containing greetings and helpful information for beginners.

The Launcher Tool

The launcher window is the central tool to launch other tools for programming and to display information messages. Toolbar buttons are provided for the most commonly used tools, such as "Workspace" (for immediate code evaluator) System Browser (Class Browser to find, create and modify code), File Browser (to inspect, modify files or load code files) and Changes Browser (to see your recent changes).

Notice that some toolbar buttons show a history or special menu, when the mouse button is kept pressed. If you only click on them momentarily (i.e. release quickly), they will open the tool in a default mode (usually on the last location or in a default mode).

Saving a Snapshot Image

At any time during your work, you can always save the current state of the system in a so-called "snapshot image file", from which the system can recover at a later time. So, if during your excursion through the system, you are getting thirsty and you need a break, simply leave the system and confirm the saving when asked.

It is also a good idea to create a snapshot before you try out something dangerous - such as modifying a base system or GUI class. To save a snapshot, click on the save button in the launcher windows toolbar (it's the little diskette icon, if you are one of those oldsters who still know what that is).

When you later restart Smalltalk, it will return to exactly the point where you left off before (try it now and here to get that secure feeling!).

However, don't panic:
you cannot really destroy or do permanent harm to your ST/X system in the browser - the worst that can happen is that your last few changes are lost and you have to restart the system in fresh state (i.e. without a snapshot). From this, you can incrementally reapply your changes in the ChangesBrowser.

The way this is done is described below, in "Recovering from a Crash".

Applying Patches

Patches can be created by yourself, eXept, or other Smalltalkers. They are typically deployed as patchfiles in chunk format. The two easiest ways to create a patchfile are by:
  1. saving a class or individual methods in the SystemBrowser to a file
  2. saving/appending individual changes in the ChangesBrowser
The appropriate editor for a patch file is the ChangesBrowser - a regular text editor is not recommended.

To load a patchfile, open a FileBrowser, select the file and choose the "FileIn" menu function (in the "File"-Menu). You will also find a "FileIn" button in the filebrowser's toolbar menu. If you want to look at the individual patches before installing (in case you don't trust them), you can also open a ChangesBrowser on it (in the FileBrowser's "Tools" menu), and look at individual patches before applying them. The ChangesBrowser would also show a colored diffview in case existing code is changed.

Of course, such files can also be loaded programmatically with:

    '...filename...' asFilename fileIn.
or a ChangesBrowser opened by:
    ChangesBrowser openOn:'...filename...'

Any such loaded changes are only life during the current session. Therefore, you should save a snapshot image after loading, and use that image in the future (it's a good idea to start with a fresh system, apply any patches and keep that image around as a startup image for new projects).

Alternatively, you can also create a subdirectory named "userPatches" under the binary directory (the one in which your stx executable is located). All files found there will be automatically loaded at initial startup (but not, when an image is restarted). Thus, saving all patch files there assures, that they are present, whenever you start stx from scratch (i.e. via "stx -I").

Of course, you can put any class definition or other expressions (in chunk format) into this directory. It is therefore possible to have any private tool automatically installed and started with every startup. (if in doubt, take the ".rc" files found in the execution directory as a guideline)

Opening a Workspace

Before starting your first excursion into the Smalltalk system and programming language, you should first learn how to open a workspace window and how to leave the debugger in case you run into an error (which is quite likely :-).

A workspace window is NOT used for programming. Instead, it is a scratchpad window into which some code can be typed for demonstration, to try things and as a temporary buffer (as an editor, to keep code snippets around).

A workspace allows you to enter Smalltalk code and execute it. This is also refered to as "immediate execution", since you can typeIn some piece of code and immediately evaluate it. There is no need for a main-program or a slow compile/link/execute cycle.

For a new workspace, select the [-->]workspace item in the Launcher's [-->]tools menu.

(these pictures were taken a long time ago on a Silicon Graphics Indy machine. Obsolete now, but I keep them for nostalgic reasons)

The above action opens a view which looks similar to (*):


You can use workspaces as text scratchpads, as copy buffers or to evaluate Smalltalk expressions (which is their main use). Some more info about workspaces is found in the workspace chapter of the "Tools Manual".

Expression Evaluation

Expression evaluation is called "doIt evaluation", or "doIt" for short. You can also have the result printed (pasted) into the workspace. This operation is called "printIt". Finally, if you want to investigate the internals of a returned object (for example, if it's a structured object or a collection), you can open an inspect-window on the result. This operation is called "inspectIt". In the following, we will refer to all of these actions generally as "doIt".

DoIts are perfect to try out something quickly: you can evaluate expressions to send messages, without a need to write a full program which remains permanently in the system (and has to be removed later).
They can also be used for all kinds of computations (such as math), or as a scripting language - i.e. for the kind of work other less lucky programmers have to use batch, shell or even (uh - ugly) tcl scripts for. Some examples of useful scripts are found in "Useful Scripts for Workspaces".

To execute some Smalltalk code, type it into the workspace:


select it (using the mouse):


and evaluate it with the workspaces middle-button [-->]printIt menu function:


the result is displayed in the workspace:


There are also keyboard accelerators for all common operations: "doIt" is usually bound to "Alt-d" and "printIt" to "Alt-p". If these do not seem to work, try the "Ctrl"-key instead of "Alt".
A list of accelerators is found in "Getting started - Keyboard accelerators".

Finally, a selection is quickly made by pressing the "ESC" key, which selects the current line's text from the beginning to the current textcursor position. (i.e. a printIt operation can also be done with two keys: "ESC" followed by "printIt")

In addition (because we are lazy), doIt-evaluations are also possible without any selection at all; in this case, the current cursor line is taken and evaluated. (i.e. a printIt operation can be done with a single "printIt" key, as long as the cursor is in the line to be evaluated).

Like on a piece of paper, you can click-and-type anywhere within the workspace (i.e. you are not forced to type into the last line or right after a line-end). However, if you prefer that old emacs or vi-feeling, take a look at the "tools"-"editor" settings dialog in the launcher. (check the item named "Textcursor behavior at line-end").

Also, any text in the workspace can be selected for doIt evaluation You can reselect any previous expression and you do not have to retype any text. PrintIt will paste its result after the selection.

Try a few expressions; such as:
(don't care for the as yet unknown Smalltalk syntax - the meaning will be explained later)

    1 + 2
    2 sqrt
    Transcript showCR:'hello world'
    Transcript showCR:(2 sqrt)
    (Button label:'hello') open
    WorkspaceApplication open
    b := Button label:'hello'.
    b action:[ b destroy ].
    b open
Check for yourself, when it's useful to doIt, and when to printIt. Also check, what these expressions actually print, when asked to do so.

Evaluation Workspace

For beginners (and to try and explore more Smalltalk expressions), the new workspace application offers a special 3-pane evaluation workspace which includes convenient buttons for evaluation, displays the set of workspace variables, a separate result view, and also keeps a list of recent evaluation results.
This is opened via the "New Evaluation Workspace" or "Add Evaluation Page" menu items of the workspace application.


If a file named "MyWorkspace.wsp" exists in the ST/X directory, the system workspace which is opened initially will automatically add a tab with that file's contents. Also, a "MyWorkspace" menu item is shown in the menu which is associated with the workspace icon in the Launcher's toolbar.

You can place commonly used Smalltalk expressions into that file; for example, the author's file looks like:

Smalltalk loadPackage:'exept:expecco/application'.
Smalltalk loadPackage:'expeccoNET:server/application'.

Smalltalk loadPackage:'stx:goodies/sunit'.

Smalltalk loadPackage:'stx:goodies/magritte'.
Smalltalk loadPackage:'stx:goodies/magritte/tests'.

Smalltalk loadPackage:'exept/libcrypt'.
Smalltalk loadPackage:'exept/libcrypt/tests'.
Smalltalk loadPackage:'exept/libcrypt/ssl'
Smalltalk loadPackage:'exept/libcrypt/ssl/tests'.
Smalltalk loadPackage:'exept/instantMessaging/jabber'
Smalltalk loadPackage:'exept/vncViewer'.
Smalltalk loadPackage:'exept/programming/oom'.

Smalltalk loadPackage:'stx:libsvn'.
Smalltalk loadPackage:'cvut:fel/smallruby'.
Smalltalk loadPackage:'cvut:stx/goodies/libtool3'.
Smalltalk loadPackage:'cvut:stx/goodies/libwidg4'.

Smalltalk loadPackage:'cg:private' asAutoloaded:true

Smalltalk loadPackage:'cg:croquet'.
Croquet allClassesDo:[:cls | cls initialize].
TestingScriptRegistry := nil.
Croquet::SimpleDemoMasterSimple new open

Smalltalk loadPackage:'cg:constraints'.

Smalltalk loadPackage:'cg:newCompiler'.
cg_newCompiler loadSubProjects

Object enableBreakPoint:#cg.
Object disableBreakPoint:#cg.
Once you have such a set of heavily used expressions, it is very easy to use: just place the cursor into the line and press doIt.

Leaving the Debugger

Whenever an error is encountered, Smalltalk opens a debug window, which displays the state of execution and a walkback list (this shows how you got to the point where the error was detected).
During this introduction, as a beginner, you should probably not care too much for all the information as displayed; instead simply abort whatever operation you started. We will learn more about the debugger later.

So, if you get into the debugger while evaluating the following examples, press the debugger's "Abort" button (or simply close it) and retry whatever you did (but look for any typing errors - otherwise you may get another debugger)

Do NOT fear the debugger - as opposed to whatever programming experience you might have, the Smalltalk debugger is your best friend and the better programmers actually write most of their program in the debugger!

To get used to the debugger, try the following example (which contains an error on purpose) in a workspace. (if tried from within the document viewer, a confirmation dialog will be shown before the debugger window is actually opened):

    1 / (1 min:0)
In the debugger, press the "Abort"-button to leave the erroneous execution.
For more information on what is shown in the debugger and how to use it, read "Using the Debugger".

Entering the Debugger

Sometimes, you want to interrupt an ongoing operation and force it into a debugger to see where the time is spent, or to stop it. A typical situation is when you programmed an endless loop, or the execution takes longer than expected.
Try evaluating (but read on, before you do it):

	100 factorial
    ] loop
this will execute the factorial computation in an endless loop, and thereby locking up the workspace window: it will no longer react to your input and will not redraw itself if uncovered or resized. To get out of this situation and into a debugger, type the Interrupt-Key ("Break"/"Pause") in the workspace which is blocked. If your keyboard does not have such a key, try "Alt-." (Alt-period) or "Ctrl-." (Ctrl-period), which work on all systems.

In the debugger, either press the "Abort"-button to leave the erroneous execution, or "Continue" to proceed.

Another option to stop a runaway program is to press "CTRL-Break" or "CTRL-Y" (Ctrl-Shift-y). This has the same effect as the debugger's abort action described above. The ongoing computation is immediately stopped and the workspace returns to its idle state, awaiting your next command. In this case, no debugger is opened.

Continue in "Hello World in 5 Minutes".

(*) it will definitely look different, especially more modern. The screenshots here are *very* old, and the author does not find the time to do this screenshotting over and over (actually, this is just a fine excuse for his nostalgic feelings). So some of this document is still showing how it looked 20 years ago.

Copyright © 1996 Claus Gittinger Development & Consulting
Copyright © eXept Software AG

<cg at exept.de>

Doc $Revision: 1.17 $ $Date: 1999/08/10 13:05:26 $