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The Main Menu

File Submenu Functions

Open the selected file.
If the selected file is a text file, its contents is read and shown in the contents view.
If the file contains a bitmap image, an image editor is opened.

loads the selected file(s) into the system. The file must be either a Smalltalk source file, containing valid Smalltalk expressions in fileOut-format (chunk format), or a dll containing a compiled SmalltalkX class library.
New ...
Creates a new directory, empty plain file, symbolic- or hardLink (if supported by the OperatingSystem)

remove the currently selected file(s) and/or directory(s). A dialog will ask for confirmation.

rename the selected file(s) or directory(s). A dialog will ask for the new name.

show file information of the selected file. This includes file type, owner, size and access rights.

starts another fileBrowser on the current directory, or in the selected directory.

closes the fileBrowser.

Directory Submenu Functions

See the documentation on the Path Field Menu

Edit Submenu Functions

Get Contents
same as double click; shows the contents of the currently selected file in the contents view.

Insert Contents
inserts the contents of the currently selected file into the contents view at the current text cursor position.

Copy FileList
places a copy of the fileList into the cut & paste buffer.
Useful, when editing Makefiles, and you need a list of all files in some directory.

View Submenu Functions

toggles the format in which files are shown in the file list from short to long and vice versa. The default is short. It takes a bit longer to read directories if long format is choosen.

Show Hidden Files
toggles display of files whose name begins with a period ".". By default, these are not shown in the list.

Sort By...
Changes the sorting criteria of the filenames in the fileList.

opens a dialog to specify the file encoding to use.
By default, the fileBrowser assumes ISO8859-1 encoding, and tries to figure out a files encoding (by heuristic rules) when a file is double clicked. This autoselect may fail sometimes, and a specific encoding must be enforced via this menu.

reread the directory and update the file list.

This function is normally not needed, since the fileBrowser checks for modifications of the current directory in regular intervals, updating the list automatically. However, a manual update may be needed in certain situations (for example, if the time/dates are out of sync between NFS hosts) or if you do not want to wait for the next automatic update.

Tools Submenu Functions

Unix Command... (DOS Command...)
allows execution of any unix command; a popup box allows input of the command. The output of the command is inserted in the contents view at the cursor position.

Changes Browser
Open a changesBrowser on the selected file (which should contain Smalltalk source code)

Open a text editor on the selected file.

HTML Reader
Open an HTML reader on the selected file.

Image Inspector
Open a bitmap image inspector on the selected file (which should contain a bitmap image in one of the supported formats: XBM, XPM, JPEG, GIF, TIFF etc. .

Image Editor
Open a bitmap image editor on the selected file (which should contain a bitmap image in one of the supported formats: XBM, XPM, JPEG, GIF, TIFF etc. .

Zip Tool
Open a ZIP tool on the selected file (which should contain a zip compressed archive of files).
This tool lists the zip-archives contents and allows extraction of individual files.

File Difference View
Open a diff-text view.
First, a dialog is opened, asking for two filenames - these are compared and the changes are shown highligted in a two-column diff view.

Shell Terminal
Open a shell-terminal view in the current directory.

Doc $Revision: 1.6 $ $Date: 2016/09/14 09:41:13 $