Keyboard Settings

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Keyboard processing

In Smalltalk/X, all keys are translated via a table called the keyboardMap.
This table maps raw physical keys and modifier keys (i.e. "Ctrl", "Alt" or "Meta") to logical keys (such as #Copy, #Cut or #EndOfText).

Within Smalltalk/X, only logical keys are used.

KeyboardMap setup

The keyboardMap is set up in the startup files: The current keyboardMap is displayed in the launcher's keyboardSetting dialog. Read ``Keyboard mappings''. in ``Configuration & Customization'': for more information.

Keyboard macros

In addition to builtin keyboard functions like #Copy or #Paste), additional user defined macros may be assigned to keys. Common macros such as #CommentSelection are defined in keyboardMacros.rc"; you may add your private macros and keyboard settings to your private.rc" file.

Read ``Keyboard macros''. in ``Configuration & Customization'' for more information.

Composing national characters

Notice: on modern systems, the following is obsolete, as it is already done by your operating system.

National characters which are not present on your keyboard can be entered via a Compose key sequence:
Press the "Compose" key followed by the two keys which graphically form the desired national key. For example, the german "ä" (Umlaut-a) is entered as:

	Compose a "
If your keyboard has no "Compose" key, it may be remapped (using the keyboard map) to some other unused key.
The default setup remaps the right control key ("Control_R").

If your keyboard has those characters but you don't get them with typing, consult the displays manual (i.e. xmodmap manual pages).

Here is a list of available compose key sequences:

Further reading

For more information, read "Configuration & Customization".

Copyright © Claus Gittinger Development & Consulting, all rights reserved

Doc $Revision: 1.14 $ $Date: 2013/08/02 16:47:15 $