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Lint Checks

A number of code quality checks and code transformations are available via the "Debug (Static Code Checks)" menu item, or the toolbar button. Also, if the smallsense package is loaded and enabled (see the Launcher's "tools" -> "smallLint" menu), checks are performed "as you type" and possible problems marked with a little icon in the left gutter area of a code view.

Many additional rules have been added to the original set of rules, which were provided by the original refactory browser package. As of February 2015, there are roughly 140 rules, many of which check for multiple code smells and bug patterns.

The operations should be self describing (see the rationale display).
Here is a short, possibly incomplete list of checks:

and transformations: There are many more checks, not listed here in the msot up-to-date release.
Next: Code Generation

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