Keyboard Settings

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Keyboard processing

In Smalltalk/X, all keys are translated via a table called the keyboardMap.
This table maps raw physical keys and modifier keys (i.e. "Ctrl", "Alt" or "Meta") to logical keys (such as #Copy, #Cut or #EndOfText).

Within Smalltalk/X, only logical keys are used.

KeyboardMap setup

The keyboardMap is set up in the startup files: The current keyboardMap is displayed in the launcher's keyboardSetting dialog. Read ``Keyboard mappings''. in ``Configuration & Customization'': for more information.

Keyboard macros

In addition to builtin keyboard functions like #Copy or #Paste), additional user defined macros may be assigned to keys. Common macros such as #CommentSelection are defined in keyboardMacros.rc"; you may add your private macros and keyboard settings to your private.rc" file.

Read ``Keyboard macros''. in ``Configuration & Customization'' for more information.

Composing national characters (Dead Key Mechanism)

Dead keys on old typewriters were keys which would not advance the character position, thus being overprinted by the next typed character to compose a character with accent, diareses,etc.

When turned on, this mechanism works for the following characters:

    '  (single quote)   for  á é í ó ú ý
    `  (back quote)     for  à è ì ò ù
    "  (double quote)   for  ä ë ï ö ü ÿ
    ,  (comma)          for  ç
    ~  (tilde)          for  ã ñ

Composing national characters (Compose Key Mechanism)

Notice: on modern systems, the following is obsolete, as it is usually already done by your operating system. Also notice, that no "Compose" key is assigned by the default setup.

National characters which are not present on your keyboard can be entered via a Compose key sequence:
Press the "Compose" key followed by the two keys which graphically form the desired national key. Sadly, 'modern' PC keyboards no longer have such key, and it must be configured in ST/X via the keyboard map (in your "private.rc" or "keyboard.rc" file).

When defined, the following applies.

For example, the german "ä" (Umlaut-a) is entered as:

	Compose a "
If your keyboard has no "Compose" key, it may be remapped (using the keyboard map) to some other unused key.
The default setup remaps the right control key ("Control_R").

If your keyboard has those characters but you don't get them with typing, consult the displays manual (i.e. xmodmap manual pages).

Here is a list of available compose key sequences:

Further reading

For more information, read "Configuration & Customization".

Copyright © Claus Gittinger Development & Consulting, all rights reserved

Doc $Revision: 1.15 $ $Date: 2023/05/16 07:40:02 $