File Service Settings

The File-service simply retrieves regular files from the file-system as answer to a request.

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Service Root Directory

Specifies the directory which holds the service's files.

Default Filename

Name of the file which is answered, if the requested file is not found.
If left empty, an error response will be generated for such a request.

Directory Listing Allowed

If on, clients are allowed to list the contents of a directory (by providing the directories name in the URL).
By default, the contents of a directory is not listed to clients, which means that a client needs to know a documents name (either via a link, or by other communication, or by guess)

Show World Readable Files Only

If on, only world-readable files are shown and provided. If off, all files which are accessible by the user-rights of the executing Smalltalk executable are accessible by clients.
By default, only world-readable files are visible to clients, for security reasons.

Allow Remove File

If on, clients are allowed to remove files on the server. This maz be useful if a directorz is used as a black-board or container for file exchange (i.e. upload/download directory), and the access is restricted by the authorization mechanism to a limited set of users.
By default, this is disabled, for security reasons.

Check Referrer (Inhibit Cross Links)

If on, only allow files to be accessed which are referred from another document within originated from this host. I.e. do not allow cross-site references to these files from other sites and do not allow accesses which have been directly entered into the browser's URL-field by the user.
Notice, that this depends upon the HTTP-referrer field, which can be easily faked by modified browsers or hget-like programs. It is therefore not useful for any security or access control. It does, however, at least potentially reduce the amount of cross-site accesses.

Max Nr. of Cached Files

The number of file documents that will be held in memory for fast access.

Max Cache Document Size

The maximum size of a file document for caching. Files larger than that are not cached.

Cache Expiration Delta

Specifies the amount of time (in seconds), after which files which have not been accessed will be removed from the cache.

Expiration Delta

Specifies the files expiration time (in hours) as reported to the web-browser. This is the time the browser is allowed to keep a local copy.

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Doc $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 1997/08/07 15:06:09 $