Compiler Settings

The settings described below used to be presented in a single page within the settings dialog. This has been changed in one of the recent ST/X versions; you will find those flag settings in the "Translation", the "Bytecode" and "STC" subpages.

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Catch Method Redefinitions

If enabled, the system will open a warnBox, if some existing method is redefined by a method from another package. This prevents system methods from being redefined by filedIn code.
(useful, when alien code is loaded, and you want to make certain, that is does no harm to any system class ...)

A methods package is determined by its packageSymbol (an instance variable in Method), and is either set by the stc compiler, or by the incremental compiler.
For stc compilation, a command line argument is used to define the package; for incremental compilation, the active projects package symbol is used.
Finally, a compiler directive can be used within the source file itself, to define the package. However, when compiling with stc, any package command line argument has higher priority.

When alien code (PD-code) is filed in, it is highly recommended to turn this flag on - to prevent any standard methods from being overwritten by code from the file.

Catch Class Redefinitions

Like the above, but for redefinitions of a class.
This is useful to prevent a classes definition from being overwritten by a loaded (alien) class, during a fileIn.

Keep History Line in Methods

If enabled, the HistoryManager is enabled, catching any method change, to automatically append a history comment to the end of the methods source code. Only the initial creation and the last modification (per user) are reported.
In a development group, this helps in finding the person who made the very last modification to some method.

If a sourceCodeManagement system is used, this information is somewhat obsoleted by the classes revision log.
However, the HistoryManager provides a more finegrained modification history (per method) than the sourceCodeManager (which only records checkin dates for the complete class).

Using the HistoryManager may lead to a small performance overhead in the system browsers.

Keep full Class History

If enabled, the HistoryManager will maintain a method called #history in a classes documentation category, adding a comment for every change made in the class.
This is much like the method-history lines described above, but all history lines are concentrated in one place.
(this makes it very easy, to track and auto-document changes made to a class).

Using the HistoryManager may lead to a small performance overhead in the system browsers.

FileIn Source Mode

When loading methods from a sourceFile, there are various possibilities, on how the methods sourceCode should be kept for later browsing. The sourceCode may be either kept as a string in the objectMemory, or as a reference (fileName + filePosition).
The following modes are available:

Load Binary if Present

If enabled, autoloaded classes will first be searchied in existing compiled class libraries (binary compiled object files). The sourceFile will only be consulted if no such compiled binary is found.

This option is only available if the system supports dynamic loading of machinecode classes (i.e. dynamic object loading).

Just in Time Compilation

This enables the just-in-time (JIT-) compiler, which compiles internal bytecode methods into fast machine code when a method is called for the first time. Typically, this results in a 2-20 fold speedup of the executed byte code, but leads to a short (usually unnoticable) delay, when the method is called the first time. (However, these times may add up to a noticable delay during startup ...)

Although faster than interpreted bytecode, JIT compiled code is typically somewhat slower than statically compiled (stc-compiled) code.

The just-in-time compilation feature is relatively new, and is still tested. For production, we recommend, to compile the classes using the stc compiler and to disable the JIT compiler.
Please report any strange effects, which may appear with this enabled.

JIT compilation is not avaliable with all systems. Please refer to the ``Architecture specific features'' section for more information.

Notice, that the presence of a JIT-compiler has less effect on the overall performance in ST/X than in other (Smalltalk-) systems.
The reason is that in ST/X, most methods are already present as statically (stc-) compiled machine code, when Smalltalk starts. Here, JIT-compilation only affects methods which have been modified (i.e. accepted or loaded) after the initial startup.

Compile to Machine Code

This controls if methods are to be (stc-) compiled to machine code (using stc) when accepted in the browser or loaded via a fileIn.
Stc compilation takes much longer (seconds or even minutes), compared to bytecode compilation; but results in faster execution of those methods (3-100 times faster; often even faster than JIT-compiled code).

Not all systems support dynamic machine code compilation (i.e. from within the browser); on some, machine code compilation will always be disabled (those that do not support dynamic loading of object files).
Read the ``Architecture specific features'' section for more information.

The following modes are available:

STC Include Directories

This defines any (-I) include directories for stc-compilation. This string is passed literally to both the STC- and the C-compilers.
The list should at least include the path to the ST/X include directory (i.e. where the "stc.h" file is found). In the default development environment (as found on the installation medium), this file is found in the "include"-subdirectory of "projects/smalltalk".

If any method to be compiled includes inline-C code, which needs definitions from some other include file, you have to add the files directory to the list, and add a #include-directive to the classes primitiveIncludes section.

This is not used with bytecode compilation.

STC Defines

This defines any (-D) define arguments for stc-compilation. This string is passed literally to the C-compiler.
This is not used with bytecode compilation.

STC Options

This defines any compiler options for stc-compilation. This string is passed literally to the stc-compiler.
Read the stc manual page for possible options.
This is not used with bytecode compilation.

CC Options

This defines any compiler options for stc-compilation. This string is passed literally to the CC-compiler.
Read your systems cc manual page for possible options.
This is not used with bytecode compilation.


This lists additional libraries, which are consulted to resolve undefined symbols when compiled machine code is dynamically loaded into the system.
On systems which support true shared libraries (SGI, Linux-ELF, Solaris and Unixware), this is not required iff the loaded object has been prelinked with any other shared library (however, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH must be correct for the system to find those shared libraries).
On systems which do not support shared libraries (Linux pre ELF), the loaded objects should NOT be prelinked (to avoid multiple definitions), and any required libraries are to be set here.
This is not used with bytecode compilation.

The following settings affect the bytecode compiler, which is invoked when a method is accepted in the browser. Changes on those have no effect on methods which have already been accepted - you should re-accept your methods, or change things at the beginning of your session.

Constant Folding

This controls if and how the incremental bytecode compiler should perform constant folding (i.e. compute constants at compile time).
The following modes are available:
Constant folding in Smalltalk is possibly unsafe, because redefined methods to which sends were folded before are never executed; therefore, the default behavior is to be very conservative (level1).

it is questionable whether it makes sense to allow control over this setting - false settings may lead to obscure bugs and interesting behavior (changing literal constants) to appear.
Consider the case where "1.0 @ 0.5" got folded into a constant point, which is passed to some method, and sent an "x:" message there. This modifies the ``constant'' point, which is certainly not the expected behavior.

Allow Underscores in Identifiers

Controls if the underscore character is valid in identifiers.
Disabling this, allows old ST-80 code (where underscore was the assignment character) to be filedIn.
When loading such code, no automatic translation into new syntax is performed by the system.

This functionality has been added to support import of alien code, it is not useful for production code.
After loading such code, we recommend rewriting it into portable ANSI Smalltalk.

Allow Squeak Extensions

Controls if the constructed array syntactic sugar extension is recognized.
This extension allows for arrays to be constructed via
    { e1. e2.  ...  eN }
where each ei is aa valid Smalltalk expression.
For example:
    { (1@2). ('hello' , 'world') asLowercase. }
generates an array with 2 elements, the first being a point, the second a string.
Notice that this does NOT generate a literal constant; instead, the generated code constructs that array at run time.
Enabling this, allows for Squeak code using this syntax extension to be filedIn.
When loading such code, no automatic translation into new syntax is performed by the system - it should be manually rewritten if the code should be portable among all Smalltalk versions.

This functionality has been added to support import of alien code, it is not useful for production code.
After loading such code, we recommend rewriting it into portable ANSI Smalltalk.

Allow Dolphin Extensions

Allows reading (a subset) of dolphins compileTime constants.
This is a q&d hack to support fileIn of dolphin class files. Currently only computed Character- and ByteArray-Constants are supported.
For example:
    ##( Character value:123 )
generates a character constant,
    ##( 'this is revision ' , Smalltalk revisionNr printString )
generates a string constant.

Notice: as the ST/X compiler does some constant folding anyway, the first example above is equivalent to:

    Character value:123

This functionality has been added to support import of alien code, it is not useful for production code.
After loading such code, we recommend rewriting it into portable ANSI Smalltalk.

Allow VisualAge Primitives

Allows reading visualAge primitive code specifications.
This is a q&d hack to support fileIn of v'age class files. No code to execeute the primitive is generated; instead, the method will report an error at execution time.

This functionality has been added to support import of alien code, it is not useful for production code.
After loading such code, we recommend rewriting those methods.

Allow Dollars in Identifiers

Controls if the dollar character is valid in identifiers.
This allows fileIn of methods which where written for Smalltalk dialects where dollars are valid and treated like a letter in an identifier (i.e. some VMS Smalltalk versions).
When loading such code, no automatic translation into a portable syntax is performed by the system.

We do not recommend use of this feature - it makes your programs highly unportable.

This functionality has been added to support import of alien code, it is not useful for production code.
After loading such code, we recommend rewriting it into portable ANSI Smalltalk.

Allow Extended Binary Selectors

If enabled, some additional special characters are recognized as binary selectors. These are: ± (plus-minus), × (times), · (centered dot) and ÷ (divide).

We do not recommend use of this feature - it makes your programs highly unportable. It has been mainly added to allow for alien code to be loaded.
After loading such code, we recommend rewriting it into portable ANSI Smalltalk.

Allow Oldstyle Assignment

Controls if oldStyle assignments via the leftArrow- or underline-character are recognized. The default is on.
Disabling this, allows VW code with degenerated variableNames (consistig of a single underline only) to be filedIn.
When loading such code, no automatic translation into new syntax is performed by the system - after loading, the code should be manually rewritten.

This functionality has been added to support import of alien code, it is not useful for production code.
After loading such code, we recommend rewriting it into portable ANSI Smalltalk.

Literal Arrays are Immutable

Controls if array constants are to be created as instances of Array or as instances of ImmutableArray.
A typical beginners errror is to return a reference to a constant array from some method, and later modify that array using #at:put: messages. When this method is called again, the modified array is returned and the programmers eyebrows are raised.
ImmutableArrays will raise an exception whenever modified, which helps to track down this error more easily.
If you encounter strangely self modifying array constants, recompile your methods with this option enabled, and wait for a debugger to come up.

Be reminded, that mutable literal arrays are the language standard.

Full Debug Info

If enabled, the bytecode compiler inserts more line number information and the just-in-time compiler generates code which supports full single stepping. When single stepping in the debugger, it will stop on variable modifications, simple increments/decrements, simple integer addition and method returns.
If disabled, these operations will be invisible, and a single step will run up to the next message send or loop-jump.

If disabled, the code executes a bit faster, but may be harder to debug, since the granularity of single stepping is slightly larger.

Change of this setting has no effect on methods which have already been compiled to machine code - you should reaccept your methods, or change this setting at the beginning of your session.

Should be enabled during development.


Enables/disables various warning messages in the incremental compiler.

ST/X Language Extensions

Enables/disables warnings if non-standard ST/X language extensions are used.
(end-of-line comments or 'here'-sends, for example)

This should be enabled, if you plan to port your program to other systems later, since the use of ST/X language extensions will certainly affect the portability.

Underscores in Identifiers

Enables/disables warnings when identifiers with underscores are encountered.
These may not be allowed in other vendors' older Smalltalk systems (i.e. ST-80 rel 2.x).

Dollars in Identifiers

Enables/disables warnings when identifiers with dollars are encountered.
These are most unlikely to be allowed in most other vendors' Smalltalk systems.

OldStyle Assignments

Enables/disables warnings if an oldStyle assignement is encountered.
(i.e. using the underscore, ``_'' instead of the assignment ``:='' token).
These were used by some old Smalltalk systems (i.e. ST-80 rel 2.x).

Common Mistakes

Enables/disables warnings about code which may lead to a runtime error when executed, and often results from typing errors.
For example, constructs such as: "(a > 1) whileTrue:[...]" (receiver is not a block) will generate this type of warning.
You should check the code carefully, since a redefined #> method may theoretically return a block object - so the above is not incorrect in the strict sense, and can therefore not be flagged as an error by the compiler.

Possible Incompatibilities

Enables/disables warnings about constructs which are possibly incompatible with other Smalltalk systems. For example, the expression "1-2" is invalid on some systems (requires a space before the minus to be recognized as a selector).

This should be enabled (in addition to the ST/X language extension warnings), if you plan to port your program to other systems later, since the use of those constructs may affect the portability.

It is not guaranteed, that all possibly incompatible constructs are warned about, as we depend on user feedback for more information about other systems.

Reenable Suppressed Warnings

Sometimes, you are not interested in some warnings for a particular method. For example, during development, the "unused variable warning" may be annoying if a method's code is accepted repeatedly during an explorative development session, and you get the same warning over and over again.

Therefore, some warnings can be suppressed on a per-method basis, via a checkbox in the parser's warn dialog. For disabled warnings, the classname and selector is kept and remembered in a table of the ParserFlags class.

Pressing this button clears that table, so that the parser will issue the warning as usual in the future.

Only some warnings can be suppressed temporarily on a per-method basis. Temporarily means, that after some time (currently 30 minutes), warnings of this type are automatically reenabled after that time. Currently, these are:

Copyright © Claus Gittinger Development & Consulting, all rights reserved

Doc $Revision: 1.35 $ $Date: 2016/12/09 12:01:38 $