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This tools offers a convenient way to edit Smalltalk/X's language translation files (aka "resource-files").

A translation editor can be either started via the Launcher, or by evaluating the Smalltalk expression:

    Tools::InternationalLanguageTranslationEditor open
in a Workspace or from within your program.

Immediately after startup, the window looks like:
[fig: languageEditor hardcopy]

It consists of 4 main subviews plus a menu panel. These components are:

  1. Toolbar Menu
    Provides buttons for the most frequently used (menu-) functions.

  2. Language Table
    shows multiple target language translations for a given language key. The menu allows both for additional columns and the language per column to be selected. Entries with missing translations are shown in red.

  3. Key Field
    enter a key string here. In most cases, the english text is used here.

  4. Example Language Field
    displays an extra example language for reference.

  5. Target Language Field
    enter a target language string here.

[...unfinished document...]
Next: The Translation Scheme in Smalltalk/X

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Doc $Revision: 1.4 $ $Date: 2016/09/14 09:41:13 $