The most heavily used interactor components are:
The simplest push button. They may have either a string or image as buttonlabel. When pressed, they either perform a predefined action (action block) or send a change message to a model.
Typical uses:
|top button|
top := StandardSystemView new.
top extent:100@100.
button := Button label:'press me'.
button origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
button action:[Transcript showCR:'hello world'].
top addSubView:button.
top open.
|top button|
top := StandardSystemView new.
top extent:100@100.
button := Button label:'press me'.
button origin:0.0@0.0 corner:1.0@1.0.
button model:Transcript; changeMessage:#flash.
top addSubView:button.
top open.
These are typically used as components of a scrollBar.
An on/off switch. These are like buttons, but toggle their state when clicked. Like buttons, they can be used with action blocks or alternatively with a model.
Typical use:
like above, with a check-mark. They are seldom used alone; instead, these are commonly found as a component in a checkBox.
combines a checkToggle with a label. Protocolwise, they behave much like toggles.
Like toggles, but these never turn themself off when clicked again. These are typically placed in a so called RadioButtonGroup, in which buttons turn off each other.
Copyright © 1995 Claus Gittinger Development & Consulting
<cg at>